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tv   [untitled]    July 27, 2024 6:30am-7:01am IRST

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in the name of god. look at the smiling sun, say hello to tomorrow, look at the future.
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god , keep your memory alive in our hearts forever, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, good morning . welcome. hello, today's reporter. inshallah , you are well and i hope you have a good and happy week ahead. i invite you to today's program. stay with us.
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chain thinking drove me crazy. think about it, you smart people, the smell of hair made me crazy before. in the stranger, i say the mystery of your
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familiarity, it's crazy that hey muselmana. i cried, hindu child
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you made me crazy, i set myself on fire, your fiery temper made me crazy.
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think in a chain, you wise people , you will drive me crazy, you will drive me
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crazy. good morning, dear viewers. today is named as the national skills day in the official calendar of the country and the day of promotion of technical and vocational education. on this occasion, we invited mr. dr. erfan khosrovian, the president of the university. i have the skills to talk to him about this issue, mr. doctor. hello, good morning , welcome. national university of skills, the new name of university of vocational technology there is another title that i mentioned for today. yes , i congratulate the national skill and promotion of technical vocational education day to all the dear ones who are watching this program live
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. we also ask you and your colleagues, thank you. please tell me what is the current situation in this field, specifically the subject of skill, in other words, vocational education and technical promotion, and what program is the national university of skill pursuing in this field , i think we should keep in mind that the relationship between the industry and the university, the relationship between the market and the university is correct, yes, correct vocational and technical education in the country is more than 100 years old, and even today it is named in the calendar for this occasion . it conveys the importance of technical and vocational training in the country. these trainings are the foundation of sustainable employment, the foundation of economic development and one of the indicators. the main thing
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is the development of sustainable businesses and entrepreneurship in the country of the world , it has invested a lot in this field and if it has a review. let us be one of the experiences that the world has in this field since 1990 , industrial development and growth has been equated with the continuation and development of vocational technical education in advanced countries when growth if we consider the economy in developing countries, we can see that as much as the rate of development of technical and vocational education in countries has increased , the economic growth in developing countries has also increased. for example, a country like china, which has been it has experienced consecutive growth of over 5%
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in a strategic turn in the 90s, in fact , theoretical training has been changed to technical and professional training, and these trainings are highly developed in this country, or the country of india, which is part of emerging economies in the world are considered a ministry under the title of ministry of skills he has entrepreneurship in this field and he considers himself to be the world capital in his future mission. skill and entrepreneurship. we see that these patterns show that we should have extensive planning and policies in these trainings. ok. the former technical vocational university was promoted to the national university of skills in the country with
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the approval of the extension council of the ministry of science and this shows the importance of this field of education. and these trainings have some challenges in the country, one of the biggest challenges is the amount of budgets that governments allocate to these trainings, so the indicators he says that the budgets allocated to these trainings should be equal to theoretical trainings , but now in the country's budgeting system, these budgets are one-third, and this has caused a gap between technical and vocational trainings and theoretical trainings. always. of course, in the 13th government
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, the budget of the national skill university has increased from one and two-tenths to almost four hemats . this budget is supposed to be spent where and how much yes, this budget is the detailed budget of the university, which in the educational aspect is not the detailed budget, that is, the entire budget that includes the current expenses of the university, acquisition and property expenses, education expenses, the cost of repairing and equipping student food, cultural and other areas . a university that has 20% of the country's government education
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is responsible for the mission of professional education at level four and above in the country and is the only government institution for these educations, this budget is not enough and considering that this university has a wide geography all over iran. it has more than 3000 workshops and laboratories there is a need for updating, and the cost of machinery equipment, the depreciation rate of machinery is one of the expenses that are not foreseen in this budget. the majors make it possible to cover all types of businesses in the country up to the bachelor's degree, yes, up to the bachelor's degree, and the education is such that the person who graduates and studies
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has the ability to enter the job market . yes, technical training and a professional in the country has a better compatibility with the labor market, and we are for that we can set the rhythm of education in the labor market , the discussion of skill training employment consortia in partnership with industries. and zinfan , we set up a job market, and how is this interaction ? yes, today, when i am at your service , the first skill training employment consortium will be provided in the next hour with the presence of many industries located in the province. this is a win-win game. between us, the private sector in such a way that, well , today, the industry
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needs to invest in production units in industrial towns for the needs of labor and technicians. kilometer travel force enters these companies , the cost of training and education should be paid for a long time. well, if they participate in the consortium today, these trainings are in accordance with the program. and the educational planning of the university is done, and these forces that will enter the university from this year will replace those industries that participate in the consortium today, and these industries can participate in several ways . will be and in addition to this investment that these. they lead to a truly tailored education
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it is for their needs and in two years they will face a force that is in time with their business and they can use it . be better prepared, see we tried . in the 7th national development plan , we should increase the discussion of skill training up to 40. now we talk with other parliaments. it is to be able to direct the graduates that we have skills in national university to the education that exists and in fact we have the problem of serving them. we are following up with reformed forces in the commission who
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can train them through the soldier plan. sanat beshan, the bank, the council of money and credit, and the supreme council of skills will help to make this education possible for their business. thank you very much, mr. khasrefian, thank you for your presence in the reporter's greeting. stay with us to see the other moments of the sports section of today's program together. let's go to balachiq, hello reporter, mr. ghaffari, hello , good morning, mr. hosseini, hello, good morning to you too, in the name of god, hello, i want to welcome you, the fans of the slave , have a beautiful morning and good health, god willing,
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we are at your service with the sports section of the salam program. correspondent mustafa gohari from khabar sports group. broadcaster will be with me this morning, mustafa , hello, good morning. you are very welcome , dear service to you and all the viewers of the program. hello, journalist. blessings to them, yesterday came the life of the olympic games in paris , it started with the opening ceremony of the countries, and from today the competitions of our country's athletes in this competition will officially begin. their competition is about to start. ali pak daman, mohammad derhi and mahmoud fatuhi are our country's fencers
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who are competing with their opponents in gymnastics. mahdi alfati will start his work at 12:30. hani rostamian will compete in shooting at 14:00. his opponents in table tennis are naushad alamian and nedazvari, two participants of our country who are facing their opponents today, but holding the olympics in paris is out of the olympics itself with a series. behaviors on the part of the host with a series of athletes as well as employees or workers who being busy there, my colleague ali karimi has prepared a report on these issues, and if you agree, let's go together for one more roof and two airs. yes, one roof and the air of the paris olympics
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. in fact, the free people of the country. you know that the olympics somehow loses some of its credibility without russian athletes. now, in the disciplines that you know , especially in wrestling, there are medals. bring back the russians usually, russia, china, these are the countries that heat up the competitions in the olympics. now , due to those events and in fact the conflicts that happened between the borders of russia and ukraine , the official representatives of the russian olympic committee were prevented from attending the paris olympics. what can be said, as i mentioned
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, they raise the issue of the olympic committee, but the representatives of the zionist regime, with all the killings, which become war crimes, very easily present new definitions of war crimes in these competitions , because at all a series of crimes take place there it has not happened in the previous world wars . we have a report. let's go see an olympic medicine roof behind the pictures. from paris, the host of the olympic games, there are more colorful edges than many texts. margins such as the expulsion of immigrants and the difficult situation of french muslims, including athletes. organizers of the games, while the protests against the presence of zionist athletes in paris have been more than before the official start of the games
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, the protesters gathered in front of the headquarters of the international olympic committee in lausanne, switzerland , and expressed their opposition to the policies of this committee. wanted to meet we are responsible for the olympic games. we will also go to paris and try to make our voices heard. these protests have even reached miles away from the venue of the games. for example, in south korea, the people of this country protested the oppression of the zionist regime against the oppressed people of gaza. in addition to this, the zionist regime should also deal with the palestinian olympic committee by sending a letter to the international committee . the olympics have asked for a serious consideration of this issue, but bach, the head of this committee, has his opinion he said something different in this regard. the position of ios
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is very clear. for us, both olympic committees are different and this is the difference between sports and politics. french authorities are trying to maintain peace in paris . but these kinds of protests still create a tense atmosphere for large events. the most important sports event in the world has followed. yes, we saw this report together , mustafa, today we have a volleyball match. yes, in the knockout stage of the youth volleyball competition of the asian championship, our country's youth volleyball team will face kazakhstan in less than 45 minutes. the pre-game report of this game has prepared us to go together let's see amir rafati's excellent report about
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the youth volleyball game. we will go together. we will see . we will return. iran's youth will face kazakhstan in the second round of the asian volleyball championship on saturday. three people in front of the net, be careful, gholamreza's students. in the first round of this competition, momeni moghadam managed to advance to the second round with three wins against china, chinese taipei and qatar. in the next stage, we can be among the top four teams in group f, so that we can plan for the final, god willing, and after that , our whole goal is to be behind the most colorful team. let's bring medals to our country. iran is the only asian youth volleyball team that
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did not lose a single hand to their opponents in the first round. let's get to the end, the youth teams of iran and kazakhstan will play together at 7:30 a.m. the business of the news agency is in the studio. hello, the reporter is present. hello, sir . hello
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, good morning. we want to go today we want to re -examine the price of bread and the bread market. well, what happened is that the prices given for bread are from the year 1400, and the grandchildren say that there has been no change in the price since then, and now there is an allowance between 30 40 per loaf of bread, the government is giving to the novas, but they say that it does not cover their expenses. nawa, the tablets are reduced from those chins, the weight of the chins will be reduced done. on the other hand, some really
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unusual prices can be seen in the stores, which is to the detriment of the consumer. it is clear that there is flour, for example , it bakes 100 and 50, and this is the reason for the reduction of its share from this side, and the conditions that exist in the bread market now. especially in big cities like tehran, it's really not a good situation to open a grant . in general, the picture of the market. well, now the conditions are finally such that both the suppliers, the bakers, and
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the buyers are not satisfied with the conditions. anyway, we will go to the city level to report and then follow up with the relevant authorities. yes , we have followed up, and we are still trying to follow up today . i can tell you that this problem exists mostly in big cities, especially in tehran, and in any case , bakeries are economic enterprises , they expect to profit from the supply they are making. when
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there are these and these problems or i buy a bread hell, but with that device, or sometimes until now , their belief is that the work will be delayed, their belief is that now, in fact, the price defined for the unit is not enough, so it will be delayed , it will be delayed, i say the same behavior in in fact, ardonan's smart subsidy plan is known as an unusual behavior and will reduce the quota from that side. we have a one-minute time, you go to the bakery yourself because you have a history of these reports, the same will happen to you, that is , they count two, they count three, what are they doing now, i haven't been there for a long time. he buys, but now i went a couple of times and it didn't happen. i even told him that he wrote, "don't be evil, but it's not like that, it's not me personally, or only two people with you. yes, after all, if they know me , i'll cooperate, but i say it's been a long time. i haven't been there, my wife."
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buy. do you have another poster today? no, today is the same issue about the novayas. the same poster will take us a lot of time. we will go from the morning. the devices and officials are with you. the surveillance device is supposed to come with us from the chamber of guilds in tehran, bazaristan, because after all, they are the prices. they carry the weights and always accompany us this case is responsible for the snafu chamber of other penal institutions. the result of the inspection and the report that is prepared will be sent to tazirat . our goal is to actually show these conditions. now, the goal is not to show up and be fined, but the goal is that the conditions are dangerous . they also have concerns and this should be resolved . the concerns of the producers should be resolved as well as the concerns of the consumers.
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very well, thank you very much, mr. azaribaga, for your presence in the reporter's greeting. join us after the news segment at 7 o'clock with the continuation of today's reporter's greeting. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings and good morning to you, dear viewers. dear and honorable, we are waiting for you with the morning news collection of reducing the working hours of government centers across the country based on the government's announcement with the aim of saving electricity consumption . it will be 10 am, with the forecast of peak heat in the next two days and the increase in electricity consumption, the ministry of energy
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held a meeting to review the country's electricity situation.


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