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tv   [untitled]    August 8, 2024 11:00am-11:31am IRST

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[000:00:04;00] have a nice day, dear compatriots, the minister of interior said that with the full implementation of coordination and plans with the iraqi side, good facilities have been prepared for the transportation and reception of arbaeen pilgrims. on the sidelines of the visit to the border terminal of chadaba, ahmed vahidi added that the movement of pilgrims from the border of chadaba
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is carried out slowly and is expected to take place during the week. the minister of interior also said that the border terminal of iraq has suitable facilities for hosting iranian pilgrims and the necessary coordination with the iraqi ministry of interior has been planned for the easy movement of pilgrims. to forecast of the meteorological organization in the next 5 days will continue to be hot weather for the citizens in the southern half of the country. at the same time as the heat continues , the demand for electricity consumption in the country reached 7982 megawatts , a new installation was registered. the ministry of energy has asked the compatriots, especially in cooler areas , to
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help establish the network in warmer areas by saving hours from 13 to 18 and 20 to 23. they are experiencing the heat of the air in such a way that the cooling systems have succumbed to it. our air conditioner has not turned off for several days now. these days, people are protesting the announcement of the air temperature because the thermometers in the city show a different temperature. but the announcement they say that it is 49 degrees, this is 49 degrees, here for meteorology. it is now 12:00 noon on the 17th of august , and here in the center of the city, the heat
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is more than 50 degrees. it should be established in areas that are far away from the influence of construction and unnatural artificial effects, so of course the atmospheric parameters measured inside the urban environment can be different from the parameters measured at the standard meteorological station. but because these data cannot be relied on in fact and will be different in different situations, so we are the size criteria there are measurements that are done under standard conditions and on the meteorological platform. due to the heat, the color
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of the sky has changed and it has taken on an autumnal yellow face. it was dried and burned in the city. the heat usually starts in bafaq city from may and lasts until the end of september. abdallahi of sda news agency, the hottest city in iran, bafaq. some other news : 25 palestinians were martyred and wounded in an airstrike by the occupation regime on a house in the center of gaza. in this crime. five a palestinian was martyred and 20 others were injured. israeli warplanes also targeted a house in the jabalia camp. israeli tanks also shelled the east of al-gharara city in the northeast of khanyounes in the south of the gaza strip . at the same time, shahab news agency
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published a picture of the bodies of martyred children being taken out from under the rubble 3 days after their martyrdom in the occupation attack on gaza. the child likes fahsan lali, let me know of gaza, don't interact with me. a number of palestinians were arrested. the united nations office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs reported the martyrdom of 16 palestinians, including two children, and the wounding of 56 palestinian reported in the west bank in the past week. the condition of the british health system is facing a crisis due to the migration of doctors. according to sky news, some british doctors say that
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they want to be in the service of providing public health services , but they cannot completely sacrifice their mental and physical health. after only one year tom as a young doctor from the servant. the hospital needs me, but i knew in my heart that i couldn't take care of that patient in that shift because there were 43 second patients on my list and there were patients before that who were in worse condition before i put my bag down.
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i was called to take care of another patient in a critical condition. for tom, money was not the only problem , lack of respect and poor training were also big concerns. i feel somehow guilty because i want to be able to serve public health services, i want to improve public health services, but i cannot sacrifice the happiness of my mental health and physical health. 20 months of hard work has taken its toll. this issue is one of the reasons that british doctors from the company foreign recruits are selected. in the past two years, we have seen an increase in the number of patients, especially among young doctors . the strikes that create uncertainty and despair in england continue, but again
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, it is a natural progress in the direction that with the opening of the borders after corona senior doctors are also applying for employment. the department of health and social care says the nhs is flawed and the foreign secretary says he wants to work with young doctors to rebuild the nhs and improve working conditions. tom hopes to one day join the nhs. he will return, but only when he thinks he can do better for his patients. anti-muslims and immigrants
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started violent protests in this country. protesters of racism also came to the streets and held a peaceful demonstration to condemn the violence of extreme right-wing anti-muslim groups. the british prime minister blamed anti-muslim and anti-immigrant groups for causing a wave of violence condemned in the country and asked the police to take strong measures to deal with this issue. after britain left the european union in 2016 and tightened anti-immigration laws, the climate of hatred and xenophobia has increased in this country. protests in bangladesh
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have disrupted the production of this country, which is one of the largest garment exporters in the world. 83% of bangladesh's exports are garments. there are 40,000 garment production houses operating in this country, and the textile export of this country is about 50 billion. the dollar has arrived. protests in bangladesh in response to quotas a job has led to the resignation and departure of the prime minister of this country . the owners of the textile industry say in the week. during the protests, the production of the factories was disrupted and all the factories were closed for 6 days. during this time, we suffered a lot of losses and our production was also greatly reduced . another black person was killed. in the style of george floyd in america
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, a bystander's cell phone captured the scene of the killing of a young black man by the security guards of a hotel in milwaukee. these agents pressed their knee on devanti mitchell's neck for 8 minutes until he was killed. after about 40 days of this the incident of the judicial officials of the city of milwaukee did not take any action to prosecute the offending officers. four years ago, an american police officer killed george floyd by putting his knee on his neck, which caused a wave of protests. last week, pictures of the killing of a black woman in her kitchen by police officers were released.
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be a viewer and companion of the news network. on the ninth day of the second month of summer, tehran hosted guests from all over the world to meet with the leader of the revolution in some of the heads of government and resistance leaders participating in this ceremony, but palestine street on this hot summer day guest. also, the brave and resistant palestinian commander
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, mr. ismail hanidah, peace be upon him and may god's mercy and blessings be upon him, before this, ayatollah khamenei and mr. ismail haniyeh had met many times in the leadership office. in these meetings, while explaining the situation of the resistance , they discussed the advancement of the palestinian resistance programs and their support. in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, peace be upon you, may god's mercy and blessings be upon you, thank you for
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this opportunity that you have given to khamene's dar al-alami website in the arabic language . our hamas is the most important thing that has been focused on during these meetings, that is, in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful , the beginning of my heart. al-islamiya in iran salutes the palestinian people and their resistance in gaza and al-dazha and everywhere, as well as praises for the resistance in al-aqsa , supporting the people and their resistance. repeated meetings with the leader of al-thawrah in iran is the reason for the position of the palestinian cause in the minds of the people and in the minds of the people. muslim iranians believe
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that the issue of palestine is the central and central issue of the nation. there are many issues of occupation of iran , but the issue of palestine is at the top of the priorities this is my concern before samaha al-qa'id , we will always reach the issues of the moment, we do not get too , and in a hurry, this meeting is with samahat and you are the patron of this place. and the van of the resisters, samaha al-qaid said, "i am your guardian, here in al-jam in the islamic republic, there are always meetings that touch on the issues." which is related to the nature of this conflict and the dimensions of the conflict, whether it is on the palestinian issue or on the region, and how the resistance is strong and capable of handling this zionist project, considering that the first line of defense in the region is the resistance in
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palestine during the years. the fight under the editorship of gaza and our election campaign. parliamentarianism and the resistance of the palestinian people, may god grant us victory in the battle of al-furqan and the gaza war, as well as the victory in completing the deal for the exchange of captives of the freed against al-jandi, the captives of shali, in the year 1047 . due to the nature of the conflict with the zionist project , the dangerous zionist project is not limited to palestine, but extends to the region, but despite this international conspiracy, it is represented by the blockade and the 22-day war on gaza. and the great praise that we have for him, and despite
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the arab complicity, but we are willing, praise be to god, that we achieve important victories and achievements, not only for the palestinian branches, but also important for all. what are the resistance fronts in lebanon, in yemen , in iraq, and the development of the al-akhwa in ansar allah in yemen, by targeting tel aviv , in the form of a specific move, in my confrontation outside the palestinian territory with the zionist entity of the brotherhood in hezbollah
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in lebanon, and this is my level of intervention that has a significant impact. apart from the entity and the settlers in the north of palestine and the inability to overcome the many doubts about this development that happened to my brothers and sisters in yemen ansar allah ansar al-haq to the brotherhood who are 2000 kilometers away, enter this power, then face the path and strike in the heart of tel aviv, and indeed tel aviv is also the target area and the military objective of this is also the development of the great brotherhood in iraq with this umbrella represented by the islamic republic of al-wad al-sadiq. we believe that it is we are in the moment. it is very important and at the moment of our imam's passing away, there is a great opportunity to achieve victory , god willing, despite the fact that there are challenges on the easy list of our imam, especially the humanitarian conditions for our people in gaza , the massacres, the massacres, the war of worship, the displacement , and also we will attack the enemy in the west bank when
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the tv shows some of the views here , i often can't bear to watch them. the patience of the people of gaza turned the palestinian issue into the first issue of the world despite the enemy, the extraordinary resistance that made the world wonder. there is no doubt that it means the considerations that stand behind the power of resistance to persevere, that is, it can be emphasized in the trinity of al-murtaqzat al-murtaqzat, which is the al-murtaqzat al-aqeed , i.e., the religious personality. the gift that you received from me, this is al-mu'in, and the bestowal of it is on steadfastness in the field, on giving, on sacrifice , on patience, and on bearing the consequences of the road.
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linguistically busy with this honorable verse, peace be upon them, may god have mercy on him. there are long numbers like before the storm of al-aqsa over the years of the resistance factions that have the capabilities and the form of these capabilities and the ability to have the capabilities to fight this battle and this historical epic . age it is true that there is a big difference between the scales of power between us and the enemy, but also we have understood the resistance, which is our inherent capabilities, and we are the helpers of the axis of resistance. with with this spirit and with this thought, you will definitely win
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. let's see the day when you take big steps towards that final victory. even after that, it was with other countries, whether it was in latin america or in other countries, such as russia and china, south africa. all of this also led to giving political support to the resistance in the security council in other countries. the essence of the three dimensions, which is the religious dimension , the military dimension, and the political dimension in the strategic alliances, that is, the dimension of the success of allah, the exalted , is the one that forms the determinant that does not apply to these. today , the palestinians are the same oppressed people who
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are under the bombardment of gaza, they are bearing the highest flag of islam, they are holding the highest flag of islam in their hands today , god willing, an hour ago , i met with al-hajj abu tariq ziyad al-nakhal, the leader of al-thawrah al-islamiya, imam sayyid ali khamenei. what are the most important topics that were discussed during this meeting, and what was the importance of today's meeting? it also means that the final meaning of the delegation of the islamic movement in palestine, the delegation of hamas and the islamic jihad, is a joint delegation, and this reflects the nature of this love , this brotherhood, and this faith-based jihad alliance between the members of the islamic project on the land of palestine. in al-midan al-siyasa, this treatise is also for the nation, we want
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this nation to be united, just as the resistance is united, just as the islamic movement is united today , so we also want this nation to be united, that is , we are united at the point now, after 300 days of the war at the point. it is very important and at the important moment, i will stop. we are confident in the resistance, god willing, and i believe that this treatise was important, and also the al-qa'id's permission to aspire to it. god willing. thank you
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, the beginning of my heart, the islamic republic in iran, salute to the palestinian people and to the resistance of al-basle in gaza, in al-tafa and everywhere, khamenei, may god bless him and grant him peace. orientals and especially muslims are known for their warm blood the hospitality of the martyrdom of the dear palestinian guest of iran touched the hearts of the people, this can be seen from the unique presence.
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we saw the people in the ceremony of martyr hameh's glory. a ceremony mixed with sadness, anger, bloodlust, honor and hope for victory, which is now very close. one of the things that seemed evident from the i think it was june strike when in iran sent 350 missiles and drones uh and the uh iron dome allegedly anyway knocked out 95% or something like that but it was an analysis after. was we had the professor ted posolon who said when you look at it, actually many the missiles were not intercepted and many of those that were were designed to be shot down
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to try to avoid escalation, but he said that if if... had actually wanted to harm israel, they could have picked a lot different targets and caused a lot more damage, and hezbulah number one, the time of flight now is far less than they would have, they have more of these missiles uh, there's some suggestion that the iron dome may not be very effective at all and it could uh israel could be seriously harmed by the hezbollah missiles, well the iron dome has never performed to the level is advertised, you know 90 plus percent intercepts that's always been nonsense so... they're getting something in a neighborhood of 50 to 60% of what's out there, but keep in mind that everyone's missile arsenal or stocks are designed to exhaust the air defense capability, so you can run the israelis and for that matter us out of anti-missile missiles very quickly, doesn't take very long, and we are not disposing over
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hot manufacturing lines or building missiles and rockets handover. a daily basis, so we have limited supplies, the iranians and the shiites in hisb are in a
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energy, they are aware of energy consumption and dial the square cooler, you will be a winner with energy . in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their fate, i offer my greetings and courtesy to egypt , dear and generous viewers , welcome to this news section from the beginning of the year to august 16 , 174 thousand articles in the amount of 57 thousand billion tomans


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