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tv   [untitled]    August 10, 2024 1:00am-1:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, dear compatriots . welcome to this news section. with the raising of the flag decorated with yaal sarat al-hussein, which is a symbol of service to the arbaeen pilgrims, the service of the processions to the arbaeen pilgrims at the shalamcheh border terminal officially began.
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with the facilities that we have provided, the loved ones can go on pilgrimage in good health and with dignity, and we thank the good people of iraq who gathered here tonight, although the processionists have no request except for the presence of those who wish to visit arbaeen and the provision of an opportunity to serve , but they are responsible. due to the high heat of the air, be sure to pay attention to a few points. we have already said that god willing, our dear ghain should try to manage and their travel time should not be more than 6 to 7 days in iraq so that space and facilities are left for others. from the entrance of khorramshahr to both sides of shalamcheh border crossing, iranian and iraqi convoys from the beginning of the journey to several.
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my dear, i'm going to visit inna and i'm here. they give her a warm back, dear, it was their grandmother's life. i 'm a saharjo woman. i asked them to help me. everyone took a corner of the work. i 'm helping my friend ms. khorsandi in her product photography . sahar khanom's childhood goes back to those days when children were interested in the truth making a series of boxes, he liked to see all his work. i took pictures of them
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and posted them in the virtual space, but he didn't expect what happened . they liked it a lot. when i got an order, he gave me a ray of hope. he was lacking . he was making money for himself from his hobbies. i couldn't work alone anymore, mr. saeed. his brother also came to help him. my son was unemployed from the soldier who came. i saw that if i wanted to go somewhere to work , he had to have a background. he was working hard and needed to be provided with tools for his work. the price of the laser cutting machine at that time was 60 tomans it was 35 tomans for a single prite, the father of the family bought the device for them , we had spent most of our money on the same device, there was no more money to provide another place, now it was aziz jan's turn to come to their aid, my mother helped us with the parking lot in the lower floor of her house. we were going to contract so that their business could start, but a serious challenge ruined everything. corona came, no one was making any purchases, and there was no income. there is no way
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, there is no way. before, we had said that we could, but the people around us saw that there is really nothing here, but they should not lose hope. our biggest winning card was abjin. i had to go to work in the evening. when i came back, i would go back to the workshop and i was back at the workshop until 11:12 at night . i prepared a series of samples that i knew there were customers for. it took a few years, but with my help, the work started even my customers who left a few years ago have returned. about 15 people are working now . even beyond these, they get the raw materials from us and prepare them for the customers they earn and sell themselves. on the day when corona slowed down their business, it was enough for sahar khanum
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to be disappointed. this group would no longer gather. produce in the country. one of the vital mineral elements in livestock, poultry and aquatic food is zinc, which by affecting the activity of more than 300 enzymes in the body of these animals , plays an important role in the growth of egyptian production and most importantly in their immune system, so that even a slight deficiency of this the element is also a structural problem. to meet this need, a knowledge company foundation using complementary third generation nano technology. mineral produced poultry feed. our product is called the third generation nano zinc mineral supplements for all types of animal feed, poultry, aquatic, lion and pets. the third generation are nano-types of zinc that are resistant to temperature and humidity,
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they do not lose quality over time, they have a very high efficiency and there is no effect of absorption interference inside them. a product that has the problems of previous generations of animal feed mineral supplements. two generations ago, the first generation contains substances such as sulfates and oxides that are directly used in mines mission and the second generation of chelates, which actually increase the effectiveness, but the interference effects of absorption and their sensitivity to temperature and humidity caused the third generation to be created, and this generation , in addition to the high effectiveness, was able to solve the problems of the previous nasr. let's not forget that the monopoly of the production of this nano supplement was only in the hands of a foreign company, and iran is the second country with the technical know-how to produce this product. the only producer of this product was an american company that achieved its technical knowledge after 15 years of research and development. our company achieved the technical knowledge of this product after 4 years of research and development
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a third of the same foreign price entered the market. this knowledge-based company based in zanjan has created added value and prevented raw sales by using the capacity of zinc mines in this province. we are located in zanjan, which is the hub of zinc mines in iran and the middle east. our goal is to achieve a product with multiple added value. and we reached the production of the third generation of zinc mineral nanosupplements, which in addition to creating high added value and the up-to-date knowledge that the product has , there is a lot of potential for its export , according to the officials of this company, this iranian knowledge-based product is on the verge of being exported to countries like russia, iraq. and this is kuwait, mohammad hossein haji of the broadcasting news agency, thank you for your companion
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, the flames of the swords. covered in blood, burning tents, crying children, headless bodies, and black-clad women. perhaps there are few people who do not remember the terrible events of the day of ashura and yazid and his accomplices in the incident of karbala when they see these pictures. the nine curses
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sent on the first day of travel in the year 61 ah are nearly 40 years. by the family of abu sufyan, who harbored the enmity of hazrat ali (peace be upon him) and created a poisonous propaganda atmosphere against the ahl al-bayt there. ruler have been administered. when the evening arrived , the people, unaware of the facts of ashura, rejoiced and celebrated and stamped their feet on the insult that was done to hussain, his family and children. but very soon with the fiery sermons of imam sajjad (peace be upon him) and hazrat zainab (peace be upon them) in the assembly. yazid, his oppression on this family is revealed and his scandal is played on the drum. yazid
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, who sees the sedition of the people, asks numan bin bashir, the former emir of kufa, to return asra to medina according to their wishes. but many may not know that the return journey of the usra caravan from dinner, the beginning of the figure. which today is known as arbaeen hosseini walking tradition after centuries. in the year 61 ah, 40 days have passed since the terrible event of ashura. jabir ibn abdullah ansari, a companion of the messenger of god, may god bless him and grant him peace, along with his student ati aufid. a few days after the news of imam's martyrdom arrived , they left madinah for karbala. old age, blindness,
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the distance of the road and the oppression of oppressors like yazid ibn ziyad did not prevent him from this journey. according to history, jabir bin abdullah ansari was the first pilgrim to imam hussain's tomb in the year 61 ah, the first pilgrimage letter of sayyid arbaeen. martyrs against salam is left as a memory of him, which was narrated by ati ofi, a great scientist and famous islamic scholar . the first person who managed to reach karbala on the day of arbaeen, what a great man he was and what he did. when we come back , if you look at the history of jabir bin abdullah ansari, you will understand
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that this person was one of the companions of the messenger of god, the one who was on the side of amir al-mu'minin in the battle of safin , he was on the side of imam hasan, and at that time , jabir lost his sight. the preparations are entered, he bathes if he donates a hand. take me , take me, he comes to my beloved's grave, jaber is shouting atiya comes to his senses, then hey, hossein, hossein, why don't you answer me, and he mentions this several times , then he says yes, no, i didn't pay attention. habib give himself? i
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bear witness that you are the last son of the prophets, the son of amir al-mu'minani, the son of fatimah, the daughter of the prophet, the best women in the world. so live cleanly and die cleanly. but the hearts of the believers are unhappy in your absence. peace and blessings of god be upon you. i testify that you went the same way as your brother yahya son of zakaria. seyyed ibn tavus is one of the shia scholars of the century 7th of ah, in his famous book, lahof writes that the women and ahl al-bayt and wife of imam hussain. peace be upon them came back from syria and reached the land of iraq, they said to the caravan guide
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, take us through the road of karbala, then they came until they reached the martyrs' place of slaughter , they saw jabir bin abdullah ansari and a group of bani hashim who were visiting with a group of the messenger of allah, may god bless him and grant him peace. they have come to the grave of imam hossein. so all at the same time in that head. the view of many shia and sunni scholars and historians is that the historical basis of the arbaeen husayni walking tradition is, on the one hand, the movement of jabir bin abdullah ansari from madinah to he returns to karbala on foot, and on the other hand , to the arrival of ahl al-bayt in karbala in the first arbaeen of the year
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61 ah and the burial of the pure heads of the martyrs, especially the holy head of imam hussain. but some historians and researchers have a different opinion about this historical event. without a doubt, the elders did a good research in this direction, and it is true that this arbaeen is the same year as arbaeen. why? the reason is that on the 14th or 15th day of muharram , the caravan of captives moved from kufa to syria with a very gentle movement of 10 or 15 kilometers per day, that is , they moved the caravan of captives in such a way
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to show off yazid's power in the umayyad system to the people , that is, they did not move from the natural path. in the evening , yazid's assembly and the sermon of hazrat zain al-abidin were so amazing that everyone heard this speech and contrary to imagination. the ruling apparatus and yazid see that the situation is collapsing. narratives and the tenth day of the journey, this caravan was moving towards qast towards madinah. it was here that hazrat sajjad and hazrat zainab, peace be upon them, requested that we were going to karbala on our way, and that the normal movement
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was relatively fast, and this from the point of view of those who they have the information about the movement of the caravan in those days, this route is something around 1800 to 1900 km and a so-called orderly and regular caravan can reach this point in 5 days, and the 9-day caravan reached this point and this has been proven since the year 61 hijri. the way of fighting against oppression has always
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made a circle of shiites lovers of truth and truth. a royal court will appear. the recommendations of the infallible imams about visiting the grave of imam hussain added to this passion and inspiration. therefore, the oppressive rulers always felt threatened and tried in every way to destroy this spiritual center. a year, someone from the companions of the prophet arrived and said: "o messenger of allah, i did not succeed this year." hajj musharraf, what should they do instead of hajj, he said, look at this mountain around mecca, it is mount abu qubais, if they cover this mountain with red gold , it means the most valuable type of gold, red gold. if you want to give this instead of hajj, what can't it be? hajj is so important, hajj
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is so important when imam sadiq, may god bless him and grant him peace, says that in arbaeen, every step you take towards haer hosseini and masjah sharif of hazrat aba abdallah is equivalent to saying 70 hajjahs , less than even some sources say exactly the number of 1000 hajj and 1000 umrah. hajj and umrah are not ashura during two centuries until the time of mutawakkul, the tyrannical abbasid caliph, became universal and any changes and transformations in karbala and the court of imam hussain, peace be upon him , spread throughout the islamic world. mutawakkul
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is not only famous for imposing harsh punishments on the pilgrims of imam hussain, including the amputation and killing of shiites, but also , according to historians, he ordered the destruction of his tomb 17 times. zaid majnoun, a scholar and writer who lived in egypt, heard about mutawakkel's actions. they are very upset about destroying the grave of seyyed al-shaheda and closing water and farming in it , so they leave egypt with the intention of pilgrimage. zayd majnoon in 237 ah qamari reaches kufa and from there, accompanied by bahlul hakim , he goes on foot to the shrine of imam hussain (peace be upon him). the pilgrimage of hazrat aba abdullah from the year 61 until now that we are at your service has never stopped, just like the circumambulation of the house of god, the public kaaba and
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the wishes and hearts of free people, shiites and lovers of the ahl al-bayt, after the year 61 hijri, the kaaba has never been empty of pilgrims in the most difficult times. circumstances in a situation where martyrdom means that a person knew that he was going to be martyred, he was going to be martyred, or he was martyred when he returned, or he was martyred during the mutawakwal period of the third century, 2049 hijri. an old woman comes. and first of all, they are bound to cut off the person's right hand. this old woman comes and
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puts her left hand on the place where her hand is cut off. the officer says that she must remove her right hand . she removes her right hand. her right hand has been cut off. our pilgrims of aba abdullah have lost this love and love throughout the ages. it has been nearly a century since the abbasid era has ended and the shiite rulers of albuya, who have their roots in iran's tabaristan , rule over parts of iran, iraq, and the levant. during the years of their rule, the sultans of albuya not only mourned for imam hussain, peace be upon him , has made muharram an official ritual, but
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he has paid special attention to the restoration of the graves of shia imams in iraq, and he has paid great attention to promoting the tradition of pilgrimage. azoud al-daulah abu kalijar from bakhtiar's family and jalal al-daullah are among the nobles of dilmami who have visited the shrines of amirmanan (peace be upon him) and imam hussain (peace be upon him) in najaf and karbala many times. according to ibn jozi, the famous baghdadi historian, jalal al-dawlah traveled to karbala and najaf with his children and a group of companions in 431 ah. ashraf became ashraf and in karbala , he was led in front of the pab cemetery, and in kufa , he walked through the ditch of the city, which was one farsang from the place of martyrdom of amir manan, peace be upon him. 9114 lunar year.
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seven years have passed since the coronation of ismail mirza, the first safavid king. shi'ism is the officially recognized religion and the name of martyrs of ali wali allah all over the world. tanin has dropped. in this era, the land of iraq is known as the state of baghdad. the land under the control of the ottoman empire. ismail safavi is on his way to this state to expand the borders of his government. written by ebrahim amini harbi tarikh narrated by shah ismail, after the conquest of baghdad, he first went to karbala and after entering the city and visiting the shrine of imam hussain (peace be upon him) on foot , he stayed awake all night in the shrine and personally participated in dusting the holy shrine and then
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he leaves for najaf ashraf after offering expensive gifts and gold lanterns and ordering the construction of a grave cover made of stone and gold. the author of the book fatuhat shahi writes about shah ismail's pilgrimage to the shrine of the amir al-mu'minin, peace be upon him, on foot: when the sign of the dome of god was visible from afar, he threw himself down with all the commanders of the army and left from there, ali goyan. and when they got inside, that shahryar , crying with bare head and feet, or ali goyan, stepped on that holy threshold and became a pilgrim. pilgrimage to atbat aliaat during the safavid era due to
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constant competition and wars. with the sunni turks, the ottoman religion has always had many ups and downs. although the safavid kings conquered these holy lands many times and attached them to the rule of iran, the misbehavior of the rulers of the ottoman officials with the iranian visitors and receiving large sums of money for customs and passports resulted in the outflow of national capital . makes the safavid kings of according to shah abbas i , change the route of atbat pilgrimage caravans towards khorasan and the pilgrimage of imam reza (peace be upon him). among the safavid kings , shah abbas i paid great attention to visiting holy places, including the court of ali bin musa al-reza, peace be upon him. he
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made his most famous pilgrimage in 1009 ah . a journey on foot from in front of the supreme royal palace of qaboo in isfahan to the city of mashhad and the shrine of razavi, which lasts 28 days. during the safavid period , the beginning of the fundamental movements of shiism. with the arrival and request of elders like the father of the late sheikh baha'i the late kirki of lebanon's jablamal and these two dignitaries are going to iran to be in ghazvin and then to the capital of the safavids, isfahan, between the beginning of the expansion of shiite culture, which is now in our category, mourning and walking
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to karbala. pilgrimage to karbala at that time , the figures given were 50,000 iranian pilgrims in the year of qajar, this figure reaches 180,000 iranians, 180,000 iranians out of the population of iran at that time was a little over a million and a half. you see, 180 how many tenths? this nation is exactly like now in the year 1287 of the lunar calendar of the nasser era, according to the historians during this period, more than any other time, the rituals of mourning and pilgrimage of innocent imams spread.
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the political relationship between iran and the ottoman empire is in a favorable condition. therefore , on friday, the 20th of jumadi and thani, the sultan saheb of the qur'an left tehran for baghdad with a detailed army consisting of cavalry, infantry and hashem's servants, worthy of the royal display of iran in atbat. it can be a journey that lasts for 5 months and naser al-din shah describes the complete description of this journey and the way of pilgrimage on foot and the presence of many pilgrims to karbala in karbala. from far away karbala groves were found. it is two farsangs from here to the city of karbala. i went to the desert,
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there were no deserts.


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