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tv   [untitled]    August 8, 2024 1:30am-2:01am IRST

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you see, perhaps one of the main obstacles in this field is that if they ask us now , if we want to do something about the issue of water extraction in the discussions of the watershed project, do we have the permission to use the water obtained in the watershed? we don't have, as a rule, according to the law that is in the discussion of watershed management and the set of programs that the directives that we have in this field, we are alone. we don't allow water extraction or direct exploitation of water. the amount of water that is extracted from wells and canals should be used. there is a point here. that as a rule, we should be together and we should be together . transitional meetings have been organized in this field and we understand this issue. so what you are saying shows that the mechanism, laws and coordination needs to be reformed on their side, this issue is ours in the watershed and watershed bill , we brought as a clause that if
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a certain amount of water is extracted in each sector, it can be used in different economic sectors in addition to compensating for the deficit of our underground water. we believe that if those 40 % of people did not come, then it means that it has not been done from his discussions, this is the difference between the two ministries of javad, and there is no difference. it is a legal discussion. it is a legal discussion . he pointed to the watershed layer . where did he get to? we are in many programs. i asked you this question. yes, the watershed layer is almost the last meeting of the government. in any program , there are always meetings. yes, there is a problem . we can almost say that from our point of view, 80% of the contents have been completed . there is 20% left. it's actually the 13th government it didn't arrive, no, it didn't arrive, no. at the end of the government, a meeting
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was held, god willing , it will definitely be addressed better in the new government, but the point that exists now is that the expert disagreement between your ministry of home affairs and the ministry of energy has not been resolved. it is a bachelor's degree, but the point is that if we want to manage the community of the watershed , we need a certificate of domain both in the first and second category areas, which is one of the most important problems. what we are facing in the country now is that if this issue is resolved, then it will be over we can almost say that our problems can be solved at the administrative level, that our land development in the country is now based on the political sphere, that is , land development is only within the boundaries of the provinces, and the province has the right to see its own development in the form of land development, but it is a mess. to be created in the watershed, cyclically in the watershed
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and health in the watershed is an important issue. especially socio-economic and ecology in the area of ​​afakh as a rule, in the watershed area, you only have watersheds, so it turned out that the meetings still need to be held . how many meetings should be held. god willing , we will reach the conclusion in time. the discussions have not been concluded yet. well, thank you very much for a tip
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and for the first time. in the law of the program , we determined the volume or we determined a hundred for the management of our land , that we must restore 20 million hectares of degraded land during the seventh plan. this is a very important point because many of the crises we have in the country are caused by the we didn't pay much attention to the watershed, just the discussion we are a watershed, how far will it go until the end of the year , god willing, that we will be able to, that this 20
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has been announced, of course , we had a very good jump this year, fortunately, god willing, with this process that the government has considered, there is hope that we will be able to , god willing, your law has taken into account the commitment can it be addressed in the agreement? thank you. one of the issues we wanted to talk about today is the fire issue. a report together, i think , the report of my colleagues with the same theme that i presented to you , the introduction that i said i prepared, let's go together , mr. shaukti, let's see together, we will come back with you.
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mr. shaukti, we will start our conversation and we will ask mr. wade when opportunity becomes threat. due to the very good rains that have happened this year and the situation is good, in some areas due to the carelessness that happens, in fact , there are fires in the pastures, but some omissions from the rules and guidelines are the result. it becomes a threat of fire. livestock keep the morale. livestocks strengthen the pastures if they are used correctly , of course. you are from a pasture. don't send it and don't let that dry grass be grazed by livestock which accumulates and becomes prone to fire year after year. now pay attention to this statistic. according to the estimates of the natural resources and watershed organization of the country , in the last 10 years, more than 250,000 hectares of forests
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and pastures in our country have fallen prey to fire. the average is 21,000 hectares of pasture forest every year. that burned in order to control the fire, the office of the department of natural resources , on behalf of the organization of natural resources and watersheds of the country , requires the managers of the moata dari to use the surplus alufah now either in the form of livestock grazing in the moata or in the form of manual harvesting and not with machines from the pasture. take out based on the livestock and pasture balance plan, which was implemented in the fourth plan, required the government to remove 3 million livestock units from pastures every year.
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conducting radio and television well , we saw and heard alireza shokti's report together, mr. alireza khan shokti himself is also present in the studio of meiz ekhtaz, mr. alireza khan. please tell me , mr. alireza khan. we are sometimes in different places in our country in the field of forests and forests . what is the reason for this? what conclusions have we reached? i am at your service and all my friends . more attention, comments, side human factors go away, while in many cases of these fires, there are non-human factors
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, such as atmospheric conditions, such as wind and piles of wood in those areas, as well as driving and many, many other factors that have an effect. in this fire, we often don't pay attention to these things at all, we don't pay attention to what kind of damage it has, now it's hitting our marateh . you see, many of these fires that take place are mostly in marateh, which means the possibility of cars being there. or, so to speak , they can easily put them out or start a fire , it is not possible, in fact, these fires are there are many fires in those areas, and most of these fires, as you have heard now, are in protected areas , unfortunately , there is no possibility of livestock grazing in protected areas. there is a problem in itself that mr. vaheed knows
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how to respond to this. now, in the investigations that we followed up and we asked the people in this field whether they were cattle farmers or herdsmen, this was one of the issues that even entry of livestock and those areas. of course, his own reasons it is not possible and these fires mostly took place in these areas. what solution did you come up with for the same issues that you mentioned that now the ministry of agriculture and other organizations. that the trustees should state and deal with the issues that you mentioned that aggravate the fire, the beginning of the fire , what do you think is the most suitable solution that can reduce the volume of the fire, see what is now in my report and i myself followed up i checked that every year about 21,000 hectares of forest lands in our pastures burn in fire, and this year it's been two years now that i've been in a relationship.
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there was a reason for this work that has come to be now , whatever it is, it will remain, but there is a solution that should not be left, an explanation in parentheses for the viewers , why this is happening now, you are pointing out that if the trap was done, you will witness this in some of these levels. we didn't have the fires . who or what is the most important obstacle that prevents this from happening? you see, in the fourth plan , we implemented a clause that was about the restriction of livestock entering the pastures, and there was also a clause that the government should remove approximately 3 million herds annually. or remove livestock from forests and forests
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, and this factor caused us to have so-called herds in areas that are prone to fire , and now the solution that exists in this field is to return to the same situation again. kurd means what does it mean when the herd is able to harvest the surplus alufah and no tractors or so-called machines go there anymore. where there is so-called damage to that land, it is easier to harvest it with livestock than with a car or tractor and other factors . in my report, i found out that there is a solution to use livestock for grazing in those areas, that is, we have the same in foreign countries, in fact, when we take livestock to those areas, even for example , using goats, which can easily enter the border areas. it does and it can harvest the surplus alufah and the interesting thing is that it doesn't cost anything, it doesn't require gasoline
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, it doesn't require other machines to be installed on the equipment, very easily this herd can harvest this surplus alufah. and because the accumulation of alofe there causes a spark due to the heat of the air yes, and taking into account that every year that we have had a lot of rain for the past two years , the heat has increased from this swelling. and these are the factors that so-called cause these fires to increase, and the only so-called low-cost, reliable solution for this is the use of livestock grazing in these areas . thank you very much. they are also doing similar things . do you have an example or proof? yes, in foreign countries, especially in europe, for example, spain itself has now made a plan and organized an organization. along with other countries, they brought some livestock to the herdsmen who
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made a contract with them, for example, the amount of livestock they bring will be paid to those people, and to throw a cultural debate means to start a tourism mode with this work means that the herds in those areas, for example , are doing mischief or, for example, are harvesting alufahdo, by making a film and the presence of tourists in that area and seeing that scene is interesting for them, and they were able to form a syndicate that other than that country, like greece, which was ours in previous years we heard that there were a lot of fires in many places . they were able to put out fires and also use these herds of livestock to reduce the amount and spread of fires in those areas. this happened in other parts of the country and they were able to stop the fire in these areas. thank you very much for the explanation of brizai shaukti
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, the reporter of sada vasima news agency's agriculture department, who was with us in this conversation, mr. vahi . i visited most of the pastures where fires occur to your service, fire has different reasons, most of the reasons are human factors, now it is deliberate or deliberate , of course, it is more deliberate that these things are happening in the country. look at the statistics we have about fires and when our arenas catch fire, if we check, we will find that most of our fires happen on the weekend, and the next year, when the weddings of procurement sources, unfortunately, catch fire, usually at 2:34 p.m. or later. yes, and later , well, this shows that if it happens on the weekend and also in the afternoon or later in the afternoon , it means that we are friends who in the name of nature tourism, they go to the areas of natural resources , they go as tourists, they go for entertainment
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, after all, they should pay some attention to these issues, or at least not light a fire, or if we are talking about this issue, at least educate them, because there is a single device called resources. of course , it is not in my expertise to be able to give them these trainings on such a wide level, or cases like this. i am asking that my friends are born in the tourism sector. this issue is a very important issue . next is the burning of the grave, which is according to the law
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clean air according to the soil protection law, burning graves is practically prohibited and criminalized. it happened to him that if the fire reaches from the grave to the funerals of the sources, then as a rule, there should be compensation for the damage , even a criminal offense should be considered. now, for various reasons, which i may tell you, the reasons are very complicated, we have a place to remember our beloved martyr karimi, who unfortunately passed away recently. in the province of kurdistan, one of our dear colleagues was the one who went to the fire may it happen and unfortunately, the fire and martyrdom, we offer my condolences to our dear people , dear family, dear people of kurdistan, that i would like to say selflessly to your service to put out the fire, mr. mazan, as
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our colleagues are in a field where yes, it is extinguished. do not get caught in a fire, unfortunately, you will see a second one. but the events that we are facing this year are due to the fact that the rainfall in the country
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was fortunately very good and the rainfall increased and the vegetation increased as an opportunity. we have to look at this issue as well as the discussions it was related to our genetic diversity, it was our soil erosion, it was our floods , it was the storage of underground water table, and on the other hand, it was alfalfa that could be harvested for livestock , it was livestock, which is part of the letter that the natural resources organization announced, this year we have no species. we did not create a limit for the distribution of natural resources, we said that due to the favorable conditions, we may sometimes be faced with these crises, so they can do it in some way and even allow the harvesting of arufah. their forests are burning
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for 20 days and 30 days a month, and thousands of hectares are burning what the government has done for the fire this year as well as the past years is that at least we have not faced any crisis in the regions of the country, that the participation of the people was very important for this matter, practically, both the government apparatus , the military and the law enforcement, which deserves my thanks is that the set of measures taken by the government the unity that was in the government body was in the crisis council, the service in the provinces was standard, it was in the governorates , it was even in the arena, it was in the customary system, the help that the people gave, the help of the officials, the actions that were done , the flights that were done in this field, at least we suffered the crisis was not very serious the point that our dear friend mentioned is that there were fires in some areas due to the lack of removal of velofe. it is true, because there were many areas in these areas, and the part that sometimes
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got extinguished after some time had passed. it was that permission was actually taken in these areas, but in the areas where you think this should be allowed, it is good . now , it has a series of aioc indicators. after all, we also have a series of international commitments in this field that we must adhere to. the system environment must adhere to these habits in these cases, there is in these reserves , the policy leader in this field is in agreement with the environmental organization itself, of course , there are different models to prevent fire in these areas , which we must address. you mentioned the plan for the courses i am afraid of why you have livestock in the pastures. can you tell me more details, that is , see how it is. the recipe we have is that we can help in several areas . let's assume that 1000 watts of livestock is allowed to be used if it is known if it increases, it is possible to allow harvesting to 2,000
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watts, 1,500, which means that this evaluation is done every year , at the same rate. it is there that we talk about protection. this is a very important issue for us. this year, this work has been done. yes, it has been done . that's why it led to a directive that we have a limit to present. why are we at the level of our rank in yalaq, especially in yalaq because most of the events are happening in the mountains? service we did not agree with you, and it has its own special blessings , like this sentence, for example, what else do we have , the recipe that we issued, another point is that, of course, it is different in different cases, for example, in the case of our forests, it is different in the case of reserves, but the point that hafiz it is important
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that i wanted to serve the dear people of the country with the assurance that the government complex will definitely know that the unity that exists in the government complex will not allow the crisis and that it is also working towards the reconstruction of the arena. when it burns , it can be reversed in the following years more means more 90 fires. it has been done and considered to have happened both in the grassland and in the forest . we had very few surface fires. in murtagh department, usually within two years or three years with a management action that is done, there is a possibility of returning them. our concern is not too much in this field, but our main concern is that
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in terms of the favorable level, if we want to divide the hand , the number is too high. there is, but a large percentage of resources yes, i think we don't have a few more minutes. since we announced that we want to follow up on the issue of one billion trees. the issue of 1 billion, well, a commitment was accepted by the ministry of agricultural jihad, organization of medical resources of the issue. now, for various reasons that can be planned, we have to implement the issue of one billion trees in the country.
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we have to produce about 250 million original trees or saplings every year. we should also produce straw and transfer it to the field of kash models and different production, that is , you see, our commitment to this issue is that, first of all, in the form of the clean air law, article 22, 23 , 24, we are committed to provide saplings and.. let's give it to the municipality or village to develop the sabbath space . therefore, one of the projects that can be discussed is the issue of the commitment that we have in the green space . it is a very important issue. our industrial concessions are a very important issue of carbon compensation, which is definitely a production mesh it is a very important discussion by the industry. there is also another point, which is very important, the issue of wood cultivation. finally , if we stop at the meeting. the forests of the north were created in the form of a development program, and it was a matter of
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right. it would have been the same credit, maybe we are a bit behind in this field, but the point is that how advanced the work is now, if we want, we should implement this issue of agriculture and timber in a proper way . last year, i will give you 223 million the seedling is also in we produced both in the public sector and in the production sector, so i can tell you that a large part of it has been transferred, and a part has remained because if it wants to be transferred now, it has to reach the age of two or three years.
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we thought that we should do this , god willing, but i would like to tell you one thing: how much will it cost to serve you 140 until the end of the year? we can reach the commitment that should be made every year, god willing. there was also a point about a criticism that can be made about the plan's budget. we have less time, so please let me explain , because some of these obligations that have been in the private sector must be fulfilled. in the public sector , not much budget has been allocated to it. now, despite the fact that the necessary follow-ups have been done, but i am asking the friends who are working in this sector to pay special attention to this issue, so that we can properly implement this plan like other areas in the country. the world is being implemented, god willing, we can do this correctly. thank you very much, mr. vahid , head of the natural organization, bob khizdari, who was with us in this conversation. thank you very much to everyone. good viewers of the economic table, who have been with us until this moment, may god protect you,
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2:00 am
okay, dear viewers at 2 o'clock: the brilliance of the iranian representatives in the paris olympics by winning two more medals, saravi won the first gold of iran's caravan. dasht kurd, nematzadeh made history, esmaili mehmedi also made it to the final match. on the twelfth day of this competition, in the final match of 97 kg weight, mohammad hadi saravi will face the armenian titleholder artur aleksanian farhang kar.


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