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tv   [untitled]    July 30, 2024 3:30am-4:01am IRST

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it's military, now you can imagine the military spirit if it's like this. in the 30th of khordad march, i had a weapon, but alhamdulillah, it was not used, and the general line that was given to us in this regard, even before 30th of khordad, in connection with the local marches, was that the children should have cold weapons with them. that is, this issue was specifically emphasized, they wanted to kill us in the military phase with cold weapons, that is, cold weapons had become a standard for them and a channel for them to introduce children to this trend. the organization said that the entire power of the country i want it not by the people's vote, but by force, and everyone must submit to me, like a child of nonoor who says he wants everything. it is not at all right, nor
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right, nor is it logical that such a thing should be done , then it is an organization that no longer has an iranian identity. bani sadr, after five weeks of hiding in the team houses of the mojahedin organization, along with masoud rajavi, the leader of the organization. on tuesday , the 6th of august, 60, with the help of a hijacked plane piloted by behzad moeazi, the shah pilot. it left the border of iran and landed at a military airport located in homme, paris. the french government immediately granted them political asylum. they don't believe that people are following the system. this is rajavi in ​​your thoughts. when he was young, he went to prison, and then when he came
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to timi's house, or before i was imprisoned , he was never in timi's house. he was never with the society . he analyzed the society through the things he heard through his writings and the materials that came to him. he never paid attention to this fact. he did not see that people follow the system. in the name of god, light, in the name of god, light, in the name of god, light on light, in the name of god, light on light, in the name of god, light on light, in the name of god, light.
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on light, in the name of god, god is great, god is great, god is great, god is great. i testify that there is no god but god . i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger. the messenger of god
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is the witness of god, and god is the witness of god.
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good job. hai ali khair al-amal allah akbar, allah akbar, la ilaha ila allah
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, la bismillah, rahman, rahiman, god, in your hope.
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everyone is drunk and you are not a bartender, everyone is drunk. the city of berzuk is located 45 kilometers southwest of kashan city, and every year there is a long-standing tradition inherited from our ancestors. simultaneously with the sixth day of martyrdom. hazrat aba abdullah al-hussein, a traditional religious ceremony is held under the title of barakat
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. my oppressor hossein, my oppressor hossein , messtan, everyone has fallen and you are not a bartender. drunken people are all fallen, and
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you are not a bartender. not one flower is left for a gardener, not one flower is left for the real ones. delkhon shodi mazloum hosseini maznoon hossein. respected residents of the region bring their own agricultural products and gardens, which include walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts , apricot leaves, and other products to bless the table brings blessing for about 20, almost 50 years , this ceremony
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has been held since we were children. haji agha, everyone who died today, who was buried, will be buried tomorrow, 6 days later , we will take six at night, that's why we say that imam hussain should also take six. he considers his products to be executed in the same year. later, when the fast and the quran were finished, a
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servant of god would come to him and put this ajola in it, and he would give everyone a mesh as a gift. my team and turk, little by little, the crowds increased , the table became wider, the table of imam imam hossein . this leaf that you see now is one of the products of our own garden. this totem is one of the products of barzak
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city, barzake city. it means that god blesses all the products that you see from our garden. god blesses it every year . alhamdulillah, everyone who has any dice and needs will be playing dice until next year, for example, next year , when the blessing table will be thrown in this place. we can what should we do, it should be managed better, we should bring our things better than this, this is that they used to leave this contentment aside , whatever it was, whatever came from their house or from their agriculture, they would content it , and their hajj would be fulfilled. of course, i will read these poems from myself . read a chashkhaneh of pain and sorrow, or read a sentence from the story of shah umm. also
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, learn about the thirst of the king and sing a lament about the killing of sayyid haram. it breaks the heart, it falls to the feet of fasting, it breaks mourning. again, mothers' halal milk had an effect. the children have the market buys flags. the people of the region believe that
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this tradition and ceremony inherited from their forefathers has brought prosperity to their gardens and agricultural products, and they believe this, and that's why every year this ceremony is held more magnificently and prosperously. . look at imam hossein's table, there is no one who comes empty-handed. in this ceremony, alhamdulillah, everyone goes with full hands, they take what they need and go, for example , they don't get cold, we need trees, and we need
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them. according to the people themselves , they consider it obligatory to bring it to the table. this our village, shahr bardak, our water is running low, but it does not dry up like other villages , because of the blessing of imam hossein's table, year after year, when their needs are met, these trays increase , and the other side, when this need is met, tells the story again. transfer to the other side. we are bringing four because we made up our minds that we are bringing this table of six imam hossein, it is from the tradition that our grandfathers and grandmothers had and this passed down to us, and we are trying to keep the memory of imam hossein, the memory of the grandfathers and grandmothers who passed away alive in this ceremony. let's keep the praisers
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ahl al-bayt and religious speaker in this event. i will give a speech and give thanks, and then at the end of the ceremony, these snacks and local products will be packed and given to the dear mourners. begging us, sir, we are a gentleman, dakhil , my sir, sir, i am ehsan and qadim hossein, imam hassan says karim hossein, we were children.
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we learned from our elders, just say, hussain, i did you a disservice, you became a father to a servant, you told me i forgave you, and you opened a door to omirin, alhamdulillah, how long did you die , aba abdullah, alhamdulillah, you hugged me, awad.
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either hussein or hussein.
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as the president, i consider myself the servant of the president. the second point was that he really believed in the internal capabilities, he really believed , that is, he accepted that we can solve many of the country's problems , or most of the country's problems, or in one way, all of the country's problems. we can solve it by relying on their internal capacities, and that's why i was looking for this job. another prominent point in him was his frankness in declaring revolutionary and religious positions. in the first interview he gave, he talked about the relationship between the government. the country of asking you is a direct and inconsiderate communication, now it's marginal and i don't know, but not openly are you willing to meet with the president of the united states
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? no, another characteristic of his that everyone knows is his tirelessness. i often recommended him to take some rest . he always said, "i don't get tired of work. i am not tired of accusing and insulting people . if people's problems are solved by insulting me, ishant another prominent point in him is that in foreign policy, he
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observed two characteristics side by side, one is interaction, one is honor-oriented , the honorable commander of the bad army, hajj qassem soleimani, never burns, he is eternal, a person of community, but not about the issue of honor. so fast and far away, and what can be cut off, not selfishly giving points and holding hands, and another point was his attention to big plans , heavy plans, like this transfer of water from the sea , for example, only a few points or the transfer of the same issue in the issue of water transfer to cities that have been waiting for water for a long time is another point of their moral character.
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he was thinking of prayer, he was crying, and his heart was clear , he was connected with the unseen world, these are the things that save man, he moves man forward, this is what saves man, he moves man forward , may god increase their ranks, these are the things i said that in order for these to be recorded as a model, it would be known who is the boss. a country can have the set of these practical, intellectual and heart qualities together and it can be followed
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, it can be that it has a skin, thank god. which was formed on the project, the view of the side neighbors from the inside from the street side to the project in the south was completely controlled. the young architect analyzes the design of his idea. what he says refers to the principle of introversion in iranian architecture , which is one of the five principles of architecture. irani quoted a veteran in the past, the architecture of the late pirnias is an honor i am almost 55 years old. i went to professors who were all happy and i learned from them because it is not possible
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to read and explain from them, and now my duty is to pass on the things that i learned from them with complete trust if i can. to the young generation of theorists who emphasized the use of iranian architectural logic in the contemporary era and did not repeat the used symbols, they addressed it and adapted it to their own life and climate, and all their success was based on the people's self-sufficiency, avoiding futility. other principles of iranian architecture from the perspective of professor piriaz , i expect that soon even a link will be established again and this is the time for us to know that having these buildings and seeing them and these. well, this
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is what it is, one can go and see for himself, but the logic of iranian architecture in iranian architecture means the use of structures that contribute to the stability of the building according to the climate, substrate and geography , and buildings with high durability and several hundred years instead of it puts the foundation, whether it is a human foundation, or a geographical foundation, i absolutely want to say the human foundation, for example, the livelihood of the economy, in fact, that society that building or that city or village was built and the geographical location and climatic conditions have caused us to have so much variety. self -sufficiency in iranian architecture is the same as self-sufficiency and refers to the concept of using available facilities and building materials. when we talk about iranian architecture, we talk about
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stable parts. we are talking about architecture. when we talk about arrays , don't let the misunderstanding of arrays and symbols mislead us. when we talk about iranian architecture, we are really talking about only symbols. we think that there are arches everywhere. okay, iranian architecture is iranian architecture wherever it has bricks. if we think higher and deeper than this, why do i think this can really be considered as a serious project? these are the things we had in our architecture, that is, you assume that when we talk about for example, you visit, so what is architecture, for example, karun seraimon. that you are going to meet something in the middle of a desert that will bring you good memories, bring you comfort, experience , we have it in iran or markets, and the same way , where you are talking about movement and rhythm, well, we have examples, unfortunately, we have reduced this one. let's say that we are stuck in the past at that time , which means that we are repeating the past . this is perhaps a serious issue, in my opinion, of populism and avoiding the futility of two other elements of iranian architecture that emphasizes the role of people in architecture
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. definitions of populism . one of its characteristics is to have a human scale. one of its characteristics is that people have a role. we make people actors in everything we do. any field of development we have is closer to the success of that work. principles of symbols iranian architecture can also be read in contemporary residential, administrative and commercial structures. with the attitude that, according to the opinion of professors such as professor pirnia, the logic and knowledge of iranian architecture should be used again and not repeat what is left from the past, something that has been tried to be used, for example, in mashhad airport and some new commercial centers. elham goran of sed and sima news agency.
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dear listeners , we are getting closer to the royal moments from that morning. it 's as easy as half a day . good afternoon, it's 1151:00. listeners of tehran jam jam sport radio. good evening, dear friends. it's 17:30. i am at your service until 10:00 pm in the evening section of radio ava. at 12:00 pm here in tehran radio javan is always and everywhere your mobile phone is your radio
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just by installing the radio application from iransada.ayr. so easily in the name of god. hello. he came to tehran and emphasized: i hope the parliament and the new government will expand their relations with the friendly muslim country of malaysia. the speaker of the malaysian parliament also stated that iran always has a special place in our eyes as a role model.


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