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tv   [untitled]    August 13, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm IRST

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mr. zahorian, dear viewers, hello, good time , lebanon's hezbollah issued two statements an hour ago. in the first statement, hezbollah announced that it targeted the spying equipment of the zionist military at the miskaf aam base in the upper galilee region and in the northeast of the occupied territories. also, hezbollah targeted a gathering of zionist soldiers that it was carefully monitoring in the northwest. the occupied territories in the west galilee region were targeted by its own guided missiles. the media of the zionist regime admitted that two zionist soldiers were injured in the mitat barracks. army artillery the zionist regime has been attacking yaron and naghora in the southwest of lebanon since this morning. fighters of the zionist regime of divar.
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from this morning until now , they broke the sound many times in the border areas in the south of lebanon, on the border between lebanon and occupied palestine. thank you very much, mr. hassan azimzadeh , a radio reporter stationed on the border of lebanon and occupied palestine. some other news: ukrainian authorities claimed to have captured a thousand square kilometers of russian territory. the chief commander of the ukrainian army said that the offensive operation in the kursk region lasted for 7 days. the pre -started will continue. president of russia he called this operation a serious provocation and said that ukraine will face a strong response . vladimir putin added that it is impossible to negotiate with a country that attacks nuclear facilities . the president of venezuela emphasized: his country is at the forefront of the fight against neo-colonialism, which is trying . destroy the bolivar plan. nicolás
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maduro said: the american government dreams of imposing its rule on the world, including venezuela, but it has failed in the world, and in venezuela, the american empire has faced strong resistance. last year, more than 47 thousand people died in europe due to the heat lost according to the announcement of the global health institute of barcelona, ​​greece, with 393 deaths in each , as the flames approached the greek capital , thousands of people evacuated their homes.
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residents of the area complain about the lack of fire engines and rescue teams. greek authorities asked for help from spain, italy and romania . according to the british ministry of housing, 151,630 children are homeless and live in temporary shelters. british housing minister with reference to existence. the former housing crisis in this country said: this scandal is no less than a national scandal. flood it has left at least 22 dead in several indian states. 11 of these people died in the state of himachal pradesh. the severity of the flood in several cities of this state was such that it swept away cars, destroyed roads and caused a lot of damage to houses and urban facilities.
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the embargo on the purchase of products made by companies that support the zionist regime has spread in europe. according to the world tv channel, in some european countries, such as serbia, people have replaced local products with the products of famous companies. his crimes are against the palestinian nation. shopkeepers of the city say that their customers' tastes have changed over time. this drink that
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you see behind the glass of the refrigerator is ordered more often. nafskala soft drink, whose production started around 2018. it did not sell much at that time. from july 2023, of course , the return of the people of serbia, especially the people of novi pazar, boycotted some famous products and companies because of their support and cooperation with the zionist regime. the sellers, who saw that these products were not bought, replaced them with local food and drinks, including nafsula. nafsula nafskula was quickly welcomed by young and old when my friends and i go shopping , we talk about not buying some products because of the embargo. along with this lady and her friends, social media users are also discussing the boycott of companies that support the zionist regime. by frequenting hashtags like bidis, which
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is a movement to boycott this regime. by publishing pictures like this, some women said to support palestine, they will no longer buy these products because the manufacturing company is zionist. cooperates with on the other hand, shahzad nadia, an american couple, told the audience of their virtual page, to make it easier work, they designed a site. in order to prohibit the purchase of certain goods, to encourage the purchase of certain products, which the users also said that before buying a product in the stores, they check whether the product is related to the zionists or not, and if so, find out commodity.
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however, the current situation of one of these companies can be described with two words. the biggest loser. mohammad javad rahnama, radio and television news agency. all-iranian reactor with titanium material in the petrochemical complex. shazand was installed. the old complex reactor is made of carbon steel was the germans had built it, and the specialists of this complex managed to build it for about one-sixth of the foreign price. oil industry engineers say that the life of shazand daeed petrochemical stall unit depends on
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a reactor. it supplies the countries with raw materials for glue and paint. now 31 years have passed since the installation of a reactor whose technology used to belong to a european country . it's been a while since the germans built and installed a huge equipment whose life has already ended, and in addition to the huge financial costs, the leakage of the catalyst also caused environmental risks for them. production in other units is facing disruption would turn in a situation where it was not possible to buy this huge equipment from abroad. a lot of financial and economic costs to the complex and unit. shazand petrochemical engineers started working , we can design and build this reactor within 17 months and after months of effort , they will import the titanium reactor made in the construction workshop for
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the first time in the country for 90 billion tomans. if we wanted to import this from abroad, we spent something almost 6 times this , which means more than 10 million dollars. now the work is more difficult, workers and specialists have to equip the old take it out of the circuit without the slightest damage. specialist forces are doing the operation. after hours of trying, the old equipment is removed to the unit without a small patch. but this was not the end of the story. installing a new reactor requires complex conditions. the operation that is currently happening in this unit. installation of the titanium reactor and finally, with the efforts of 100 workers , the native reactor is also installed in its place. previously, its total weight was more than 100 tons, now it has reduced to 12 themes , it will have a depreciation value of nearly 4 million euros per year, and
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it will come out of the sky proudly. a lot environmental damage is prevented. to continue production and export should be prosperous as in the past. this petrochemical complex, in addition to providing food for 5 thousand industrial units , has directly created jobs for 4 thousand people and for 100 thousand people indirectly. specialists of a scientific company succeeded in designing and producing a new generation of medical plaster casts. this product, which used to be imported from china and germany , is now available at half the price of foreign samples . electrocution of cadre challenges the treatment
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was to cast the broken parts of the body during opening, and this problem was solved by the knowledge of the foundations . for patients who have broken hands and feet , or any other part of their body , they put plaster in the famous saying when opening or for adjustment, for example. if it is an appendage, this product is used on the patrol . up to 100 people design and manufacture this technological product by the young elites of our country in the park. and the technology of tarbiat modares university has been developed, new technology in the field of mechanics and electronics, and now we use the power system, and this product, which is very light in weight, is about one and two tenths of a kilogram. in fact, you can design and build it. the new generation of jigsaws produced in this knowledge-based company has some disadvantages compared to similar foreign models . in this device, we used 24-volt power switching. 220 v is used, it is a power switch, this will
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eliminate the risk of electric shock in the device when the operator is cutting plaster, if the environment is wet or if there is a broken wire, then this device is completely safe and there is no risk of electric shock. the machine can be changed round, we paid a dime to change the round inside the device, which increases and decreases the speed of the device . which can adjust the speed according to the power that the operator needs. now, the function of this device is that it does its job when it reaches the body. when it reaches the soft body, it does not cut. aluminum body is used for the first time , compared to the foreign models that are used in the domestic market, they are plastic body. although the material of the body is aluminum, it is wonderful. it is lighter and more portable than similar foreign models.
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as the technologists of danesh banyan company say this their national achievement has a transnational customer and they are consulting to export the product to neighboring countries. samaya nasser of the sed and broadcasting news agency. the arrival of foreign tourists increased in the first four months of this year. deputy minister of tourism of the ministry of cultural heritage, tourism and handicrafts. he said: during this period, more than 2,540,000 foreign tourists came to iran, which has increased by 24% compared to the same period last year. according to mr. shalbafian, in the first year of the implementation of the visa cancellation plan, the arrival of foreign tourists has increased compared to the same period last year. first time to i am coming to iran, the beauty of the historical cities of iran is gone. people
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of azar, it was last year that the government board announced the cancellation of visas for 28 countries of the world. earlier, the visas of turkey, armenia, syria, kazakhstan, georgia , oman and iraq were removed bilaterally, and the republic of azerbaijan, china and egypt were unilaterally removed. our policy is to strengthen tourism between neighboring and neighboring countries. we are focusing on this. while many countries in the region and the world without tourism capacities invested heavily to attract foreign tourists . but the country of iran, having a climate of 4 seasons and natural and historical attractions have the capacity to attract foreign tourists. on the condition that the entry of tourists is facilitated, the government should allow
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the private sector to open its hands. our ambassadors should listen to the words of the related private sector and allow this tourist to come . 24% compared to the same period last year. increased in the first four months of 1403, almost the first stage of implementation. there are visas with 28 countries that have been implemented, therefore comparing with the same period of the previous year when this plan was not implemented shows an average increase of 30% in incoming tourists from visa-free countries. according to the law of the seventh plan
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, the government is obliged to increase the number of tourists entering the country to 15 million by the end of the plan. backpour of the sda news agency, in a ceremony at the former spy nest of the united states, the petition of the court of complaint against the united states regarding the coup d'état of 28 august 1332 was unveiled . mrs. shadmani said that the american government planned and implemented the coup d'etat of 28 august 1332 and overthrew the then government for more than 25 years, iran has caused countless material and moral damages and looted the country's oil and non-oil assets . the major material and moral damages caused to the noble people of iran as a result of the coup d'état on august 28 , overthrowing the legal government of iran, creating internal suffocation and
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suppressing the country's people and revolutionaries, the destruction of the country's oil resources, the rule of american military advisors over the iranian army, the imposition of the baghdad pact, the imposition of the nixon doctrine on the people of iran, the separation of bahrain from iran, the suppression of freedom fighters, helping to loot property, as well as the actions of the american government in planning the coup d'état on august 28, 1332, are examples of violating the principles and rules between international is below. violation of public and international peace and security. violation of rules related to human rights, violation of the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of governments. the production and export of handmade carpets increased. the head of the national center for carpets and creative industries of the ministry of semit says that the production of handwoven carpets in the first four months of this year
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has increased by 6 percent compared to the same period last year. according to mr. zare, with the increase in production, the amount of carpet exports. handloom has also increased after years, according to the head of iran's national date association, with an annual production of 1.3 million tons of product in 260,000 hectares of palm groves. the country is the third largest producer in the world, mr. rashid farrokhi added that about 30% of iran's production of dates is worth 500 million dollars a year.
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and the provinces of khuzestan, hormozgan, bushehr, fars, kerman and sistan baluchistan have the most palm trees. it is the first in the world in terms of diversity. we can cover any kind of taste. among the date varieties that exist in khuzestan, there are astamran, berhi, brim, zahedi, guntar, khuzrabi kabkab and now others. hormozgan province has 38,000 hectares of cultivated land, and we expect more than 196,000 tons of crops to be harvested this year. it is expected. 260,000 tons of dates will be produced and sold to various domestic and foreign markets. according to the fao report, iran produces 15% of the world's dates. of these 1,300,000 tons, 70 % of it is normally consumed in the country in terms of fresh food, and 30%
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of it is exported to southern countries. it is exported to the persian gulf, it is exported to east asia , it is exported to western asia and europe, and it is exported to russia. the export is 500 million dollars, but the financial turnover of the country's date industry is nearly 1.5 billion. dollars now, whether in the discussion of domestic consumption or conversion industries, or in the discussion of exports, we are trying to increase this to one billion dollars . the head of the national date association of iran says that if the value supply chain of dates is improved, the production of suitable packaging and it should be noted that the development of new export markets will have an income equivalent to one barrel of oil for each date shipment. if we want to export, we need our documents to be out of the traditional mode, so that we can increase the price of our exports and the amount of our exports.
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identify his tastes and make his packaging more up-to-date. ahmed hamidi, sed and sima news agency , the seventh book of golestan has been published. this book is about the martyrdom of security martyr mohammad hossein. it narrates haddadian and it is a work of publications. the selected works of the first two-year period of the martyr mohammad hossein haddadian literary award in golestan haftam. during this time, every time i passed by their crowd after two hours, they looked at me as if i was the one who blocked their way. golestan 7th book is a collection of 22 short stories that were presented in the first edition of the shahid hadadian literary award were chosen most of this book
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is a collection of short stories. short stories aimed at adults. the book contains stories about martyr haddadian. a martyr who fought against zala sects. i tried with the searches it had. now , i can write fiction books close to reality in virtual space, that is, it was something that i touched myself and i really liked. it was a source of sustenance . participating in this short story festival has a very high potential among our youth , and it can be effective. well, this case is both in the field of short stories and in this type festivals may progress. the seventh golestan book , which won the shahid hadadian award, is part of a cultural opinion that was keyed by the efforts of the shahid's family . in order to talk with the contemporary generation
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, the short story should be turned into a medium by updating and modernizing it. and he used it as a platform to express content and facts. it tells the complete narratives of the ups and downs of contemporary history for young audiences. things to drive this book tries to introduce young people to topics such as the superstitions of the struggle of revolutionary and religious forces against religious deviations. mahdi sarzabi radio and television news agency. arbaeen hosseini procession has been started for two weeks and every day there is a flood of people who love aba abdullah al- hussein (peace be upon him). the route will be added, which according to the pilgrims will end in al-aqsa mosque in the near future. karbala tariq al-aqsa is the slogan that
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was chosen for arbaeen 1403 and it is supposed to be a message that conveys the support of the resistance to the world from the borders of arbaeen. all those who are on this path are taking a step. scholars, like those who are taking a step, we have the duty that
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the minister of sports and youth, after returning from paris, from the efforts of the sports community and making proud in the olympics.
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appreciated happy people of iran. the fact that the athletes of our country's heroes were able to make people happy was very valuable and i am happy that a space was created in the country where this joy reached the level of society in different parts of the country. now i was not here. yes , i had the reports. it worked, news and such. this was all the efforts of the country's sports complex, including my dear colleagues who are really trying without any vision, but another group of the iranian olympic caravan in the form of two taekwondo and weightlifting teams will return to our country in a few minutes. the return of the amali wrestling caravan
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yesterday evening. they went to welcome the olympic champion. amoli, who now carry the title of the olympic city of iran , laid the finishing stone for the golden captain of the cultural ship in the paris olympics. my dear city , make me proud once again, i will win the olympic gold after rezai and i hope that i can achieve this good event again. magnificent and rare welcome that the amali people accompanied mohammad hadi saravi on the 3 km route from qaim ajllallah square to 17 shahrivar square of this city. i thank god that he was able to return to his homeland with the most beautiful medal may the nation and the heart of the iranian people be happy. mehdi ghali of sed and sima news agency came and the head of the football federation to solve the problems of the soldiers. lee posh informed.
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on the sidelines of the annual meeting of the east azerbaijan football board. mehdi taj, the president of the football federation , announced that in the recent meeting with the officials of the military service organization, the problem of accompanying the national players in the world cup qualifiers was resolved, and said: the eligible players can be at the disposal of the team. meanwhile, the officials of the military service organization announced the solution to the problem of three players and according to them , issued new instructions or regulations for the affected players. not done thank you for your companion with sports news. today is tuesday, the 8th of august and the 13th of august. in tehran, the sunset will be at 18.5 minutes, maghrib call to prayer will be at 19.15 minutes and sharia midnight will be at 23.00 minutes.
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a lot thank you for being with me, dear and respected viewers . while saying goodbye, i invite you to join me today with my colleague, mr. bozor nasib. which i have mentioned to you again with the issue of production and consumption we have prepared the program for you. we want to talk about this growth that we are talking about and this. what are the causes of the secret in this program and how should it be solved? specifically, what path should the 14th government take so that the number of natrazis, at least for the next year when we talk to each other, will be reduced and we will be able to increase production? you will see the electricity , of course, we will have a review of how the consumption situation has been so far.
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their working hours have changed a lot , we have seen a lot of closures, how much they have decreased, how much they were able to manage with the offending devices that do not comply with the electricity consumption limit. if you remember , we have talked in several programs about the ministry of energy's intention that the offending devices, organizations, private institutions , non-governmental public institutions, all those who do not comply with the consumption should be fined, and their electricity cut off, of course , as we are talking to each other, the name has not been published in this program, we will ask this question to the authorities. ministry of energy and we will have a review all that i have told you, if you are interested , follow this discussion until the end , please follow the economic table on khabar network.
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you are with the economy desk, without preamble we will go to the statistics and pictures that we have prepared for you. the first is to give an overview of the indicators of the electricity industry from 1400 to 1403, which is what we are talking about now. that our electricity subscribers have increased from 38 million subscribers to 42 million subscribers in 1403, that is, in these three years, you can see how much the number of subscribers has increased , you can see that our electricity capacity has increased from 86 thousand to 86 thousand megawatts have reached 96 thousand megawatts


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