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tv   [untitled]    August 3, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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in any case, how to respond is important, this issue will happen decisively , the rejection and response of the resistance is coordinated and will be done in a complete way, so that it will force america and the enemy of israel to go back and revise their accounts and books. themselves and when they want to commit an aggression and commit stupidity , open thousands of accounts and books against the guests of the islamic republic of iran, and also revise their own accounts and books if they want to invade lebanon. do they coordinate to answer and we can say that through that one page.
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when the islamic republic of iran shook the regime for more than five hours in front of the world today, they must wait for a stronger response. he has done the least in response to these aggressions on iranian soil and in other places. mr. fadibodi, if i'm not mistaken , you mentioned that in the hebrew media, they consider two scenarios as possible, one is the coordinated response of all the different fronts from different countries to the zionist regime at the same time, but you did not mention the second scenario and the second possibility?
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anyway, this answer from the joint operation room and it will be coordinated between all resistance forces. thank you very much. you, mr. fadi boudieh , an expert on west asian issues, who was with the jahan today program from beirut , i bid you farewell. mr. boudie believed that according to what is being speculated in the hebrew media, they are in a state of uncertainty and wonder and are speculating about that probably all the resistance fronts from different countries will simultaneously respond to the crimes of the zionist regime and the recent terror that
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it has committed, but the world continues today . about 3,000 billion dollars worth of shares in wall street transactions lost more than 2,900 billion dollars in value. this is the worst day for the american stock market since about 4 years ago. the indices in the new york stock exchange fell after that, following the release of news. due to the weak economic data of the united states, the fear of the economic stagnation of this country has risen , while the american authorities are trying to make the fall in the value of the stock market appear normal, some media analyze it as a result of the events in west asia. the world bank warned about stopping the economic growth of one third of the world's countries. according to the network more than 100 countries are at risk of falling into
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the middle-income trap unless they undertake serious growth events for their economies, the world bank's africa news tv reported. indian priests started working for the victory of kamal haris to use heavenly powers to make their own blood win the us presidential election. according to the hindu priests in the ancestral village of haris, the god of truth and justice will be on the side of the democratic party in this year's us presidential election. following the rise of ashrubs in england after the attack deadly teenager armed with a knife.
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at least 40 bodies have been found in southwest india and some are missing. fire brigades and national crisis response forces were sent to the affected area and it seems that many people were trapped in the crisis area. japan is experiencing the most intense heat wave recorded in this country. since april, at least 59 japanese citizens have died due to the heat . another news from japan is that following the bending of the railway tracks due to the extreme heat, the local authorities in the southern island of kyushu decided to use ice to solve this problem. lone ranger china unveiled its new drone that looks like a bird of prey. this falcon-like bird has advanced miniature sensors for orientation. this bird also has a system to counter the threats of small birds and can
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repel any missile attacks or electronic warfare. about the assassination case of mr. ismail haniyeh and the search for green america , i am talking to mr. jeremy kazmarov, a writer and expert on american foreign policy, who is with us in a video. who were in this program before, i asked what they think iran's response to the crime of the zionist regime, the recent crime of the zionist regime in the assassination of mr. haniyeh, will be. we want to know your opinion on this matter. well, i think that iran is now in a very serious situation. they faced this aggression and they faced this terror.
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and any government in such a situation must react . on the other hand, they well, iran does not want to start a war in the middle east, because the war will be very destructive, and for this reason, a very difficult and serious situation has been created. do you think it is possible? america's interests should be the target of the attack, considering that it has been announced in official statements that america is also an accomplice of the zionist regime in this action, and iran considers america to be in coordination with the zionist regime in this matter. i think that israel is actually a proxy force of america in the middle east, that is why america
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provides israel with many weapons, supports it a lot and wants to increase its power , and israel also does its own dirty actions in this regard. he continues his immoral actions and america wants him when he couldn't in fact, he lost the shah in iran, he decided to create another force for himself in the middle east, and that force appeared in the form of israel, and now through the same israel, he wants to try to annoy iran and disturb it. to do and this operation that was carried out inside iran was in the same framework, and i did not get an answer to my question . in your opinion, what are the specific implications for america
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? be it well, if this happens, the tension level is high anyway we can't say from now whether this will happen or not, but such an event can create new problems, and as i said, i repeat again that israel is a proxy force of the united states and did this action and the israelis because they feel that they have the responsibility to do this
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, they are the ones who support israel, and israel did this with the warm support it had and with the public opinion it had about america's support , and many other actions it has done before. so we have to see what can happen and as a final question from you i am asking that interviews of american officials were published today in which the message was hidden that we did not know about this assassination . do you think that concerns about iran's response did not cause such interviews to be published and america to try to in order to protect his own interests from this action. it is possible that
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this possibility exists, well, after all, they are worried about the reaction of the united states and iran, but despite these reports, i think there is a high probability that the americans were aware of this program , because israel usually does what it wants. coordinate with the americans to do it more confidently, and on the other hand , we see that the crimes that israel has committed in the last ten months have actually been done with the support of the united states with impunity, now not only the government of netanyahu, but also israel in the past decades , always with the support of america. he committed his own crime and america did nothing to stop them. america could
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have stopped israel by threatening to cut off military aid, but it did not do this, and i think that america was aware of this plan and now. the fact that they say we didn't know is because of the political situation and because they want to be careful. israel is actually a proxy force of america and it cannot do anything on its own, so what the israelis have and the plan of the great israel is definitely approved by america and therefore we can say that in this kind of events. they act side by side and are together, and even now that
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mr. haniyeh is removed , there is no prospect for peace without ismail haniyeh, and we have to see the changes in the government now that will happen in the next government. america will be created, what perspective will it create for the situation in the middle east ? do they support peace at all? thank you very much, mr. jeremy kazmarov, author and expert on american foreign policy , who was with us from oklahoma, usa, and believed that considering that the zionist regime is a force america is a proxy . it would not be unreasonable to target american interests in response to the recent crime of the zionist regime in the assassination of mr. haniyeh.
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i am starting the third case of the world today. the national election council of venezuela has confirmed the correctness of the presidential election of this country and at the same time the us foreign minister made strange statements last night . he congratulated mr. maduro who won the election and announced that now is the time for a peaceful transfer of power. congratulations , i am having a conversation with mr. abdulhamid shahrabi , the international observer of the elections in venezuela, who is a guest of the world today program. welcome, mr. shahrabi . i have the opportunity to be your host again in this program . venezuela was held, considering that you were the observer of the election, here i greet you, dear viewers of the khabar network.
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let's go to the main story, i'm looking for you. i mentioned the previous cases that you had on tonight's program, it was the assassination of ismail haniyeh. i want to make an analogy and compare what is happening in venezuela with the story of haniyeh's assassination . look, haniyeh is the leader of the liberation struggle. he was fighting and assassinating him with the intervention of this is a strange story, how much role america played in israel. there is no scope for independent decision-making without information and approval and the green light of the united states. it happens that the people elect their president
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and they are going to mess up this game now because the question was raised. it was strange that he blinked . the fact is that there was nothing strange. those who followed the venezuelan elections for a long time made this prediction, not me or a few experts . first, we believe that the opposition will win the election. in this context, there are fake polls , which i do not present as accusations . there are proofs of this. for example, suppose that a poll that the main poll that mr. blanken refers to , or generally the pro-opposition forces refer to, is an opinion poll conducted by an organization affiliated with the united states advertising agency, according to documents related to cia. it is interesting to create opinions and at that time
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they have their own technique where they say a high percentage that the opposition wants votes. they managed to prepare the public opinion in advance for this to happen, while they themselves know that the reality on the ground in venezuela is due to some reasons. which can now be found in the program , which can be summed up in the fact that after the victory of chávez, the venezuelan government took many measures to protect the interests of the working and disadvantaged people, and the working people of venezuela, as a result, received genuine support from the people. they already know this and i said this analogy from the point of view that one generation is one generation of israel . you see, in the current elections of america and venezuela, for example, argentina, which fully cooperates with israel, is supported by israel
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, and in turn supports israel. this is a front. there are other fronts to witness it. there are many that from venezuelan elections, venezuelan election results , supported by china, supported by russia, supported by progressive freedom-loving countries in latin america, supported by iran, the islamic republic of iran openly supported the election of mr. madero, and this is the story that i hope to continue the story of america and venezuela. let's look at it to see what was its role in the election and what is its role, so this part of your conversation between the issue of the venezuelan election and the congratulations of the us foreign minister to the loser of the election and the issue of the assassination of mr. haniyeh , shows their participation in jeopardizing the interests of the united states and effort in order to restore his lost interests , i see the question of what interests
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have been lost in venezuela for the united states after the arrival of mr. chávez and mr. maduro, which is now the main oil of venezuela's national wealth. as a result, what was at
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stake with the victory of chowdhury? the united states over the material and natural resources of the venezuelan nation, and what happened then, this income , the oil income, first of all, the oil company affiliated to the united states is nationalized by chavs miad, and the income from this is injected, and during the same period of several years of the bolivarian revolution, 5 million houses were built. they are building 5 million houses and 3 million more houses for the people putting it on the agenda until 2030 to do this, your level of education, healthcare and other needs will increase. to the social welfare that you are considering, despite the very tough sanctions that the united states imposes on venezuela, the brewery government has been able to
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enjoy such achievements in this field. well, it is dangerous for you . and you consider self-reliance to be dangerous for america and it makes such scenarios go forward . what can we talk about the government that instead of looking at the cooperation with china, brics , russia, instead of the previous double, which was dominated by the united states, it means moving towards multilateralism, and then the regional unions that take the initiative. his personal initiative has been decisive in the latin american region of the selak union , the alba union, all of this with the specific initiative of cuba and
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in the region it is bearing this pressure and the venezou front. and his private life in latin america, which he lost, compared to these three, do you think that now it can be said that america is busy in those two fronts are too many. how much attention
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has he paid to latin america or not to his private life? he still pays a lot of attention to it . latin america is not a place for the united states. you mentioned that private life means it was a place that had absolute sovereignty. munro basically says the same thing that he owns here. we are the owners of this region, we determine it, in practice , the history of latin america has been the same in the last century , from the present century, when it was replaced by the united states instead of spain and other colonial countries in the latin american region. this position is even more vital than the other two, so from your point of view, it is fundamental and key for him . with the cuban revolution , there was a break in it. with the victory of chávez, another break was created in it. then you see that in latin america, now these countries that want independence and
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distance themselves from the united states have gone far beyond cuba and venezuela. we have nicaragua, we have belive, and mexico. during the same election, you had some right-wing fascist countries in the region, such as argentina, which supported the opposition, but on this side, you had another progressive double. arbaeen walking is one of the most important projects for anyone who plans to walk 80 kilometers from najaf to karbala in 3 days. preparing for this walk is so important that if one of these
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points is not followed now. the spiritual air that a healthy pilgrim has turns into worry and confusion and, god forbid, illness. following these simple tips will keep your body healthy so that your heart and soul can reach their destination with focus. start walking at night or in cool hours and rest during warm hours. new shoes are prohibited. wear shoes that you have worn it before and it is comfortable and don't walk a long way without shoes. if. if you are asking what is the right speed for walking, you should know exactly as much as you can talk and breathe comfortably at the same time as you walk . have mineral water and chocolate at hand . you must also know that you should use a suitable hiking backpack that contains nothing but essential items, just like driving for every one hour of walking. you should
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sit or lie down and rest for 20 minutes do. you must reach the kiss of imam hussain (peace be upon him) safely, and we are with you for that.
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pay attention to what the consumer price of the remaining cash means. let's assume the consumer price of this washing machine is 20 million tomans. now let's calculate the remaining cash together. if we pay 20% in advance, it will be 4 million tomans. now we have to deduct these four million from the consumption price. if we reduce the factor , that is, 20 minus 4, this way our debt will be 16 million tomans, so installments and fees should be calculated based on this amount. at the same time, please be aware that the payment fee should be from zero to 1%. home appliance city.
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in the name of allah, the most gracious, the most merciful. greetings.


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