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tv   [untitled]    July 27, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm IRST

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much more than long, if you get into the habit of removing unused electrical appliances from the electrical outlet and be very careful when buying them , you will see that you are not only doing a great favor to your pocket, but also to the preservation of the environment and vital resources of the country. we have taken a big step , we will take ahan pirom from all enemies. our leadership line is laila laila laila laila laila laila fahdeh wahda wahle ahla andana andana andana andana ahla naftreh la shahid la shahid no
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permission has not been issued to increase the price of cars. at the moment , iran khodro and saipa have not been given any permission to increase the price and no official notification has been given. the spokesperson of the competition council also reacted to the actions of some companies regarding the increase in the price of manufactured cars . due to the significant increase
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in public complaints regarding the increase in the factory price of some automobile products, the national competition center is investigating how to calculate the price of these cars and will submit its report to the competition council based on resolution 633. ok, the council will deal with it. historical landscape of hakaman. mataneh was registered globally in the 46th meeting of the committee the unesco world heritage, which started working in india this year , has reached the hekmatane historical landscape register. with hekmatane's global registration, 28 works from iran have been registered worldwide. this list includes 26 cultural heritage works and two natural heritage works . in the wake of continued extreme heat and in order to.
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protecting the health of citizens, managing energy consumption, all government offices and banks across the country will be closed tomorrow, sunday, august 7. tawanir company asked the people to save money when the electricity consumption reaches 80,000 megawatts in order to maintain the stability of the electricity grid. according to the ceo of tawanir company correct use of coolers saves more than 4 thousand megawatts of electricity. it is possible that all the personnel of the electricity industry are listening and are actually ready to provide service. they are trying to ensure that the maximum capacity of the power plants is in the circuit. compatriots, in this period, as always, should cooperate with the electricity industry so that we can provide the service in the best interest. according to the report of the general manager
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of the intelligence and new technologies office of novin tavanir , after 10:00 am and after the work of the offices, more than a thousand megawatts of electricity have been saved. all 70,000 offices in the country are being monitored online. any department or organization that does not comply will be punished after the power cut warning. i am from all the respected officials. the energy of office managers, those who leave the office and , god forbid , turn on the air conditioners by mistake, i request that they definitely manage it, because it is possible that the smart meters will cut off the load automatically from a distance and this will cause damage to their equipment is computer systems and others. according to the meteorological organization the hot weather will remain in the country until tomorrow. dehloran
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, omidiye, brazjan, delgan, shahdad, bafaq, tabas, qom, and pol dokhtar were among the cities that experienced temperatures above 45 degrees. meteorologists are with us to provide us with more information about the country's weather, especially the temperature , mr. sarkadeh. greetings , the weather may be cooler from monday. thank you, mr. zahourian . in general, if i want to say, from monday to tuesday, something between 2 and 3 degrees. the decrease in temperature will affect the entire country tomorrow will also be a hot day, today the temperature in tehran is 42 degrees celsius, more than 20 cities and stations in the country have temperatures above 40 degrees celsius today, and it is predicted
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that we will have the same conditions tomorrow, which in addition to the fact that now it can be dangerous. in any case, a fire or any other situation other than a forest fire has the risk of heat , the uv index will be high from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. we should avoid outdoor activities during this time, but it may rain at this time scattered rain. in the northern regions of the country, these rains will cause the temperature to drop by two or three degrees in the central regions of the country from monday, and this drop in temperature will be greater in the caspian sea, that is, gila, mazandan and golestan, that is, it will be 56 degrees from tomorrow. it will start to rain sporadically for tomorrow
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, usually in the afternoon in ardabil province, north of west azarbaijan province and east in gilan province , mazandaran and golestan. we have it, although rain also happens for some places in the central alborz heights located in the north of tehran province, qazvin al-albar zanjan and north of semnan, for north khorasan , we have more scattered showers for tomorrow and pasurdar , let's come to the southern areas, where we still have showers after arat, especially in the heights of kerman , hormozgan, and south of sistan baluchistan, for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow after the rain. what is most felt is the wind, strong wind that causes dust production and reduces air quality, where in the north of sistan baluchistan, which is the center of wind blowing and pollen production, i.e. zabul region, where we have the yellow color, the same intensity for south khorasan.
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less will happen in kerman province the southern slopes of elbert, south of semnan, tehran , central qom province, isfahan, yazd, yazd. from tomorrow's wind , the opposite point, i.e. southwest, in khuzestan province of ilam, in addition to the dust blowing from iraq, we also have waves for tomorrow in the persian gulf, the gates of oman and the strait of hormuz . the wave height reaches one and a half meters. the reason is the wind of 24 knots, which will happen tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, the caspian sea is also rough. with this wave, the temperature of tehran will be one and a half meters tomorrow if we are lucky, you will not reach 42, you will definitely reach 41. dear mr. zorim, we are with you. thank you very much , mr. sarkode, weather expert
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. this ceremony will start tomorrow at 10:00 am in imam khomeini hosseini with the presence of national and military officials, university and college professors, representatives of various guilds, a group of martyrs' families and ambassadors residing in tehran. the swearing-in ceremony of the president-elect was also held on tuesday with the presence of a number of military and national officials and foreign guests in sahan. the islamic council will be held. mr. mezikian said: after the swearing-in ceremony, the cabinet will go to the parliament as soon as possible. is introduced. several airport and railway projects in the country were launched online with the presence of the acting president. the new passenger terminals of ramsar and ilam airports, as well as the two-lane construction
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of the remaining 40 km of the ahvaz-andimeshk railway line , were among the plans that were inaugurated today by the order of mr. mokhbar. in this ceremony, the head of the presidency said that the martyred president correctly recognized the development of transportation in the country as the main platform for the country's development gave mr. mokhbar also pointed out that with the opening of flights to ilam airport on the 21st . the flight will increase to 148 flights per week , he said: we hope that the development of transit and roads will be followed in the new government to be fair, the countries of the region also have the biggest and most important interest in their follow-up point regarding the interaction with iran . transit is a very important issue for all countries in the region. finally, north facing south.
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delivering the so-called caspian waters to the persian gulf, the sea of ​​oman, and the indian ocean , both in terms of time and cost. in terms of the speed that can actually be carried out in the transfer of cargo and the development that it had for all countries, both us and them, the greatest pressure was here. the preparation of 14 domestic airlines and 2 foreign companies for arbaeen flights this year, the ceo of imam khomeini airport city announced the readiness to operate 4 thousand flights from imam airport during the arbaeen period and said that the salam terminal parking lot has the capacity to park 11,000 cars for pilgrims for free. there is. the sale of arbaeen bus tickets is limited to the 3 northern borders of tamrchin, bashmagh and khosravi, starting today.
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became. according to the general director of passenger transport of the road organization, the sale of bus tickets to the six western borders will start in the country from august 10 after the price is determined. chief justice of kerman province, referring to the football corruption case, said: out of the 18 defendants in this case, managers are included. the egyptian club federation and two members of the media were sent to prison. out of these 18 people, about 9 of them have been questioned and investigated by the judicial system in rafsanjan. and out of these 9 people, two of them are still in prison and under arrest. 7 other people with dates proper supply. are released and available to the judicial system. there are 9 other people who were mentioned.
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and because they still have a deadline to refer to the judicial system. they will definitely be present within the announced deadline and the necessary investigations and explanations will be investigated from them. of these 18 people who were investigated, if i want, i can tell them separately. 6 of these are companions. they are media , that is, they are active in the media complex. the media i am referring to is virtual media , written media that are actually active in relation to sports, and from the national media, both at the national level and at the level of the province, we do not have anyone as a defendant in this case. the implementer of the wheat self-sufficiency plan and agricultural jihad
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announced the guaranteed purchase of 937,000 tons of surplus wheat for the needs of farmers until this morning. mr. sohrabi announced the value of purchased wheat at 164 thousand billion tomans and said that 53.2/10 thousand billion tomans have been paid to farmers. according to the manager of the wheat self-sufficiency plan of the ministry of agricultural jihad, this amount of guaranteed purchase in moga shows an increase of 16% with the same period of the last crop year. mr. sohrabi continued on the continuation of wheat harvesting operations in the provinces of ba cold climate announced. in the latest crime, the zionists targeted a residential building in the southern city of khanyounes with an air attack. in today's attacks on this city, at least 23 people were martyred and more than 89 people were injured. in another crime
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, at least 30 people were martyred and more than 100 people were injured in the bombing of a school housing refugees in the central city of deir al-bala, some of whom are children. at least 11 people were martyred in the rain and shelling in other areas of the gaza strip. the zionist regime fighters also attacked kafr kala in the southeast of lebanon with heavy missiles. at the same time, the zionist army published questionable images he claimed that the enteh drone
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had intercepted hezbollah over its oil and gas working area in the mediterranean sea. you can now see the smoke caused by the heavy rockets of the zionist regime's fighters hitting the kafarkala area in the south-east of lebanon. the artillery of the zionist regime has also attacked two areas of the border of odysseh. it was completely destroyed and every house was damaged between 15 and 20 percent. lebanon's hezbollah responded to these attacks by using guided missiles and spying equipment at the miskaf base jardah base was targeted by zionist soldiers. the zionist regime's army, by releasing images , claimed to
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have intercepted hezbollah's endah uav over its oil and gas working area in the mediterranean sea. the media of the zionist regime criticizes the published images, announcing that the published images do not show exactly where the end of hezbollah's drone was intercepted. ma'ariv to describe the situation these days in the occupied town of metula in northern palestine. previously, it was reported that more than 30% of the residents of the north of the occupied territories who were forced to leave these areas due to hezbollah attacks
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will never return to these settlements. to date , more than 1,500 buildings and vehicles have been targeted in the northern areas of occupied palestine , shutting down 6 industrial areas and destroying hundreds of job centers. the french national railway company announced the rail disruption that started yesterday after the attack on the high-speed train network of this country existence it will continue at least until tomorrow. the movement of a large number of trains in some routes of this country is still stopped. all trains are delayed by two hours. yesterday morning, all the fiber cables that passed through the vicinity of different routes and ensured the transmission of safety information for drivers, including red lights
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, were cut and set on fire. following this attack , thousands of travelers in france. they wandered. french authorities have called this attack planned and sabotaged. the paris prosecutor's office has started an investigation. artificial intelligence to it tells you which sport is right for you. on the sidelines of the olympic games, intel technology company has created a space for spectators to find out using artificial intelligence technology. which sport with special. in this space, people's body sizes are scanned and recorded by entering a dark room with special cameras . also, people's physical capabilities are tested by performing movements similar to running and also by touching the sensors in it. next , by collecting and analyzing the body's strengths and weaknesses, artificial intelligence tells people in which one of the
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sports fields they are most capable. dear viewers of thank you for your support. while saying goodbye, i invite you to be a viewer of the news of the field . in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad, dear viewers of khabar salam network . have a good time. the second summer school of dar al-alam will start today in holy mashhad. the development and expansion of religious schools with the message of ayatollah makarem shirazi, the authority of imitation, the second course of the dar al-alam summer school
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, or the scholarly retreat of students, has started in the holy shrine of razavi . about 1,800 people from the honorable people have registered for this course, the number of people we serve is about 800. one of the brothers and sisters. a group of brothers and sisters from the seminaries of najaf and lebanon we are at their service, a group of about 30 people , 250 of our sisters from najaf and lebanon, and the rest of our brothers, who are respected students from all over the country , and we have planned to hold summer schools since last year with the proposal of astan quds razavi and with the attendance of 500 students. men and women were held and this year also from the 6th of august. it lasts for 2 weeks. in the form of five schools, the school of literature and linguistics, the school of logic and methodology, the school of quran and hadith, the school of intellectual sciences, and the school of jurisprudence and principles.
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students of the four fields, students and researchers of centers, institutes and specialized institutions of elite seminaries and professors preparatory level and advanced level are among the people present in this summer course. in the second period. dar al-alam summer school students benefit from the quranic jurisprudential discussions of three taqlid authorities and 60 prominent professors from the seminaries of khorasan, qom and tehran. farshid abdi of mashhad tv news agency. ayatollah nouri hamdani from the taqlid authority, qom seminary teachers' community and ahl al-bayt world assembly in separate statements of the police attack. to the islamic center of hamburg and condemning its closure. in these statements , pointing out that the attack on this religious center is against human rights, a clear violation of human rights and freedoms
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the international forums and the diplomatic system of our country have been asked to take a proper response to this incident. and a narrative of the life of an active friday imam who has a hand in fire in various fields. this is muhammad parramzan. i am the son of one of the villages of babol city, where i am the imam of the friday section of getab. this thoughtful and creative friday imam produces more than thirty new products in his life of about 200 meters. teaching and promotional activities that have the theme as the focus, besides growing vegetables, all kinds of vegetables, tomatoes, green tomatoes, peppers of all kinds. fruits like summer fruits, fruit black root trees. hojjat-ul-islam par ramadan
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produces zero to 100 rice by himself. if the imam of juma himself with his own intervals with his own sweat and code of yamin, if he works hard , his social status will be much higher, it is empathy in sorrows and sorrows. in challenges and deprivations , imam juma should be in the hearts of the people and people should feel him in their hearts. the presence of imam juma in ghatab district is colorful among teenagers and young people. it is rare that the school is open during school days. i go to school one day, not to the extent of compliments or, for example, to get information, not to the extent. that every one class is about 50 minutes a day . i attend one of the classes from elementary to high school to second high school. following up on people's problems during the week
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is one of the characteristics of this busy friday imam. we have family problems, for example, in the villages we say , "sir, why, for example, this sister and this one have problems with each other, why do these children, for example , have problems with their parents ." have a good time with your companion and god bless you.
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it could be real as simple as that, it is possible online purchase of insurance through didat application and agencies all over the country. do you want to read?
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buying from kavir motor is easier than ever, a convenient purchase without a check, without a guarantor, without going to the bank in person, with a 36-month bank facility has started in all kabir motor stores across the country. for more information, visit the exhibitions
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. take a look at night. our suggestion is to use adamsay containing xyliton without sugar. on the other side of the fence, look, the pleasure of meeting is there, you sit.


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