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tv   [untitled]    August 3, 2024 3:30pm-4:02pm IRST

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to the people, well, this should be balanced, so it is clear how many tons of gold they bought from this banker , you can go and look at the electronic invoice of this banker, how many kilos did they sell? how many tons were sold ? it's not there , they sell everything as a precaution, that is, he goes to sell gold , he says, "i want, for example, 10 kilos of gold , give me 10 kilos of gold, then i 'll give you 10 kilos of gold. now, for example, they might draw a card so that it's not zero, he'll charge me some money." that means a large part of the tax that, for example, i say should be included in fact, the chains should be done when they are completed. this will be seen here. or, for example , you mentioned the discussion of data exchange with my business system . i would like to give you a point here. for good governance in our country, we need to exchange data. various things , for example, car information from the police force.
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the tracking of goods and the movement of goods from the trading system and other places will not receive various discussions or, for example, bank transactions from the banking system, it will not be a smart and correct tax , it will be corrected a little, but it is still incomplete because to be honest, we wrote a law in the 11th parliament under the title of data management and national information law, which forces the exchange of data in the law. the seventh plan has been referred to this law more than 50 times. it is a mother law. this means that all our executive directors should be aware of it. if they really need information for good and correct governance , it should come here from another system. you said that the commission has lasted and they know the national information that is under the supervision of the supreme council . data in a format. in any case, the corrections
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are made and the data is provided to them . if there is a violation in the exchange of data , it is criminalized under the law of durability, and the biggest crime is that the manager should be removed from there because the managers are more interested in the chair. from now on , there are other things, cash and prison, but perhaps the most important thing is that i mentioned this tax itself . it is for executive guarantees , that is, after this culture has been created, in the beginning of the work, we are not very willing to use this article 22 if it is used, i said that there is a need for those sedasima training intermediary companies. after this process is completed, god willing, we must go to the last stage of forcing strictness and crimes and these events that must
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happen there, and those who are very difficult to deal with this matter anyway. we can force them in this way. thank you, mr. mohadi . you were talking about the gold sellers. mr. taheri also added a few points. i remember that you had an understanding with the gold sellers . also, what stage are they in now? how long have we been? it's time to tell you . the point here is that we have to separate the interaction we had with the gold sellers , because in the public arena, this separation, which is actually a separation of tasks, is not actually done . we wanted the goldsmiths, according to article 26 of the value added tax law , that the goldsmiths should express and send invoices through the modiyan system. in fact, we had nothing else to do. most of the goldsmiths expressed their satisfaction
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and desire to come from the modiyan system . send invoices. a while the problem that arose was not in the interaction with the mining system and the tax affairs organization, but in their interaction in the implementation of tasks that were actually loaded from the side of the trade society system , the inventory of the warehouse and so on . at this time, in fact, we did not meet with the goldsmiths for several months. by the way, according to the law, the goldsmiths are always required to come and present all their shadow forms and send them to us through the maadian system . if they do not come, what fine will they be charged? this penalty has legal penalties, a penalty of 9%. in fact, there is a so-called 9% fine for sales that take place outside the system, and we request all gold sellers or all
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economic operators in the field of gold, jewelry and platinum to connect to the maadian system as soon as possible. they should send their bills and invoices through maadian system to be subject to these crimes. in addition to that , they have a series of crimes for failure to implement the taxpayer system and failure to implement invoices, such as article 22, which will also include gold sales, until when, so there is no time for this 100%, there is no time right now. it should be fully stated and sent the bill
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through the maadian system. well, so far, for example , you have applied this 9% sales penalty to only one person. for now, as mr. doctor has pointed out, be careful. that we should have a timeline of when we will actually see this space, for what purpose and with what quality, so that not now, in such a way that really, maybe many people have not actually received the necessary information. access to our trusted companies is actually not as possible for them as it should be these are conditions that we have to consider , although this does not mean this. it has been left out of the program because it has not yet been dealt with. in fact , the tax has been added to the width of the previous period. in fact , this process will begin in a few months, god willing, during the time of these proceedings, and naturally it is in accordance with the policies of the organization and it is
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actually a task . which is stipulated by the law, god willing , it will be done. there is a point, a question that may arise. now, i asked you in the previous section. they say that how do we know that now we need an electronic bill in the year 1403 we are working to export , how much should our sales be in order to reach that figure to do this? and sima, in fact, these trainings are in the field of assignments that are in the field of taxation . we have a very positive interaction with the iran chamber of guilds, we have the tehran chamber of guilds and we have
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various meetings. we provide them with nothing. oh , you also had it for the electronic invoice , according to article 8 of law 1402, which was 18 billion tomans . yes, according to the law, according to article 8 of the law on facilitation of maadian tasks, or in a way, article 14 of the law on shop pani, we have a threshold to connect to the maadian system. in 1382, this threshold was 18 billion tomans, that is, whoever wants to sell 18 billion tomans in 1402 8, 18 billion tomans. since 1403, he has been obliged to use the end of the store and issue electronic invoices at the threshold of sales in 1403 thousand 14 billion and 400 million tomans means someone who
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has 4 billion 400 14 billion 400 million tomans, if this 14 million 400 million tomans reaches him , in fact, at any point in time, suppose there is a business owner who can fill this amount of sales in the first month do it and actually have it. if this company has sales of 140,14,400 million tomans in the first 3 months, it is obliged to issue electronic invoices to us from the first of october. which was filled from the beginning of the second period of value added tax obliged to send the electronic invoice from the footpath is a store. anyone who has sales of 14 billion and 400 million tomans by june or september must issue an electronic invoice. now, whether it reaches this number by september, until december, until mehr , whenever it arrives, if
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if it arrives in june, from the first of october, if it arrives in september, from january 1, if it arrives in december , it will be obliged to send the invoice from the beginning of 1404, so it doesn't have more than 10 minutes. mr. taheri , there is a point that you should now tell him your concerns and the reasons for the non-implementation in the previous governments. you mentioned that in the almost 10 years that you mentioned , you talked about this law in the 14th government, which is now in effect anyway . we are talking about the goals that we have so far and the benefits that you mentioned are realized , see what the 14th government should do . economic discussion, ironically, except for economic issues, which all methods agree on that is, you cannot find economists who
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, for example, have a difference about this type of provincial tax, that is, about the taxpayer system and your store terminal, in economic circles, you may see discussions on different issues, for example, in pricing in the commodity exchange, in different places. for example, if someone says that this method is good, this method is not good, among the places where all methods are in agreement , these are the ones that follow up on this subject in a scientific university, but for the same reasons that there was a delay in the implementation of this work on both sides of the case. the tax organization is part of the tax organization on the side of modan, to create this transparency , the removal of people and the introduction of systems instead of the removal of declarations and transparency with transactions is still a concern. has this law reached an irreversible point where we don't have to worry about every new government coming, we don't need
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to follow up on this work, it wants to continue . governments must implement it. my first priority in terms of monitoring is the same law for the government . part of the remaining work is to say 30% of in terms of financial terms, we may want to calculate the number to be much larger than 30%. see, we have two parts. first, we assume that everything is clear and correct and there is no problem . the things i mentioned, for example, you want to go to many places now , i don't use the system for shopping, for example, they give me a card number, they say , sir, check here, we have planned all this, but the phase is for an account number, more than one number, more than one amount. in the end, that's all
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the loopholes must be closed so that the financial transparency of the society is established for the government, so that this financial transparency of the society is not established for the government. for many years , we could not stop the smuggling of goods . if the mobdian system is completed, there will be no need for thousands of people to come to see who is hoarding and who is smuggling. all this can be solved with this system. the last point i would like to say is, very briefly, that if friends, the benefits of this you know, adding to this the concerns that i think, for example, if our financial discussions become clear , it will definitely not be like this and it will be the other way around. i hope, god willing, the rulers who may have some conflicts of interest
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, in any case, in the government and in the parliament and everywhere, this transparency, the tax affairs organization, some employees may have conflicts, the paper and these are also the reasons for all these possible conflicts. let's work hand in hand to really pursue this seriously to reach the end. thank you , mr. mohadi. let's do you say how many declarations are now coming to fill out a series of jobs. naturally , these numbers do not reach 14 billion in asalaf, but they don't know much about this article , they usually go to these cafes and places like this and fill out a declaration. and they pay a certain number, their work goes on, let's explain this article 100 for the viewers. the note of article 100 of the direct taxes law actually provides the organization with a possibility that the tax administration can do. relying on the information it has in its own databases for taxpayers
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let him see the lump sum tax so to speak. if our taxpayer accepts this lump sum tax, he will actually check his acceptance, so to speak, and there is even the ability to have a long-term allocation of this tax, even if it is small, and if he does not accept it , he can go and file a declaration. and to be placed in the process of consideration , we get a lot of benefits for the company, almost last year
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it was equal to five times the tax that we have from the business owners, after the business owners from the kidney. it is not a very large number, even from the number of business owners that we want to go to, we get 50% of the income from our business owners. in fact, we were able to receive from 1% of business owners , so this is a significant number, and in fact, it has a justice-oriented view of the tax affairs organization, as shown by the dam's note. first of all , i would like to say that with 3 more days left , i have a strong recommendation that our madis bayan use the dam notice and they can take advantage of this opportunity that has been provided to them. in fact, without paying riyals, in fact , go to them and through them, pay the dam tax and other services, yes, the offices.
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they don't get this money. the bots of yes messengers, messengers of soroush plus and the like, all these things are actually conditions that are provided for them without paying a single rial. yes, and soroush plus, this possibility is provided without actually paying even a single rial. now we have about 8,700,000, in fact, maadi subject to note 100, of which a significant part is 5,200,000. that is , according to the exemption that they have and according to the discounts and preferences that the tax administration has considered for them, the tax of this 5 million 200 from one thousand to zero, about 2 million of these people actually come and use the dam note, and we hope that in these two or three days, this increase
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will actually increase by a hundred, a very remarkable point. it was that the limit of using the dam notice, which was increased this year with the efforts of the tax affairs organization , reached 18 billion tomans for individual cases and 36 billion tomans for joint cases, which was actually a very good move that happened. a very remarkable point is that those who go they are taking action and paying taxes, they can finance projects, and the place that has spent them, in fact, has spent them , should specify these taxes, for the time being, as i repeat, both in the rulers, the parliament and the government, and in the executive. the tax organization is also in the business, aslaf and producer of those that include taxes, even if
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there is a conflict of interest, if the benefits of this are blocking the opportunity, let me explain in a word, so much so that good will reach the country, in different fields, we all have to agree to start let's join hands, god willing , the taxpayer system and the store terminal for governance well, the future of the country will be completed, god willing. thank you very much to both the guests of the program and all the good viewers of the economic table program for accompanying us until this moment . may god protect you, ali. thank you very much. arbaeen walking is one of the most important projects for anyone who plans to walk 80 kilometers from najaf to karbala in 3 days. preparing for this walk is so important that if one of these
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points is not observed, now the spiritual air that a pilgrim has is healthy. it turns into worry and trouble and, god forbid, illness. following these easy tips will keep your body healthy as well as your heart and soul he can reach his destination with focus. start walking at night or in cool hours and rest during hot hours. new shoes are prohibited. wear a shoe that you have worn before and that is comfortable and don't walk a long distance without shoes. if you ask, what is the right speed for walking? you should know exactly how much you can talk and breathe while walking comfortably. have mineral water and chocolate at hand. wear cotton and loose clothing. and when you want to take your bag , don't turn your back. you must also know that you should have a suitable backpack for hiking, except for the equipment it is not necessary to use anything in it. just like
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driving, for every one hour of walking, you should sit or lie down and rest for 20 minutes . you must reach the kiss of imam hussain (peace be upon him) safely, and that is why we are with you. he was a dear guest who stepped into the meeting room and the leader's arms were open to welcome him like this. he was dear. mr. hamina mujahid, a brave palestinian, memorized the entire quran and spoke mostly in the language of the quran on the last day of his life in the last sentence. who said in front of bright cameras that you recited an old poem from the arab world, he said whenever
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when greatness is lost, greatness fills its place . not a day passed that the news of his martyrdom spread through the streets of palestine in the name of allah, the merciful. his excellency mr. ismail haniyeh joined laqallah at dawn last night and the great resistance front mourned. the great resistance front mourned. the criminal and terrorist zionist regime martyred our dear guest in our house and made us sad and iran was sad. hot people next to the palestinian flag.
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we consider it our duty to respond to what the commander in chief says must be done. we believe in the rationality of the government. we will follow whatever decision they make.
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we expect that they will take a very severe revenge from them, a befitting response to the dignity of this resistance, these people should be given such a lot of remorse that they will not do similar things again. they will take revenge that will be a lesson . the end of haniyeh's story is determined by his bloodthirsty people in the days and nights and the fields before the day. the end of
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haniyeh's story is the end of the zionist in the near future. oh haniyeh balkhloud haniyea, or shahida alik yaza al-mirath, you were in the front of al-siyaseh . ismail or martyr.
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the pen of knowledge when kafek saif and alik al-waqar are the second clothes your body is fat and your soul is the flame of all determination against me, the reflection of the eyes of zion still in jarza. i am under you in al-trab yadas gaza al-az luljud i am proud of the martyrs tab al-gharaz or haniyeh balkhnoud haniyea or the martyrs of alik yuz al-mirath i was in the political front of aqla yas
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al-kon. we are the martyrs of al-tabas ismail or shahid kif nasi, if allah is the best for souls and for yahiya's people. the nation of the martyrs grows, and tsamwa, and zion
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, humiliated and defeated. yasa al-kon ma tarah al-al-tabas ismail or shahid.
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sarab is an officer, i am in baqsar, who is an officer. neria's mistake, be careful, serah afsarieh , the only tehran branch in serah afsariah , with unbelievable prices and long-term appointments and without prepayment, in serah irani, great tea , great place, sofia tea, sofia tea, great place.
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dear and respected retirees, we have an appointment here in two hours. they told us that everything can be done in installments. yes, it is with the floor price. i said that i don't have a check. i will go in the car until you come. why are you going? they said that they don't want a check. gentlemen, there is no need to go to the bank. a special purchase for dear social security retirees
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from the city of home appliances. installment purchase without check, without guarantor, without advance payment, without the need to go to the bank, city of household appliances, specialized authority of household appliances. after azadi square, in front of tehran sar. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. peace be upon you, dear viewers, at 4:00 p.m. we are at your service with some news. the first meeting of the arbaeen headquarters in the 14th government of the president, while appreciating the efforts of all the responsible institutions in holding the arbaeen procession , asked them to fulfill their promises. communication to the apparitions hosseini act. we request everyone


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