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tv   [untitled]    August 13, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm IRST

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dial the square. may you be a winner with energy , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. peace be upon you , dear countrymen. good morning, we present the news at 12 o'clock. according to the announcement of the head of the court of accounts , the demands of the nurses will be paid from tomorrow. mr. dastghaib said in the meeting of the general board of this supervisory body in the review of last year's budget deduction: following yesterday's order to review the status of the nurses' claims, an extraordinary meeting was held with the presence of the relevant officials, and with the arrangements made, it was decided that all the nurses' claims would be paid. also, according to the head of the court of accounts
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, the audit committee of the court closely monitors the process the payment of the demands of the nurses will refer any failure to action to the prosecution of this regulatory body. well , these days our compatriots are going to iraq and participating in the spiritual journey of arbaeen. right now, i am talking to you about the status of the chazaba border. ms. hamidi, our reporter at this border, greetings to you, ms. hamidi, please tell me what the traffic and service conditions are like in the third busiest border for arbaeen pilgrims , and how is the weather and temperature now. i have the courtesy and respect to serve you, dear colleague one by one, my compatriots in jarja, iran
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, i say hello and god bless you . i am talking to you from the chezar border terminal, as you said, from the third busiest terminal in the country today, as you can see in the picture, considering the heat of over 49 degrees in the province. we have khuzestan, well, pilgrims and pilgrims of abba abd al-hussein, peace be upon him, who are also visiting this border from all over iran, thanks to god , they are able to pass through and there is no particular problem. at present, 250 mukaf colleagues have taken care of receiving these dear pilgrims. . bus road management, everyone will work together, god willing may the 44th year of 1403 end well and happily and without any problems. almost from the beginning of the month of muharram , the statistics we received today are more than 100,000 pilgrims of aba abdullah al-hussein from all over iran, from this terminal, that is, from chazaba. going to matbat and
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starting their own journey daily. today's statistics we got from the governor's office are approximately 7,000 pilgrims per day . they travel from all over iran, especially from khuzestan. when the pilgrimage is over, they return to the stops at the end of the border chezabe is also prepared and prepared for visitors , we have a capacity of approximately 40,000 cars, we are here and still, well anyway, visitors. they are coming and it is still not that crowded and this terminal is not crowded because of the weather and the heat that we have , the terminal will be almost quiet during these hours, but in the afternoon, because the conditions will improve and the weather will be a little cooler, dear ziarat colleague, now the traffic will increase. and especially the marchers, today one of the biggest marchers of ahvaz city, the malashieh marcher , is going to start their own work and movement, and tomorrow, one of the big and old marchers of ahvaz city, e. two, god willing, they will start their own movement , the children of the highway said that the dear ones who
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are coming from other provinces to khazestan province , they must prepare their own return tickets, so that , god willing, after returning, if i return to the peak and get crowded and crowded, i will have a problem. i don't want to be specific , in short, dear colleague, that everything has gone hand in hand, god willing, there will be no problems and this arbaeen will be spent well and happily. the body of the martyr's mother joined her four children akbari is celebrated this evening on the day of shahid abad in fars province, a day that became known as shahid abad with the dedication of 46 martyrs during the holy defense period. he was nicknamed star and gem of fars by the supreme leader of the revolution. a village that offered 46 martyrs during the holy defense period . a family of four martyrs, a family of three martyrs, five families. shahid shahid abad is one of
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the villages of khoranbideh, which is located 150 km from shiraz . previously, this village was called shamian, because the number of martyrs increased compared to its population, it became the village of shahid abad. here the martyrs are related to each other. my cousins ​​and cousins ​​got married to each other we have many martyrs, they are all close to each other. in shahid abad, which was settled with the name of these martyrs, the smell of martyrs is wrapped in every house. this is the home of the only family of four martyrs of shahid abadeh village. the age of their martyrs starts from about 17 years and up to 35 years. akbari's martyrs continue to be martyred in 4 consecutive years. these also somehow play a role in informing this system. these four martyrs were raised in the pure bosom of a mother who, until recently, after three meetings with the supreme leader of the revolution,
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was still eager to meet him. until now, he wants to see them again. but i wish to see him again it was not realized and after a period of illness and. due to his old age , he joined the group of his martyred children on the 22nd of august. mohammad ashari, radio news agency , shahid abad village, khormid city. the spokesperson of the country's emergency services organization says: the possibility of violation in the 115 state ambulances is almost zero. according to mr. yekta parast, a computer system informs the driver and the expert inside the ambulance , where the patient is. transfer to the hospital. assuming that the patient has a heart problem, this patient should be transferred to a center that has special services for heart patients. if one there is a hospital on the way or even closer
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to the mission but does not provide cardiac services or does not have an empty bed for admission. in this situation, our technician has to follow the instructions. who is going to transfer the patient to that particular center . the spokesman of the country's emergency department also said: private sector ambulances are also used to transport patients from one hospital to another , which is done after the coordination of the hospital and the doctor's order. if the compatriots observe that the private ambulance system takes the patient to another hospital, or this process is suspicious there is special things happen, or if the driver of that ambulance or the technician of that private ambulance asks for money or gives you a personal card to transfer an amount to him by card, know that this is happening outside of the usual process and
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definitely report the cases to 190. so that we can follow the story. well, thank you very much for your attention , viewers.
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in the name of allah, who is the master of affairs. in the name of allah , allah is the greatest. god is the greatest . i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger
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of god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god ashaud an alia hajjallah. hai ali al- salah hai ali al-salah hai ali al-falah hai ali al-falah god
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bless you, god bless you.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, i offer greetings and courtesy to you, dear viewers, companions of the khabar channel, may god bless you wherever you are, as you are informed and informed, the honorable president introduced his proposed ministers to the islamic council and these days the specialized committees of the council . after that, the ministers are reviewing the plans of the proposed ministers in the public forum and will defend their own proposals. we from this in the program and in the form of the debate program, we will have a look at the program proposed by the ministers and also review the portfolios of the proposed ministers, and also with the presence of people's representatives in the nation's house in the form of one in favor and one. we will examine the opponents of these programs. in this program , we have a look at the performance and program of the proposed minister of energy
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in the presence of mr. mustafa nakhaei, a member of the energy commission of the islamic parliament, who is in favor of the proposed minister of energy, and ms. zahra saeedi mubarakeh, the spokesperson of the industries commission. and madan majlis, who are against the proposed minister of energy, mrs. saeedi, hello you are very welcome, greetings, greetings, i am at your service , my honorable colleague, your respected colleagues, the noble and dear nation of iran, who are watching this program, i am happy to serve you, i offer my service, may the days of mourning be accepted, may you live long, also, mr. nakhi, my courtesy and kindness, yes, in the name of god greetings, politeness and respect to your excellency , your respected colleagues, the honorable nation of iran, we are at your service . please, you are very welcome. both of you are welcome . dear viewers, let's see the part . we will come back and follow the program with you. the proposed minister of energy, mr. abbas aliabadi
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bachelor of mechanical engineering majoring in energy conversion from sharif university of technology . in addition to teaching, mr. aliabadi is the president of the universities of imam hossein (peace be upon him) and tehran. malekeh ashtar university of technology is a member of the education committee of the supreme council of the ministry of science, research and technology, a member of the higher education planning and development council of the country, and has also managed karkheh and karun seh power plant projects . the proposed minister of energy is also the director of the company development of iran's water and power resources, deputy minister of power in electricity and energy affairs, ceo of the company. apna and the ministry of industry, mining and trade of the 13th government are in the portfolio. well, as i said in
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the debate program , we will review the portfolio and the program of the proposed ministers with the presence of representatives who are in favor and against the proposed ministers . program we have a look at mr. alivadi's record and plans as the proposed minister of energy, mrs. saeedi. let's start as an opponent of mr. aliabadi, of course, before entering the discussion let's agree and disagree. i want to have this question from the superior office, and of course mr. nakhim is following the discussion from this point of view. what are the duties of the energy in our country, in which fields do they operate, and what indicators should a person who is going to be the minister of energy have? i am, but the ministry has a task in the field of water and phase lab, which is well defined and
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how is its credit, it has a task in the field of electricity and also a task to support our future generations making a hundred and it has these issues that it has to run in a way , that is, it has to guide the rest of the ministry of housing in a way, to create a model for you to see, go to industry, go to agriculture, go wherever you go, the ministry of energy should somehow raise its hand and think i say that it is one of the most complicated ministries because people's lives depend on it. it is not a glass factory that can be shut down. finally , if there is a damage, a furnace will be shut down, the lives of my dear people will die. it depends on the ministry of energy and it requires that the sensitivity of the respected representatives can be stronger in this field, and this makes us sensitive as well. he added that there is a series of information that is in the specialized field of industry, and considering that i am also a faculty member in this group, the area is completely industrial , it has nearly 500 factories, and the performance of this nobleman is
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enough if he has been in the ministry of sand for 10 months. i think 10 months is enough for a minister, 4 years is enough. let it work. at most, how many ministers have we had? one year, two years of criticism , but now i am talking about them , what is the reason for my opposition to the documents of the laws and with valid reasons , and in fact, with in-depth content that we will examine in the section. a note about the indicators. you have what indicators should a minister have in this ministry? look at the general indicators. anyway , the subordinate institutions and the dear ones who actually introduce the ministers definitely have the general indicators. we don't have the resilience to say that someone will come again in 6 months, 7 months , 8 months, 10 months, and we will see in 6 months, 7 months, 8 months, 10 months. it is also very important
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to see this specialization it was the minister's side, it was the deputy minister, what happened , this should not be a resume, it should specify the people's record , let's move on, let's give it to him or not , let's bring the record while we are talking about their record, god willing, mr. nakhir, your excellency, please shorten these two points. the tasks that are the responsibility of the ministry of energy and also what indicators the minister who is introduced based on these tasks should have, see the ministry of energy, as you mentioned, clearly two areas, very briefly, if we want to talk about the two areas of water and electricity in the management level and the ministry of energy is, naturally, according to there are many challenges that we are facing today , both in the field of water and in the field of electricity . unfortunately, this imbalance is increasing year by year . this year, our electricity imbalance reached something like 17,000 megawatts. last year
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, it was something like 12,000 megawatts. approximately 5 thousand megawatts were added to this increase. if we examine the past years of rome , we see almost the same situation in the field of water, which is obvious , we have many problems in the issue of diplomacy, in the issue of the exit of border waters, and let me tell you that in fact, the issue of a lot of evaporation of water in our country and many topics and there are many challenges that we will talk about at the right time if necessary. tell us about the indicators that they should have in general, that is, all the ministers should naturally have the spirit of jihadi work. regarding the challenges of the ministry of energy , considering the challenges i mentioned, which are really serious challenges, mrs. dr. saeedi also mentioned
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the ministry of energy, if something good happens , we can see its aspects at all different levels of society. we see that this is in any case, it affects the daily lives of people in various sectors of society, including industry, and many other issues, but the fact is that the minister of energy must naturally have complete control over the laws and policies of the country's water and electricity sector. that education and expertise related to the field. it should have electricity and the ministry of energy and have the necessary efficiency and be accepted by the employees of this ministry . we have very good elites and specialists in the ministry of energy, in the body of the ministry of energy, people who sometimes
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they are talking, not at the level of the country but at the level of the world. well , these are naturally very important. that your agreement with mr. aliabadi is based on the presented programs or his track record, just say this, then we will hear your explanation further. because i don't like their performance at all i felt that the materials they are presenting to the ministry of industry, of course, the ministry of energy, and i will say a lot of things in public, god willing, but i
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will make a decision. maybe an ordinary person will accompany him, but a person who is sitting in a position whose decision today will cause billions of dollars in damage until his decision tomorrow will harm an industry because all these people are cold -blooded. you are corrupt yourself, or you cooperate with them, or you don't care carelessness and those two cases, all three cases, in fact , i don't say all three cases, which one, all three cases gave the same result, that i saw this concretely , that is, i saw it concretely, i can say now that i can raise case by case that you actually see , i can participate in the discussion in the board this year. if you are against me, why is mr. aliabadi against me? see, i will tell you about my organization law, that
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they were supposed to make the automobile industry competitive. excuse me, i apologize for accepting a job that is your specialty you don't think it's a betrayal, so he betrayed you , if you're not going to go somewhere else, that 's what the kid said, asking him where pakistan is . pakistano said that there is a lot of land, this area actually has this number of people, then he said where is afghanistan, he came back to pakistan and explained, he said that afghanistan is pakistan's neighbor, that we are not going to go there, i will tell you about the problems , it was the law on the organization of vehicles. ask to see what percentage was effective. we have a law , the law of maximum use of internal power, that is legal that domestic producers is the most important law that the producer of domestic products can give numbers and figures to, sir, do you accept the majlis research center , my words are not those of someone else, of course, mr. nakhahi
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, my teacher is great, we are my good brother, we are talking about a bachelor's degree , i am in the field i have a document, i say that they must be their expertise. the center for research of the parliament says that the effectiveness of the output of this law in the ministry is 20 percent, 20 percent , that is, a parliament law was written by this gentleman in the ministry of poisons. give 20% effectiveness. now, how can i ask the children of the research center to think, for example , what was their decision making model when they came to the weight index? giving and getting this result based on the weight you give to the rules, for example, now, probably , they will definitely have an input, for example, if they are successful in mefna, they are in mefna because they have no competitors, they say that success is a place where one is one's own, and god is the success. or is it not that these are actually the knowledge-based companies that are related to us in terms of water settlement, for example, the energy discussions of those processes
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? let me also say that in the approval of the law on smuggling of goods and the proposal of the board of ministers in 1400, some clauses were actually approved. clause 1, article 8, omud said that the income from the export of petrochemical products, steel and non-ferrous metals should be included in the semi-system. clause 2, omud said that they can specify a series that they can exchange, that is, they can export car engines, import anything, and import parts themselves. they came, a working group was formed and said that if something is to be added to these , the working group that is formed should see 9 authorities, and those 9 authorities should see them. after all, those 9 authorities were listening to another specialized device, and they said that 9 authorities should approve. he came to face the mines. chain
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fuladi added, look at the mine, as long as the cabinet of ministers knew that it was not related to them, you can see the situation of gandale. in 402, the cabinet of ministers presented the same law. in 2043, he was finally in charge of the industry, or he should have gone to the cabinet of ministers to have his neck torn. he kept saying, "no , i didn't send someone to take these away." then they came to suggest that those mines are pellets and constants. and there is a surplus of these, see if there is a need inside, you could say that they will supply the surplus to be exported, go now, you go and see how the situation is, because they have to import half of the price, but everything at the price of the price. they are free to buy their parts, in any case, this was a case that they took the trouble to add. you go and see the situation of the excess of gandalah and konstanser and these constants, and what is the situation of our country
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, they are not satisfied with this. mr. abadi, you are in the ministry of energy , please explain in this regard and also about the points that mrs. saeedi made, if you answer, we will hear. well , today we hosted mr. aliabadi in the commission. we will do it on wednesday because they want another meeting yes, they will come again. in my opinion ,
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it is a reasonable plan considering the disagreements that exist and the challenges that we have in the field of the ministry of energy. mechanical engineering is from the best technical university in this country. he received his master's degree in mechanical engineering from sharif university of technology, his master's degree from tehran university and his doctorate from khawaj nasi university, three of them are among the best universities in the country. you all know, finally. electrical engineering and mechanical engineering are among the most difficult engineering fields. this shows that they are from one he has a high level of memory and intelligence anyway. this one. the second point when you look at mr. aliabadi's resume is his work experience in construction jihad. the executive management of the company , you mentioned, the first part of the program was explained anyway. iran water and power resources development company. see maven's field work. the minister
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of energy has been working as the ceo of mabna for 14 years, and it is not that mabna does not have competitors . we had companies similar to mabna, not that they had similar competitors in the country . they started operating at the same time as mabnam. where is the base now? the base now has authority, not for the country, even in the entire region, on the world level , even if they are public or private, yes, they are public. look what happened in bana, which company, mr. doctor, because i heard that there is no competition, you are the competition in the field of electricity, we have many companies similar to matabana , look at the pension funds themselves , look at all the companies under the total, look at these, finally, the work of bana another characteristic is that you do what you are supposed to do, and in fact, for example , who are your competitors, what is your duty?
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the sentence means what the base has done, and in my opinion , they are the base. now, there is no competitor, this can be looked at from two perspectives, or is it that no one is really able to compete with it, that is, a company came and started its activity and could not compete with it due to the excellent and favorable performance that existed in the base, let's look at the achievements . see what happened in the field of electricity , what happened in the field of production. see, once upon a time , we wanted to produce text.


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