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tv   [untitled]    July 31, 2024 2:00pm-2:34pm IRST

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the american's plan regarding palestine was to forget the issue of palestine and keep the palestinians in a weak state so that they don't dare to fight. this man filled the hands of the palestinians. he filled the hands of the palestinians. for hajj qasim dur kabir.
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the 52-day war in 1995 and 1996 led to a two-day war in 1997, that is, the enemy's ability to withstand two days, do not fight for two days, this is what haj qassem
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soleimani did. welcome. the zealous nation of iran is preparing for the historic burial of its martyred guest. the government board 3 days of public members the country announced. declaration of disgust for the treacherous action of the zionist regime in martyring the palestinian mujahid neslawh. this evening, the condolence message
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of the leader of the islamic revolution was sent across the country following the martyrdom of the great mujahid mr. ismail haniyeh, the zionist regime prepared the ground for harsh punishment. blood lust for the brave leader of the prominent palestinian mujahideen who was martyred in the territory of the islamic republic of iran. you are aware of the president's emphasis on defending the horizontal integrity and continuity of support for the axis of resistance and the oppressed people of gaza, the islamic republic of iran , from the zionist regime's cowardly act in the assassination of mujahid nesluh. the palestinian will regret and the resistance groups' emphasis on greater unity against the crimes of the zionist regime of the islamic resistance movement hamas,
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the treacherous action of the zionist regime will definitely not go unanswered. nationwide strike and renewal of activities against the zionist regime in the west bank at the same time as the international condemnation of the assassination of martyr ismail haniyeh. in the name of god. o allah, peace and blessings be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, and hasten their fate , i offer my condolences on the anniversary of the martyrdom of imam sajjad, peace be upon him . we are at your service with the news section at 14:00 . martyr himself, the great mujahid and the brave leader of the palestinian resistance, martyr quds ismail haniyeh. the
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islamic propaganda coordination council has announced that the funeral ceremony of dr. ismail haniyeh, the leader of the islamic resistance movement hamas, will be held tomorrow, thursday at 8:00 am from tehran university towards azadi square. also , following the martyrdom of ismail haniyeh, the head of hamas's political office, the government delegation announced 3 days for public members in our country. the supreme leader of the islamic revolution, following the martyrdom of the great mujahid, mr. ismail haniyeh, the head of hamas's political office, in a message of condolence for the martyrdom: this brave and outstanding mujahid leader to the islamic ummah and the resistance front and the proud nation of palestine stressed that the criminal and terrorist zionist regime has prepared a harsh punishment for itself with this act, and
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we consider it our duty to seek the blood of him who was martyred in the islamic republic of iran. the text of the message of the leader of the islamic revolution is as follows: allah , the most merciful, the most merciful, the beloved nation of iran, the brave leader of the prominent palestinian mujahid, his excellency mr. ismail haniyeh, joined the meeting of allah at dawn today, and the great resistance front mourned. the zionist regime. the criminal and terrorist martyred our dear guest in our house and us he grieved, but he also prepared the ground for a harsh punishment for himself. martyr haniyeh
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has put his precious life on the field of honorable struggle for many years and was ready to martyr himself and his children in this way. had presented he was not afraid of becoming a martyr in the way of god and saving god's servants, but we consider it our duty to seek his blood in this bitter and difficult incident that happened in the territory of the islamic republic. on this side, to the islamic ummah, to the resistance front, to the brave and proud nation of palestine, and especially to the family and survivors of martyr haniyeh and one of his companions who was martyred with him. i offer my condolences and first
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of all, i pray for their status from almighty god. seyyed ali khamenei 10 august 143 corresponding to 25 muharram 1446 and cry to god, may god almighty live and die, but this nation is eternal, god willing, and renewed, and as the poet said, if sayyid qam is absent, god willing , may god reward you with long life, health , and wellness
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. he emphasized that the islamic republic of iran will defend itself and the terrorist occupiers from the transverse integrity of the country he will regret his cowardly act. in the message of mr. bizikian, it is stated that today, dear iran is sitting with its partner in sorrow and joy, the constant and proud companion of the brave leader of the palestinian resistance, the martyr of al-quds, haj ismail haliyeh. the president also emphasized the connection between the two proud nations of iran. and palestine will become stronger than before, and the path of resistance and defense of the oppressed will be followed more powerfully than ever. the islamic revolutionary guard corps
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published a new announcement following the assassination of martyr ismail haniyeh. in this announcement, in the early hours of this morning, mr. dr. ismail haniyeh, the head of hamas's political bureau and one of the bodyguards he was martyred in the terrorist act of the zionist regime in his residence in tehran. the irgc emphasized in this announcement that martyr haniyeh was one of the prominent personalities of about 110 foreign delegations invited to participate in the inauguration ceremony of the presidency, who had visited our country many times in recent years, especially after the al- aqsa storm operation. the commission of this crime, which was carried out without regard to international regulations and to cover up the failures of the 9-month war in gaza , is undoubtedly emphasized. this crime was met with a harsh and painful response by the powerful and huge front of resistance, especially islamic iran
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will face well, with mr. qadumin. representative of the hamas movement , our communication has just been established, mr. qadoumi. hello , what is your assessment of this terrorist crime? greetings and courtesy to you and dear viewers . this great loss of islam and humanity is really possible. it is not gibran, as the famous saying
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goes, and if i want to start, i want to start from the end , if you allow me to read the poem of this mujahid martyr, qam seyed, the story of our people in palestine for more than 7 years. for four years, he has been a constant victim of the war crimes of the zionist regime, a tall martyr at any time it is possible and with god, another man will be found, another mujahid will be found and the same path and the same legacy will continue, so this martyr is hajj ismail. elhaniyeh , start a new path for our youth in palestine,
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the path of honor and dignity, the path of freedom for the whole of palestine. this is the criminal of the zionist child-killing regime . the representative of the islamic world was a representative of humanity . he had a multi-dimensional personality . he had a political personality.
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his perfect character was firm and clear for the path of resistance . this brazen act committed by our enemy is the beginning of the destruction of the zionist regime. and god willing, something new will be found for the inspiration of the youth. have you seen what our storm is like? the answer is the result in the streets of america and in the streets of london . the same non-muslim and non-arab children came to the street to defend the rights of the oppressed palestinians and
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to face the war crimes of the zionist regime. unfortunately, this is a big crime in front of this world , a democratic world, this world, which believed in the basics and human value, now this is the test. it is great for humanity. should this criminal, netanyahu and his supporters, or trump or the americans be blamed for the crime? does it work or do they punish? this is a very big question for muslim rulers, regional rulers and the global and international system. this criminal commits this crime not only against the palestinians, but in an
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independent and free country like iran sharif, it is a shame to do this. so that the answer to this crime will be very strong and abundant, we will give you this answer believers, scholars and the world, we assure our people that 40,000 martyrs during the 10-month dedication period , more than 70% of them are women and children , god willing, they know that they will come steadfastly. and these crimes will strengthen their faith and he came to the conclusion that there is no other way but to resist . i am grateful to mr. qadoumi, the representative
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of the hamas movement. palestinian islamic jihad was martyred as a terrorist coward. he also condemned the assassination of ismail haniyeh . palestinian islamic jihad declared assassination a sin the pollution that the criminal enemy did against the symbol of resistance. it will not deter our people from continuing to resist to end the crime of the zionist regime, which has exceeded all limits. the islamic jihad has also emphasized on unity with hamas to resist the zionist usurper regime. musa abu marzouk is one of the members. in response to ismail haniyeh's assassination, the hamas political office called this assassination cowardice and emphasized that haniyeh's assassination will not go unanswered. sami abu zohri, one of the leaders of hamas, said that we have entered into an all-out war for the liberation of jerusalem and we are ready to pay any price. simultaneous
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the call for a nationwide strike and intensifying activities against the zionist regime in palestine after haniyeh's assassination was issued. in response to ismail haniyeh's assassination, lebanon's hezbollah announced that haniyeh's assassination will make the resistance stronger and more stable on all fronts and in the path of jihad. lebanon's hezbollah has emphasized that martyr haniyeh was one of the great leaders of our time who bravely stood against american colonialism and domination and the zionist enemy. ansarullah yamman movement also considered the assassination of ismail haniyeh as a terrorist crime and a clear violation of the law. ayatollah nouri hamdani, one of the great authorities of taqlid, issued a message of condolence for the martyrdom of ismail haniyeh, the head of the political office of hamas, condemned the assassination of this mujahid martyr. ayatollah nouri hamadani
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mentioned in his message that these assassinations were a sign of the zionist regime's stubbornness. to the last days of this illegal regime. this imitation authority emphasized that the arrogant, especially the criminal americans, as the main supporters of the zionists and the usurper of israel, should know that the resistance front will not only not create a disruption in its determination to destroy israel, but will continue on this path stronger than before, and the martyrdom of this mujahideen. it will pave the way for the elimination of this brutal and murderous regime. iranian people while being condemned the murder of ismail haniyeh in tehran demanded a decisive response to the perpetrators and perpetrators of this crime . it is a sign of their cowardice.
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he is showing us the weakness of the enemy. brought less with the assassination of such a person wants to cover up his own weakness and incapacity . israel is now stuck in a deadlock and does not know what to do , to make someone outside of his own country a martyr, for example, to cover up his failures. it is a sign of israel's weakness that it is directly declaring its hostility to iran and islam. israel he is seeing himself drowning in his last days and he is trying to do anything to save himself, but he is blind and i hope that the criminals who committed such a crime will be punished as soon as possible.
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we ask and demand from the muslim nations and all the nations that claim justice in the world to condemn this incident and remove this usurper regime and the zionist regime from the scene of existence. the pure blood of this martyr is definitely. he must know what kind of severe punishment the killing guest will have for him, definitely the revenge of this spilled blood they will be unjustly taken inside our country and like sardar soleimani inside baghdad, the motivation and will of the resistance axis to defend the oppressed people of palestine until the freedom of qast sharif will be doubled . it shows that they must be dealt with, the islamic world, we want to follow up on this case and whoever is behind this case must be punished for his actions, this
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crime will not go unanswered, this is not the end of the road. the person who will do this, the axis of the resistance, will definitely not be idle, and the answer is israel he says that the resistance front will not be short because it has room for other great men. the people of iran and the people of the axis of resistance and the people of palestine , god willing, a harsh revenge from the regime. they will take the cowards of israel, god willing, israel is the best of the world , farah lakl al-muslimeen, this road will continue and
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it will end with the victory of the resistance front. the israelis it will punish the other tyrants in the world to learn a lesson, god willing, there are hundreds of situations that basically cannot resist these actors.
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to remain silent, because any shortcoming in front of him leads to an increase in acting in the security field and the expansion of adventurous actions, what has opened the issue, yes, basically , the islamic republic of iran and the entire resistant axis. who are finally his allies so that this actor, who has turned almost 8 of our region into the most peaceful region in the world, with his type of acting, with his type of political behavior, with his type of assassinations, with his type of dirty wars , is a strategy to resist this. there is, and a combined resistance , both in the military and political spheres of the movement, is needed diplomatic activity should increase, this crime should be brought to justice. yes, in the media field, these narratives that finally exist in this field should be promoted. in the public field, these
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popular organizations, public institutions, and demonstrations should continue until you reach a point where this regime is controlled. thank you very much. with your company , we will witness the rally condemning this terrorist act in palestine square at 17:00 . stay tuned to the national media of the khabar network. this is palestine , the land of blood, martyrs , nobles, exiles, exiles, and refuges for 7 million people. palestinians have been living in al-manafi and the diaspora since 1948 . and we are also susceptible to this belief of martyrdom in the cause of palestine, in the cause of allah almighty, in the cause of the dignity of this nation , and therefore, yes, i and my brothers feel this
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responsibility, therefore, we do not build and see this power to fight this historical conflict with the enemy, this enemy has no future on the land of palestine in 2006, when the hamas movement participated in the elections of the palestinian parliament . the name of a man was at the top of this list, whom the palestinians consider to be the face of peace. and of course to his struggles ismail haniyeh, who sat on the prime minister's chair of the self-governing organization the day after the decisive victory of hamas. haniyeh was born 14 years after the occupation of palestine in the ashtati camp in the gaza strip. his family had moved from jore village in esqlan at the beginning of the presence of the zionist occupation. ismail
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lived in the same camp and studied arabic literature at the islamic university of gaza. he was 35 years old when he was appointed as the head of the hamas office, and in 2003 he committed his first failed assassination along with sheikh ahmed yassin . fighters in 2014, during the 51-day war, the zionist regime bombed haniyeh's house in the same camp where he was born. haniyeh's family gave more than 60 martyrs during the zionist invasion of gaza on the way to the liberation of quds, and the children and grandchildren of ismail haniyeh are among these martyrs. this reaction to the news of the martyrdom of his grandson and his children
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is undoubtedly the enemy's goal of assassinating the children of the officials and themselves and the bombers of their homes to put pressure on them to achieve what they could not achieve on the battlefield at the negotiating table, omidan. and do not consider those who were killed in the cause of allah, the dead, but the resurrected with their lord.
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fazl saeed zanganeh, radio and television news agency , what do we want from palestine? we crossed the limit of religious differences . we gave the same help to lebanon's hezbollah, which is shia, we gave the same help to hamas, and we gave it to jihad, and we will do it again.
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the americans' plan for palestine was to forget the palestinian issue , to keep the palestinians in a weak state, so that they would dare. don't start fighting. this man filled the hands of the palestinians. he filled the hands of the palestinians for hajj qasim dur kabir in supporting and strengthening the resistance in palestine. he personally followed all the small and big issues.
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all claims stand. something bad happens to them that they say after 48 hours sir, let's call a ceasefire, you saw in besieged palestine palestine is besieged by war. in 1997 , it led to a two-day war, which means that the enemy's ability to withstand two days , do not kill for two days, this is what haj qassem soleimani did. he filled their hands and said
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hello to you and welcome to the news of half a day. the zealous nation of iran is preparing for the historical preparation of its martyred guest. the government board announced 3 days of public members in the country. declaration of disgust at the treacherous act of the zionist regime in martyring a palestinian female mujahid this evening across the country. the message of condolence from the leader of the islamic revolution following the martyrdom of the great mujahid
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mr. ismail haniyeh. he was martyred in the islamic republic of iran . you know your duty. the president's emphasis on defending integrity the continuous support of the resistance axis and the oppressed people of gaza, the islamic republic of iran , will make the zionist regime regret its cowardly act in the assassination of the palestinian mujahid nesluh, and the resistance groups' emphasis on greater unity against the crimes of the zionist regime, the hamas islamic resistance movement. with the worldwide condemnation of the assassination of martyr ismail haniyeh.


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