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tv   [untitled]    July 26, 2024 5:00am-5:31am IRST

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receive by sending the number 5 to 30085 in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most quorum of demand for consumption. the electricity failed for the sixth time. announcing this news, tawanir ceo said that the demand for electricity consumption reached 79 thousand megawatts in the last 24 hours. while the highest amount of demand in the summer of last year was 73 thousand megawatts in the middle of august. these days, people are also proposing shutdowns in different sectors as a solution to manage electricity consumption . these days, when the weather is very hot, everyone
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is cooling themselves in some way . how about this hot weather for someone like this man with this cool water? please give me another one with a hand shower, and that one with a water shower, oh, i'm so tired , i'm just going to have ice cream and water, it's in its place , drink syrup, let your heart cool down in this air, the market selling fans and air conditioners is hot, it's cool like this. with this hot weather, people are trying to spend anyway. a water cooler is just a bad sign. it's turned off . we have to save on electricity consumption . pay attention, haj, sir. your shop is very dark. why did we turn off the electricity? we spent on electricity.
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there was talk of saving money in the houses, put the air conditioner away, leave the air conditioner later the washing machine is turned off and i don't turn it on at certain times. for example, i can see if the heat can be tolerated . i turn off the bag, but besides saving electricity , the most important request of the people was to close the offices in the coming days. finally, the time consumption will be reduced. look at the government, mashallah , it looks like cooler heaven, yes, sir. many of them turn on their air conditioners indiscriminately , especially banks, for example , our own bank has 3 air conditioners of 32 thousand. there is a small child. anyway, he is sick. in these few days, we will pass the peak heat. it is better if it is closed. if the offices are closed, the electricity will arrive regularly . all the people will live comfortably . it will definitely protect the people in terms of health. the electricity consumption of government offices
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in a day. it is 48 thousand megawatt hours and the electricity of non-governmental public institutions is also about 24 thousand megawatts in the same period, all this electricity that will be consumed in these few days, if the heat is closed , it will be almost much less, and the deprived areas can benefit more from the closure of the offices. this is what happens and is customary, the temporary pass should be the same he did something in the hot region of my country. the scientists succeeded in localizing reflective antennas using nanotechnology from this product to develop communications in places with difficult conditions. air and transit routes
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are used. establishing high-speed and high-reliability communication with the lowest cost and minimum infrastructure without the need for long-distance cabling is one of the main advantages of reflective antennas in the age of information technology. now, the most important knowledge-based products that we produce and export to the market are reflective antennas. these antennas are for point to point communications. to point and distance they are used in any way to share the internet and establish high-speed communication. the communication infrastructure of road control cameras and the establishment of computer networks are other applications of this knowledge-based product. our product is used for stable and high-capacity transmission at distances of 70 km point to point, which is usually provided by internet and mobile internet providers. they use a knowledge
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-based company using nano technology has made it possible to use this communication equipment in places with difficult conditions. one one of its important features. which is for us, the use of equipment, in fact, nano products inside, is to increase the lifespan of the antenna, and external examples do not even have this capability . now, if it is clear in the picture, these antennas have a part called the second reflector or sub-factor , so to speak. it is said that these are anti-sexual substances .
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in terms of price, this product is about 40% cheaper than high-quality foreign samples. its price is about 35,000 in the last 4 years, and about 1,500 of these antennas have been exported. this company customizes its products according to customer needs. slow afrooz islami of sed and cima news agency. see also a report about the nesting of birds in a butimar and hawasil citrus garden. there are birds that built more than 3 thousand nests in this garden and had chicks, mostly the sound of chickens . pay attention , this
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is a rare occurrence in a citrus garden in the west of golestan. . several species of seabirds breed here with more than a thousand nests. these birds should have left our province for the northern lands last winter, but in mr. gol's citrus garden stay in alipur. due to the fact that these areas were safe and there was suitable food for them , sakna goziden settled here. and breeding, of course, the presence of the asian or eastern cowbird is one of the attractions of this colony, which is related to the shores of the maldives and lives in australia , and to some extent it
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breeds there. the nest of one or more chicks can be seen. it still does not have the power to fly. it fell from the nest and there is danger for them. yes, they have a series of natural enemies. it is will zaghi and the eagles now, this bird may have fallen due to the impact of an eagle, or it is possible that it was hit by an air rifle. despite the beauty of these pictures, they also caused heavy damage to the garden , and the trees were brought to life . he said, "no, there is a load of seeds on the tree . i threw them all down. our father, an 80-year-old old man, said that there is no problem. this is our guest. god will provide one day from another place. this was my answer . how long are these birds supposed to be here? i think within the next week or two. when these chickens jump, they will turn to the south or turn to the side north, this is a question for us, i can't give a definite answer to this issue. if we can find smaller chicks among them , they should be ringed and checked. we will see that over the years
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, we will come to the conclusion to which area they will go. the population of this colony is mr. gol alipour's good hosting reached more than a thousand pieces after spawning. ismail al-barzai , east gaz news agency, bandargaz, next part of the news at 6 o'clock:
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whenever you catch fish, it is fresh, what does that mean? it means that it is never too late to turn to our own actions. like continuing education, creating a job new, starting exercise and diet from saturday and the same correction at all. consumption habits, consumption management, now a small part of people's consumption is out of the consumption pattern, and if they move a little and increase their accuracy , they can definitely return to the consumption pattern , take 5 minutes to check all the common electrical appliances in your home, for example, lamps from this to this, no, yes, and my consumption will be 90% less than before. part of our electricity consumption is due to devices that are not used, i.e. in ready-to-use mode or in sleep mode, such as coffee makers, tea makers, microwave ovens, chargers. , computer, tv and such. these electrical devices
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consume electricity even when they are off, and they should be unplugged when we don't need them. indeed, sometimes we pay attention to the lamps in the bathroom and the bathroom, but we leave the air conditioner on for hours, which usually consumes much more than the lamp. if you get used to it and remove the unused electrical appliances from the electrical outlet and when you buy them. do the utmost care, in the end you will see that not only did you do a great favor to your pocket, but we also took a big step in the direction of preserving the environment and vital resources of the country. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings and good night . i invite you, dear viewers
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, to join us in tonight's special news interview, where we will have a look at the purpose of the israeli prime minister's visit to america. israeli prime minister netanyahu last night in the us congress. he gave a speech that had a lot of side effects and a number of american representatives boycotted it at the same time as the speech. thousands of americans gathered in front of the congress building and condemned the crimes of the zionist regime in gaza and burning the american flag and netanyahu's effigy in a special conversation. tonight's news, we will take a look at this issue with the question that i asked at the beginning, the purpose of the israeli prime minister's visit to america and why , despite 10 months of peace in gaza, america continues to support the crimes of the zionist regime, mr. dr.
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ibrahim motaghi, senior expert. international issues and mr. sohail kathirinejad, an expert on the issues of the zionist regime , are with us in the studio of a special news interview. i am at your service, dear viewers please tell me, dr. motaghar , what was the most important purpose of netanyahu's trip to america? in the name of god. israeli authorities have always had an approach of attracting financial support and public opinion in relation to americans. they never feel that they are separate from america. their social base, their economic base, the lobbies they have, the think tanks they have in the united states
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have always played a role in the decision-making and policy making of the united states. american support he has put his own policies in relation to the countries of the region based on this. based on a type of shock model, psychological operations and military action have continued . today, the public opinion of the world is waiting for peace building to be done in america. but the speech that netanyahu gave last night in the us congress and the welcome that the members of the us congress gave to netanyahu. those who managed to be present in the congress
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affect the psychological atmosphere and policy-making in a way . netanyahu's approach shows a policy of war and continued violence. i don't think so considering the discussions that netanyahu had last night grounds for peace building. for a truce to be provided for a kind of acceptance of the realities related to the rights of the palestinian community, i.e. the crisis. when the conflict war is brought up in the us congress, it is natural to expect the representatives of the congress in the us to have more economic and military support for israel. the discussion about the coalition and the warnings that
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netanyahu gave are very decisive. netanyahu warned the members of the american congress that if israel is disturbed, if israel is in a state of collapse or security uncertainty , the americans will find this situation as well. somehow netanyahu wants to pretend that i am the frontline of america's interests and security. the main challenge for america is iran and the resistance front and palestine, and if i am not present, the security pressures
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against the americans will increase. a war or efforts to exchange prisoners in the name of allah, the merciful. rahim, a few points are worth mentioning. one of them is that , basically, benefiting from the support of a superpower has a special place in israel's national security doctorate. in israel's intellectual circles, when there is a discussion about national security and the principle of deterrence, it is discussed that the deterrence that israel wants to have should be such that it is a superpower, so that others do not allow themselves to attack it , so this is all-round support. america, well, we have seen this for years , caused concern for the americans themselves in this war, because they saw the public opinion within the americans that they had changed their direction from supporting israel, and they caused some embarrassment to them, of course, financial aid. their military actions were only in media discussions and political positions, so that's fine
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he had actually found a precarious position in israel's national security doctorate. netanyahu was causing this. the next point was that , after all, netanyahu is known in the israeli political environment as the person who can have the best interaction with the americans . kari and even in the previous government when bennett was the prime minister, bennett traveled to the united states and had a meeting with biden, and biden slept in that meeting, they keep making fun of this. netanyahu and his supporters who are the president of the united states in front of you i am sleeping, i can only bring it, the basis of the war or the basis of a support for all the roads , was it really the same now, or should it return to the conditions, but before the war , before the al-aqsa storm war began , the judicial reforms seriously hit netanyahu's credibility in front of the american president. and you see , since netanyahu came, the american president, contrary to
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previous procedures, did not have an official meeting with netanyahu , which is very strange. if the margin of a meeting is somewhere else , in a way, it can be said that it is not considered official, and well , it reduces the importance of the issues and, naturally, the follow-up that they want to do. there is another point of this discussion. now, in addition to these internal discussions, netanyahu needs this support if he wants to open a new front, which egypt
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is very concerned about. in lebanon , there are many logistical needs, both in the navy and the americans are procrastinating. in this case, because they are afraid of the consequences. netanyahu's other motivation is to rebuild the face of israel that has been distorted in the american society due to the influence of social networks and such. well, that is the aid that is given to israel by america or judaism in america we should not ignore. after all, attracting these aids and supports can be as useful for israel as the support of the american government itself, so it has different dimensions, and the last point i would like to mention is this debate. that the danger, as he said, is the danger of the axis of resistance for america, to listen more and say that the same things can happen to you
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, while all the things that can happen to america in iraq and syria point to the fact that america should not enter, if it enters if he does , he has created a difficult situation for himself, and if he does not enter and support israel, he will naturally be very regional. it will be quieter. please be very brief , because of the goals you mentioned as a list , netanyahu succeeded in achieving his goals in this trip , according to what trump said today . gaza should be finished and the prisoners should return, well, this was an important point , mr. motiqad janabali can clarify this to some extent, netanyahu's trip, the speech he gave in the congress, and the presidential election in the united states. in your opinion, what effect did the republic of this country have on the developments in gaza and the conditions in we are witnessing gaza. the first thing i want
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to tell you is that netanyahu was not welcomed in america during barack obama's era. obama never tried to establish a special relationship with netanyahu. there is , and that is that if there is something positive and constructive towards the official of that country , these meetings will be held inside the white house. my white house has 3 rings. there is an inner rim, an outer rim and a rim. very official and naturally , barack obama wanted to welcome netanyahu at any time, or
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to hold meetings or hold a party, never. he did not do this in the first ring, that is , he wanted to say that we have common goals with you , but common policies. we do not accept. biden also has this approach to some extent, but biden is considered to be the middle ground between trump and obama. what biden did in a way and the role that biden had before, is in the format that israel is considered one of the states of america. we have to guide its security, economy and politics . but the fact is that obama came to the conclusion that this actor who should
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be an ally of american policies is a centrifugal mechanism. the second thing i wanted to tell you is that america's strategy during the obama era , trump and biden era. if we examine the american national security document in this historical period, i.e. the last 16 years, there is a concept called offshore balancing . some iranian theorists also call this offshore balancing the working method for offshore balancing in the sense of offshore balancing. it means that the us gives israel economic support, arms, and political support, but it will not get involved in the war. it means america's strategy
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during the past years, the strategy of offshore balancing has been and wants to balance. when we say war, it has its own meaning. war never means a challenge, it does not mean a strike. not even the tactical measures that the americans have taken against the iraqis, against iran in syria, against iran in the assassination of martyr soleimani, this is not considered in the international relations literature, in the sense of a strike, a strike has its own special place and is not included in the form of offshore balancing. clip therefore, i have to tell you and all the dear viewers that visit netanyahu's fiery speech and the fiery reception that
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the congress, i.e. the representatives who were present in the congress , gave to netanyahu will not be considered to mean that america will be involved in a war with iran in the regional space. his interview is very underwhelming. what he is saying is that there is a possibility of our confrontation with iran in the next 3 years, which means that what the british want to do in relation to the war in ukraine, they want to repeat this issue in relation to iran and the middle east in some way, but i will serve this point to you and friends, let me tell you that you will come to power
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trump will not focus on expanding regional wars . first, trump's approach will be seeking cooperation with russia. secondly, the policy controls the regional balance based on multilateral deterrence . today, last night, netanyahu also had discussions in support of trump. happened he wants trump to win the presidential election, and he wants trump to feel the sadness that trump felt towards netanyahu 4 years ago, that is, when trump had not yet accepted the election results, netanyahu congratulated biden
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and had a very harsh attitude towards trump. trump. support for israel is support it will not be from netanyahu, which means trump's victory will create a serious security challenge for netanyahu inside israel itself. okay, thank you for being with us, dear viewers, let's watch a short segment , we will be back to continue the conversation with you. mr. kesinnejad, the image we saw in the wing section
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was the same cheering that mr. dr. motaghi also mentioned more than 70 times in the speech of last night's congressmen cheering netanyahu in the lower part of my picture. the last month and the bitter crimes that we witnessed, is this encouragement and this in the interpretation of the floor repeated attacks create the mentality that netanyahu has succeeded in achieving his goals . here are a few points to note. the first point is that this speech was not much different from the previous speech that netanyahu gave in congress in terms of the reaction he got from the congress representatives. and finally , it is natural for representatives whose majority are either inclined towards zionism or who are at least lovers and supporters of zionism to show emotional behavior in front of a zionist . see netanyahu's previous speech in rome in the past years
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, there is no special difference with this case. you turn off the sound and that's it you could see the same cheering pictures then, the point is now that we are on the same path that the united states elections are going to be held, there is a possibility that trump will become the president . after all, elections have ups and downs, all conditions are changing, the important thing is what in any case


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