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tv   [untitled]    July 27, 2024 1:00am-1:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most high, the most high, 12 space launches in the 13th government, according to the head of the iranian space organization , two more launches are being planned, which will be carried out in the next few weeks. we had a government with sarjam , we had 12 and pertob space, which is a very important number anyway, because if we compare, for example, with the previous three governments, or even compare, for example, with the last 10 years, from the last 10 years before the independence of the government, or even from the previous three states , the number of rays from this state is equal or is it more, the head of the planning and budget organization in the first def program, referring to the implementation
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of the single treasury account law, said that with the arrangements made in the last three years, 76 thousand accounts of government agencies have been reduced to 14 thousand accounts. mr. mansour also said that in the first four months of this year, 59 thousand billion tomans have been allocated to complete construction projects. the head of the planning and budget organization, who appeared on the first page of the program , pointing out that the government's resources are relatively considerable, said: what is foreseen in the budget during different months it is realized properly. this year , our total public budget is 250 thousand billion tomans, which in the first four months of this year will be about 850 thousand billion tomans. of this amount, about 670 thousand billion tomans have been collected. it means 78 increase in average economic growth from the second half
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of 1400 to the end of 1402 was another statistic compared to the last 20 years, which mr. manzoor announced that our average economic growth from the second half of 1400 to the end of 402 was 4.5% . compare it with the half percent of the last decade the powerful economy in all areas has announced the issuance of 22 budgets, pointing out that iran's economy issued 1,000 licenses for the establishment of production units in 1402. in the year 402, 22,000 establishment licenses were issued , and in fact, the new industrial activities of mr.
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manzoor, pointing out that the guaranteed purchase price of wheat has increased from 5,000 tomans to 17,500 tomans in the past 3 years, he also gave the good news that until the beginning of next week, other payments will be made to wheat farmers. with the decisions we made in the government and the resources we equipped to pay the demands of wheat farmers. we think 42 thousand billion tomans, god willing, by the beginning of next week, the next payment will be made. faruzeh hasanpour, the director general of the textile industry and pochak office of the ministry of semit, says that by prioritizing domestic production, the import of polyester fibers is the main material needed. textile industry.
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the textile industry is an industry that in recent years has been able to provide a wide chain of raw materials and. provide products to various links of the chain from the production of fibers and types of filament yarns and cotton yarns to the collection of knitting, dyeing, printing and finishing, and our sewing units can almost respond to a wide range of market needs. due to the efforts of the activists of this industry , we became self-sufficient in the production of some petrochemical-based nestaji products. in 1400, we had about 10,000 tons of 9 auditors. despite the ability
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to produce polyester fibers and no need to import this product, sometimes the raw materials for production are not provided by petrochemicals. a lot of investment has been made in the downstream chain, which requires these polyester chips to be converted into chickpea fibers in the factory, so that this chain can continue. in the field of polistrum chips, we need large and national investment to create a unit petrochemicals similar to petrochemicals. in guyana , we actually produce polyester chips needed by the textile industry, but some people are of the opinion that the supply model of petrochemicals is inappropriate . it is free
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, sometimes when they may have a lower supply , a higher price will be imposed on the market due to their lower supply . according to the director general of the textile industry office of the ministry , there are about 10,000 production units of downstream petrochemical industries in the country, if the raw materials for their production are provided by the upstream industry. this year's capacity the production of polyester fibers will increase up to 61 thousand tons . nowruz beygi of sed and broadcasting news agency of the people of eifan stanam in the year of the victory day in mersad operation.
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one of the axes that could have thwarted the operations of mersad was the kush strait . it is said that the hypocrites, with the help of the enemy , attacked our country from the borders of kermanshah and ilam in order to reach tehran. the enemy had organized his tank until this strait, the only place we can carry out a delayed operation and hurt them in front of us. iraqi army to support the hypocrites from the strait from the west axis to ivan cut off this connection on the qalaja side. the young warrior of yesterday, who now has white hair, says: the union of the people and the military forces was spectacular. people
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were divided into two groups. a group had taken a bath here , a group had taken a bath in the upper part, and then some of them were always here and hit the enemy tank. we, the headquarters of reconstruction of iman qorb, have come to razmdeghan. help islam in the front line . we captured 46 people from the aggressor forces under the command of mahmoud haider jassim in our strait and freed this axis up to the seventh somar bridge of the miantang manli border. they sacrificed their lives so that the equipment and manpower could reach from ilan to kermanshah. this popular movement in ivan in all the front lines, especially this sensitive point , was able to ground the enemy in the discussion at the point of islamabad, year 67, the history of al-kahf, here, shahran
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and 374, open the news agency. by analyzing recorded videos of patients with the help of machine learning, radio and television of ivan, ilam province, and the university of florida help neurologists to track the progression of parkinson's disease in patients and ultimately improve their care and quality of life. give with the help of this technology by examining the videos, even the smallest changes in hand movements, which are characteristic of parkinson's disease, can be detected. the next part of the news at 2 o'clock.
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5 thousand people with 120 tanks, 400 men and complete military equipment were ready to order massoud rajavi's attack on iran. 6 days after the acceptance of resolution 598 by iran, at 6 am on monday, the third of august, all the military and human resources of the people's mojahedin organization as the national liberation army. by order of maryam rajavi , they moved from the depth of iraqi soil towards khosravi's border.
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the day of the operation was august 3, 130 and 67. if i am not wrong. we were the first unit as to the term advance forces and identification that should be the starting point of the operation point. the beginning of the operation, which was the so-called daoud strait, was established, and the operation began with the order of maryam rajavi, with the sentence that atash repeated this sentence three times and in fact, she issued the order to attack and kill. bandi crossed khos roy border at 4:00 pm and zahab bridge at 6:00 pm. we entered via the khosravi border , and then a long road, which was a barg road, from
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sange patag and we went to karand and west of islamabad . the forces of the organization are divided into five axes. the first axis was the task of capturing the cities of karand and islamabad by 10 o'clock that night and the second axis. they had the task of capturing and cleaning kermanshah until 12 o'clock that night. the third axis was supposed to capture hamadan by 7:30 the next day, and the fourth axis was responsible for clearing qazvin. and finally, the fifth axis, which was made up of the strongest forces of the organization, was supposed to be at 4 in the afternoon on tuesday, the 4th of august 6. 7 started its operations in tehran. being a brigade
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, it means that each brigade belonged to a city, for example, a brigade belonged to karande, for example, it took karande and was stationed there. the next brigade, for example, belonged to islamabad, the brigade i was the last of was the brigade whose target was tehran, that is, we should not have a conflict until there, and it was in tehran itself that the discussion of liberating tehran, for example, should be on our shoulders and a few of the brigade there were 3 other brigades whose ultimate goal was to control tehran. masoud rajavi appeared in several meetings to justify his forces for the implementation of forough javidan operation, where masoud rajabi himself stated: he says that when you leave, i will remain silent, you, i will come, later i will make a public announcement that sir, everyone
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for example, whoever was in the corps, was in the basij, whatever happened, everyone is forgiven, but until i do this, you can kill as many of them as you can for 48 hours. i am giving a general amnesty, which means that from then on you have no right to kill anyone, no matter how much. you can kill me so that when i fall , there is no one left and i can take his figure, for example, and this was the same sentence that masoud rajavi had before in the explanation meeting of forough jabidan operation, he said that this was because of the simultaneous attack of the iraqi army on the front. south to re-conquer khorramshahr, the major part of iran's military power in the southwest fronts. he was busy defending the aggression again. for this reason
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, there was no resistance against the attack of the forces of the people's mojahedin organization. they advanced without the slightest obstacle to the depth of 90 miles of iranian soil. he carried out a series of operations from the south. government of iraq fa region and lower parts. which can engage the iranian army in that area and send troops from onur. take it down from the west, which was later explained by rajavi himself in his explanations about this story that from this point of view, with the cooperation of the iraqi government, until his palace area. until the sarpol zahab area was captured by the iraqi army, the army belonging to the organization's raj force can enter iran's territory from here, for example, it will take three days to reach tehran. iran will have to kill its forces, lose them or kill them. you are facing at the same time
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in the central front where qasr shirin and sarpulul have been attacked and the iranian forces are retreating a lot. i will do it here, the way will be opened for you to go to tehran at a high speed and onur had promised that i will have your air support up to hamadan, maybe up to tehran through my messages. rajavi's explanation in the meeting was that the children were clapping enthusiastically, this is how he was preparing his mind, but actually rajabi knew that if this did not happen. he will curse forever from the same day he buys it for himself and all the children too, because he lost all the analysis from you and started this operation . a day or two ago , according to rajabi, the iraqi army again attacked ahvaz with 2,000 troops , and with the fierce resistance of the guardsmen and the iranian army, they captured it
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with a minimum force. so that the planes that were supposed to support the mersad forces involved in the war fronts i arrived in ahvaz, and the organization's inver, rajavi, was very happy that it had air support and the so-called iraqi defense. he entered iran. the forces of the people's mojahedin organization, as planned , started their advance at 4:00 p.m. from the khosravi border and entered qasr shirin, which was attacked by artillery. iraq was invaded. the next step was to reach the zahab bridge, which was bombarded with the coordination of iraqi baathist forces. some of the ground forces of saddam's controversial army had been taken to that area so that
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they could intervene if necessary and save time. these areas then prevent, see first that we we entered, from zahab bridge, it was completely in the hands of the iraqis, that is, up to zahab bridge , the line was completely open, which means that there was no need for any special conflict . they had 10 cannons , which were continuously stationed in sarpolza, the only one in iraq. he was shooting, now i don't know which part he was hitting, probably the support bases and... deserted by the forces of the people's mojahedin
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organization moving towards karand. the fact of the matter is that i i was in keren for a day or two. i passed by keren in fact, in spite of the fact that rajabi claimed in the atari meeting that as soon as you entered these cities , there was no welcome from the people, and publicly, with this deception, he tried to send the children to war, as they say, yes. we have a lot of forces there, and actually when we entered the city, we passed islamabad and headed towards kermashah, but we didn't see anyone who wanted to. i saw it myself, for example, on the way, people before thought that the iraqis were attacking them, that they were fleeing to the interior, that is, from the side of karand and islamabad. we came, well, the people were also on the way, later we saw that they were standing in the middle and they thought that
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they were the iraqis who, for example, attacked iran, then they realized that they were the hypocrites. before i came, they were saying to kill an old man here. i said why? ? he said that when this old man found out that these are hypocrites and that their command is standing at the entrance of kern, you know that he is in command, he took a helmet, despite the fact that everyone knows this, because the old man was coming , so-called military mode, so that he would come closer and this turn and when he comes to the closest distance make up to take something and hit it, to attack it, to hit it , to kill it, it was the welcome of the people, i was a worm, i myself saw the commander of sabai korno take it, i saw it.
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and here he resisted, but finally, the number of the organization's forces was greater, the city was captured and the organization moved towards islamabad . we were familiar with ahmad waqif, the intelligence officer of the organization in the koldawood strait. first, ahmed waqif was in constant contact and talking with the top commander, specifically maryam or rajabi, and was giving information about the advance of the organization's forces from moment to moment, considering that as one of the commanders of the intelligence officer we were an organization, we were entrusted with all kinds of work, from the so-called iraqi airstrikes report. who supported us in the first moment with havamai , i don't know if it was an exception or if it was chinese, he just wanted to knock down the telecommunication tower , and they were constantly bombing us, on the other hand, iranian helicopters were
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hitting us. the justification and how we will carry out the move, one of the information people of the organization, mr. naghi arani, and one of the commanders, jalal prash manzeh, are now in the organization . his troops, his soldiers, his commanders and rank-and-files were you, did they come at all, now this confrontation , while they are leaving, you are here, come out , surrender them, come forward very slowly . being in that city made us sour, they said that they all made a row and entered a warehouse, before they entered the warehouse, while they were moving
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, they hit them directly in the head, they fell on their heads and killed several people there. especially naghi arani , who is a very complex element, had committed a crime and they said personally that he had hit these people on the head and the slogans he gave. he used to hit and throw everyone there and come. one of the crimes i saw there. occupying the current happened in the simplest possible way. now it was time to occupy islamabad. in this operation, finally, on the second day , that night, when a part of the forces that i was leading had to go to the city of kermanshah, a number of forces attacked kermanshah before that, when
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the organization moved from the road to the city. when he came, the people of the cities thought that the iraqi army and the secretary of the iraqi army had fled. he had a vehicle that drove towards kermanshah, an accident happened in the so-called chaharzabar pass, in the chaharzabar gorge, it caused the road to be closed and the organization was lost behind these roads. there were many damages that the people themselves saw, which was terrible, namely two cities , karand and islamabad at least. under the missile , there was a shower of bombs and other things that were coming from one side. well, the iraqi plane had been showered from the beginning to hit its surroundings , and the mujahideen themselves who entered were also damaged there. with tanks and cannons, fields were set on fire, houses were destroyed, and it was the people themselves, many of them, of course.
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they were killed in this sea, unfortunately, then we got into a fight near islamabad military barracks. there was a space that mostly belonged to wheat. they set fire to many of the facilities of the people, many of whom are cattle ranchers in that area. i was behaving badly. what has happened is that a hundred thousand tomans of their money has been stolen from the people. nanny
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used to support the people and said that i want to attack iran to support the people, so that they may reach freedom and they may reach prosperity. obviously, the actions of the children who described me in islamabad were much more heinous than these words than in the villages we passed, for example , if someone had the courage to say something, they would shoot him, for example, they had taken a number of prisoners from they were placed in the back of the truck , and they were throwing them down because it was not acceptable for me to treat the prisoners like this , so i threw them down when i heard that they were being shot by some of the troops who happened to be wearing uniforms. it seemed that they were tense. the same popular forces were there who resisted the fact that these people were captured, in addition to killing the military forces , caused a lot of damage to the
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civilian population, causing the killing and... what are you doing? for example, he was protesting with a gun. he was in our unit. i saw him holding him and beating him. i got angry and went there myself and told him you don't see what this kid is doing, he said , he is cursing, i said, he should not be beaten , he is a child, so he had to let him go, i don't know.
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to say that killing that child means that this was the scene where i was even very angry at being beaten. well, it's natural that the force that is on the other side sees us as enemies . this was the scene that i saw myself anyway. these two scenes in islamabad spent the most difficult day in its history. the forces of the organization tied anyone with signs of religion to the rebar, then they went to the imam khomeini hospital and took all the wounded and sick to the hospital grounds and closed this hospital and yours with a barrage of bullets. you have seen , you have reached this hospital. some people are taking over the hospital. in
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terms of injuries, they have come, they are all closed , the mujahideen, the hypocrites, the infidels are closed, the children are going to be sick in the province, most of them are wounded, that is , they are shot from the side, they are mostly shot. they were beating 20 to 25 people in islamabad , when we went to the hospital , they were all martyred. when we went to the hospital, they were all martyred. well , when we arrived, we saw that the organization was saying these things. i don't know that when we were captured, it was as if our family was not captured at that scene . everyone was a liar. after islamabad, it was kermanshah 's turn. in the name of chaharzabar
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, facing the forces of the army and the revolutionary guards. while we were supposed to move straight to tehran, or it was from there that the defeats started between tange char and hasanabad plain, until the arrival of the warplanes , hitting the pillars of the cars. they dumped


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