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tv   [untitled]    July 28, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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among the officials of the zionist regime, there are threats to announce that they will launch an unprecedented attack against lebanon. the second point is that hezbollah emphasized and they also know that if there is an attack on lebanon or if sensitive centers are targeted, hezbollah will definitely respond. the collection of these two issues is actually the third point. if this issue leads to a large-scale war , the conditions and results of this war may be completely unprecedented for the zionist regime. in 206 ad, during the 33-day war, hezbollah acted defensively . in a large-scale war, if it happens, hezbollah will definitely defense will not work only, it is possible that the war will go to the phase of offensive operations. hizbollah into
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the occupied palestine and definitely if this happens we will witness the fundamental events and developments of the existence that the october 7 operation in the southern front of the occupied palestine will be a very small event compared to that. special thanks to mr. hosseini , sada wasima news agency reporter in beirut. thank you for your support, dear viewers, the cry of support for palestine at the french olympic games was determined. the spectators met the parade teams. with the people who support palestine in this game by chanting slogans palestine declared solidarity.
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as a sign of solidarity with palestine and gaza, a number of young french people raised the palestinian flag on a tall building near the opening venue of the olympic games. however, at the same time as the olympic games in paris, parts of this city fell into darkness last night due to a power cut. this incident occurred after the attack on the french train network. the media did not call the power outage widespread in paris. the french electricity company confirmed the power outage in the country's capital without mentioning the details and the cause of the blackout . on friday morning, all the fiber cables that passed through the vicinity of the seri and sir trains were cut french authorities
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called the attack planned and sabotaged. thank you very much for your companion. have a nice day. god bless you.
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a few plans have come up and have been reviewed. a few plans for movies and serials have been discussed. in fact, the participation should be complete. a meeting was held with sedazima . a meeting was held with the art department. in the field of work culture, i am afraid that there is a lot of material, so there will not be time for the rest of the topics. you also mentioned that document, which is in this section. yes, the work culture document is correct. yes, the work culture document is for all organizations. done it was communicated by the council of public culture with the signature of the president of the council of public culture, who is the honorable minister of culture and islamic guidance, and in fact, the interview of the session of march 14, 142, in fact, to all institutions, in fact, we did something at the beginning, in fact, the beginning of the field of social culture transactions. we
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have identified about 15 key issues from polling among 120 elite activists of the labor and production community . . what is sports social culture? what is an explanation? what is the explanation of work culture? what is general culture? what is the social sphere? alhamdulillah, for the first time, we have a 3-year strategic document, which specifies the task of the social culture missions, its target audience, and the central programs , which is actually a beacon in the field of social culture and sports of the ministry of cooperation, labor and social welfare. it is forever so that it can actually be done, the priority is after the seven or eight months that we were established. when i asked how you received the opinions of the workers
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, you said that you asked in the virtual space on your personal page and that the workers are coming this way, not only you. the issue of the type of interaction of workers with the deputy minister. it is important to be able to communicate with your excellency in a personal space. in addition to this, what other points do the workers raise with you? in fact, first of all, one of the things we constantly do is to visit the factory where we go to communicate. one of the tasks we get is that we traveled to each province and had a meeting with the activists of the labor and production community , that is, the activists of organizations, sports groups , cultural liaisons of companies. for example, a group of 100 people was formed in each province. we went at all an assessment of the state of the cultural, social, sports field of the production society of the province. we held at least 10 of these meetings in 10 provinces, where all these activists gathered, but we reviewed the
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cultural, social and sports issues in the society other than the issue you mentioned in the discussion of space, if there is an opportunity, i am the subject of work culture. there is another point that you can ask. if not, we should send it to the field of work culture. in my opinion, because i want to deal with other issues, i will just say one sentence from the leader of the revolution. i think it is a very important issue. he has a very, very important sentence in the culture of work. my opinion is very key and the basis of our movement is that the most important obstacles to production are more than operational and material obstacles, and like these , it is a cultural basis. the problem is cultural barriers. the feeling of hopelessness, the feeling of helplessness, the feeling of no future, boredom, apathy, harmful hobbies and so on, these really hinder the progress of production work. that is , hazrat agha raises cultural barriers as the most important obstacle to production, and the current of the national movement to promote
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work culture and try to answer this strategic issue of the country that hazrat agha as the most important obstacles to the work culture document that we talked about is actually an answer to. this concern has been raised for many years, and sir, in different years, sir, like an expert on work culture, every year he talks about work culture, he talks about skill training , he talks about job opportunities, he talks about job security, he talks about various issues that can have an effect. in the field of work culture, sir, he said that islam is an intrinsic value for action. in this speech, let 's talk about sports in the very old days . that is , there is a federation only for labor sports the federation actually has a secretariat of the board of trustees of the sports groups for
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the workers' specific sports groups. this is actually a special thing that is specific to the working community of our labor sports federation. how many branches of these associations do we have, unlike many federations, there is a branch of that branch, not here , there are 27 branches of associations, that is, an association that works only in the labor field in that branch, and the associations are related to the main sports fields. yes, yes, all our fields are 27. we have almost most of the frequently used fields, and in fact, we have 27 presidents of the association very seriously in the national province, we have all our provinces, some of them have 20 to 15 to 25 provincial associations, that is, yes it is you, we have 31 provincial sports boards, that is, all our provinces have provincial labor sports boards, we have about 126 national competitions, 448 provincial competitions, 110 city competitions and 114 public events in this
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in the 13th government, 34 new sports venues were added to the 280 sports venues. we had 80 sports venues in the country, and 34 new sports venues were added to them in this government. we started the national league for the first time , and god willing, in another month, the first of them will be the tournament the first national league of table tennis will be held in the working class of the country. this year, we have 3 national leagues in the eyes of the national league. in fact, rives tennis has a national futsal league and a national league specially for the working and production community, and in fact, there are special events in the atmosphere of working class sports. one of the main approaches in the field of labor sports. towards the universalization of sports, therefore, culture building in the field of labor sports is one
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of the most important issues, but we also consider the summit, and there are national championships , provincial championships, and transnational, i.e. international, we have 150 international medals that are this 3 years while working on the production front, our worker has been able to compete in world sports competitions as well. he won positions in various disciplines, most of the disciplines, now i am afraid to name the disciplines, some disciplines, but they were different disciplines, that is, we are in any field whose world championships are held in the field of labor , that is, sometimes it is company competitions, sometimes it is world labor championships, but for example , there were different fields of tennis, swimming , beach volleyball, and futsal. if the culture of sports in the work society
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today, we have about 600,000 official athletes of the working community. in fact, this promotion of sports in the society will cause harm to employers if they come to the perception that many employers come to the perception that if sports take place in that environment, there will be happiness. occupational injuries will decrease, even actual injuries, which may be technical injuries, will also decrease, and his cheerfulness will actually cause fewer vacations and fewer illnesses, and these are issues that are actually growth itself is a product, not that for that person he is not a single person, he is a person who is the main actor of this 60 thousands of people follow sports professionally , yes, yes, they participate in competitions, but there are actually many events that we
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actually have sports on mondays. among them, they participate in the morning sports programs and the forms of those 280 sports spaces that you mentioned, please explain in which musana these spaces are and how they are, and also because you use the interpretation of advanced sports space in this regard. have you seen what facilities are available to sports workers in almost most of them? provinces. we have a sports complex, mostly, now some provinces have more, some provinces have less. now, for some reasons, because for example, this is a legal provision , it must be followed up. the new ones that are established are designed based on that , but almost in most of the provinces we have them. some provinces have reached a certain level, but some provinces are actually followed up. but in these complexes , they usually have a multi-view hall, usually there is a swimming pool, usually a lawn hall next. natural, some artificial
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there are, therefore, sometimes there are martial arts, so these different possibilities are actually most of the disciplines, most of the disciplines that the labor community is related to, in fact, we have international interactions here, because you mentioned that yes, other sports are competitions with the labor associations of our companies are a collection, in fact, the associations are members of some of these, in fact , there are also national and international associations that are actually present there . you also follow this interaction in the form of work culture. it's taken into the work culture of some people like us in the field of labor sports , we have had more than 20 years of sports for many years, 10. we have the year of the labor sports federation, so in the field of culture, things have been done, but they are systematic, and with this model
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we are going now, it is actually the beginning of a movement that this sports interaction that exists can be effective, yes , because one of the topics it follows is this topic. in which sectors has the growth of sports in labor sports been more, maybe you had a decreasing trend, see that we had a special increase in most of our events.
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the narration of a camp in bazarash called omid the creation and jihad of the followers of hazrat zainab, and here are the basic questions, the main issues, those main approaches that are questions and need clarification, studies were conducted, and in the first stage, the employees of the ministry and subordinate organizations, then the labor community, courses and trainings were held. in fact , the answer is a task that took a comprehensive knowledge competition, that is, a competition was held about these questions, a league like a league was held, for example, different teams could participate and discuss these questions with each other and their best it should be clear that we had a search called jihadists explanation, and in fact, those who are active themselves, i.e. clarification, they also came
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to be in a network, and they were given special training so that they can be effective in the discussion of jah tebinin. we had about 600,000 hours of these trainings in the field, in fact jihad tabeen throughout the working society, yes, in the field of population youth because it is a very important issue and we know that the population youth issue is one of the strategic issues of the country. if it is not paid and if we ca n't use this population window that is now, it is definitely one of the serious risks. it exists for the country it has an effect on the work culture , it has an effect on the production, it has an effect on the workforce, the issue of the youth of the population has an effect in many areas , i don't want to go into detail about the population, with the planning of dr. mortazavi and his concern, the issue of the youth camp of the population was formed in the ministry of social cooperation. 2 years ago, when this camp was formed, it actually
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followed several axes, one of them was the legal assignments that the national headquarters demanded of us regarding the youth of the population and the law of the youth of the population . there was a series the public cultural works that were done in the society, in fact, the ministry of home affairs, i don't want to explain all this, but alhamdulillah, this camp was formed in all the organizations in all the provinces, the people are determined to follow the issue, and the legal and general tasks to support adoption there , the face method is very bold and serious, one of the works that got a lot of success, now the media is also working on the method of free social insurance coverage for housewives with three children, and most of them were villagers and nomads, which was done in the month of march, the end of the year, in fact, 1402. it took place there and two and a half million people
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the audience actually believes that these free coverages are actually social insurance. it means that it is actually a very big event that helps women who are actually in those areas and have three or more children and are housewives, measures like actually helping one million mothers with children under the age of two that kalaberg helped there. in the discussion of welfare , there are various issues in the discussion, in fact, making infertility treatment free of charge, because all the departments are against this arrangement, all the subordinate organizations operate under this camp, and all the measures have been taken, but these measures that it took place, in fact, there was a culture building, discourse building, and mental untying of the family and those who have questions about this issue, why, for example, the damage that exists , the concerns they have about the issue of population increase, and
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the explanation of the strategic importance that the issue of the youth of the population was also mentioned in the medical debate, and it became an issue among the activists, managers, and we , alhamdulillah, after this course, were able to rank second among all the executive bodies of the country, all the ministries of housing, organizations subordinate to the governorates, all of them. the country has allocated the national youth headquarters of the population in fact, the ministry of labor cooperation and social welfare was honored in the presence of mr. president, and this happened the day before the martyrdom of hajj mr. raisi , that is, the day after this day was the day that you should say in both spheres, considering this very trend. it's good that you have explained both jihad tabayin camp and the issue of the youth of the population, what is your plan to strengthen this direction, yes, we are in the area of ​​the youth of the population, in addition to the continuation of the discussion of following up on the legal duties that for the first time both the budget and the attraction have been attracted. it was for the first time in 1402 , it did not happen at all in 1401 because of the budget
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it had a social weight . the budget that happened this year, 1403 , started this special approach to continue those tasks that have been done, increase the quantity of those that have not been done, god willing, a path will be created for it. the questions of the field discussions that exist, the narration of the functions of the piece of discussion, this is one of the topics of the work of the headquarters, the narration of the progress, that is, the narration of the progress of the actions and works that have been done there, if there is time, i will work for a week, for a few minutes, it is part of the national programs. and the important constant we have this event in the ministry of labor during the year , the most important event of the ministry of cooperative karfa. this is in the name of worker's week, which for one week actually becomes the first issue of the country, the field of work and workers and efforts in this event, well , it has been in previous years, for many years, this
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has been worker's week, for example, but what happened in this government is a quantitative and qualitative change in the culture in worker's week happened, for example, let me give you an example. one of the developments was that we had the thanksgiving festival , we had the renewal of the elite workers in different ways this year. in order for him to be able to nominate himself, it was a special event that about 15-16 million text messages were sent to workers saying, sir, you can nominate yourself for this job. another thing happened, changes in the arbitration and it took 6 months. this process is the process of selecting these workers. the elite lasts for 6 months and then it is held in the province . we have come to the awards and for the first time in this area, in fact , the elite workers who were selected in the elite foundation
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became official, that is , this did not happen before. darsha was chosen for the first time by the community the intelligent elite of the production society decided from the elite foundation, that is, this society is the wrong elite. the next thing that happened was actually its chosen ones. their plans were examined and supported by the elite foundation in a special line , and a secretariat and a committee called the elite support committee were formed in may of this year after the words of hazrat agha who said that there are superior talents. supported, it happened there that we could organize the methods of supporting the elites , and in fact, this is where our paradise army was formed. it was designed for this case, in fact, your programs are limited. it didn't last for a week . we are following the programs throughout the year. this is actually a festival of gratitude, but where did the festival of gratitude end? it ended with the meeting with the martyred president, that is, we
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served mr. raisi for 3 consecutive years, the honorable president, and out of these 24 workers. the chosen ones were appreciated for their presence, that was the end of the thanksgiving festival here, and the interesting thing was that, unlike all the previous years, usually one or two people could raise some points in front of mr. president, with the welcome that mr. haj had and the tact that they have to accompany and agree to the fact that every year we have 6 people in this festival, now 5 this year and last year 6 people to the show because one of the dignitaries did not make it to that program every year 6 people from different tastes, this is a very important issue, different tastes and various labor representatives in fact. representatives of the elites, representatives of various organizations, representatives of retirees , representatives of employers in different ways, representing the labor and
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production community in direct presence with the president to raise their issues. no year has had this history. i have one minute to sum up the last point at the same time. i will say the last point about labor week differently. dozens of programs in the province and dozens of national programs in different forms in labor organizations. the labor mobilization of different groups in different rescue factories was carried out, and the culmination of this event was the meeting with hazrat agha . the meeting of hazrat agha was held this year with 2,500 workers from all over the country. of these 2,500, we had about 200 last year, but the previous year was less. because of the corona company, these 2,500 people from at least 300 cities, it was important to focus on this. that every city has an ambassador to meet mr. this means that we are 300 people from all over the country and in fact, different layers of industrial services. pakban
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baghdan, the different forms of those pictures, if friends see a good thing happened there, in the area of ​​meeting with hazrat agha and hazrat agha, they always say that i am happy that labor week exists and i can talk to the workers, thank you very much sir chekshian, deputy minister of culture and social affairs, minister of labor cooperation and social welfare , thank you for your presence in the first page program . dear viewers , have a good and peaceful night with this program. may god protect you all. it made a difference, it didn't make a difference, it made a difference, it didn't make a difference.
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it didn't matter, yes, it did make a difference to give light to our countrymen with optimal energy consumption. dear retired people, we have an appointment here in two hours. they told us that everything can be done in installments . yes, it is with the floor price. i said that i don't have a check. i will go in the car until you come. why are you going? they said that they don't want a check. he doesn't
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want to. let me go see. do you have a coin in my hand? i want to pay in advance . i dare not ask for an advance. sir, this is a guarantor. the guarantor here does not want a guarantor at all. we did not go to the bank. gentlemen, there is no need to go to the bank. a special purchase for the dear retirees of social security. from the city of household appliances, purchase in installments without a check without a guarantor. no prepayment, no need to go to shahr bank for household appliances, a specialized reference for household appliances , after azadi square, in front of tehran, at the washland new house prize draw festival. congratulations , the first place prize is a two-bedroom apartment, a car, one billion rials in cash and 10 washland's monthly salary year is a land full of prizes. wow
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, i can't believe it. yes, it was only a while ago. if you wanted to buy something, you had to spend a lot of time to go and look around, and then reach the market, the market of each one . beside me, jamen, it got better. we came to serah afsariye. it got better . we came to sarai irani, the big iranian store, the only tehran branch in serah afsariye, with good prices. unbreakable and long-term photos and without advance payment in large iranian houses in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only branch in tehran in serah afsarieh.
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welcome to half day news. god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad. the supreme leader of the revolution
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appointed mr. masoud al-mazikian as the ninth president of the islamic republic of iran by canceling the vote of the nation. ayatollah khamenei, the country's priority today is economic issues. the emphasis of the leader of the revolution on the use of


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