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tv   [untitled]    August 15, 2024 5:00am-5:29am IRST

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get a gift by sending the number five to 30085 in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello dear viewers, it is five in the morning. in a separate meeting with the members of west azarbaijan province representatives and the islamic council's industry and trade commission, in response to some criticisms of the proposed list of ministers, the president said that this list was prepared based on the 14th government's deep belief in collective wisdom and consensus and interaction with all political currents. has been mr. mezikian stressed: the reason is that in the list of ministers, even the names of the people who are in the elections. they voted for competing candidates
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. it can be seen that there is a deep belief in the necessity of national unity. the president also said that being of the people and with the people and moving in the direction of justice are the basic features of the 14th government. mr. mezikian also considered the development of interactions with all the countries of the world, especially the neighbors, as one of the priorities of the government's foreign policy for the country's progress and said: the condition: success in interaction with the world is the creation of internal harmony and unity. euro news reported that the zionist regime spent about one billion and 350 million dollars just to deal with iran's response in operation sadiq. the answer , the second wave of which has not yet started, has worried some in foreign persian language networks. maybe to we tell me how much people in israel
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are worried about this situation. worry is a repeated keyword these days in farsi-language networks in england. they are worried about a very confused situation . they are all in the same state of disbelief and do not know what will happen if iran does this. i think this is part of a psychological war on the part of the iranian government to keep israel in a state of nervousness for a couple of weeks, creating a lot of terror among the israeli people, especially the israeli authorities. practically, no one knows when this attack will happen this time and how
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it will be. they really don't have a clear idea. they are worried about how much the zionists can endure under the pressure of this concern. israel cannot remain in a waiting state for a long time. it is very possible that a large population will leave israel at all, and a lot of capital will leave israel . israel's economy has already been severely damaged. the hands of iran and its proxy forces are not tied, that is, they can really destroy israel, he reported.
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the casualties and losses in hezbollah's attacks on some of our centers will be very large. damage to israel will be too many, especially considering the number of missiles and drones that hezbollah has. it may destroy israel's air defense systems. but in iran, the atmosphere is different to check zero hour. in iran, the films that come, the reports that come. people are living. mohammad javad reza soltani , tv news agency, household appliances, director general of the technical and engineering services office of the ministry of semit, says that despite the statistics received for household appliances, smuggled goods are still seen in the market. according to mr. neighborhood, consumers should buy before the goods are assured of the authenticity and services of the goods by tracking the information from the business community.
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there is a lot of product variety. functional products for families. more than 2 years from the project . the household appliances have been around since 1401. the ministry of age required us to put the identifier and product code on the carton and the product. the tracking code is specified. the serial number is specified. although there are still household appliances without identifiers in the market, unfortunately they do not have any product identifiers. let's look for these goods in this market, you will find the same smuggled goods this is a place for cheating. the products that cause problems to people like this have been opened . they put labels on this same product . actually, they are tracking my product on a non- iranian product. this is a fraud in the business.
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seeing that the house was not what they wanted at all, i am the consumer who buys it. if this product finds a fault, look for after-sales service. the reason is the government's lack of transparency , which was supposed to be achieved by setting up a system. to be the transparency system of the store is like a ring it is the end and complement of the commercial society system , when the end of the line becomes clear, then the data of the previous rings will be usable. transparency increases so much that even that seller can't do this anymore. it means, practically, spoon goods and counterfeit goods from here. the transparency of the store remains in its strength. until now, there was an
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issue that we have followed up many times , there were system deficiencies that are being resolved, and where was the last follow-up of the implementation of the store system, please forgive me. i am grateful for the fate of smuggling and counterfeit goods and even the expensive sale of hoarding you are fed up with the transparency system of a store, a system whose life and death is in the hands of the people here. this important issue has reached this important issue. you let the country go . you stuck to something that is not important. mehdi anari , radio and television news .
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tonight, in the special news studio , we are hosting mr. abdul jalal iri, a respected member of the construction commission of the islamic council, who appeared as an opponent of the proposed option, and mr. mohammadi farvardin, another respected member of the construction committee of the parliament, who appeared in the program as a supporter of the proposed option. construction commission too the specialized commission related to the mission of the ministry of roads and municipalities, mr. irani, hello, good evening, and you are very welcome. in the name of allah, the most merciful, i am also at the service of the most high and your dear viewers and listeners . i offer my greetings, courtesy and respect, mr.
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farvardin. hello, good night. welcome. in the name of god , the most merciful, the most merciful. i offer my greetings to all my dear compatriots. well, thank you too. i wish success for the 14th government. thank you very much. we have given you about half an hour. to the minister's program proposed by ms. sadegh, mr. irani, you appeared in the program tonight as an opponent of this option. in terms of reviewing the performance records and experiences of ms. sadeq , what is the reason for your opposition? well, first of all, i congratulate ms. malwajad, ms. farzaneh sadiq , well, being chosen by dr. mezikian according to the records and experiences that we have from him. in fact, we have, and according to the investigations we have done, well, according to their progress in urban planning during
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the time when they were working as the secretary of the supreme council of architecture and urban planning, they are actually a type of politics. implementation of the investment in urban development, which led to an increase in housing prices, and this policy of reformation, which often limited the structures of urban development. and considers the lines of the legal boundaries of the cities in line with vertical development , it is a policy that leads to an increase in the price of land and housing, and based on this policy that was actually applied, the experiences that they of the dilapidated urban tissues that the deputy of tehran municipality and the group worked on
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in fact, the many that we actually have in this collection , which is about 25% of the gross domestic product of our country , are related to the ministry of roads and urban affairs, maybe more than 10% do not comply, that is , more than 90% of the management structure that wants to take responsibility , it is outside their experimental frameworks, we may be in connection with the supreme council of urban architecture, which is also our criticism of the supreme council of urban architecture, in connection with the discussion of railways , in connection with the discussion of airplanes, in connection with the discussions of rails, in connection with the same issues road transport in connection with many cases and topics that we in if we want to discuss the two parts of roads and urban development and the issue of transportation , we can only do it in a small part. in my opinion , it is not more than 10%. that is the housing that you open with those policies. in the 5th and 6th governments, we
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had the experience of handing over land and infrastructure, in the 7th and 8th governments, capital and improvements, in the 9th and 10th governments, the housing stamp, and in the 11th and 12th governments, unfortunately , we did not have such a policy. in the 13th government, we came to the policy of the national housing movement. in connection with the national housing movement, but in the government. 14th, that he and god willing, it is considered that actually as one the proposed option does not provide a specific policy related to the provision of housing, and it is one of the factors that i am criticized for. thank you , mr. farvardin. we are supposed to decide that we ourselves as the representatives of the people believe that if there is a question mark in front of us, we will say why
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someone without expertise is placed in such and such a place, first we need to know where dr. sadegh came from and where she got the steps of advancement exactly. the scientific and specialized way to get here after us we can't criticize them for their expertise, that is , one of the best options proposed by mr. president. mrs. dr. sadegh, she started as the head of the department, now she is the deputy minister , and she has a clear record about my record. that is, today in the public space of society, when you talk about an official or manager, they put a question mark in front of him and say that he has committed a violation in such and such a way. for this reason, i
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know his record is very brilliant in the subjects that are the subject of discussion for example, i accuse them of having a conservative attitude. i have a request from mrs. dr. sadegh that you, for example , annex this land to a certain city. well, according to the law, they are not allowed to do this because they have high quality agricultural land. is there or is there a situation where this is not possible? well, we cannot consider this as a failed record. i think that today we should respect the management power of dr. sadegh . there is no gray spot in her record, no compliments. wherever necessary regarding legal issues it is not short, and i think he
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can be a successful manager . you do not accept that the policies he adopted led to an increase in the price of housing and land. look , i don't agree with this statement of my dear colleague, mr. dr. iri. well, we have to put all the conditions of the country together in an inflationary situation . at what point are we talking about the housing price has increased ? well done, after that , ms. dr. sadegh, who does not make the first and last decision there. at that time, the minister was the first politician and he was an expert. the expert also obeys the upstream law. at the same time , we want to judge them right now. right now, as i am talking to you , in the two years of his responsibility in the 13th government , he was a martyred leader. 54 thousand hectares of land
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have been annexed to the cities, 50 thousand hectares of which were during his responsibility. how can we accept that they are resistant? if he has the ability to have sufficient knowledge of a department of the ministry, in my opinion , he can manage that department. ms. dr. sadegh considering that accurate knowledge means with he knows the details of the ministry of home affairs, you can be sure that he won't give a shit . and to manage twiley, i
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believe i know who wants to come here in front of glogar. there is nothing gender related to this story or the point that pointing out the prevention of despite the respect you have for me, see, i am not talking about gender at all. the ministry introduced 5 ministries of home affairs and took their quotas to the women . in general, my view is that tomorrow , when we have to respond to the people, now we have a shortage of 5 million residential units, that is, 5 million residential units. 1 million a year, he should build a 1 million unit, he wants to feel with that policy, you see, from january 2017 to 1402 , he was the deputy minister of the secretary of the supreme council of architecture and urban planning, and he was included in his work plan until 1402, from 1402 to 1403. contrary to
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the issue that we are now dealing with the increase in fact the urban development of 50,000 hectares that they are referring to, 50,000 hectares, 180,000 hectares, this was during a period that was actually managed by them , 30,000 hectares were added within one year, you are criticizing that they are able to implement and operationalize the construction of one million housing units. he won't have it this year, definitely see the kind of politics he has shown so far as work experience. the policy of contraction, see what the policy of contraction means, it means to control the limits and see mane, the policy of contraction means practically with the national housing movement. which is in the form of the housing production jump law and in the form of the seventh program that we have assigned and
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we reduced the waiting period of people's access to 7 years. we said that according to the plan, one million residential units should be built every year. it is contradictory . well, they say that these policies should be implemented by them as a subset of urban planning architecture. the main supreme council of architecture and urban development, determining development policies, tuition, urban development directly affects the price of housing, the development of my housing directly affects the price of land in a single price, see these factors when they are placed together, i will explain this issue technically. i do it. i am 20 years old i am a consultant for urban community plans, and the plans for urban plans are ongoing, and it is your duty to see these issues that they have brought in their programs. now we will get to the program . the history and the revolutionary view that they have in policy making , they cannot at all assume the commitment of building one million housing units
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per year. by the way, i have the opposite of this idea. now i had decision-making people, for example, informing the face a rentier who is going to pass a freeway or a rail in a certain place has gone and bought a piece of land in the hope that the future will bring an increase in width here. he doesn't have the conditions to build housing , he insists that it be annexed to the city, that is, all that mr. iran tuan points out is that these problems were definitely part of his problems, i'm not saying that he was definitely part of the demands that were not reasonable or the rent in him that insisted on this. that you
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annex this land to their city has not been burdened i think we should look for such managers and even reward them. if you act diligently here , we took care of the treasury, the environment, and the natural resources. we should not consider this as a negative record. this is the strength of a manager. my opinion is corruption for a minute, if there is an answer from something at all, the manager is anti-corruption, but the use and abuse of anti-corruption is not interesting in my opinion in terms of managerial weaknesses. by itself , it is an obstacle to development, and because of this management and because of this answer and because we want to apply these regulations , we are basing this on the fact that mr. farvardi is fighting corruption, what percentage of these policies are the ones who are anarchists, to
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give an example in my whole city, in general, we have cities in the province , especially me in the province. golestan, the people of the kurdish cities, simin shahr, and even the cities that are next to it, in fact, i ask them to judge for themselves. obtaining a building permit from the municipality to build this is a wrong city policy. someone who actually had a building permit outside of the legal scope is now considered to be outside the legal scope. sadiq has been in the field of housing . now , i am trying to focus some discussion on housing in the field of reviewing the different programs
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of the ministry of raush. the reason for some people's opposition to the reformist policy is to fight against, for example, our corruption at all. i can confidently say that this is the reason for over 80%. i have it. you can check the program and the report card of mrs. dr. sadegh of the 90 commission. you can bring it now to the line of the head of the commission . you can bring the 90 to the line of your program, which by the way , dr. pejuvanfar has praised her as a clean manager capable of performing legal duties. in commission 190, this is an eyewitness, you can ask him questions now, based on me. i am talking based on observations and documents, otherwise i am a representative and the commission that i came to . but
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i say in terms of management indicators, today we if we believe that we should employ capable people in the field of management who have management indicators. mrs. doctor is one of the people we are looking for. very well, how is it in the field of the program, mr. ayiri , what are the reasons for your opposition to mrs. sadegh? in connection with my plan, i can point out several things to you that no plan has been presented in relation to the issue of conditionality. they are in the program they don't present that you can look . regarding the discussion of one million residential units that he wants to build, he has no plan. i will point out various things to you. perhaps the title is one of the capitals for the production of housing, according to the interest of the private sector. our civil infrastructure plays an essential role in air transportation in transportation.
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how did the private sector, which is sanctioned due to the limited resources, how did it want to use these issues, and as i told you, comparing the national housing moment with the issue of urban development is actually an adaptation. in what way does he want to solve the issue of transportation is one of the emphasis and very important issues that in terms of the geographical location of our country, if this geographical location. let's not use it. definitely, the countries that are on the sidelines in this field , you believe that the program has not been presented. look at the programs . there is no program related to the field of general transportation, which according to us , is now something around 230,000 k. you said in the field of urban development, in the field of housing, in the field of transportation, so see what field they have programs in. these are the general programs that i will present to you now, mr. doctor. they will do something in 230,000 kilometers of the main road and the main and freed roads. we have
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30,000 of these arterial roads. we have about 20,000 road casualties, that is, 60,000 . sometimes we have road closures. these are the cases that should be given an executive plan , and resources should be paid. we have something like 1,400 billion. you should pay 1400 tomans, 1400 tomans should have been paid for repairs, but in fact, in the previous year , about 180 tomans were paid. this is one of the weaknesses of the implementation of the programs that we have in the form of the housing supply program transit in the 7th plan, 40 million tons of goods, by the end of the 7th plan, we must reach it , no executive and operational plan has been presented, our air transport fleet is completely exhausted , the railway fleet is completely exhausted, something about our rail speed, something about 12 kilometers per hour
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this is 12 km. how much does it want to increase , or the issue that we assigned in the seventh plan regarding the supply of locomotives , we need 50 thousand locomotives, where do they want to supply them, or in the 110 thousand locomotives that have been re-approved, all these resources are needed. and the implementation plans, which are actually in line with the implementation of the index, which is exactly in the seventh plan, all these are emphasized and come in connection with the discussion of marine economy. the focus of the executive plan of my presentation is these things, i would like to point out that peter is quick to get to those issues with the north and south discussion, we have a very good capacity in the north of our country, russia, the cis countries , none of these are related to chabeh. har, even read, get in touch with our program


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