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tv   [untitled]    August 13, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm IRST

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greetings again to you, esteemed viewers of the 18 o'clock news, we present to you . according to this notification, the recruitment of retired teachers with a bachelor's degree or higher for full-time courses and all levels of education is permitted. but the recruitment of retirees with less than a bachelor's degree only in the absence of teachers with a bachelor's degree or higher with the approval of the relevant working group. it is possible in large offices. minister
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of economic affairs and finance approved 370 resolutions in 3 reported last year. mr. khandozi announced this news at the deregulation board meeting and said: with the approval of these approvals, more than 100 strict conditions and golden signatures were removed from the licenses. in terms of quality, well , there is nothing comparable at all. alhamdulillah, we have received all the approximately 47 business licenses of the country once, depending on the conditions, more than 100 conditions , in fact strict and golden signature , were removed from the licenses and for the first time, we are not from the information that before the year 1400, well, friends before us also had toils. it could be informed
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about the relationship with the worksheets, but they are in practice we led to the issuance of electronic business licenses to both those two or three million who obtained licenses for the first time from the national license portal and more than 3 million who electronicized their old business licenses. dismantling the organized gang of luxury car smuggling in the province. among the members of this gang, 18 foreign luxury cars worth 410 billion tomans were seized. in this regard, 16 accused have been arrested. the leaders of this gang, who were brothers and sisters, were arrested in one of the northern cities of the country. of those arrested , significant amounts of criminal cases, no fake license plates, as well as a license plate machine, several stamps. and several firearms bills were
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discovered and the case to identify the other accused is in progress. the number of people complaining about mobile phone communication companies decreased. the head of the radio communications regulatory organization says that the number of people's complaints against mobile phone companies has decreased by 40,000 cases from 2019 to the end of last year. however. people are still not satisfied with the speed of the internet and the quality of the mobile phone calls . the phone is not very good. how long has it been? how is the internet ? it's been good for a few months compared to before, but our internet speed is very low, the internet only works for one hour at a time, it 's not clear at all, my antenna is blowing up. in the last few months
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, there has been an outage, it has been weak , and we have slow internet. unfortunately , it has been much better than before, and of course , we also asked people's opinion about the quality of mobile phone calls. no , you did not have a problem with the call. if i call anyone, it gets disconnected , we can't communicate at all, the person next to us stops holding our hand, we call the phone, it says unavailable. there is no organization supervising the performance of communication companies. mobile phone, announcing that we must have faced the failure of these companies in some of these cases, pointed out the amount of their fines in their new licenses, for each violation , we can fine them up to 5% of their income. he pointed out that the number of people's complaints about the performance of communication companies decreased by 14 thousand in 2019. in 1402
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, we had about 64 thousand complaints. the use of repeater devices in tall buildings is one of the causes of these disturbances , and sometimes people think that the waves of telecommunication towers are harmful and ask for the collection of these towers, which causes disruptions in antennas. . we constantly monitor these sites to ensure that the amount of radiation they have does not exceed the permissible limit, and now the situation is very good , that is, it is almost one and a half of the permissible limit. reduced mobile phone networks found and transferred to fixed networks , mobile phone disturbances will decrease, and the most important factor in solving these disturbances is the implementation of the
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norris fiber network development plan, which was launched in the 13th government. in a ceremony in the former american espionage den , the lawsuit against the united states regarding the coup d'état of 28 august 1332 was unveiled. according to one of the lawyers of the case, this petition was written by several hundreds of thousands of iranian people against the american government. mrs. shadmani said that the american government designed and implemented the coup on august 28. and overthrow for more than 25 years, iran's current government has caused countless material and moral damages and looted the country's oil and non-oil assets. the main material and moral damages caused to the honorable people of iran due to the coup d'etat
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on august 28, overthrowing the legal government of iran, creating internal suffocation and suppressing the people and revolutionaries of the country, chapaval. the country's oil, the occupation and rule of the american military advisers over the iranian army, the imposition of the baghdad pact, the imposition of the nixon doctrine on the iranian people, the separation of bahrain from iran, the suppression of freedom fighters, helping to loot property, as well as the actions of the american government in preparing the coup d'état on august 28, 1332, are examples of violations of principles. and rules it is international. violation of peace and security. general and international, violation of rules related to human rights, violation of the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of the government, and fitch global credit rating institute lowered the credit rating of the zionist regime. according to the announcement of this
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international institution, the war in gaza and geopolitical risks are among the factors of lowering the credit rating of the zionist economy. fish institute too. he stated that human casualties, additional military costs, destruction of infrastructure and continued damage to economic activities and investment may lead to a further reduction in the credit rating of the zionist regime. this the institute has predicted that the budget deficit of the zionist regime will increase from 4.11% in 2023 to 7.8% of gdp in 2024. before this. two other institutions, namely moody's and s&p global ratings , had lowered the credit rating of the zionist regime to a negative outlook in february and april. end of this news section.
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i said that here all the specialty markets near me were good. we came to serai afsariye. it was good. we came to sarai irani, sarai bozor irani, the only branch in tehran in three
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roads of afsarie, with unbelievable prices for long-term contracts and without advance payment in sarai bozor. iranians in the cities of qom. isfahan and the only tehran branch in sirah afsarieh, aren't you looking for long-term photos with a lower fee? why by the way, well, we have to go to the specialized home appliance store, where else in the city of home appliances?
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in july 2006, the zionist regime repeatedly violated lebanon's airspace, and it is believed that the operations in the fields of shibaa manrouh bensour ghar, the stories of the archers, are from the zionists' intention to resume a new military operation in the region. the representation of the lebanese people seeks a firm response to the aggression of the zionist occupation. july 21, 2006 hezbollah in a pre-emptive operation called al-boud. sadiq captures two soldiers of the zionist regime with the first missile in our car, i don't believe it. the first thing that came to my mind when i was hit was
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that it was happening to me. kidnapping current chief of war staff.
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it shows another scene of zionist crimes in front of the world. and you are the star of the open war with the people who respect their history , civilization and culture.
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achieve their goals and eliminate resistance . we are the fidak, sir, at the last moment, at the last moment, at the last moment, at the last moment , at the last moment, at the end, at the end of the murder of this soul, our building was destroyed by the zionist aggression. but just when arrogance and zionists made this war the origin of the formation of the middle east
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from the incident, my report was a bitter report . that is the same as saying so and so about war. this war is a very hard and intense war. but i imagine this war is like a trench war. the verses of the war of the parties or the war of the trenches
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are the same. the gentleman read. the condition of the muslims is similar to the condition of the companions of the prophet, the condition that prevailed in their ranks. they stated this, then they said that i think that the victory of this war will be the same as the victory of the trench war. iran, syria, hamas and other resistance organizations in the region are affiliated with hezbollah. the zionist regime thought it had won the war with its initial heavy air attacks on lebanon's infrastructure . but my assistant realizes that the situation in the scene of military confrontation is not going in favor of the aggressors.
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israel claimed every day that it destroyed hezbollah and destroyed all means of communication of this party, but despite all the claims, hezbollah continued to fight and did not stop in any way. hezbollah's guerrilla wars crushed the invaders in most axes. hezbollah has strength and foundation it is
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not only the military infrastructure that has weakened the morale of the zionist army. i have no doubt that we have made mistakes and failures, whether in preparing the ammunition or in equipping the troops and strengthening the morale, but it has also filled the occupied territories with despair, fear and despair . this is a lesson for all of us. we entered this war with the least amount of caution and because of this
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we were surprised and everyone acted hastily. on the 32nd day of the war, the blackest day of the zionist army with destruction. 25 soldiers and 110 wounded. one helicopter was shot down and more than 30 mirkaba tanks were destroyed it turns out the zionists are reaching out to the united nations to end their historical disgrace. in this way with the security council on august 21 , 2005 called a ceasefire and two days later the end of the 33 -day war and the decisive victory of hezbollah and the axis of resistance. is announced
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maintaining security in public and even private transportation lines and fleets is a topic that made the experts of a knowledge-based company in sharif university of technology think to produce a new generation of car tracking system using artificial intelligence, for example , in places where there is no antenna. places that do not need gps data to be readable in terms of security ok, we are doing something there so that the accuracy of product tracking does not decrease. the technological product
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has the priority of production for all types of public and personal transportation. it is in the form of a hardware and software fabric and can cover many of the fleet's needs . we operate in the field of smart transport. the fleets that this product can cover are from the smallest fleet, electric scooters, electric bicycles to cars. there are rides and trucks, and according to the need that came to us from the market and the studies we had, we decided to produce and develop such a product. our main responsibility is that it is a fabric and in the form of hardware and software, that is , we have developed our own hardware department , we have produced four models of hardware products according to the existing needs. we have developed a software system at the country level that can meet the local needs of the country. the product is developed locally
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and can meet the needs of fleet monitoring to a large extent, for example, the electric scooter, electric bicycle, or electric motors. which is now available in a shared form , can be seen in different cities, these are specific voltage level requirements they need a very small size to have themselves and to be installed in such a way that it is not visible. instant tracking and monitoring of engine temperature is formed with this technological product. this radio has more bandwidth based on the fact that it is faraji, and this bandwidth provides us with a series of features, such as oil pressure, speed , and amps in the car. like the features of sensors that are technologically produced and domesticated at a lower cost than foreign samples. its foreign examples
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are from european countries and china. if we want let's get the smallest tracking right now. in the domestic market, the costs are two million tomans and above, but our economic tracker, which is being sold commercially, is around 40. it is lower than this amount. according to the officials of the danesh banyan company, the product was produced at the request of the public transport fleet and has now been commercialized. mehbouba delangiz of sed and sima news agency. road accidents if you want to visit imam hossein (peace be upon him) by land and with your own vehicle, you must know that this road is a place for sleepiness and neglect from the very first kilometer. no, so it is necessary rest for at least 10 minutes for every one hour of driving. like all other land trips , the seat belts of all passengers
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must be fastened and a safe long distance from the car in front must be maintained for a safe trip to iraq. know that there are points on the road trip route to iraq from inside iran, which helps to know them , when you approach them, concentrate more and drive with more concentration , reduce speed and increase concentration in these accident-prone places .
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it's your turn and you want to go to karbala listen to me, you can get 20,000 dinars at the government price for travel, just go to the application, yes, in the services section , click on the arbaeen width option. remember , you must have samah's code, it's not too difficult . go to samah's website and you will receive a code within a few minutes. now, the amount of land you need.
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it could be as simple as this, the possibility of purchasing and reporting fire insurance claims online through the application of visitation and agencies all over the country. dear and respected retirees , we are here in an hour. they said that everything can be bought in installments. yes, it is with the floor price. i said that i don't have a check. i will go in the car until you come. why are you going? they said that they don't want a check . i want to pay in advance, but he dare not ask for advance payment.
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sir, this is a guarantor. the guarantor here does not want a guarantor at all. we did not go to my bank. gentlemen , there is no need to go to the bank. a special purchase for dear retirees. household purchase in installments without checks, without guarantor, without prepayment, without the need to go to shahr bank for household appliances, a specialized reference for household appliances after azadi square, facing tehran. what happened, did you decide to employ medjian? coil motor decided this year to sign a contract with the cooperative foundations of prisoners in isfahan province, that's why we dedicated a production line to support those seeking help. i hope other factories will also enter and benefit the families of these dear ones. help kabir motor.
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with 24-month installments and 36-month bank facilities. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful al muhammad dear, i invite you to follow the economic news. the governor of the central bank said that the support programs of the banks will be implemented in the stock market from wednesday. on the sidelines of the meeting of the supreme council of the stock exchange, mr. farzin evaluated this meeting very well and said that there was an agreement in the meeting of the supreme council of the stock exchange.


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