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tv   [untitled]    August 12, 2024 1:30am-2:02am IRST

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it should be modernized or it should be rebuilt. the equipment that can be detected if it is in the form of physics, there is also a discussion in the field of software , for example, the management systems of this company should undergo fundamental changes, for example, due to, for example, the monitoring and controls that should be carried out on the production processes. or not at all, the production technology must undergo changes somewhere, after it is identified , it is possible to supply these needs from within the country. if it is from abroad, then it is done because this equipment is in the field of hardware and software how much credit does a company need to do this work? well, naturally, performing these relative activities means that after performing these activities , there is an expectation that something will happen in a unit. related to the durability of the company's activities in the sustainability of its activities.
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it is in the future and there are a series of indicators equal to the 300 units that you just mentioned. these are the research work and these have started in these. units in i was present in zanjan province, i want to say that this unit has now acquired this ability and has been able to increase its production capacity by 6 times from the reconstruction and renovation that it has done, that is, with the changes that have been made in the process of doing the work now by accident and fortunately. this unit did not want foreign machines, that is, all the machines and equipment are made by domestic manufacturers , this is a bigger event because when we refer these industrial units to our machine manufacturers, a boom will be formed in the field of machine building in the country, which is basically the industry. country in
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this area of ​​machine building, design, molding, these are the basis of industrial activities of every country . how can they announce that we need this case? you are the research orientation, and those are the experts, are you sending them or not? there should be a process , how are these at the national level, well, through provincial companies that are active under the small industry organization. this has been notified, especially in the area of ​​industrial estates, and we have announced that if anyone is really interested in doing renovation work in their unit, please help. we do, of course, but our help and support is not only in the form of financial resources. as i said, we provide foot services to the loved ones, in some places, if it is a priority, for renovation, reconstruction , supply of foreign exchange for the purchase of machines, which may be abroad. on the other hand, from the discussion about
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providing financial resources, in order to read this work, one part of it is usually brought by the loved ones themselves. a facility in the small industry organization's collection of credit technical assistance it is available to us and we use it. the most important thing is the discussion of using the capacity of the small industry support fund, which is what everyone is expecting that in the seventh development plan, this small industry investment guarantee fund will become a small industry support fund, that is, a service. which provides not only guarantee services , but also other financial services, its statutes are currently being compiled, which , god willing, will be approved through legal procedures. it
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is possible to increase the capital of this fund in order to be able to cover more industrial units. it is predicted that in the budget laws, a budget has been considered for it, which is from article 37. it is the export of raw and non-raw materials, which is expected to be used to increase the capital of this fund. this is a set of supports . it is available, that is, for renovation, reconstruction, which is a central project. well , you are in the news . we have addressed it in the past programs. well, the organization has taken steps to create specialized technical markets throughout the country. in that process, technological needs are identified. technology companies that they can go there we also provide support, that is, the interesting thing about this discussion in zanjan province was that we had a unit there with an increase in capacity, which was able
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to receive services through this fan market mechanism , and in this way, it was able to purchase the part that was needed for production. the main parts and the main product must be supplied from within the country now, and he was able to provide the conditions to reduce the price. thank you. we are trying to establish a relationship with one of the industrial activists. let them know that we can talk with these loved ones, one of the problems the important thing that i am talking about as an industrialist these days is the issue of energy imbalance, under
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the problems that exist in the industrial town of abbas abad and in other towns , there is an issue of energy imbalance. how much trouble has it caused for you? i congratulate you. august 21st, dear producers, i offer my greetings, politeness and respect to you , the viewers, your honorable guests, mr. dr. moghimi, whom i pray for god's strength. today , unfortunately, in the industrial partners, well, this imbalance of electricity and energy really hurts us a lot. you want to see one day in our industrial towns we have a 24-hour power cut, from 7 am to 7 am tomorrow , we have 12 hours a day from 9 am to 9 pm. now, since
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last week, coming to these 2,36 hours , adding 4 hours to each day means that according to the labor law in we have to work 44 hours a week. we have 52 hours of power outages, these 52 hours of power outages , i don't know what kind of expectation, friends, we have to maintain our generators and our production units with electricity. salary , insurance, tax, i would like to thank you for your presence in my week with four the clock has started today, when i am at your service , august 21, supporting small industry 52 hours a week
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, mr. hashemi, let's keep it here. we have to go through a process , for example, for the next year, the amount of power outages will decrease for the industry. have we gone through such a process or not? you see, in relation to the discussion that we want to manage the conflict and resolve the issues , well, the main focus of this work is with the ministry of energy, because we are basically in the industry sector. we ourselves are a consumer, but finally , according to the tasks assigned to the ministry, that is , the language of the industry, we , our industrial units, are honestly working on this issue , just as mr. hashemi mentioned, well , they have mechanisms to predict that engines inside the company predicting that we
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created an infrastructure in the country specialized for the discussion related to the field of solar energy or not in some towns that are available where we had land from it. the side of the discussion related to the need for electricity consumption or we had electrical tension in that town, we came and specifically predicted some zones in order to be able to settle the investors there , we considered special conditions for them to settle, on the other hand, the same renovation and reconstruction project that is on the agenda now. this is one of its achievements that it can reduce the share of energy in the final product , of course, although it is possible that in some places the technology increases in the so-called production area, in some places it is possible to even increase the consumption, but to the extent that circulation also has an effect it can be reduced in the so-called final product. this is a series of measures taken by the ministry of industry. well, we
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now have some estimates. today, i have detailed information about how many industrial projects we have in progress, and these will be implemented within the next 2 months. the next month, the next 6 months, for this reason. we are monitoring the settlements one by one from the point of view that if a plan is to be implemented, we predict that, for example, within the next two months , there will be problems for it in terms of providing its infrastructure. well, one of the main discussions of this topic is the issue of providing burqa, which immediately the ministry of the ministry of energy declares, however , the point is that we are not a producer of electricity, we can provide the grounds so that if there is a need in the electricity industry that has industrial discussions, it is our duty to come here. with the help of the ministry of energy to provide this infrastructure and equipment to be able to power the country as much as possible, well, that's it in different periods. it has happened to him, but in all the three issues that i have mentioned, the sanat group
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has stepped forward, so to speak, because the lack of profit from its production is a heavy number, much heavier than this. which is being discussed, well, just the other day, i attended an open industrial unit in the same zanjan province due to the electricity outage, which has been unplanned since the past, and seven of the devices have burned out, and actually i did that yesterday. that they were present there, well, they opened the door, now they can repair part of it from the inside, some of it has to be replaced at all, after all, it has been a few days of these issues, now apart from the fact that since this happened without prior notice, they tolerate it, well they don't have a choice, how can they not tolerate it? no , it tolerates, for example, the ministry of energy or now electricity distribution or places that should be accepted legally anyway, because they are industrial units. well, he has invited his manpower to come to the raw materials work place, now many of these
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raw materials will remain after a few hours and can no longer be used. these are the discussions now in the plans , mr. moghimi, the plans are in such a way that we can say that next year, with the partners you have, you will create happy energies. are you doing or with the plans that have been made , in any case, there is another government between the ministry of energy and the ministry of power, let's say for the next year , there will not be a significant power cut, for example, with the measures we are taking, are there any measures happening at all? the set of measures that have been taken, but now our priority is to supply electricity in the discussion of electricity allocation , it is not a discussion of industrial units, that is, i want to say that now part of this is that when we supply, they will consume, these should be delivered to the main national grid, yes, to the national grid
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, of course priorities in the so-called collection dispatching of the country happens where these allocations must be managed and followed so that the industrial units can see how much of the country's energy is spent or allocated to these units. as sir , we are the only ones who suffer from your presence . we are paying damages daily. our raw materials have been destroyed
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. our equipment has been severely damaged. not at all they are acting in accordance with article 25 of the law on continuous improvement of the business environment, which explicitly mentions that when the country faced with a lack of energy, the last station should be production and industry. this is the first place for production and industry to mark this one in the executive regulations of the same law. it says that scientific service companies are faced with a lack of energy and cannot present their injuries on time. they should go to the insurance companies. let them be able to receive damages . see who wants to provide for these damages that have been inflicted on us. 85. the country is small , there are so many names, this is an irregular army
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can they play a role in this phase where they are very vulnerable? today mr. asranpani in my town, mr. dr. moghimi, they know that there are 1400 khans. can you see that yesterday the difference in my unit was cut off at 6:30 p.m. until 223 at 7:00 a.m. again? until tomorrow at 7 o'clock in the morning. can i live with emergency electricity for 48 hours, 24 hours, 36 hours, 52 hours, god knows, we producers are industrialists, we will become poor , we are overwhelmed by bad things.
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i said that i passed in the application. well, these are the requirements of the country's production sector. well, naturally, in addition to all these challenges and issues that we have, some units our industries already have commitments to their customers , well, this customer is either domestic or foreign. today, in the commitments they have to each other , they have conditions for each other that if this part or this product is not provided at this time, on this date, there will be some penalties in mind. last week , i was contacted by an industrial unit asking you to mediate that i sold a sex product or a set of products to another unit in another industrial town because i didn't have electricity, so i couldn't sell the product. to finalize and deliver and now
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more than what i want from this place activity if i want to make a profit , i have to pay in the form of a fine, so please make sure that this doesn't happen. well , this creates uncertainty in the supply and so-called production environment. my small industry is more vulnerable. it's a trap. well, naturally, that's the way it is, after all, these are in their own economic activities. maybe this is they can't have the amount of flexibility and they can't bear it, it becomes a bit difficult for them, and naturally they face some challenges that are irreparable. we were not involved in it, right? instead of going today, for example , to focus on the development of the development of these markets, so that we can
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turn this small industry into a small industry. what is required is that they are less likely to be harmed, on the other hand, we can develop their markets so that they can provide this ground within themselves in advance of entering those new markets, so that when they are unable to produce on this side, it is no longer a matter of markets. it will disappear anyway now, in the summer, it's about burqa, and in winter , it's about gas. it seems that one of the priorities of the new government could be this issue, so that there is an idea for this problem of production units. let's take some distance from the capital market or diversify the financing. is it possible to move in this direction in this period ?
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because we believe that, of course, there is one i was reading that it was written that the smarter ones didn't last , the hardworking ones didn't last either, then they asked what makes the flexible ones last ? otherwise, we will definitely not survive . one of the places that needs changes and flexibility is in the field of financing. we have started the discussion about chain financing now within our group in several industrial clusters where we are financing the units to each other. we will connect through the mechanisms that were foreseen in the central bank in the form of step papers, which this chain
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is moving in the so-called different fields. as you can see, we have an industrial corner in golestan province, furniture in atta abad, there is this we started the work , we sat down with the so-called chain of egypt and the steelmakers , we made agreements with them that the downstream and upstream circles who want to supply raw materials here can do so through the commodity exchange. commodity exchange. it is possible that they can use the applicant units to buy their goods in the commodity exchange by clearing their obligations through bonds. let's take a step. now it has happened in the commodity exchange systems . we are slowly doing this in several areas
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. it is not because we started to finish it , but we can show the success of these to others . very well, this is one of the topics of the discussion of participation. yes, we have predicted several participatory models within our organization, we have prepared the regulations, they have been finalized and notified, and in one or two or three cases we have also issued a call. alhamdulillah, the reception is relatively good. i mean, these are also in the discussions related to the changes that we had to follow in the financing methods . we are looking for mr. sadeghi niarki, the vice president of the tehran chamber, mr. niarki, hello to you. and all the activists of this section and congratulations. i say small industry day to the economic activists, thank you mr. niarki, we talked about the challenges that the industry is dealing with, we talked about energy imbalances, now
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we are talking about financing, how much is this from different methods of financing anyway in the financing of economic enterprises is now being used and our industry is using it . now, mr. moghim, there are several methods. to say how widespread these things can be , let me give you a statistic. yes, the china stock exchange in china provides about 80% of its financing to finance the production sector and the needs of the production sector. in our country, this number is 9%, which means we are a there is a significant gap between nationalization of the banking system or financing from the capital market . there are different reasons for this finance should also be formed from the capital market . today's rates can be financed in the capital market
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. rates above 40, between 40 and 45 , they demand interest from an economic operator for one year . with the rate of 40 45, how much can small and medium units and even large industrial units today, because i am in the hands of sandel, the work of industrial complexes, how much can they afford to take this rate of 40 45 percent, sell their goods back, make a profit and share the profit now, between the capital owners, i would like to invite you to attend today's financial expansion is the most important challenge for industrial units, especially small and medium-sized units, because well. they are unable to use modern financing tools, which means they may not have a very suitable guarantor and their problems
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will be doubled. another method should be chosen , i mean another method, which is the same method, that is , the capital market, the banking system, we need to look again. he had industrial units to equip resources, which now if he has the opportunity. we have to follow the production through the markets around us, we are about mr. moqami, now maybe they have accurate statistics, send us. the limits of our industry, because operating licenses are issued for 6 thousand hours, i think i have the average capacity in the country now. i will do industry by industry, brand by brand, even these are effective, about 40 , our production capacity is being used today because of one
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work shift or at most two work shifts, and we will never reach these 6 thousand hours, but one there are peripheral markets around the islamic republic of iran in 15 countries in the region, the number of which was extracted once reached 2000 billion. these dollars are imported for the year, that is, the number of imports for the year these 15 neighboring countries amount to 200 billion tomans , so if we can move the companies in a direction where they have the initial working capital and can produce their goods within a period of three months, supply them and receive the offer, and this is my offer. returning to the cycle, the exchange rate can be managed, and this consumption and cash flow market itself helps the cash flow. but what is happening now , you are working with a low capacity , you have to finance at a rate of 40, it will take a month or two
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for your allocation. yes, after the allocation and supply happens, this should be done if you order goods from abroad , it will take two months for them to be manufactured and shipped, so you have lost four to five months of time. your presence, which can produce the product, supply it and receive the money, is a unit of liquidity. the intensity has increased when goods are sold, the supply of money in the society decreases due to the balance sheets of the banks, which the central bank followed last year to manage inflation and reduce the inflation rate, which means that the supply of money in the society decreases, the problems of the units industry will double, so i know the alternative solution for the peripheral markets, because this need exists in the peripheral markets, they are willing to pay for this need, it needs active diplomacy, we are right.
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especially sanaya, i am grateful for your presence in the small and medium industry, which can be defined as wagons of this locomotive in the chain of sanaya pishran, to meet these needs. thank you, mr. sadeghi, for being with us. thank you very much . thank you very much. we have a chance to hear your summary and the solutions that the new government should take context now, the small industry has the priorities it can have. perhaps an economic activist expects from the government that the space will become a stable space, that is
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, numerous changes in the country's business environment will seriously damage the so-called investors' space in the field of production. i don't want to go into the details anymore. in our organization , we tried to create a consistency in the things that are in our business environment, in the recipes and procedures, so that people are informed , for example, at once. don't face any decisions creation the next point is what i have learned from my industrial experience in the last few years when i was active and worked in this field. i think it is one of the most important and fundamental axes that can be really focused on in the current situation where the country's industrial economy is beneficial. let's talk about the focus on the modernization and reconstruction of the industry, both from the software side and from the hardware side, well
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, after all, many of our machine-building companies , who don't have very high orders today, may experience recessions in this space. well, my results are good results after all, it reduces pollution, this renovation brings new technologies to the country's economy, on the one hand, it guarantees the stability of production , on the other hand, the issue of the finished price of the product , which is the issue of making the product more competitive, both in the domestic market and for entering foreign markets can provide the conditions. thank you very much, mr. moghimi , for accepting our invitation. thank you very much, dear viewers, for watching the economy table. have a good time. goodbye.
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let's see the rest of iran, do they have forces or not and their systems? first of all, iran is according to the military definition. the one we have is in front of the fire in january. the ranking of the countries of the world, the second country in the middle east, iran's military force is ten khali balk units, most of the countries that have missiles in the middle east region of iran, most of the countries are turkey, they have the planes of iran's route, if they are stronger than israel, they have the largest number of missiles. many types of rockets
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, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, i use it, which of them is in the head? now, if you look at the second picture, you can tell us what the rockets are, where they are . on the edge of israel, 1,600 dahl of israel and egypt as far as we are connected to italy, if the iranian missiles reach the limit of italy, what is the thought of ahmad soura, why did the united states hold meetings in order to determine the nuclear capabilities of the rockets? al-balestiye
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salam at 2: news sources reported a fire at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, the largest nuclear power plant in europe, based on the images published by: the media


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