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tv   [untitled]    July 25, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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the collection is separate from america. their social base, their economic base, the lobbies they have, the think tanks they have in the united states, have always played a role in america's decision-making and policy-making. let's leave it as a temporary note for our discussion , i will save myself from the audience of channel 1 and invite you to be a viewer of tonight's special talk on the topic on khabar channel. follow us on the khabar network for the purpose of the visit of the prime minister of the zionist regime to the united states of america and the speech he gave in washington. good night join us with the conversation.
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news special with the presence of dr. ebrahim motaghi and mr. saeil kassinejad, we have a look at the objectives of the visit of the prime minister of the zionist regime to the united states. mr. motaghi , we are at your service . the minister of the zionist regime, yes, netanyahu, in recent years when he played the role of prime minister , has made the main focus of his efforts to gain the support of the united states and based on this , his policies in relation to the countries of the region are based on a type of shock operation model. psychological and military action he continued, today the public opinion of the world is waiting for peace building to be done in america, but
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the speech that netanyahu gave last night in the us congress and the welcome that the members of the us congress gave to netanyahu, those who were present in the congress , created a psychological and political atmosphere. it somehow affects the approach that netanyahu gave. expressing a policy of war and continued violence, i don't think that according to the discussions that netanyahu had last night, the ground for peacemaking, for a truce , for a kind of acceptance of the realities related to the rights of the palestinian community will be provided, that is, the current war crisis.
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which is brought up in the american congress, it is natural that he expects the representatives of the american congress to have more economic and military support from israel. the discussion about the coalition and the warnings given by netanyahu are very decisive. netanyahu warned the members of the american congress that if israel suffers a disruption yes, if israel is in a state of collapse or security uncertainty , the americans will find this situation as well. in a way , netanyahu wants to pretend that i am the front line of america's interests and security, and the main challenge for america is iran and the resistance front. and it is palestine
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if i am not present, the security pressures against the americans will be more and more. allahu rahman al rahim, there are a few points worth mentioning, one of them is that, basically, in israel's national security doctrine , benefiting from the support of a superpower has a special place , that is, in israeli intellectual circles, when national security is discussed, and the principle of deterrence, this debate is brought up. deterrence that israel wants yes, it must be under the protection of a superpower so that others do not allow themselves to attack it . well, this all-round support of the united states, which we
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have seen for years , caused concern for the americans themselves in this war, because the public opinion within the americans seeing that he has changed his path from the side of supporting israel. and there was some uncertainty for them, of course , their financial aid and military aid was only in media discussions and political positions. the next point was that , after all, netanyahu is known in the israeli political environment as the person who can have the best interaction with the americans . even in the previous government , when bennett was the prime minister, bennett traveled to the united states and had a meeting with biden . biden slept in that meeting. they kept making fun of netanyahu and his supporters that the president of the united states
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is sleeping in front of you. a support is all interesting, now that's really it being back, but before the war, before the storming of al-aqsa, the judicial reforms seriously affected netanyahu's credibility in the eyes of the american presidents, and you see, since netanyahu came , the american president, contrary to previous practices , did not have an official meeting with netanyahu. it was very strange and rare, and he had a meeting after a long time. he was not officially in the white house . they met somewhere else. well, this face would hurt both netanyahu and israel in general, so a trip would be necessary. . he had a clear interest in the land, but he accepted netanyahu in the white house ok, because it has a place for them, an official meeting is there in the white house, and a meeting that
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is, for example, in another city, on the sidelines of a summit, in another place. another point is this discussion, well, now , in addition to these discussions, netanyahu also needs this support internally, if he wants to open a new front, which is very important in egypt, in lebanon , he has a lot of logistical needs. navy in the air force and even in the army zami and the americans are delaying this issue because they are afraid of its consequences. netanyahu 's other motivation is that the face inside. american society is distorted by israel. finally , due to the influence of social networks and such , it should go and rebuild it. well , we should not ignore the aid that is given to israel by america or jews in america. it can
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be as useful for israel as the american government's support, so it has different dimensions, and the last thing i would like to say is that the risk is the same as the risk. the axis of resistance for america should listen more and say that the same things may happen to you , while all the things that may happen to america in iraq and syria point to the fact that america should not enter, if it enters, it will create dire conditions for itself. created and if he does not enter and does not support israel , the region will naturally become much more peaceful. please be very brief , because you stated as a list of goals , netanyahu succeeded in achieving his goals in this trip , according to what trump said today, trumpi it seems that more support is needed bekneh said that my priority is to end the war in gaza and return the prisoners, and this was an important point
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, mr. mottaghed , we can clarify this to some extent. . sir, what effect did it have on the developments in gaza and the conditions we are witnessing in gaza? the first thing i want to tell you is that netanyahu was not welcomed in america during barack obama's era. obama never tried to establish a special relationship with netanyahu. establish the same point that those of the race will return the official of that country should be positive and constructive . these meetings will take place inside the white house
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. my white house has three rings: an inner ring , an outer ring, and a very official ring. and of course barack obama always wanted to welcome netanyahu or to hold meetings or a party. he never did this in the first ring, that is , he wanted to say that we have common goals with you , but we do not adopt common policies . biden also has this approach to some extent, but biden is considered to be the middle ground between trump and obama. to that type biden did it, and the role that biden played is already in the format that israel
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is considered one of the american states, we must guide its security, economy, and politics, but the fact is that obama came to the conclusion that this actor who should be the ally of the policies america it uses centrifugal mechanisms. the second point i wanted to tell you is that the american strategy during the obama era, during the trump biden era, if we examine the american national security document during this historical period, i.e. the last 16 years , there is a concept. name offshore balancing. this offshore balancing is also used by some iranian theoreticians, but
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offshore balancing means offshore balancing. offshore balancing means that the us provides economic support to israel, it also provides arms and political support , but it will not get involved in the war, which means that the us strategy during past years. offshore's strategy is balancing and he wants to do the balancing. when we say war, it has its own meaning. war never means a challenge, it does not mean a strike. even the tactical measures that the americans used against the iraqis against iran in syria iran carried out the assassination of martyr soleimani. this
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is not considered in the international relations literature in the sense that a strike has its own special place and is not included in the form of offshore balancing, so i have to convey this point to you and all dear viewers that netanyahu's visit was a fiery and welcoming speech. the fire that the congress, i.e. the representatives who were present in the congress, will carry out from netanyahu will not be considered to mean that america will be involved in a war with iran in the regional space. his interview is very threatening. this is that we have the possibility of confronting iran in the next 3 years
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, which means that what the british want to do in relation to the war in ukraine, they want to repeat this issue in relation to iran and the middle east , but i will serve this point to you and my friends. let me say that trump's coming to power will not be aimed at expanding regional wars. first, trump's approach will be seeking cooperation with russia. secondly, it controls the regional balance policy based on multilateral deterrence. today means last night, netanyahu debates in support of trump also had he guesses that trump in he wants to win the presidential election, and he wants to get rid of trump's heart
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, the sadness that trump felt towards netanyahu 4 years ago, that is, when trump had not yet accepted the election results, netanyahu congratulated biden and trump had a very harsh attitude towards trump's support for israel. but netanyahu's support will not mean that trump's victory will be a serious security challenge for netanyahu inside himself. it will create very well, thank you for being with us , dear viewers, let's see a short segment , we will be back to continue the conversation with you.
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mr. kesinnejad, the picture we saw in the upper part the picture was of the same insults that mr. dr. motaghi mentioned more than 70 times in the speech of last night's congressmen cheering netanyahu in the lower part of my picture. tashwaikh and this, in the sense of repeated clapping , creates the mentality that netanyahu has succeeded in achieving his goals. here are a few points to note. from the position of congress representatives and
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after all, the representatives whose majority are either inclined towards the head. to show emotional behavior in front of zionism. netanyahu's previous speech in rome in the past years is not particularly different from this case. you just need to turn off the sound and you will see all these cheering pictures even then. the point now is that we are on the same path that the us elections are going to be held. the possibility that trump is the president. it is possible. apparently, there is a high probability, and so is my opponent. apparently, in these conflicts and election campaigns, they are low, and all their conditions are low. the important variable is that regardless of whether paris votes or trump votes, the behavior that the united states will show
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is what is desirable to netanyahu, whether it exists or not, this is more important, for example , in trump's speeches than at the beginning of his election campaign, the election campaign in the united states lasts for several months, it is very long , unlike in iran, his constant talks , especially his public talks, smelled like he was looking for a replacement for netanyahu. he is also old and has diseases that he has found serious competitors who in
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our internal polls think of him as netanyahu's successor. we are having very serious discussions. the point is that we must pay attention to this. the united states is a country that considers its own interests. it may not necessarily adjust its policies according to the wishes of the zionist regime in all cases. after all, its interests come first. this does not mean that he will stop supporting israel, but that is not the intention , but we are aware. when we say that the united states is hesitating to go along with netanyahu's policies , it is not because it is concerned about human rights and the violation of human rights. humanity is in gaza, the issue is that netanyahu's behavior will cause israel to go towards destruction . the public opinion in america, which has always been supportive of israel, is now losing the opinion that
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the gallup institute had a few months ago. 75% of the young generation under the age of 24 in israel 24 years america does not support israel, which is a terrible promise for the israelis, and secondly, if these policies are expected from the united states that the united states enters the war, it cannot be tolerated by the united states. today, the israeli foreign minister gave an interview and said that we prefer yemen has nothing to do let's not get into a conflict with yemen and the united states and the coalition of 10 countries want to carry out the attack . will netanyahu's expectations be fulfilled ? this issue is more important than the cheers in netanyahu's speech, although it was mentioned that it was accompanied by the cheers of the members of congress. we observed that the protests were happening with negative reactions to this speech, not only in america, but
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also in the occupied territories. what is your excellency's analysis of these objections? i think the war in gaza made american public opinion completely critical of israel and especially netanyahu. today , we had a divided situation in the united states, but a divided situation that is polarized is a divided situation inside the congress, which along with the so-called support with individual and collective incitement, in the future they will also provide economic and weapons support, but. another part outside the us congress is a part of those people , representatives of the senate and representatives, especially the
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us house of representatives, a wide range of whom did not participate in the meeting of the congress today. america has 435 members of the house of representatives, 100 of them did not participate. it means about 20% not attending, and there is also a part that is the social atmosphere of the university professors and many of the collections are related to the us congress. it is noteworthy here that there is no record of this number of members of the us congress not participating and boycotting. to interview the prime minister of israel as a murderer , a criminal, a person who
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does not pay attention to international rules and wants to involve the region in expanding wars. space i know the public opinion and perceptual patterns in the american society and these perceptual patterns will continue and expand in the future, of course , it is not clear now what will happen in the american election environment, in a way the competitions will be tight in about 100 days until the elections. each of the candidates can change the situation, but the fact is that trump's victory will make the regional security in the middle east and in ukraine more secure, that is
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, trump uses power politics and strategic borders to create a kind of peace. and based on this peace building. agreement and they will cooperate with russia and european countries. mr. kesin nejad, please give a very brief assessment of these protests. especially since we had in the news that we witnessed the presence of american jews in these protests against netanya's speech. yes, an important point in the demonstrations in america was the presence of the jews of the united states, which is truly unprecedented . we
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saw this only in this war, on the other hand, these events inside israel were also very serious, that is, during this period, almost from the second round of the war, when it started, we there were nearly 300 demonstrations of over 1,000 people in israel some days in 89 cities. various large-scale surveillances are being held , and they reached the point where one of israel's high-ranking security officials used an interesting phrase in one of the meetings. he used a slang and turned israel into a bully in the region that anyone can beat and israel can't do anything about . this argument says that someone wants to support me, and naturally,
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this is not the case here in the united states. if he doesn't see his own interests, he is aware that if he enters into such a conflict , he can have many classes for the united states . one of the points in netanyahu's speech was that he mentioned iran several times in his speech and pointed out that he claimed that all demonstrations against israel is under the leadership of iran, and of course he also thanked the us for its support, and what is your analysis of these words, see netanyahu, in israel, he is known as a face of iran-phobia during the elections. can
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he has always used fear as a tool for netanyahu, and now he wants to somehow influence the agreements between the united states and iran and finally get the support of the united states behind him so that he can be in the next phase of the fronts. change the war to another front, for example in lebanon or in syria or any other front, mr. motaghi, the type of reaction of the presidential election candidates , and the war in gaza should be ended quickly. naturally, the rift within the us regarding israel has widened.
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for this reason, israel cannot in any way help the war in the regional environment. on the other hand , the war in the middle east and ukraine will be one of the very serious issues of camila harris and trump in their election dialogues, in a way trump knows that he must adopt a balanced policy. a balanced policy will mean not supporting netanyahu. mr. kesin nejad, very short , your excellency, we have one minute. tell us about the internal disputes of ashgali land, most of them are against the continuation of the war, but netanyahu is blocking the ceasefire. yes, netanyahu is war if it continues, it is of personal benefit because if the war is at this stage, it will be a ceasefire and exchange of prisoners.
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yes, this means the definite defeat of netanyahu, and even some zionists say that beyond that , netanyahu's political life will be over. netanyahu will have to say goodbye to being prime minister in the next elections. well, his personal interest requires him to continue the war, but what are the possibilities? there is more excitement in the region, the possibility of expanding the front is very high, considering the logistics purchases that are being made now, especially netani, of course.
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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello, welcome to the world today, before we have the case and discussions of tonight's program, according to the schedule of the program, on the 29th and the third of the installation of the gaza strip , we will see the latest pictures and developments of the past 24 hours in palestine.


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