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tv   [untitled]    July 28, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm IRST

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light and a light and small bedding is recommended . suitable sunglasses help to prevent dust and heat to maintain eye health. using the right sunscreen and reapplying it every two hours helps prevent sunburn . keep in mind that continuous walking without taking into account the time of rest can be dangerous for your health and the children and other people who are with you. so be sure to rest at appropriate intervals. wash the nose daily with serum. due to high dust and prevention of respiratory diseases, it is recommended to brush your teeth with water use healthy water such as packaged water or network water . do not use spring or river water for drinking. to prevent the transmission of diseases , avoid eating in a common container. it is unsanitary to put glasses and pitchers into containers that have water and syrup inside them , as well as from consuming ice that is stored in unsanitary conditions and on the floor.
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avoid crushing. do not eat open foods that are exposed to air and dust. do not eat vegetables and salad at all, and if you eat fruit be sure to peel them and use them. and finally, note that hot foods are healthier than cold foods. because the possibility of poisoning with them is less. cooked foods should not be kept at room temperature for more than two hours and should not be heated more than once. so don't keep the cooked food for the next meals. and do not consume even after heating. if you have a special disease or are elderly, it is necessary to have a copy of your medical record and insurance book with you. in the name of god light, in the name of god light, in the name of god light. in the name of god, light.
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god is great, god is great, god is great, god is great i bear witness that there is no god but allah. i bear witness that there is no god but allah. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god.
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i bear witness that allah is the most high. hai ali al salah hai ali al falah hai ali al falah
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god bless you, god bless you, god bless you. there is no god but god, there is no god but god.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings to you , dear compatriots, welcome to the first page program, according to the routine of another servant of the iranian nation , they stand in front of the camera to
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talk about policies, strategies, and of course, decisions that affect people's lives, especially in times that suffered crisis, the red crescent society of the islamic republic of iran is very effective, a society that comes to their aid when people face a crisis and become homeless or need help, and of course mr. dr. kolivand, chairman. the red crescent society of the islamic republic of iran is in front of the camera. welcome to the program on the first page. in the name
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of allah, the most merciful. we will see the red crescent crowd and then, god willing, we will talk communication with the activities that the population. they have red in the country. one of the biggest and most extensive natural events in 1402 was the flood in sistan baluchistan, which affected 889 villages simultaneously and affected 70,949 people in the form of 17 families, including 12 people who lost 20 cars in sila. were caught iranian red crescent rescuers were trained in this incident with 110 rescue vehicles, 10 boats and 1240 rescuers. they rushed to help the people and settled 1,456 families, which included 658 people, at the first opportunity
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. also following the call of the red crescent for helping the flood-affected people , people's help is deposited into the account of this population and it reached them in the form of professional help according to the needs of the people of the region. in total, in 1402, 6323 people affected by accidents benefited from red crescent rescue services. there are 13,729 people who were stuck on the road due to the special circumstances of javaid and have used emergency accommodation services. also, 2,395 people who were injured have been taken to medical centers by paramedics, and 2,275 people have also received outpatient medical services. the opinion of the service is also in the continuation of the survey of the opinion of water for for the sixth year in a row
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, it was hosted by the two provinces of sistan baluchistan and south khorasan so that 1699 people benefited from the services and 13 thanks to you for your good plan regarding hajj. dear pilgrims, based on the recipe coordinated by the academy of medical sciences and
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approved by hazrat hojjat-ul-islam wal-muslimin, mr. nawab , we performed the tests and examinations of our pilgrims based on it, and alhamdulillah, we were able to recruit a good group of doctors. to hajj we had a main center in madinah and several round-the-clock clinics that served the pilgrims in makkah. we had a well-equipped hospital with an icu, an icu, a sister ward , a brother ward, a radiology sonography , an emergency room, a pharmacy, and many excellent and clean facilities. and besides that, it was arranged in all the hotel complexes that accommodate our pilgrims, or in the clinic or in the hospital. and some of us had round-the-clock clinics that served dear pilgrims. if
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a pilgrim needed specialized services , he would definitely be referred to our hospital through our clinic and doctors, where he would receive his main services. if there was a need for more services , we would definitely have used saudi hospitals. during my trip, i immediately had a meeting with the head of the red red society of saudi arabia. we also received good facilities from them, so we also had a meeting with the head of health care in the makkah region. there, the head of noor hospital was also invited. regarding the pilgrims who were hospitalized and needed surgery , we did the necessary follow -up. it was busy, they didn't have time to act quickly , and outside of my turn, i suggested to this dear colleague that if necessary, i would accompany him. we have good and qualified surgeons who can
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help you and do voluntary work without any inconvenience and help all the victims who are here , within 24 hours and 48 hours they should perform surgery and send them to hajj, god willing. a condition was prepared for all our patients, their surgery and their main work were done the same night, and we did not have a patient who did not want to be embarrassed because of the doctor's surgery. how many people did you provide services to? we have served more than 1 million 500 thousand the number of deaths in our service was less than last year , last year we had about 45 deaths, this year we had 30 deaths, and the services we provided were really good. the weather was very hot , doctor, the weather was terribly hot. the number of heatstroke deaths
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in saudi arabia was very high. from that side , he has a very good experience at the hajj and pilgrimage center of the red crescent society with the ability of the doctors and medical staff who are with us, in addition to special medicines. which we go to both for the treatment of heat and for prevention and they are very helpful and fortunately my dear people helped us well because the level. information and we made them aware with the trainings we gave and the meetings that were conducted for them or the information that we used in different ways from sedasima's virtual network or different media platforms, and we used all these and informed the honorable managers of the caravan of clerics. dear caravans , dear people and my pilgrims, they obeyed. therefore , the biggest problem we had was heatstroke, which god helped, alhamdulillah. and for our pilgrims to arrive safely, of course, we
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had two very well-equipped field hospitals in arafat and in mena. our pilgrims were doctors who accompanied them with backpacks containing medical and relief items. the body must be accompanied by a medical staff. in addition , this year, alhamdulillah, the hajj organization did a good job by providing us with nine schools in very good centers and very good places, so that we can also serve the pilgrims in the nine schools , a great job. valuing haj agha nawab, making a wise plan to discuss the ceremony of the lamb from the polytheists. which is honestly a place of appreciation and thanks both the honorable president of the organization, mr. hosseini and
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hajj, mr. nawab, have done a very good job , my dear clerics, in the same way, in publishing the message of the supreme leader regarding polytheists, and they translated this message into different languages, and we, as the red crescent society, we sent the message to all heads of the red cross and red crescent. he had very good feedback, mr. dr. yes, the head of the mena red cross region gave me a message after i sent him the message of hazrat agha, they told me that this message is very good. strong and valuable or another country told me that i hajj from shariati's book i learned from you when i was young and in pilgrimage centers . unfortunately, now global arrogance is oppressing and influencing us. these messages will make us find an alliance, find unity
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, and be able to stand against oppression and arrogance. it was also that by publishing this to all the heads of the red cross and the red crescent, we were able to follow this message and publish it, which was part of our humanitarian duties. it was humanitarian and we had a duty we did it. we did it with pride. we also received very good feedbacks from various heads of the red cross and red crescent regarding the transportation of pilgrims. that they are sick and need to come to iran for further treatment , we immediately formed various commissions . our experts are very experienced experts . that the expression inside
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the country and together with the medical groups, not only that means the medical group, we supported the loved ones, some of these loved ones need to act with the support of the medical group do the days of tashriq, that is, the days that are for the day of arafah, which are the days that harm is introduced in the commissions for diagnosis in the form of ambulance buses, and previously in the form of mobile hospitals, where we converted the buses into mobile hospitals , their special departments in rome. we identified beautifully and alhamdulillah waquf. no, but optional waqf was done for them. it was heavy work. it was very hard work. alhamdulillah , god's grace was included and the colleagues of the medical center worked hard. destmarizad, i say to all my dear ones and fortunately, they provide very good services. alhamdulillah, the polls we conducted show that the most satisfied with the medical performance of hajj,
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alhamdulillah. about two weeks ago, dr. a brics class was held and you also gave a speech there. how can this be done within the framework of red crescent diplomacy ? now let's call it a name. second, what did it achieve for you as the red crescent of the islamic republic? some of the leaders of brics came to iran. in the red crescent population and there. in the presence of some of our vice-presidents, especially the international vice-president , dr. alishni, and the vice-president of health, mr. dr namdar and some other friends of mine were very happy when i explained the capacity and activities of the red crescent society to these dignitaries and they couldn't believe it at all, so in that meeting
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they suggested to us that they have two committees for which we are now a matter of election. we didn't. one was the sports and youth committee, the other was the health and humanitarian measures committee. they said you should choose one of them, so we chose the health and humanitarian measures committee . then we exchanged letters between us, asking for explanations of the axes and the activities that we did in this regard we answered them that there was an asian conference that was held in moscow on the 12th, 13th and 14th . they invited us and we went to that conference . the heads of the committees were preparing a series of provisions, which , god willing, will be signed by the honorable presidents in september. 47 paragraphs were approved there. we
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proposed the 10 clauses, and out of these ten clauses, mr. dr. did not move even a single bit, he accepted our ten clauses completely and added them. in another place, i would have liked a word from the islamic republic of iran to be in this context, i suggested considering the halal houses we have and the sanitary houses that we have said, especially regarding prevention and primary health care, well , the islamic republic of iran has a very good experience in this regard. it should be added that the countries of the brics group can also use this. accept, but one of them begged to say that if you allow us to name the country. . after all, this action is only in the islamic republic of iran , now it is not called, but this action exists, but it was added to paragraph 41 of article 41, and alhamdulillah , it was very good. at the meeting, the main speaker was the red crescent society of the islamic republic of iran, and it was very well received there, 9 of us. we made the offer alhamdulillah, 9 of our proposals were accepted in rome
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. in the afternoon , there was a discussion on climate change and tribalism. there, mrs. dr. aali shondi gave a speech. she gave a very good speech . immediately, the news agency and other members came to request meetings and various meetings. they wanted us to transfer these experiences to other countries, which we would gladly transfer to any successful experience we have. let every country have a successful experience. if it helps us , we are ready to accept and use it then there was the discussion of health and well-being, which was discussed by dr. namdar ma, vice president of health and rehabilitation of jamiat helal ahmad. he gave a very, very strong speech. he said very, very good things. in what areas does the islamic republic of iran cooperate with the brics member countries in the framework of humanitarian discussions
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under the cover of the crowd? what we discussed was medical, health and humanitarian measures, which alhamdulillah is good. it was brought up, we explained and presented it. it was great and finally, when the meeting was over, the chairman of the special meeting praised the islamic republic of iran for its activities it was very good and he had an active and powerful presence there. we also had a meeting with the ceo of rashin helicopter regarding the strengthening of our air fleet . helicopter production of helicopters in russia. well , he was the first person there who can make decisions about the production and support of helicopters . he had a direct order from mr. putin
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. we had a detailed meeting with him and we had a good understanding. and most importantly , we will do all the maintenance of our helicopter inside islamic iran they should also train our experts , make our helicopters equipped with night vision helicopters, and in addition , they should provide the new helicopters produced by mi 26 beto for two months of free training within our country and in different provinces and missions. let's test this helicopter . first of all, this helicopter only needs a pilot and a co-pilot, it doesn't need a flight engineer. the air navigation facilities are very, very well equipped , it has a high capacity, it has a capacity of 26 people, and it can
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help the hilal al-amr population very well in transferring logistics and supplies. their lines of credit should help us to renew our air fleet, which we had a very good understanding with. their team of experts visited our centers last week, and god willing , our team of experts will be sent to russia in the next two weeks for actions and follow-ups. regarding this memorandum, i think it is a very great and valuable work and it can be helpful in many crises and incidents that we are present in. look right now, in many parts of the country, our forests are on fire , and the facilities that are used to put out fires are burning. it requires facilities that for the events that happen in the mountains and many other places, we really need to strengthen our air fleet. i also
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had a meeting with mr. dr. mezikian. it is rare for people to say that i support and help the islamic republic, better to say that iran, first of all , alhamdulillah, has a very large area, which is an honor for all of us iranians, but it is also affected by some unexpected natural events such as floods and earthquakes. and landslides and these last year of course, a criminal act was also committed, and that is terrorist acts, which unfortunately happened in some parts of the event, what did the red crescent community do against these natural events and of course those that
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were behind the regime. you see, mr. doctor , one of our activities in the red crescent society is rescue activities. well , we have many other activities in social issues, especially based on the statement of the second step, we really did a lot of things. but in matters of racial relief, in addition to the fact that very good forces have been trained in the red crescent society, both our employees and our rescuers are also racial. they help us. we have general trainings and specialized and skill trainings, as well as equipping our fleet, whether it is land, air, sea , individual, or group, it doesn't matter, and replenishing our warehouses, relief warehouses. well, naturally, any incident that happens, first of all, we try we are
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trying to raise the awareness of our dear people about the risks through our halal houses , so that they know what an earthquake is, what a storm is, what a flood is, and many risks, whether man-made or unnatural , it doesn't matter. when they know these , they can prevent them. first and second, if something happened to me without my will, it would have the least damage to be if you consider the floods we had in the south of the country this year or last year , compare them with the flood that occurred in pakistan or the flood that occurred in libya. the uae came, we will not be happy, to be fair , no matter what happens anywhere, it doesn't make any difference to us, but
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i would like to ask you to compare the actions taken by the red crescent society and other organizations in the islamic republic of iran with other countries. or compare the damages we saw let's not go far away from other countries and compare it with the uae, exactly at the same time when we had a flood in sistan baluchistan, in the uae, when the flood came, their streets were closed for 5 days , their cars were covered in mud, and people were trapped . and later, when i went to help release the cars, i later had a meeting with some of the officials there. they said that the police had fined all the cars. they said, "why did you come to the street? we warned you. when we go to help people, will we fine them later ?" we want you to see what happens here i don't know, the basij army corps, popular groups, jihadist groups, the relief committee, the executive headquarters of the
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imam and many other groups are helping each other. i remember you in the same flood in sistan baluchistan. i know that taking over with the cohesion that happened produced a very good synergy and he was able to provide better services, so i think the red crescent society of the islamic republic of iran is the answer. he does a good job in the events, and we get very good satisfaction from the people, not only this service at the local, regional, national level, but also at the international level, mr. doctor, if you are careful and have the presence of mind, when we had the khuy earthquake and the weather events of khu rang, it was a
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very terrible earthquake at the same time. we were in turkey and syria. the first country that went started serving ali, who we were trapped in. we went based on the teachings of our religion. we went based on the lessons we learned from our good country leaders . if you remember, among the 100 countries that have the highest medal giving selfless service. the red crescent society of the islamic republic of iran or the oppressed people of syria, who are really war-stricken, have nothing, mr. doctor, and this terrible earthquake has caused a lot of damage to them, well, there, the red crescent society and the dear ones of the quds force , honestly, they have helped a lot in gaza, and we have not failed you. gaza, honestly, the population of the red crescent , whatever


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