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tv   [untitled]    August 10, 2024 2:00am-2:31am IRST

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very durable and flexible pu sole, light and comfortable , suitable for long walks, sports and daily activities, price with discount, direct purchase from the manufacturer, only 399 thousand tomans, to order number 1 , send sms to 1657. greetings at 2:00 p.m.: the preacher of the friday prayer in tehran, on the eve of the introduction of the proposed ministers of the 14th government to the parliament , emphasized the need to select members of the government based on the characteristics and ten characteristics of the leader of the revolution. 1 amin, 2
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sadiq, 3 religious and religious. four of bin dandan believes in the islamic republic and the islamic system of faith, six, hope for the future, and seven, the reputation of being pure. 8 not having a bad history, not a national attitude. it means not being overwhelmed by factional and political issues, 10 being efficient and these two powers should proceed with this meeting. this is the constructive interaction that the supreme leader said. the formation of a cabinet like this is for the benefit of the system.
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ayatollah seyyed ahmad khatami also stressed that revenge for the assassination of martyr haniyeh will be taken at the appropriate time and place, and said that until then, the zionist regime should be on a leave of absence. on the eve of hosseini's arba'in and the beginning of the walk of the country's border guards, you are ready for the last stages of preparing the bashmagh marivan border to welcome the visitors. arbaeen is engaged in providing water services and such things for mokif han. yes, we are a health expert, mohid , that the monitoring of food and water in tozi during arbaeen days is entrusted to my colleagues, who regularly
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visit a group of non-governmental groups, organizations, and related departments. they have come to provide the best services to visitors. alhamdulillah , year by year, people's preparation for arbaeen is increasing, both people, departments and officials are more and more at the service of pilgrims, and the atmosphere is getting better and better. the border zero point will have a procession coordination council with you. during team path and maybe. and we will have guards in such a way that they cannot serve the best. this shaban rozi hospital and clinic, the establishment of our medical facilities, as well as the head of the country's highway and road transport organization, who was ready to visit the bashmaq marivan border terminal , announced the complete readiness of this border. the discussion of asphalt coating, installation of newsi, fixing the high accident spots, marking and all the road operations, alhamdulillah , very good actions. in the routes leading to
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bashmaq border, kurdistan is not only the crossing point for the pilgrims of karbala, but also the crossing point for the pilgrims of the province. in our opinion , because we are on the border of west and east azarbaijan provinces, and on the other hand , we are on the border of kermanshah and mehran, a part of the province is also located in the arbaini movement corridor, which also has good measures in that direction. the resurfacing of provincial roads in the direction of saqsat to bukan, to saqs, to diwandera and diwandera to kamiyaran. this happened . the pilgrims who have gone to karbala from bashmagh to mariwan in the past two years have good memories of the hospitality of the mariwani people . kind to good people , kind to the people of marivan very wonderful, last year 12 thousand pilgrims passed through bashmagh-marivan border. and according to
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the officials, it is expected that this number will increase by 100% this year. tayyab ellahfi, sed and sima news agency, marz bashmaq, marivan. thank you for your company. in the name of allah, the merciful, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen , hello, welcome to the world. today, i invite you to join us in this program for about an hour. tonight , i will discuss the strategy of mabam, a hebrew term
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that was translated into persian by safarai during the wars. i ask based on mabam's strategy of iran's response to the assassination of mr haniyeh, how should it be before the start of the case tonight , let's see some pictures from palestine during the past day and night . oh god
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, we are fast, we are regular , we are in the tent of hadwa, al-khaimah, tazabatna. oh , you don't have cells, by god, we are knowledgeable, where are you going , the meaning of a disease and the meaning of the disabled, and what is the meaning of it, and what is the meaning of it, where are we going, we are not going to the eastern regions in khans , god is great, god is great, god is great, god is great, libyan, or malik
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, a.s. a.s. a.s. a.s. what are they? we will start the first case of the world today, which is a relatively detailed case, but first let's see a report about the strategy that we are going to talk about, our strategy. bam, which may have been heard less by us. on april 13, 1403, f- 35 fighter jets of the zionist regime took off from the occupied golan in southwest syria and targeted the building of the consular section of the iranian embassy in damascus. 3 months
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ago, the attack on the residence of the diplomat and the second adviser of the iranian embassy in damascus, martyred seyyed razi mousavi. and his companions took place. this time line shows the attacks of the zionists on the bases during the last 3 years iran is in syria with an average of 36 attacks per year in the strategic framework called mabam or the safari between the wars, a strategy based on sabotage and terror inside iran and outside its borders to eliminate senior commanders and figures who are trying to fill they are the hands of resistance against the zionists. al-aqsa storm operation was one of those attacks that took the zionists out of the illusion of winning, and this is the zionists' own admission. two
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months after the al-aqsa storm, a professor at tel aviv university wrote in an article: "we have become enamored with mabam's strategy and ignored the strengthening of hezbollah and hamas." and this confession. another is an expert on foreign and security policy of the zionist regime. with the illusion of prevention, we are busy maintaining the status quo. but iran, hamas and hezbollah are learning, adapting and improving the conditions for the next round of conflicts. according to the zionists themselves, mabam's strategy was not successful. hizbollah does another surprise for them every time. hamas is still strong after 10 months of war, the resistance in iraq and yemen is supported by projectiles and missiles, and iran is on the way to take revenge on the zionist regime for the blood shed with this strategy. saeed zanganeh of the sada and c news agency. we are in this i am having a conversation with mr. sohail kesirnejad
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, an expert on the issues of the zionist regime, who is a guest on the world today program. mr. kathirnejad, you are welcome . i think that you need an explanation about this strategy, which is less talked about, but is lacking these days. it is as if he is heard in the media in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings, dear viewers , we can say that our strategy is the best strategy of the zionist regime, at least in the last two decades, and it is the way that in almost all security decisions, in fact, the leaders of the zionist regime this shadow and most of their activities in the region are defined under this strategy. we have an acronym in the language of the cloud, an abbreviation of a phrase meaning
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an embassy between wars. it was 33 days in 2006. at that time, a very severe and decisive war is imagined in the future, and that war is a war that may change the geopolitics of the region. naturally, the fate of the zionist regime will be determined by that war, and finally, the voices in the region opposition to the zionist regime and the removal of the zionist regime have been heard for decades among the islamic nations, so this will be decisive for the israelis. at this stage, we have to go on a safari, which means to arrange our armies and forces in different places. like the wars they fought in the past, when they reach the battlefield, they
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gather the forces in different directions until the war starts, the israelis say that we are now at this stage, so we must prepare ourselves for if the war wanted to start, we would have thought of a series of preparations before, now these preparations in summary, if we want to say, is that the axis of resistance must be weakened before entering into that war. it means to start the final war with israel in a weakened form, of course, in fact , they always take into account this presumption that we cannot prevent this war, which means that the axis of resistance in the region and the people of the region do not have a good relationship with israel, and all their efforts they are pretending that israelis are not involved. naturally, what should we do here? the axis of your position is weakened to enter that war .
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now, at that time, we were not talking about the axis of resistance, that is , one of these goals is that these different components that had not yet been formed in this way, these components do not connect to each other, what we have called in recent years. the unity of the fields, we remember, was the thing that maba wanted not to happen, but it happened after almost two decades of mabam's strategy was implemented. not to a nuclear power now, from their own point of view , they were proposing nuclear power in such a way that iran does not get a nuclear bomb , in the event that iran does not really need a nuclear bomb, more nuclear technology in
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its civilian form is needed for medical purposes, to produce electricity, and the like. well, naturally, if iran became such a power in the region , it would be a big change. the prisoners wanted this not to happen , and not to have iran become a nuclear power in the region . israel added other goals, including prevent the transfer of advanced military technologies and weapons to various components of the resistance axis. especially hezbollah, especially hamas, and now, next in line , the resistance forces in iraq, syria, and yemen, well , it was at this point that the resistance axis actually decided to change its missile strategy in lebanon , so that before that, lebanon's missile strategy was it was supposed that the range of the missiles would be such that it would cover the entire occupied territories and then
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it would be improved a bit in terms of quality in such a way that production and storage would be possible. there is a large amount of rockets available, which is a serious danger israeli, mr. kathirnejad, allow me to stop here, so about my mother, you mentioned that small blows should help me and weaken the resistance front. and let's go back to it , in fact, it is like beating a shakari with various blows to make him bleed and become weak, and then let the israelis , with the help of the americans, make him weak, because when he is strong, they cannot do anything with him. they said that the result of our actions was supposed to be this and the assassination of the commanders the resistance that has now happened bit by bit in the framework of this weakening of the resistance front
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, well, we still want to take your time and talk more about this, but now mr. najah mohammad ali, an expert on west asian issues , is a video guest of the jahan today program. mr. najah mohammad ali, welcome. i want to ask you a question about the same conversation i had with mr. kasernejad. considering your experience in the issues of west asia, especially iraq and syria , how do you think the zionist regime will implement this strategy in these two countries ? took off iraq and syria are well connected we have not established with mr. najakh mohammad ali
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, i will continue the conversation with mr. kathirnejad. now with an example. show it, and that reaction may be out of control, that is, it will lead to the very war that they were supposed to prevent, so this was an important point, that is , they hit one and measure the reaction. in fact, the whole strategy of mabam has been wasted, something that he has worked hard for for years
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so, maybe we should ask this question here, we should ask the main question whether these acts of assassinations are connected or not separately and now they are being carried out without any pre-determined planning. if we look at the assassinations, we can see that they are following a specific path , that is, if you pay close attention, the strikes that happen are very occasional and spot-on, then they follow a path gradually . we can say that it is the first assassination of israelis among of course the iranian commanders assassinated shaheed shatari, shaheed shatari, who worked in lebanon for many years to rebuild lebanon, but when the war in syria started, isis took over a large part of syria to help the axis of resistance
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, the israelis traveled to syria several times. having hezbollah means that they cannot assassinate in lebanon so easily. and they used this opportunity when shatri came to syria and martyred him there. in the same way, in the next phase, almost 2 years later, shahidullah was martyred again in qenitra region of syria. it came like this gradually front so you want to say that there is a continuity, exactly a continuity with a regular flow, what is its purpose? one is that it can be reduced and two is that iran's tolerance threshold is fully measured. we will come back to talk with you. maban, may i ask, according to the experiences you have in the issues of west asia, especially iraq and syria
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, how do you think this strategy was implemented in these two countries? in the recent period, that is , in the last two decades. at least this regime has actually adopted the policy and strategy of maban this is actually the strategy of small wars to reach the big war in order to escape from the big war and existential war. in fact, this regime starts small wars in countries or parties that consider them as enemies, especially in iraq and syria. and even lebanon's hezbollah and the latest case against yemen's ansarullah in the air attack on hodeidah, this strategic goal is to
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weaken the power of its enemy sides, so to speak, syria, hezbollah, yemen , etc., or to delay the big conflict. in summary, our strategy is in a gray area. a secret and semi-secret operation in the recent period in syria, especially after the so-called arab spring revolution, the zionist regime pursued this strategy in a special way in syria , especially in 2013, when the centers and bases that it claimed were related to the revolutionary guards islamic republic of iran. it could be targeting the commanders of hezbollah in lebanon, or the bases that were affiliated with the syrian army , the security apparatuses that
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were related to the oil refinery, or the economy or all the infrastructure facilities . there is also the strategy of the regime the zionist wants to have the upper hand in technology and information in it, that is, information technology obtains accurate information through that information and implements it. in contrast , he wants this superiority and this superiority of his own information by forming information. show regional agreements with jordan or egypt for example. or with bahrain or the uae in the persian gulf region, which has abraham's agreements and wants to
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implement the same strategy there, and through these coalitions, which has formed many units and units that all these are related to the military intelligence organization and their task is to promote media operations after this operation to destroy, for example, the face of the resistance forces , to destroy, for example, syria and iraq, or to launch a psychological war to justify this operation and create some kind of despair and actually destroy hope among the nation. mr. najah mohammad ali, your definition of the bama strategy was war. i want to ask this question to our other expert, the guest of mr. kathir's program nejad believed that they want
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to measure the reaction in this strategy after each blow they make and then they will take steps for the next step. i want to ask regarding this strategic strategy that small wars lead to big wars, in your opinion, iran's response to the assassination of mr. ismail haniyeh , what does it take for the zionist regime to receive the message or the lesson it should receive? he does not want to get to the big war, he wants to escape from the conflict with the big war and the widespread war. the zionist regime knows very well that it can never enter a big war with the islamic republic alone iran and its allies.
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but this does not mean that it does not prevent iran or the resistance groups from adopting this strategy of positive ambiguity, the ambiguity that
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is certain and after that it is possible to negotiate and see what will happen. we do not know iran's promise of honest politics. now, in my opinion, in courting the zionist regime in response to the assassination of the martyred leader and commander ismail haniyeh, i think iran will use its annoying power, and although this will be limited, because iran does not want politics to weaken the new president of masoud al-badzikian he wants to open direct negotiations with the west and wants to strengthen international and regional relations. mr. najah mohammad ali , i want to ask as a last question and if you answer briefly , i will be grateful . what is your prediction of the future movement of the zionist regime based on this same strategy?
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and all the issues are related to how america will intervene if iran responds, which in my opinion will happen soon, the zionist regime will continue the same policy and its media and in fact the units that


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