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tv   [untitled]    July 26, 2024 1:30am-2:00am IRST

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we have left our expectation that in order for that process to be carried out efficiently and the expectations of both your excellency and our dear people to come true , these financial facilities and equipment should be provided to us in order for us to have an inspector and our supervisor. from the circle of supply to the circle of explanation to your presence until the end of supervision.
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is he able to implement the decisions of the government regarding the satisfaction of the dear people? yes, now our proposal is based on this. anyway, now we are with the lack of organizational structure , either in the ministry of jihad or in the ministry of industry, civilization, and trade. our dear friend mr. majed now, they confirm that the petitioners of our port should propose an organization under the opinion. we are of the opinion that according to the opinion of the honorable first deputy of the government, an inspection organization should be established, we should train experts in our various fields to be able to do this, but now the monitoring situation is really one of you in the so-called different times during the month of mehr, i don't know. nowruz days and muharram days, the children of our supervisors, whether the supervisors of the jihad of agriculture or the supervisors of the ministry of industry
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, are doing their work with empty hands, they are on the scene and they are supervising , and it is effective. our suggestion is that in the next esteemed government, in the 14th government, a special inspection organization specific to the market should be formed, and there we will come from production to explanation . the work of our dear inspectors, we have about 4,000 inspectors in the agricultural jihad complex, in the ministry of mining industry and chamber of trades, so we can get a good output. you see , are these 400 people really necessary? i have the current situation, i say that we can now our inspectors, mr. azaribaga, i have the right place to present this here to the service. you with the least
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they have the lowest salaries with the lowest job security status, they serve all over the country and do their work, but we hope, god willing, that we can give the inspectors a special power as a powerful arm in the field of market regulation, so that , god willing, they can have a special presence in the market field. regarding the discussion of the system, what mr. doctor said is still the same. in this regard, no access has been given to the players of our agricultural system, but we ourselves, as the doctor said , have created internal systems such as setkava, rahtab, and the bazargah system. he is monitoring the distribution of livestock inputs and sugar, he is conducting research and research in the matter of meat and poultry, but the principle of this issue should be from the beginning to the end. these systems should be linked with
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the trade society system so that when our inspector enters a trade unit and sees the issue there, he can get all the data about how much was produced and how much was sold at what price. now, god willing, in the second part of the discussion. ok fruit, we will explain the issue that almost happened with the bread now , mr. majed, do you have any more in this regard, i will say no , now it will be with mr. amrollahi's orders. expert discussion method. he did it. for the time being, i , as a representative of the support organization , am actually at your service. for the time being, maybe there is no need for an expert discussion here, let's do it, but in this context, what should be the style of the monitoring system in order to monitor the market and put it online? almost all, almost according to your word, in fact , online monitoring of equipment is needed, which in my opinion
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has not been fully prepared until now. no. the efforts of my inspector colleagues it can't be at the country level, they are actually making a lot of efforts, but anyway, even if we move in this direction, it's better if we do n't stop. from these systems , in fact, our women's goal in these inspections increased a lot and we had a significant growth . is it possible to issue an invoice from the fruit wholesalers ? we will see a report about this. we will come back and talk more. last week of the need to issue a statement the legal account at the level of the wholesale supply of fruit said that
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it has no name, no specifications, no, they don't know anything, no mori , nothing . you should pay attention to me, man, whatever you like. failure to provide a valid purchase invoice is a violation of the trade, which is specific to tarbar central square . prices are determined based on this price . they will be expensive to sell . they will be sold at 18,000 tomans. the maximum purchase price in the central square is 35% profit. 24,300. how much is it selling?
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there are no specifications. the price of the onion was 39,000 tomans. in terms of its quality, this onion was bought for 17,000 tomans with 35%, the price will be 2980 tomans , it is selling for 17 thousand tomans. do you have an invoice? now, this invoice cannot be verified, it has no address , no potato chicken, how much should it be? 22 tomans now, not 2980 now. still, the presentation of the invoice is not taken seriously by the fruit wholesalers. if within a week all those who are obliged to fulfill their legal duties, if they protest
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, they will be found guilty by the regulatory body of any regulatory authority, they will be prosecuted , banners and plaques will be installed and the license will be revoked. we discussed monitoring the pricing process of fruits and vegetables and now it is happening. sometimes , our respected farmers and our producers always complain about the fact that, sir, for example, in
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your report, tomatoes in this season are now on the ground at a very low price, around 9 to 10 thousand tomans, from our farmer, from someone who several the month has worked hard with the harsh weather and the summary of the issues ahead, then here is the explanation for the consumer who wants to comply with the profit percentage limit of 30 to 35%, the number will go to 300,400, which is the right of the dear people and his right. our farmer is losing because of this issue we have formed a working group since the beginning of this year. and i will tell you about the members of the working group, that it is comprehensive, and the governmental organizations are also present in this meeting. the ministry of mining industry, the support organization of the snaf chamber , the unions related to the pilot fruit, we started this in tehran so that we can divide the society
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, regarding the offices of the working group. organization of the fruit market and tehran fruit and turnip market , our own specialized production offices as the sifi and vegetable office in the field of tomatoes, potatoes and onions , our hot fruits office, our cold fruits office, we invited all these members and the rural people because the village can pay here too. he played a good role, we invited these members to attend the meetings, and my eighth meeting, god willing, will be this saturday, because we held these meetings continuously, in these past meetings , we had three or four important resolutions. we did government and organization support and saw that there are people in the same fruit and vegetable market who do not have a business license. yes, it was the concern of the snaf chamber itself that we, sir , could issue the business licenses of these loved ones
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and have birth certificates, so we gave a resolution to the union. respected, the union also entered this space fairly , and about 80 of their union members have birth certificates, and 20 % of them are licensed. . who are we on the side of the second issue , we made sure to oblige the large fruit and vegetable market square to put a trade identity card of theirs there, so that if our fruit vendor ever buys and sells there at night, at least it should have an identity card, a sign have a so-called tomorrow in that field if you can if you have a complaint, you can answer it. it is a more important issue than the concern of our inspectors. at the retail level, our inspectors refer to them. they say that our inspection means that the inspectors of the chamber of guilds, the ministry
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of industry, and the ministry of agriculture refer to the sedsha fruit sales unit. sir , what is the purchase price of this fruit that you are selling now, for example, this tomato or onion or this candy that you are selling ? we made a field visit, hazratali. with the presence of loved ones of the union and different devices, friends prepared a form as a sales invoice and obliged the members to issue an invoice, and here again, the tehran copyright association made a great move to get the members to work and i was able to, but still part of that invoice is not issued. it is more important
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than if we want the right of that producer, the right of that farmer and our tax and the whole chain to have transparency, electronic invoicing is issued, this electronic invoicing can have transparency in the whole chain and the fruit is the same as our farmer has now. with a so-called low profit the fruit will be delivered to the hands of the major explainers . my wisdom explainers can deliver the decision to the dear people with the profit percentage of 30-35%. he bought it and finally wants to deliver the tomato to the consumer for about 22,000 tomans, but he is selling it for 45,800 tomans, which was 39,800 tomans, and we met
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, god willing. responsible for implementing this work we left it to the relevant union, god willing, we hope that they will put this invoice issuance and electronic account speed on their agenda as soon as possible. yes , we have a deadline of one month. we gave and the last follow-up that i had from the members of the union said that it is on our agenda and we are asking them to set up mechanical cash registers and create related systems so that, god willing, we can have a good outlet for these dear people . briefly explain what is actually happening regarding the electronic account. there is no law at all, and this should be mandatory for the entire business. since 1994, if i am not mistaken, now mr. dr. let's understand that this law was approved in 2014 and
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all people who are buying and selling or are active in the trade sector, whether in the major or minor sector, are obliged to issue electronic invoices, which has been in the hands of the chamber for some time it was snafu, and then it apparently fell into the hands of the tax affairs organization and our loved ones, and this issue is one of the important tools of supervision, so that we can take both the producer's right and the consumer's right, god forbid, this discussion of false sales. you can see what you have and it has goods expensive for your category, this product is hard to produce by our farmer, our respected producer, whether it is in the topic of toyor or in the topic of fruits and vegetables . dear, they say that the rights of the dear people will be lost
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here. yes, once again we will be at the service of mr. nik manesh, the deputy inspector of the room. asalaf iran, mr. nikmanesh, in fact, what infrastructure is going to be provided for issuing electronic invoices, what is going to be done, see the meetings that mr. amrollahi said were very good meetings and we had an effect with zain afaan on the electronic issuance of the direct tax law and development plans . the ministry of economy and finance is in charge of this matter. we are just waiting for your presence as an economic activist, whether in the matter of retail or wholesale, to expect that you have electronic issuance of sales invoices , but this talk requires that we have to implement it, the operation of this electronic issuance is also an infrastructure. this infrastructure is the responsibility of
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the ministry of economy and finance . have an economy and wealth, see for this, so that this transparency from the chain, both the explanation of the producer and the explanation of the wholesaler and sale , and our dear people also know that if this is done, in this system, our 124 is beautiful , the characteristics of all the fruits all kinds of fruits are first class , i am glad to be in your presence . the final consumer is also my task, it is clear at what price they should buy this first-class goujer. you did not have a meeting , mr. nikmanesh. your presence has held joint meetings, but to what extent this work has been successfully implemented
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, it has definitely not yet been achieved . i mean, do you think that this will be realized? we should ask the officials of the snaf chamber, our own tax advisor, and the ministry of economy and administration in what form. my question is, now the same paper bill is issued, the same thing that we have seen. now, how can we expect that, for example, we will go to the electronic solution of paper export, we announced it in the retail store, and practically all of them were sold. our stores have official sales invoices. if they don't have them, we went to them yesterday . we got a report that none of the places we visited had any official invoices. now they have a paper, but it is not an official invoice. it is their legal duty to have an official invoice. there is no
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violation. yes, even the fine is from the past years . now it is a fine of 10 million tomans. there is no price listed just for your presence. for example , how much resistance can a fruit shop have ? now you pay a fine of 10 million. how much does it cost to provide this bill? does not give now he gives a fine of 10, which is not a figure at all. with these problems that snaaf have , be sure that 10 million tomans is a significant amount, and on the other hand, an economic activist who has eaten and sold spring rents will pay the consequences. i don't know about the municipality, but i don't know about the assets of all these problems and all the stagnation of the market, 10 million tomans is really effective for it, and i wanted to say this in the discussion of wholesale, because the antiza law has given jihad to the gentlemen. now it is going to issue an official invoice, whether electronic or not
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get physical, a wholesale banking in trabar square should be done from the field of duties. the ministry of jihad that mr. amrullah also has, they are doing their duty correctly. i just mentioned in my report that if they do not have an invoice from next week, it means that they have not received the invoice from the wholesaler. don't let the confrontations become more serious, what is going to be done, i am asking you, dear mr. hasan begi , to tell you about government punishments, but we did not start our inspections from next week. 485. baqarah, we only had to inspect these trades, and i would like to inform you that they are part of our trades, these are the fruit sellers. the number of violations that
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have been discovered from this number of inspections and referred to the government administration organization for the issuance of a verdict is about 41,796 cases so far. we went to the government penal organization to check the value of all this, sir. it's the simplest thing, we want it, it doesn't provide it , or if it does provide it, the bill is not legal , it has no address, no stamp, no letterhead, so this shows that this is not enough, something else needs to be done. let it be done, good sir, i really have to accept this , your presence is intelligent, the best way to do it is definitely the operation, i said, physically , if you go to one or two to four , you will see that they have committed a violation, we, the general public, are butterflies. and our food workers, who are
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inspecting, wherever they discover violations, whether it is the issuing of invoices , the price level, the sale of grams, and other violations that are in the eighth chapter of the trade union law, they will immediately file a case and the infrastructure must be provided for the penal organization now. yes, and what is the guarantee of this, what should be done, see mr. azai for our survival, one of the best things we can do is transparency in the supply. i want to go
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and get my farmer's rights, but my farmer says, sir, this production is not profitable for me, or if i have tomatoes, i produce 9 thousand tomans, 10 thousand tomans , why the consumer? he has 45,000 tomans, i don't know , he is buying 39,000 tomans. yes, this is the point. we went and saw this issue. we also checked it. we saw that the main problem is the non-issuance of an invoice. he sells wholesale fruits to him, so sir, give me an invoice for the export invoice that if the inspection comes, i can defend my rights. and even the same dear person who is selling wholesale, because we go to him, he tells me that the farmer should also
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demand from the respected farmer a contract, an account, an invoice, something, in any case, to make the process transparent , hejari wants to implement this. alhamdulillah, we are one of the active unions with the help of the union and the sanab alhamdulillah chamber of tehran bar sellers union. and he is looking for the people's rights, now it is true that the members of his own guild step forward and the chamber of guilds is also the honorable bazain of sanad madan who is stationed. they are in tehran's large fruit and vegetable market, which we have implemented as a pilot , and i said that in the reports, about 80% of them are issuing this invoice, but it should be a public demand from the retailers . a decision will be made and
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more monitoring will be intensified. anyway , this issue must be fixed somewhere, now or we will have to force it with more fines or more violations and more reports to the government clarification organization, but that's all you can hope for. about 80 of the esteemed members of the guild welcomed the khans that i mentioned ok, mr. majed , i will also say your final words in this regard, that this matter which was the subject of my discussion is actually a positive thing about issuing electronic invoices, but now this was also your exact point, but what will happen if you don't do it now? . one thing is that we have always been required to issue invoices for many years, that is, in the trade union law and in the law on government obligations, issuing
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an invoice at all, now whether electronic or everyday, i think consumers too. they deal with it and the prices are really different in each shop now, of course, there are different types of fruit, the geographical conditions have an effect on the price, but in any case, it is the right to consume. the relevant authorities should work in this field and insist so that this culture gradually takes root, god willing, that one day we will see that the whole fruit is actually exported with the speed of electronic account issuance . they should respect the speed of electronic account issuance, which means that now you are saying that it is my law, you are not changing
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the law at all , we will monitor it, and in the meetings , we will not hesitate to cooperate in any way that is needed. yes, i am from i would like to thank the guests of the program for appearing in the program, our opportunity is coming to an end. dear viewers , thank you for following our program until the end. now we have this issue of monitoring the market of basic goods online and also issuing invoices, now whether electronic or paper, we are still on the agenda and we will follow up . good day, god bless you.
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2:00 am
in the name of allah, the most merciful, the minister of the interior advised the pilgrims of arbaeen hosseini to register in the samah system in order to plan properly for travel done fill in the required information there , such as when they want to leave, which border they want to leave, what means of transportation they will use, so that this can be completely planned, the duration of their stay in iraq , of course, our serious advice is that it should not be more than six or seven days, because we


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