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tv   [untitled]    August 14, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm IRST

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in the name of god , the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings to you , dear viewers, dear and respected compatriots, we are in egypt , we present the news at 18:00. and with the assistance of the program and budget organization, part of the nurses' arrears have been paid to the universities of medical sciences . according to the statistics that we got , there was a delay of about 8 months in the work of nurses in the country, and in the field of overtime , we were facing a delay of about four months. part of the arrears of medical sciences universities that are caused by insurance and caused by it was from public sources to the university.
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in the next day or two, god willing, the process of payment of installments will be started by universities of medical sciences. our prediction is that the average amount of arrears will decrease by 3 to 4 months . central bank's deadline for banks to clarify the payment of childbearing loans. in a meeting with the ceos of the banking network, the deputy official of the central bank said that from the beginning of the year to the 20th of august, 14,300 billion tomans of child arbitration loans were paid to the applicants, which is 4 thousand billion tomans less than the banks' obligation. mr. abolhasani also said the education of 47 thousand people who have completed their documents at the bank branch should be paid by the end of august. according to the deputy official of the central bank, by the end of august, 46,000 people are in line for loans. marriage
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is reduced. mr. abolhosni informed about the proposed solutions to clarify the payment of marriage and childbearing loans and said that if these proposals are finalized, about 100 thousand people will be reduced from the waiting line for marriage loans. the spokesperson of the ministry of education announced the arrival of 59,000 new teachers in schools. according to mr. farhadi, by employing teachers to buy services and create incentives to continue the activity retired teachers. working teacher we do not have a shortage of teachers for the next academic year. about 23,000 to 24,000 teachers will be added. our prediction is that about 17,000 people will be accepted in the teacher and teacher exam, and we have 18,000 students who are free to study at farhangian university . upon
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their retirement, with their own consent, we will offer them one month's salary as a reward for their service, instead of 12 months ' salary, they will receive 13 months' salary, besides , they can retire next year if they want, which means that their service is not required to continue next year. they can't be reattached, it's their own fault, dear teachers who take extra teaching fees or teaching fees, thank god this year, the teaching fees are delayed. we don't have it. we paid monthly . we paid on time . iran's robotics and artificial intelligence teams returned to the country after winning 17 colorful medals in the fira 2024 world robotics and artificial intelligence competition in brazil. in these competitions, the iranian team won 9 championships and 7 runner-up positions in the student divisions. and won a third place
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slow down the 29th international fira robotics and artificial intelligence competition was held in brazil from august 14 to 19 with the presence of 1,300 participants. with the increase of pilgrims, the holy city of samarra has acquired the atmosphere of arbaeen. the first destination of most iranian pilgrims is shahreh. pilgrims join the marchers on the karbala route after visiting the two imams. with the large presence of iranian pilgrims, samer has become arbaini mood these days. it was a special success that we came here to serve imam hassan askari , imam hadi, god willing, to visit bishr, god willing.
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rai najaf and we will start on foot, god willing , we have come to the house of our father, imam zaman and waiting for imam we will go from here to karbala to train for the appearance of imam zaman. during arbaeen pilgrimage from najaf to karbala, in the corners and sides of the holy shrine , the joint iranian and iraqi processions, which is a sign of unity between the two countries , welcome the pilgrims of imam hussain, peace be upon him, day and night in the hot weather. the askarian imams imam hadi (peace be upon him) and imam hasan askari (peace be upon him) are buried. imam zaman's maternal aunt and grandmother are also buried in this holy city. for this reason, the city of samarra is called the father's house of imam zaman. in the father's house of imam zaman ajlullah ta'ala farjah al-sharif, every pilgrim expressed his feelings in a way . one to hasten the emergence and the other to save the innocent people of gaza. the best supplication here is allah
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ajlik farjah. here we pray for the people of gaza and for the children of gaza who are oppressed. from there to join many arbaeen hosseini marchers on the way to karbala. jalal khalidi , the holy city of samara radio and television news agency. the israeli drone attack on southern lebanon left 10 wounded. in this attack, the zionist regime is the means. which he targeted in al-abassieh town. the lebanese ministry of health has stated that the condition of 3 of the injured in this incident is critical announced according to the announcement of this ministry, since 10 months ago, the zionist regime has killed 547 people and
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wounded 1765 people with its attacks on the southern regions of lebanon. a 4-year-old child is the latest victim of the hunger weapon of the zionist regime. news sources reported the martyrdom of lina sheikh khalil, a palestinian girl, due to severe malnutrition and the lack of medical conditions in al-aqsa martyrs hospital in the center of the gaza strip. mosoum center informed the european mediterranean human rights watch that the zionist regime has martyred about 17,000 children in more than 10 months of war against the gaza strip. 2,100 of these martyrs are children they have been under 2 years old. the election suspect in america was sentenced to 20 years in prison. nicholas dempsey is accused of physically assaulting a police officer during the election protests four years ago. these protests took place after trump
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did not accept the election results and asked his supporters to take to the streets. dempsey's 20-year prison sentence is the second longest prison sentence for protest convicts. we call it, your service is happy, the growth and development of a herd is like the flow of agriculture, when there is a shortage of onions in the country, the next year, everyone grows onions , and the next year, they are forced to take out the onions.
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do it and your service might be corrupt. this shows that there is no exact pattern in this field . we are talking about the same story in the sponge field. there is no pattern, in my opinion, that strategy determines all of this, where the factories should be located, how far we should produce here , and where we should take the factories, this is the strategy that tells us what the outlook of the world is anyway. how much are our competitors producing? what are their goals for the future? can we have a share in the world ? should we produce this much or not? we ask whether we should produce 5 million tons of steel at all , how much cathode should we be responsible for? exporting concentrate is much more profitable than
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converting it to cathode. exporting a model that will be a light for the mining industry and clarify the task of the production path is a perfect governance model. let's examine this industry as a completely upstream institution, as the famous saying says, and how these developments are located. with according to the geographical locations, according to the costs that the discussion of transportation can create , according to the developments that the imbalances that are along the chain will come, do this , well, unfortunately, this pattern has not happened in the last few years. whose existence also manages the winter and summer energy imbalances of the mining industry, and last year it was about in fact, we
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had 30 thousand billion tomans worth of production, in the steel industry, due to only electricity restrictions, 30 thousand billion tomans , i think that this year, this number is actually 30 thousand a billion tomans more, and really, maybe something like 50 thousand billion tomans, the steel industry will only suffer losses due to power outages, but only losses due to lack of production. add the rest of the industry to this and fill the empty capacities, less than 45-50% of these capacities are actually being exploited and used. in my opinion , the most important thing that the future government can do is to try to use them. maximum of the existing capacities, these existing capacities can shake the country and can shake the exports.
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it can actually increase the currency of the country by leaps and bounds well, different things must happen in different fields , from the field of currency to the field of production barriers, so that this actually takes place, like what the head of the iranian chamber of commerce's mineral industry commission said has been compiled in other countries in the world . those who are active in the it sector , their 20-year strategies are actually the same as the it development strategy in that country, or the car manufacturers ' strategies become the car strategy in that country, for example, and we suggested that this should be done by the private sector. let them edit in the room, we will sit big companies like makani and big collections that can. help us gather domestic and foreign companies and
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formulate a written strategy for the development of the country, and let everyone persuade any government, for example, the government of doctors or any government that comes, to persuade this plan , this industrial development strategy, not to implement it, tomorrow it will be taken away, again, another strategy. he wrote it himself, and the development of a strategic community plan for the mining sector was pursued in the 13th government, but it was not finished. a program that will undoubtedly achieve the 13 percent growth of the mining sector in the 7th plan . asal nemati of sed and sima news agency. wow, i can't believe it. yes, it was only a while ago
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. if you wanted to buy something, you had to leave a lot of time to go and look around. then you get to the bazaar. it's the bazaar of each one. i said that here all the specialized markets are gathered around me. it was good. we came to serai afsariye. it was good . we came to sarai irani sarai. bozur irani, the only branch in tehran, in the three roads of afsarieh, with a price. in the big iranian house in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only branch in tehran in the house of afsarieh. i am very happy with my job, but now i am going to contribute to the construction of a school in that city. that i can have a good influence in the lives of several students. from this year, tax payers can
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the place of spending should choose their taxes from among construction, health, education and infrastructure projects all over the country, tax appointment, choose the stability, peace and development of the country, dear and respected retirees, our appointment was here in an hour. that's with my price floor . when i said that i don't have a check, i'll go in the car so i can come with you. why are you going? they said that they don't want a check. i do n't want it, i don't want it, so give me 5 years, i'll go and see if you have a toman, give me a toman, i want to give an advance payment , i dare not ask for an advance payment, sir, this is my guarantor, the guarantor here, my bank does not want a guarantor at all.
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no need to go to the bank, gentlemen, a special purchase for dear social security retirees from the city of household appliances. no need to go to shahr bank for household appliances, a specialized reference for household appliances after azadi square, facing tehran . maybe recently there are videos of this game challenge in the media
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beyond computer games. according to the latest studies by the american gallup news website, teenagers who spend more than five hours on the screen during the day are 60% more likely to express negative thoughts with any behavior. i treated some of these children. these children throughout the year they were struggling with problematic behaviors of computer games and they themselves did not know about these behaviors. according to however, the national media literacy computer games foundation plays an important role in the choice of children's computer games by parents. the first thing we have to do is to have a law at home for using virtual space and games, and we have to design this law with the participation of the children. we
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have three types of content: competitive content, collaborative content , and violent content. and when the control is on the content , the parents, especially the parents, participate with the child if their children are playing games, if they are currently doing an activity in this field, they should check what the content is, so the esra classification system, which is a sub-category of the national foundation of computer games, has come to the aid of parents and users based on the age group and contents of the game. easier people b. and digital based on this classification system, computer games
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are divided into five positive categories: 3 positive 7 positive 15 positive 18. it is among the ages that children have a great desire to imitate the behavior of adults, positive age category 7. this category and the previous category have their own characteristics that limit them in some ways subscribes 12 to 15 years old is puberty and biological changes. positive age group of 18. this age group is completely located after senuni. the person's personality is formed and almost the outlook of the person's life is determined. people play video games like a coin toss, good and bad. therefore, these hobbies are useful when inappropriate content does not somehow become addictive. masoom ezzati, sed and sima news agency.
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it is 5 thousand years old, it is an art. the glass artefacts of our collection are from the sasali era to the islamic era, including sarmadan perfume bottles , fillet-shaped vases, and glass containers that are now practical. not only is it mixed with the art and religion of the past, but it has opened its feet in various industries, from the application in the facade or decoration of the building to the production of bulletproof glass . in flat glass and crystal glass, it means in tableware when we say opal and crystal and soda lime glass, we mean flat glass when we say car glass and colored glass 85 to 9. we produce the glasses needed by our country with a growth rate of 5. about 45 to 50 percent of this production is consumed domestically and 50 percent is exported. it is
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the first producer of glass blocks in iran we are producing super transparent glass , we are producing semi transparent glass, super semi transparent glass, one of the products that has recently been included in the market basket of this company's products. printed glass is one of the applications of printed glass . we can use this glass in the facade of buildings, in the interior and interior decoration in the form of laminated flooring, and in fact , the use in the floor of buildings is called manufactured glass that is now behind me, you see , it was produced for the first time in iran, which reduced its light transmission to 23% . into the car and ultraviolet uv 14% reduction in bulletproof glass because it is on the side of human life, it
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is one of the glass with very high hardness and you must pass very important and sensitive standards in order to be able to produce it, we have the ability to produce it. although we produce all kinds of products in the glass industry , there is still a need for imports in the field of manufacturing machines in this industry. the glass industry in the world has its own machines, and four or five companies are not something that everyone wants to follow, but it is a part of the general industry. many of his equipments are gone you can, because the unit is one of the things that the glass industry has in the form of mixed companies, it is not a single company like everywhere else in the world. there are companies that produce flute glass with 30 companies, 20 companies, 10 companies, 5 companies, and between 5 and 20 companies . if it is in the color section, the color is produced by iranians, and the
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quality is produced, thank god, all of them are produced in iran. we have almost no dependencies, except for the machinery sector, unfortunately, a part of our industry that depends on machinery is depreciating, which is a worrying part, of course. making the inside of the glass industry machines are the steps we have taken in these 45 years, thanks to god , we have produced and supplied more than 200 machines in the glass sector in iran and exported to countries such as iraq, kuwait, afghanistan. one part that we think about again is that we are made of refractory zinc . a period of work should change its consumption habits , which is about 40% of investment. a target has been set , but according to the activists of this document, by the end of this year, this
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amount will reach 3,300,000 tons .
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like us, you can see that until now, two are not seriously injured, and the rest of them are injured . last minute today , the two houses of the family of abu jabara and abu sharif in khamsa block were targeted, and the search for eight
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missing persons was launched in the house of abu sharif. as i said, our policy is to allow prayer, but i also say one more thing . להפיל אותו אל הברקיים
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this is a sports equipment store in iran's great store. a place where you can easily choose your favorite sports equipment from all the impressive variety do it, then take it home with an unbelievable price, long-term orders and free shipping . it's as simple as that. sports equipment store in sarai big iranian big sarai in qom, isfahan and
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the only branch in tehran. what is the reason why kovir motor gives a free helmet to its motorcycle buyers? one morning, on my way to the factory, i saw a motorcycle rider who had an accident because he did not have a helmet, and his head was severely injured . donate a helmet to prevent harm to hundreds of others. this is the end of the work it is good for me and the great motor collection. kabir motor with installments of 24 months and bank facilities of 36 months. does your washing machine work? yes, it works
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, we washed it by hand, we were heavier , you didn't buy it from household appliances, no, unfortunately, no, unfortunately, no , why buy household appliances, why, because i have quality , discounts, discounts, discounts, discounts , amazing discounts for all hats in the specialized reference of household appliances in the city of accessories homemade
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have a good time, dear viewers , you are watching the economy and market news section of the news network of the trial implementation of the new model. load measurement in four banks of the minister of economy and finance during his visit to the company validation of iranians said: the trial implementation of the new validation model will be carried out in four banks until september, and after that, the entire banking network will use this model. with the implementation of this model , all people will have a credit rating.


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