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tv   [untitled]    July 27, 2024 10:00am-10:31am IRST

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good morning, dear compatriots, at 10:00 a.m. , another part of the news due to the continuation of extreme heat and unprecedented weather and in order to preserve the health of the citizens , the energy consumption management of all government offices and banks throughout the country, except for emergency and relief service centers tomorrow. sunday is closed. the working hours of all government centers today, saturday, august 6, are also until 10:00. specified. according to the
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meteorological organization, more than 20 cities and stations recorded temperatures above 40 degrees yesterday, which is likely to be repeated today. tehranis spent last night at a temperature of 40 degrees celsius. predictions it is reported that the temperature in tehran today reaches 41 degrees. simultaneously with the record low increase in air temperature and registration of new electricity consumption installations in the country. the ministry of energy asked the countrymen for the stability of the grid in consumption. at least 21 people died in a 24-hour period in morocco due to an unprecedented heat wave. the air temperature in some areas of this country has reached about 50 degrees celsius in recent days. the secretary general of the united nations once again warned about the increase in the level of heat in the world and said: the earth is getting hotter and more dangerous for everyone.
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the presidency of mr. masoud bizikian, the elected president by the leader of the islamic revolution, will be held tomorrow becomes this ceremony will begin at 10:00 am in imam khomeini hosseini with the presence of national and military officials, university and college professors, representatives of various guilds, a group of martyrs' families and resident ambassadors in tehran. the inauguration ceremony of the elected president was also held on tuesday with the presence of a number of military and national officials.
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it will be introduced to the parliament as soon as possible. the head of the program and budget organization said that soon another 42 thousand billion tomans will be paid from the demands of wheat farmers. mr. manzoor announced the guaranteed purchase price of wheat as 1750 tomans. he said: with the decisions made, the total payments are 95 it will reach one thousand billion tomans. the head of the program and budget organization also announced the payment of 62 thousand billion tomans in the repayment of bonds in the first four months of the year. mr. manzoor also said that the share of the country's general budget in the first four months of this year is about 850 thousand billion tomans, of which about 67 thousand billion tomans, i.e. 78, have been realized . the managing director of tehran taxi said that this year, the
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dual-fuel cern car will replace worn-out taxis. regarding the renovation of 3,000 worn-out taxis in the capital, ms. maliki added that 150 million tomans will be spent on the renovation of the worn-out taxis with a fee of 8. hope is given from the entrepreneurship fund. according to ms. maliki, in addition to this type of dual-fuel car, there are also electric cars. it is given to applicants by paying 300 million tomans from the municipality. the managing director of tehran taxi company also said that the price of the electric car is about 500 million tomans. after several rounds of indirect and fruitless negotiations between the palestinian resistance and the zionist regime in egypt and qatar to stop the war. in
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gaza, the capital of italy will host a meeting in this regard tomorrow. on the eve of the meeting in rome, news sources are reporting new disruptions by the prime minister of the zionist regime they gave. at the same time, the media of the zionist regime, quoting the security sources of this regime, announced that netanyahu had gambled away the lives of israelis in gaza. these media announce that netanyahu behaves as if he is a carefree prisoner. so far, several rounds of negotiations between the palestinian resistance and the occupied jerusalem regime to establish a ceasefire in gaza and exchange prisoners have failed. the palestinian resistance demanded a permanent ceasefire, but the prime minister of the zionist regime stopped. the war in gaza is opposed. at the same time as the zionists are killing civilians in gaza, they are also killing palestinian prisoners in their prisons they torture according to al-qad network , human rights activists say that the torture of palestinian prisoners in the prisons
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of the zionist regime amounts to committing a war crime. here is an opportunity to kill time. it is not, and the families of these evenings should be informed about the gradual death that has been achieved for them. although many have closed their eyes to these events and their ears do not hear anything about it, such tragedies must be exposed. the words that are expressed only in the form of sighs and moans so that they may be telling the pains that do not leave even a millimeter of his worn body calm and from his head to the soles of his feet. have learned those they want to weaken our morale so that we give up quds. we are the people of gaza who were tortured by the israeli occupation. these people's bodies that you see have been tortured in such a way that they do not fit in anyone's imagination and intellect, and the narratives of legends and
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stories are also unable to express their reality. however, there is no more time to talk because these people have returned from the real death. they tortured us with electric wires and electric shocks . this part of my head that you can see was hit several times and they connected it to electricity and us they faced severe torture and torment that was never normal. the people of gaza are facing severe and indescribable violence. six palestinian prisoners have been rescued from death row, but have entered a larger prison and are still at risk of death. thousands of captives. they are still trapped in the prisons of the occupation regime and there is no hope for their rescue. the possible nominee of the american democratic party in the presidential elections called for the end of the food war and the establishment of a ceasefire. some
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american media say that harris fully supports the ceasefire and also that he did not attend the speech netanyahu in congress to win the vote of american youth. americans are against the gaza war and washington's support for the zionist regime. after the meeting with netanyahu, kamala harris spoke about the suffering of the children of gaza, but reiterated that america will remain a supporter of israel. i am seriously concerned about the human suffering in the gaza strip, including. the death of a large number of civilians told prime minister netanyahu that these tragedies cannot be ignored . i will not remain silent about their suffering. italy resumes relations with syria, the italian foreign minister announced that
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he will send an ambassador to damascus. italy's embassy in damascus was closed in 1390 following the syrian crisis. recently, 8 countries. the european union has asked the head of the foreign policy of this union to reconsider its approach on syria. the european union has cut off official relations with damascus, the president of this country, bashar al-assad, has sanctioned. in the form of the plan to change the cultivation pattern, miami city was included in the list of cotton cultivation areas in semnan province. semnan province has 150 hectares of cotton fields. cotton is a crop resistant to drought and lack of water, and the development of its cultivation
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is being considered these days. we have been farming here for 30 years. how much cotton do we have? i have nearly two hectares of cotton and 4 hectares of cotton. according to the basket of changing the country's cultivation pattern, cotton is included in the list of alternative products of abbar cultivars. a joint project with the cotton research institute is being carried out this year with 12 cultivars and planting dates . agricultural experts considered miamei for the development of cotton cultivation. this year, according to the new figures that the cotton research institute at the station we hope that agriculture has solved the puzzle. that this product should be included in the pattern of cultivation in the city and that the farmers
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would be more willing to develop the responsible ship in the city , and ramin khordad khurshid sajdi and the imported variety of cotton varieties produced in the province, but it is planned to investigate the cultivation status of two new varieties in miami. . the country's cotton research institute currently has 14 commercial cotton varieties. we have two new numbers, god willing. we will introduce next month the cultivars that we have are mainly early cultivars that take about 120 days in the ground and early cultivars with very high yield. are. the average production of cotton in semnan province is 3 tons per hectare and experts hope that by benefiting from contract cultivation and changing the cultivation pattern, this amount will increase and cotton will become a more economical product for farmers.
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with the name and remembrance of god, greetings and good time, i am here with you, dear viewers of the khabar channel, with the persistence of hot weather in the country , we are witnessing an increase in temperature in most parts of our country, considering that this condition will continue until monday. we request that
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necessary savings be made in electricity consumption during this period so that you can spend these very hot days without power outages in our country. let's do from monday, with the northerly currents moving towards the northern parts of our country, in the northwest to the northern coasts of the alborz slopes , we will have a decrease in temperature in these areas. we expect an increase in the northern parts of our country during this period. and let's have the rains . currently , rain has been reported and recorded in ardabil province since the early hours of the morning, and we expect that it will increase in the next few hours in ardabil provinces, east azerbaijan, west azerbaijan, parts of gilanan and mazandaran. along with that, we will have the rains, but from on sunday, as the currents moved north towards the shores of the ghazr sea, it rained on the coasts. it is found that we will have rains in gilan, mazandaran and golestan provinces. these rains
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are also predicted for the height of alborz, the height of zanjan, alborz, tehran and semnan, and we will have rains in these areas on sunday as well in 5 days. in the future, according to the currents in the southeastern parts of our country, we expect that in the afternoon in the areas of the north and east of hormozkan, the southern heights of kerman. southern parts of sistan baluchistan province, seasonal increase in precipitation we should have rain, lightning and wind in these areas. due to the rains , we have a yellow alert. we request that full information be provided in these areas, but the phenomenon of wind and 120-day winds continues in the eastern regions of our country. pollution and reduction of air quality , especially for zabul in the north of sistan baluchistan. the southern province of south khorasan, razavi, to some extent, in the central parts of al bard slopes in the southwest and south
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of our country, the wind speed will increase during the hours. persian gulf, areas of the persian gulf are experiencing an increase in wave height. for the next two days, parts of the caspian sea are rough and choppy. marine warnings have been issued for marine activities. it should also be done with restrictions. for tehran, in the coming hours , we have a clear to slightly cloudy sky with wind blowing in the eastern heights of the province. in the western and southern regions of the province, strong winds bring dust and the temperature will increase for the next two days in tehran . we expect the temperature to reach 42 degrees today.
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transportation in the country was recognized as the main platform of the country's development and it was really correct. we are a vast country. on the one hand, we are a country that neighbors at least 15 countries. i said that at least because some of these countries are multi-countries themselves, and this is a very large capacity for the country, a very large opportunity for the development of the country, the growth of the country, the employment of the country
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in the ministry of roads, which i have to do here. . sincerely, from my dear brother, mr. dr. bespash, his correspondents , his general managers, his officials, well, the ministry of roads and urban development is a very broad ministry , it has different dimensions, which almost maybe a large percentage of the development of the country depends on this ministry, there is housing , there is road, there is road, there is air, there is rail, there is sea. yes, there is a housing, yes, it is a very big ministry, and god bless the late mr. engineer ghasemi, from the very beginning, mr. president followed the most meetings and follow-up in this ministry, after the death of mr. engineer ghasemi
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and the arrival of dr. besbas they see it almost daily, if not sometimes. he called him several times every day because there were many cases, one day for housing, one hour for housing , one hour for rail, one hour for transit. one hour, well, the countries of the region are also honestly the biggest and most important interest of their follow-up point regarding the interaction with iran. by the way, this was the discussion , the transit issue is a very important issue for all the countries of the region. he says that finally, bringing the so-called caspian waters from the north to the south and to the persian gulf, the sea of ​​oman, and the indian ocean has been completed both in terms of time, in terms of price, and in terms of the speed that can actually be carried out in terms of cargo transfer.
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the development that we and they had for all countries. therefore, the greatest pressure was here, and honestly, it worked, so to speak, what now? whether someone likes it or hates it, for 10 years, almost in fact, these parts of the country's development suffered a serious defect , now they say that this problem is still there in this place , and it is still a problem in this place, it is not possible to bring the 10-year delay to its desired point in 2 years. we believe that this path that was chosen by our dear martyred president was the right path and enough time was spent, the supreme leader treated this with consideration and i think that there are many good things happening today. it
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is a very nice and good thing that we are the airport of ilan. we are opening today for development, for example mahouteh still has problems, but it will be possible to fly , we are doing the same thing in the north of the country, and the endimash railway line to ahvaz will be completed with two lines. after all , our people love 44. the people of other countries really have a great interest in order to have access to imam reza and be pilgrims. they are very interested and motivated. these facilities that are being provided are all in the service of this. it all happened at the right time in my opinion.
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that we can actually increase flights to ilam up to 148 flights per week, approximately 20-21 flights per day. well, this is a very important matter. in my north , we are the same in the case of hajj, and i am the same. here, i must sincerely thank our loved ones in the air department and mr. bisafash, it was becoming an issue , finally, the extreme heat of the proximity to the muharram days, if our pilgrims stay in saudi arabia , could create a problem, and people really get bored after performing the hajj. it is less because there are hard days and after all, hajj itself is one of the heaviest acts of worship it was very difficult for my people, i really
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sincerely thank you. well , it was resolved. the development of the country is the balanced development of the country. the most important tool is actually the use of this country's geographical location, well, we have this god-given blessing, on both sides of the sea, 15 neighboring countries, close to 600,600, and there are a million people in this complex of iran, in the middle of these organizations, so the most basic need to use this capacity is this discussion. transport that i thank you to our loved ones. in the ministry of roads and transport , we hope, god willing, that the same path will be followed in the new government, and we as the government
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are definitely ready to provide whatever support is necessary for the success of the new government. this is also one of the positive points of ayatollah raisiyeh's government, which we are approaching the last days of the government today. it's like the first day, in fact , the government organization is working in all its dimensions , you can see today, the same way in the ministry of transport, the same way in the ministry of health , the same way in the ministry of agriculture, the same way in the ministry of position. in other words, the whole government organization is still working. we hope, god willing, that god will bring prosperity and comfort to all our people, and peace be upon you and god's mercy.
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al-kasr ta'u hazdini's idea of ​​the cameo is the one who portrays the least, the least, the least, then, by god, there are many.
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you can buy insurance online through didat application and agencies all over the country. do you want to read? the branches of shahr home appliances and shahr bosh tehran, the central branch after azadi square, facing tehran, safar hor branch, below har square, the west branch 15 km of the road for the branch. isfahan
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, imam khomeini street, nafesh mino, babolsar branch, km. 8 , babol road, babolsar, sari branch, km. 7 , sari qaimshahr highway, tehran, isfahan and mazandaran branches, the host of shamaym, a specialized reference for carpets and household appliances in shahr. let's bring the flow of life to all of iran from house to house with the optimal use of electricity. with you, iran is bright . this is a sports equipment store in a large iranian store , where you can easily
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buy your favorite sports equipment. choose from all these eye-catching varieties, then at an incredible price, with long-term installments and free home delivery take it as easily as sports equipment store in sarai big iranian big iranian store in the cities of qom , isfahan and the only branch in tehran in sarah afsarieh.
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a brief summary of dr. salam's programs and this is the release of a new narrative book and the showing of the movie "col. seria" on azizan salam tv
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. the new series of dr. salam program is going to be much different than before.


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