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tv   [untitled]    August 3, 2024 1:30am-2:00am IRST

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be against the occupying regime. another unusual development that happened recently and caused a geopolitical change in west asia and the world, its importance and the extent of its impact on equations. a region he understood was the resumption of diplomatic relations between iran and saudi arabia. since the victory of the palestinian revolution, the islamic republic of iran has taken a high position in political literature and intellectual literature in the eyes of the leaders of the islamic republic. iran, whether imam khomeini, may
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god's mercy be upon him, or the supreme leader of the revolution, imam khamenei, may god protect him, and all the authorities of the islamic republic of iran, place a high value on palestine when iran supports and supports the palestinian issue, the political support shows that iran has never recognized the occupying regime in the palestinian land and this is a great political support that shows the positions of the islamic republic of iran in the international diplomatic circles of iran, ministry of foreign affairs of iran during the successive decades , they support the oppression of the palestinian nation and want the palestinian nation to gain their freedom and independence from occupation.
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i want it to end in the palestinian land and this political speech is very good, this is a religious position it is a religious and intellectual position and a political position. we heard that the supreme leader of the revolution said that quds, the first holy shrine of muslims, does not belong only to palestine, where god has blessed its surroundings. these supports continue. god willing , we will receive this support , it will continue, this support and events in the palestinian issue will progress. yes , changes have now been achieved in western societies, even in american society. to the westerners. this
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israeli regime is now an advanced military base it is not necessary to serve all the western countries and other countries of the western european societies with the policies of the israeli regime against us in the western streets and even in the american communities in the centers which shows that more than 40% of most of the young people inside even the jewish groups in the united states can no longer support this israeli occupation and the operation of murder and destruction, and they do not accept the bloodshed of the palestinians. therefore , we look deeply at all these issues and evaluate them accurately.
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the changes that have occurred in the last seven decades now the zionist regime has not only relied on its own force, but has relied on this coalition and the unlimited support of the west, especially the united states, but today the situation has changed and it is not the same as before for the israeli occupiers, and this is in favor of the palestinian issue. another unusual development that happened recently and caused a geopolitical change in west asia and the world understood its importance and the extent of its impact on regional equations was the resumption of diplomatic relations between iran and saudi arabia. syria's return to the arab league was also an important event.
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what effect do you think this issue has on the normalization of relations? some countries in the persian gulf region had relations with the zionist regime. and that america made a lot of efforts to normalize saudi arabia's relationship with the zionist regime, but saudi arabia announced that its relationship with this regime will not be normalized until the palestinian cause is realized. what do you think about this big geopolitical shift? we are very happy with these changes. geophytic that happened in the region and we welcome the saudi-iranian agreement with china's supervision and we welcome syria's return to the arab league and we hope that
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, god willing, syria will have more stability, unity , sovereignty, and the syrian nation will all may the syrian people in their own country be happy with this change. that has happened in the region, including turkey's reconciliation with many countries that it had relations with in the past, all these reconciliations that are in progress and agreements between the countries of the region, the arab countries and the islamic countries, these are in line with the interests of the nations of the region, and definitely the israeli regime particle for direct object. it worries and it worries its allies, why i want to point out an important issue during the past decades, the regional situation was a fragile situation due to the situation of a region, conflicts that were inside countries or outside countries and conflicts tribal
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and religious and ethnic conflicts were happening. isis had entered the region in a way that they wanted to confuse the situation. this climate situation during the last 10 years in the countries where existence in the countries of the region and the regional and climate situation was a golden situation for the israeli regime. which put the palestinian issue on the sidelines and trump implemented the deal of the century, making jerusalem and jerusalem the eternal capital. they called the israeli regime and supported israel, and israel established good relations with some arab and arab countries and the regional situation based on the conflict between the countries of the region and between the nations of the region.
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it had provided an opportunity for the occupying regime today to change the situation inside the vakesh region. the arab and islamic countries are taking over the affairs and reducing the tensions between the arab and islamic nations and they want to build bridges and create strategic dialogues instead of conflicts, whether conflicts between themselves or even conflicts. at the regional, arab, and islamic level , i believe that this is a very important agreement , dear brother, between the islamic republic of iran and our brothers in the kingdom of saudi arabia, under the supervision of china, and its first benefit is that it is very important. it facilitates the situation and helps to solve the problems
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that exist, the cases that exist are positive for yemen, for syria, for lebanon. for iraq and also for the palestinian issue, when the region is stable, there will be an area of ​​understanding for the benefit of the palestinian issue, for the benefit of the resistance, this is the first positive point. he said that iran is an enemy and israel is a neighbor and an ally of this agreement. he says that no, iran is a brotherly country in the region, a strong muslim country in the region, and one should not look for religious issues in this every corner of this country should
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have fraternal relations, political and diplomatic relations, expanding and perfecting, and israel is not a neighbor , israel is not an ally, and israel is an enemy, the third positive issue that exists. an agreement reached under china's supervision opened a new international stage, and a large country entered the region. in the middle east, which plays a political role, not only an economic role through, not only an economic role through the plan it has, as a result, this is very important and it pushed america to the sidelines in the region, which was a burden on the shoulders of the base region. he created a military and dominated the oil resources and he wanted to keep the nations hungry and he wanted to have more control. the israeli regime
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is no longer like this. this agreement definitely has different dimensions and reduces tensions in the region. it overthrows israel's view that iran is an enemy or that israel is a member of the region , and it definitely has an impact. go ahead with normalization and today it has backed down on the issue of normalization that israel had normalization agreements with some arab governments. i tell you that our brothers in the arab governments who signed the normalization agreement with the occupying regime are now revising and thinking that they are thinking of revising and concluding these agreements . which is not in the interest of the nations of the region. yes
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, you mentioned an important issue, that is, america's use of iran 's fear-mongering policy. now, with the resumption of relations between iran and saudi arabia, this american policy has become ineffective. the countries of the region are now united and this zionist regime is its permanent protector america is the one that became isolated, although the support of america has been futile and weak. iran has always announced that if america is not present in the region,
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now the region has reached an alliance. do you think this is enough to defeat the zionist regime and how will it happen? how close are we to that point? we are the steps that have been taken, these are actually the main pillar in this direction in the direction of creating broad and broad coalitions and fronts until it actually stops the spread of evil forces
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and stands against american domination, so we are proud and welcome. we say to the agreement between saudi arabia and iran saudi arabia, which is in the islamic world, as well as iran among the islamic and regional countries, these are big countries, and we welcome the relations between iran and the arab countries and the relations established between iran and egypt. therefore, as long as this reconciliation and these understandings, especially between the main and central countries of the region, between the influential countries in the region, these are definitely the strength and support of the nation. they will be palestine and they will provide an opportunity to make more use of
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the capabilities and elements of power that we have at our disposal, as an islamic and arab nation. we have a lot of power at our disposal, geographically and historically, the wealth of lebanon's political relations is suffering from the occupation of the israeli regime since the year even the occupation of southern lebanon happened during the past years . for hezbollah, it was able to liberate southern lebanon with the help of the heroic nation of lebanon, it was able to continue and complete its power in 206 , it won a great victory in the tammuz war, which lasted 33 days , and
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launched very strong attacks against the israeli occupation. the example and model of this victory, which inspires, has positive effects for the nation palestine, the resistance of palestine, the liberation of south lebanon in 2000, as well as 206 and gaza in 2005 , these show the connection and coordination in building victories from hezbollah, as well as the resistance in palestine, this shows their deep connection and connection , today we all definitely we have various meetings together and the meetings we had with the secretary general of the hezbollah movement mr. seyyed hassan nasrallah provided an opportunity regarding the palestinian issue, the resistance plan in the region centered on quds in the conflict with
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the zionist enemy, when the secretary general of hezbollah mr. seyed hassan nasrallah after the battle of saif al-quds, they said that the aggression of the 3 al-aqsa mosque regime against al-quds may cause climate and regional war. this shows the future approaches and it shows what will happen and our brothers in hezbollah say their views . palestine has welcomed and has many camps there since 1948 and we have good relations. yes, let me talk about
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your relations. i want to know about your relationship with iran's top commander in the fight against terrorism qassem soleimani, did you participate in his burial ceremony? i don't need to say that he was the biggest supporter of the cause of palestine and the freedom of the occupied territories. express your opinion about the dream of freedom. tell me, tell me , will this dream come true in the near future? general hajj qassem soleimani was a central figure in supporting the palestinian resistance and had close and good relations over many years with his brothers in the hamas movement and other groups in palestine since in syria, the presence of
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martyr soleimani had a very strong relationship with the hamas movement and the roles it played kurdish martyr qassem soleimani is very important and pivotal in building the resistance force of palestinian authority, so the united states of america, which brazenly executed this terrorist operation and cowardly operation, the former president of the united states , trump, and yes, participate in the formation of the body of martyr suleiman. they wanted to be loyal to their blood and it was also emphasized that the israeli occupiers , who carry out the policy of terror, and the united states, who
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carry out this policy of terror, do not scare the leaders of the resistance. in lebanon, in palestine and in iran, this resistance continues in its own way he continues on his own path with determination and determination until, god willing, a great victory is achieved against the zionist invaders. i want to ask you a question about the settlers' protests. the extreme right-wing minister of the zionist regime has said that the army of this regime should use airstrikes. carry out targeted assassinations. destroy buildings. deport palestinian fighters and
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issue death sentences against them. when you look at the current cabinet of the zionist regime, you can see that their policies are extreme in all areas. in the field of settlement. and the violence against the palestinian people to be they, i.e. the settlers , encourage other zionist politicians to make the work of palestine and people in the occupied territories to fight with the palestinians. they want the settlers to use violence against the palestinians . this is not a new thing, but their existing policy has renewed violence. even the wife of itmar ben gower told the settlers to always
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have weapons with them. considering that they are doing their best to complete the work of palestine? witness the last breaths of the regime. it means that the dominant current in that current is the extremist religious current qaumi is an extremist ethnic group and has made three decisions in the recent phase, the first of which is dangerous is that the zionist regime has approved a plan to divide al-aqsa mosque in time and place. the second decision is that the cabinet of the zionist regime
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told the urban minister of smut in a recent meeting that he has the authority to build new settlements or develop them or expand eastern settlements without the approval of the cabinet and the third decision is the same. he made it clear that he announced about the assassinations, about the destruction of the house and other issues. they want the settlements in the west bank to increase in most of the settlements in qudsan and they want a million settlers they want to settle in the west bank , they want to dominate the jewish community there , where the majority of the arab jewish community, this policy
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is carried out within the framework of the policy of intimidation and fear, and attempts are made to break the will of resistance, and they want the will of resistance to be broken in the west bank. and i say to ben guerr and all the heads of this israeli regime that you failed, you failed to weaken the arm of the resistance and break the will of the palestinian nation. the date will be attached as the previous ones the joining of the palestinian nation does not pay attention to the decisions of the cabinet of the zionist regime. the authorities of the zionist regime will destroy them and their leaders , they will never be able to implement these decisions , i tell you, they
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are going to the swamp, the swamp in which the zionist regime is caught, the zionist regime with all this power that today, even the nuclear power is not able to deal with a region called jenin, or to deal with nablus, or to deal with gaza, which is the stronghold of the resistance, or in lebanon, the reason is that they failed in their swamp. they experienced everything, assassinations, destruction and destruction of their homes and exile to lebanon. they experienced everything and failed . there is no more option for them, and that is the destruction of leaving the land of palestine. they move between bad and bad . there will be nothing positive for them when they create many settlements and
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build them, we decided. our plan is to destroy them when they decide to increase the number of settlements in the west bank . our decision is to target every settlement in the west bank. this is the strategic decision of the palestinian nation. our beloved nation is a great nation that has been holding on to resistance and fighting since the brilliant revolution in 1917 until now. during these 100 years , we are in resistance and jihad. until now, we have given half a million martyrs and one million prisoners, and the palestinian nation remains like the waves of the sea, moving behind each other and carrying the flag of the revolution and the flag of victory. assassinate, assassinate they assassinated many leaders, sheikh ahmed yassin.
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assassinating abdul aziz rentis. and they assassinated many leaders , but did the resistance stop? did the palestinian nation stop ? new leaders emerged and in the future as well. the power of resistance increases and they cannot change history and change the identity of this land and change the sanctity of this issue. this issue is the issue of the entire islamic ummah, quds is the issue of the ummah and imam khomeini, may god have mercy on him, when he defines quds day. they knew that this issue is the issue of the ummah and not only the issue of palestine. the issue of palestine is the issue of the free people of the world. the christian issue is the issue of the free muslims in the whole world . or the cradle
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of christ, this is the land of the prophets, so the israeli occupation has no place here, mr ismail haniyeh, thank you very much for coming to press tv studio and thank you for the questions . thank you and i am very happy that i participated in this program. thank you. swearing shoes, quality in sync with similar foreign products , double-layer textured upper, very resistant and flexible , pu sole, light and comfortable, suitable for long walks , sports and daily activities, price with
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to me by sending the number 1 to 101485. receive it. in the name of god. hello. khatib juma tehran's positions of the president in support of the resistance front. what he expressed during the inauguration and swearing-in meetings, he read clearly, persuasively, mature and revolutionary, decisive and serious. and he added: we will help mr. mezikian in realizing these goals. hojjat al-islam wal-muslimin haj ali akbari also called the zionists' crime in the assassination of martyr ismail haniyeh as a result of the desperation of this regime and said: the zionist regime has lost its ability to deter


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