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tv   [untitled]    August 8, 2024 9:00am-9:30am IRST

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dial the square, be with energy , you are a slave of the morning, good luck, fellow countryman. dear and respected , the demand for electricity consumption in the country reached 7982 megawatts, and registered a new installation. the managing director of tovanir company said that due to the increase in electricity consumption in the last two months, the registration of new installations happened yesterday for the 29th time in less than two months. according to rajabi mashhadi, the average increase in electricity consumption in the last 10 years was 47, but this year . tawanir advised
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to refrain from using high consumption electrical appliances between 13:00 and 18:00 and 20:00 to 23:00. set water coolers on low and gas coolers at 24 degrees. teaching strength and wrestling sports. the school came with the signing of a memorandum of understanding in the form of the martyr toghani project between the federation of ancient sports and education . students interested in zurkhaneh sports learn this sport in the school . and so far 8 thousand students have been introduced to ancient sports and wrestling. our goal is to educate our students, that is,
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they should learn the virtues of bravery and chivalry, the virtues of arresting and scoring goals, and helping their fellow students , because here, physical health is also important. 80 sports centers will be established all over the country , and our dear students will participate in these sports centers for training zorkhaneh and morshidkhaneh sports. in addition to the fact that the zorkhaneh federation will provide professors and mentors for the training of our students, god willing, the ministry of education will take action to create 30 zorkhanehs, 32 zorkhanehs in 30, 32, and the general department of sales education , god willing. the bronze of mobina nematzadeh and the promotion of two iranian wrestlers to the
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final meeting caused a wave of happiness among the people amal people celebrated his gold medal by appearing in front of hadi saravi's father's house. amouli's night vigil with captain saravi's gold at the olympic stadium. the night of brilliance of iranian athletes in the paris olympics with the gold medal of mohammad. at the paris olympics, they were counting the moments , so they rejoiced with the brilliance and pride of yel mazandaran. conductor, the flag of mazandaran, the flag of iran
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, the flag of amal is high. especially the family of adi sarvi-gol, hassan yazdani , amir hossein zari and rahmane kasab , it is not far off to expect their badges from paris. mehdi gholami of sed and sima news agency came. some more news. the organization of islamic cooperation strongly condemned the martyrdom of ismail haliyeh, the former head of the hamas political office in tehran. the foreign ministers of the member countries of the organization of islamic cooperation in the final statement of the new meeting.
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they held the zionist regime responsible for the assassination of martyr ismail haniyeh and emphasized that the assassination of haniyeh was a hostile crime and a clear violation of international laws. in this statement: it was also emphasized the assassination of ismail heni it is a violation of the sovereignty of the horizontal integrity and security of iran. an emergency meeting of the foreign ministers of the member countries of the organization of islamic cooperation was held on wednesday at the request of iran to investigate the crimes of the zionist regime against the palestinians and the assassination of martyr ismail haniyeh in jeddah, saudi arabia. the foreign ministers of jordan, pakistan, algeria, uae and malaysia met separately with the acting minister of foreign affairs of our country on the sidelines of the extraordinary meeting of the organization of islamic cooperation in jeddah. the meeting with the deputy foreign minister of saudi arabia was one of the other bilateral meetings of mr. bagheri. expansion of bilateral relations, developments in the region
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internationally, especially the situation in gaza was the most important focus of the talks between the parties in these meetings. prime minister. tunisia was sacked. with the sacking of prime minister ahmed al-hashani, the president of tunisia, qais saeed , appointed the minister of social affairs, kamal al-madouri , to form the new cabinet of tunisia. the reason for this sudden action of qais saeed in the dismissal of ahmad al-hashani is the inefficiency of the cabinet in managing the country. the presidency of tunisia, october 6, 2024, 15 mehr . has set the date for the presidential election. us president joe biden said if trump loses the presidential election there is no assurance of a peaceful transfer of power.
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trump also called the polls that estimated his chances lower than harris fake. in a survey, 80% of the american people.
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i will vote for trump in the election, not because harris has any special characteristics, not because trump is really hateful. the poll conducted by reuters in the american society indicates that 80% of the people of this country, that is , four out of five americans. some of them predict that as a result of the presidential elections in november, america will be caught in chaos and civil war they are very worried about this, ali rajabi of the new york radio and television news agency at 9:00 and the end of this
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allahu akbar news segment.
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the graves of two iranian religious scholars are located in the newjieh mosque . emad al-din qazvini and ahmad bukharai who were imams of this mosque in the 19th century. the area of ​​newjieh mosque is about 6 thousand square meters. to make it from chinese and islamic cultural elements. used together, the most interesting phenomenon in this mosque that attracts the attention of tourists
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is the combination of chinese, arabic and islamic atmosphere. prayer times are announced in arabic and chinese to be the minbar and mihrab of the mosque are decorated with verses of the quran in arabic. the imam of the mosque prays in arabic and after reading the verses of the quran, he translates them into chinese. more than 200 people pray in this mosque every day. the number of people praying on fridays reaches more than a thousand people. according to official statistics,
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about 60 million people in china are muslims. pictures left of martyr chamran and other souvenirs of imposed war. kazem akhwan, one of the first photographers of the holy defense journalists, born in 1338 in
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mashhad, kazem, the camera lens is on the flowers he had adjusted the tremors of some of them, it was clearly visible. the two warriors were entrenched among the anemones of the green plain. they were pointing at the baathist enemy. memories of this photographer are in the picture book. narrated from birth to captivity, there is a false image of the brotherhood that was captured in barbed wire, and i named this book based on this image, which means that it is like an image that was captured later. the book narrates the story of kazem in four stages. his acquaintance with shahid chamran in the very beginning of the imposed war when he was dragged to the fronts. with one hand a gun and a camera in the other hand. the stage of collecting memories began. the first step was that i had to go to mashhad to interview his family
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. the second stage is the memories of his friends. the third stage is the memories. he worked in the islamic republic of iran news agency , was sent to the fronts as a reporter, and in addition to news work , he also participated in various operations. being dr. chamran and fighting irregular wars on different fronts, then dr. chamrat gave him a camera it is said that he was his rival in photographing the front, and all the pictures of dr. chamran we see today are all the work of kazem akhwan, in important operations such as al-bait al-maqdis, fath al-mubin and tariq al-khos, he also left sensitive photos in memory of his life after the end of the beit al-maqdis operation is tied to sardar haj ahmad metuslian and it takes on a different color when he is sent to syria and lebanon
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. daftala is sent to syria and lebanon for border operations and finally, on july 14, 1961 , along with haj ahmet metouslian taqih rostgar moghadam and seyyed mohsen mousavi, he was exposed in lebanon. he hears that kazem akhvan's captivity fills his memories with anticipation. the hope of the families is reflected in the book and continues to this day. a picture book in the section on the website of shahid kazemi publishing house at the address of shahid kazemi publishing house. accessible during this time , there were rumors about the existence or martyrdom of these four people, and in this book, we tried to use reliable sources. ansi behri, radio and television news agency. on august 17, 12998,
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the 1919 agreement was concluded between england and iran. the agreement of 1919. one of the headlines of british influence in iran is signed by prime minister wasud al-dawlah ahmad shah qajar and british minister mukhtar cox arrived , for the first time the administration of iran's financial and military affairs was handed over to a foreign power. 7 months of negotiation about this contract was confidential. this agreement had six articles: respecting the integrity and preserving the independence of iran . the second clause was related to the dispatch of advisers in whatever amount iran wants, the third clause was the army, the fourth clause was the creation of a railway, the fifth clause was giving loans to iran, and the sixth clause was related to the customs tariff . it was mentioned in every clause that the iranian government pays for everything outside of iran
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that is, the advisers who are paid by the iranian government , the military, who pay us money. they give loans, but then they withdraw the interest from their own accounts . regarding how much our independence and integrity was used in this field, i would like to mention the speech that mr. modares made in the parliament at that time, mr. modares says. as i am a scholar and not a politician, they tell me that this is the problem, sir. tell me what is the plan , i will tell them that sir, i don't know anything about politics, but if iran is independent, they emphasize , sir, that we accept iran's independence, what does that mean next? the second issue says that even though i am a mullah , i did a little research on this matter and saw that the two
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main areas, if not in the hands of iranians, and under regardless of what foreigners think, independence has no meaning at all . the british took over the financial affairs and the army. the government's promise was that we would convey this to the image of the parliament. the announcement of this agreement was strongly protested by ayatollah modares and some other scholars and members of the parliament. oppositions were provoked, and parliament members and scholars, especially ayatollah modares, were provoked to oppose the contract and specify that this it contradicts the constitution, it contradicts the independence and the freedom of iran, and actually contradicts the national sovereignty, and based on this
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, there were protests to close the markets in different cities of iran. even the figures that we know as western in history oppose this plan. following these oppositions , souq al-dawlah decided to bring only representatives who agree with the 1919 agreement to the parliament in order to approve this agreement. during this period, ahmad shah was in france as that he went for treatment and so on, when he heard that such news had actually happened in the country , he decided to return. al-dawlah knew that if the shah returned, he would no longer be able to manipulate the elections and the contract would not be approved in the parliament, so he tried to he
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used the shah's illness as an excuse so that the shah would stay abroad for a longer period of time, but in the end, ahmad shah was suspected of returning to iran . . he knew his existence. for this reason, the soviet union by dismounting bolshevik forces in anzali port emphasized that as long as the british forces are in iran, the soviet forces will also remain in iran. considering that the 1919 agreement was signed between iran and england, wasuq al-dawlah thought that the british would support him and his country against the bolsheviks . the idea of ​​vasuq al-daulah that england will support iran and the government of vasuq al-daulah against the soviet union reached curzon's ears and curzand
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telegraphed his representative in iran, percy cox , to the effect that no, we have no intention of coming on foot to defend iran. shim in gilan let's fight with the russians. ahmad shah considered the cossack forces and their commander straselski as the pillars of his kingdom's survival. cossacks were more powerful than gendarmerie and city police in iran for 40 years. for this reason, england wanted to claim and control all three forces together. so the british threatened the shah to cut off financial aid and bankrupt iran, which made ahmad shah agree to dismiss straselsky, the commander-in-chief of the cossacks. but factors such as the arrival of bolshevik forces, ahmad shah's return to iran, and wasuq al-dawlah's resignation from the prime ministership and his escape
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from iran and also the transfer of cox to iraq caused the 1919 agreement to remain unfulfilled. sir, go away! the fifth mourning is the heavenly basilisks. a mourning for the people of gaza these days, for the bride of gaza. how many worlds have celebrated the storm of al-aqsaan? until the storm of al-aqsaan. the holy defense museum hosts a show for justice these nights. this license plate is one of our official ones. he is a doctor like me. dear bran. every season of our show, we explain the whole word. ashura and the whole millet of karbala were in today's world , we are witnessing the events that continue and, as the famous saying goes, the events of ashura in time.
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after killing me , they say their words right on ashura in the year 61 hijri, why do we do this, my lord, in order to survive after you, the first goal, especially in this show, is that the enemy is the same enemy, and maybe the color and clothes have changed. my goal in two historical periods is that anyone who refers to history can distinguish between good and evil, and anyone who believes that narrative will definitely believe this narrative, and in karbala 1400 years later , in gaza, in the midst of fire. . among the martyrdom of children and women. we tried to compare what is happening in gaza
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to the incident of karbala. yes, we want to show that this is happening, sir, and to support the palestinian people. the show of the bride of gaza is a cry as loud as history for the ears that hear it. we tried to depict the truth in this show . history repeats itself and some of those events have flashbacks to ashura itself. narrating the love of two young people far from their territorial borders and showing the friendship and unity of the two nations of iran and palestine. the love of an iranian boy for a palestinian girl, maybe this is how i can actually say that the love of our people for the palestinian people means that if we want to have a bit of an artistic description, it would be like this, be aware. the world, the story of karbala comes out of the heart of the oppression of a city. it is really the situation when
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these children are being killed in that bomb. it is nice to display the scenes one by one, as if it is being recreated, all the narratives in gaza, the killing of helpless children, pregnant mothers, hitting the hospitals , all these bitter scenes, finally, that incident will be mourned by the bride of gaza until august 19 at the host's holy defense museum garden you will be
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wow, i can't believe it. yes, it was only a while ago . if you wanted to buy something, you had to spend a lot of time to go and look around, and then reach the market, any market. even though i was one sided, i said that here all the specialized markets near me were good. we came to serai afsarieh .
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unbelievable prices and long-term contracts without prepayment in the big iranian store in the cities of qom , isfahan, and the only tehran branch in sarah afsarieh. we know that in hours.
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cash prizes, for more information , dial the square star 15/21, be energetic, you are a winner . in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and his family mohammad and ajl farjaham, greetings and good morning to you, dear viewers, welcome to the sports news, first of all, paris olympics ismaili mehmadi is trying for the gold medal tonight .


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