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tv   [untitled]    August 17, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm IRST

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i reminded them that they also said that this work will be done as soon as possible, after all, the government is in the process of transition, but in any case, these issues should not cast a shadow on the decisions that must be made legally at the right time, especially agriculture. in a way , he must pursue this matter more seriously. we ask the ministry of agricultural jihad to take care of this issue as soon as possible. now, god willing , you trust the discussion. how much did you check it until now? we told you today, and i reminded mr. president of this matter and the proposed minister, but finally, the proposed new minister has not yet received a vote of confidence.
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you gave a warning and you followed it up. today , you will do something else from the president, that is, legally, our duty is to demand, remind and remind. if it continues, then there are other methods, but i think, god willing, this issue will be resolved as soon as possible. i asked because it seems that the elephant has been abandoned because it was a law, but the law has not been implemented, at least not close it has been a month since the implementation of the law. yes , unfortunately, every year this issue is delayed , while the expert calculations are really not a difficult task. this should be followed with more seriousness. the parliament will also, god willing, the 12th parliament will exercise its supervision and we will in no way we will not refuse. there is no need to
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announce products item by item. this work should be done by an expert committee that is permanently active, both the ministry of agricultural jihad and the production organizations of farmers' representatives and people's representatives should form this committee and work permanently before the time according to the law, the results should be felt, announced and notified for implementation . inshallah, this will happen as soon as possible and our dear farmers will be freed from uncertainty. god willing, according to the points you mentioned , who is responsible for the shortcomings you mentioned and the delay of undergraduate programs , and why should we blame them here? agricultural product pricing council is established in the ministry of agricultural jihad and the honorable minister of agricultural jihad is in charge of this council. therefore, as a rule, the minister of agricultural jihad should be asked about this issue.
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see the prices announced by private institutions though. it can
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be a cornerstone for actually calculating the prices, but what is specified in the law and in the pricing council's mandate is in a commission in a specialized committee in the pricing committee, which is assigned to the agricultural economics research institute of the ministry of agricultural jihad. and he is responsible for calculating and announcing these prices, after obtaining these prices using these four methods, he actually presents them in the commission room. there the discussion is done and finally it is referred to councils for decision can these prices be obtained and collected by this committee? this process starts almost from the beginning of june, and it takes about a month to get these prices, that is, by the end of june, the price has been determined. yes, these prices are approximately it comes, but nothing can be announced, because naturally, this
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price has gone to the commission and not announced in the council. more than others, he probably understands and puts pressure on the ministry of agricultural jihad, which is like this the government sets the prices and the organization sets the program, and since there is usually an interactive procedure between the government bodies , they try to do this . turn to the ministry of jihad , but naturally , these things are happening now in reality or in reality, which i am telling you, this year, that is what happened, that is , because the ministry of jihad, agriculture wants to interact with the barna budget organization, which is the reason for this.
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it is interesting to see that there are naturally these four things because it was the same last year and the prices were supposed to be something else. and it became 500 with the opinion and pressure of the program organization. there was even a provision on the prices in the resolution that if the inflation rate changes, the prices will be adjusted again, but this did not happen, because then with these things , you are predicting that there will be a similar meeting on a similar day next year. let's form and such an incident between minister javad kasan, who knows from this breakfast what our lunch is, that is, until you have this stone subsidy in this chain , there will always be these bargainings, unless something happens in the world and global wheat prices. have a sharp increase that it is profitable for the government to import wheat products, and until it is open to import, you will have the same story that the price
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is not announced on time, which now you say is connected to the fact that the determining price is the main reason , which naturally leads to the problem later. it overflows at the time of the announcement. thank you very much, mr. hashemi. this price council , the question i asked mr. najafi , do you think it has now become a private council for the minister of agriculture, javad, if, for example, he wants to implement it , if he doesn't want to, don't implement it. i would like to mention one mr. philosopher i mentioned correctly, almost two months ago, the analysis of the final price of agricultural products with conventional profit was announced to the center for economic research and the ministry of agricultural jihad by the national wheat farmers foundation. after that, they conducted these expert meetings in the economic research center and the ministry of agriculture with the presence of organization representatives and government representatives
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, that is, these expert meetings were conducted. however , i also have a complaint against mr. philosopher's group, the agriculture commission and the parliament as a whole, and i insist that these two people should be the supervising representative in order to report to the parliament about the work process. the pricing council where two members of the parliament sit as observers. i warned them many times to my previous representatives. i said that you should implement this law well through the parliament . please report that two of the main members of the pricing council, one is the vice president and the head of the budget organization and the minister
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of economic affairs and finance does not come to any of the meetings. today , we reached 11 and a half million tons of wheat, fortunately, the purchase of wheat is worth 200 hemts, out of these 20 hemts, dear sir the proportion of 95 and two tenths of the amount paid means that 15 of the amount is now the creditor's farmers, if according to the law , my wheat farmer's money should have been paid 72 hours after the delivery of the wheat, we also have oilseeds. kurds based on the interest rate , of course, this is not our issue, no, i mean that i want to get to the issue of the disruptions that i say clearly through the organization of the program, and i am ready if it is from the organization of the program. we
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owe 1250 billion tomans from the bana budche organization, that is, our next year we may also have problems in wheat seeds, where the monitoring representatives have to report. publicly , the representatives of bonabcheh organization and the ministry of economic affairs and finance insist on the absence of domestic production and imports in the council meetings. there are doubts. the law was not implemented . it is as if there was no law at all . you have noticed that now the wheat farmers are complaining and their trust is being taken away from us. where the law is not implemented well, it is the philosophy of existence. pricing council now that we are almost in the last week of the ministry of agriculture in the 13th government, what is your proposal
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to the minister of agricultural jihad and now the head of the program organization in general in the 14th government in order for this law to be properly implemented on time, what is your solution, mr. najafi? saying that all the ministers of agricultural jihad that i witnessed were under pressure through the program organization, that is, one of the main reasons for the delay in announcing the prices was the program organization. najafi, i am going to fix this flour khabas is delivered for 25,000 tomans , it consumes water for the government, it gives 25,000 tomans on average, which means 1,000 tomans. in every kilo of wheat, we have a 24,000 toman blunder. the budget organization does not
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want meetings to be held. it does not want wheat to be produced in the country because of this blunder. the parliament and as a minister on the post of chad's ministry of agriculture , we will raise our main weakness. in the government board, the minister should have the power of consultation in the government board, the minister should not fail there it should not be influenced by the planning organization or the ministry of economic affairs and finance. there should be a resolution that guarantees the implementation of this point, the points you are talking about. you should see that there is an implementation guarantee, the law has specified there, and the minister of jihad agriculture has seen all this from 2019. no, let me tell you this. as the head of the council, the minister of jihad agriculture has only one vote, i also have one vote, as
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the representative of the farmer, my minister has one vote, the minister is only responsible for convening the meeting and the legal process of the meeting , you have no right to tell us or the organization about the budget plan. you announce the price tell the minister not to confirm it, not to announce where it will be implemented, it will not be implemented, give the minister a maximum of one week, you have to say your price, i gave the prices to the experts two months ago, the specialized council committees have not been formed. if a price is set in the council and it is not announced for a week, it can be voted by itself, that is, it is not the case that the minister of jihad agriculture will resist now that the meeting has not been held and the prices have not been approved by the council. who has not done this? because let me tell you, the pressures that organization b he used to enter the destruction, that is, the ministry of organization
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was planning what he wants to bring to a state of attrition . now, it is fine not to hold a meeting, if this work is done at all, we will go back to the same time of execution, that is, if, for example, the minister answered , he convened a meeting, and now the price has been finalized. if the organization does not accept the budget or if there is a problem , it is the fault of the planning and budget organization, not because the meeting has not been held , if it does not have the power to consult in the government board , then the ministry has lost, which means that now we have so many delays, we see these three or four ministers who are in this how many years have changed in your opinion, none all of them are under the influence of their power, they are all under the influence of being a bottleneck. economic and payment of money is in the hands of the budget program organization, which means that next
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year it will be determined correctly. anyway, next year, the head of the budget program organization wants to send money, he wants to get money. keep the budget, which you have to because the money is in your hands , you have to exercise power, exercise influence, say, i will not give money, we will get to the same as the guarantee of implementation, if there is a guarantee of implementation , it depends on the power of the president, the management of the president. the president and the consultative power of the minister in the government, which means that if this is not done, this procedure will continue, that is , if next year we talk here again with a delay, it means that the head of the organization did not pay the money, the president could not manage the government, that is, the government is doomed if this happens. what about the payment and the wheat, what about the timely announcement of the purchase price of basic agricultural products, the best indicator for evaluating the government, that is, if the demands were not
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paid, the price was not announced on time, it means that the minister and the government were unsuccessful, there is no excuse, there is no money, i don't know. this is how everything happened which we have seen in previous years, you should see them themselves, they should do it themselves, it has nothing to do with the council, the duty of the council is to determine the provision of funds from the government, thank you very much , mr. najafi, we have about a minute to announce a time let me tell you whether it will be announced this week or not , you will see the next ministry of home affairs and its new minister. the government board has the only problem with our announcement and delay this is not actually the announcement of the price of wheat, but if you look at the fact, one of the smallest problems of the agricultural sector in general, its budget and the rest of
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its subsidies are not paid as much attention as it should be. the trend towards agriculture in government budgets is actually the share of the agricultural sector in the government budget, to the share of the agricultural sector in the entire economy. this is almost 22 damages for our country, equal to half of the world's less developed countries, and countries like east asia, for example, up to one and two tenths is the same share, for example, for america and canada, which now their economic situation is up to 8th. that the government , what is the government, that which is beyond the agricultural sector , does not have much faith in the agricultural sector , i will show you that it is the reason that in the end , when it comes to import
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, you see that they are willing to import up to 30 million tons of goods. but for production. due to the lack of belief of the program organization and my collection, the role of the agricultural sector in the gross national product is 14%, but the budget that i considered in the 7th plan does not even reach 4%. all the good viewers of mez ekhont program who have accompanied us until this moment, the rest of the officials who were mentioned in the program. they can express their own explanations in a separate program. this opportunity will be provided for them. this issue will also be on the agenda .
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today's resistance in lebanon is full of weapons , blame, and possibilities. we have many, we have talent , we have experience, we have experience, we have faith
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, we have determination, we have courage, we have strong will. and the missiles are surrounded and assigned and in a distinguished series , god bless muhammad.
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wabarate! resistance is the possession of accurate and non-accurate missiles and the possibilities of armament
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israel's presumption against lebanon is a war, israel's attack is a destiny, and you really did not expect it in the day of the fighting, meaning the rays along the length of occupied palestine, from the lebanese border to the jordanian border to the red sea.
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these images have remained in the history of iran. images from the summer of 1369, the return of the freedmen to the homeland of the soldier
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who was captured. the war will not end for him. the form of war will change for him. freedmen who each returned home with a bag of memories. a few of us, two iraqis, two pilots and a co-pilot on a belgorod left the area. the city of erbil is waiting for us was now, part of those memories are depicted in the book summer 1369. by morteza sarhangi. we ourselves, return. we saw our prisoners in khosravi's border, but we didn't see them leave. how does this book say that there are 40 and 40 people, and these memories say how they were taken captive. the memories of the moments of captivity of iranian soldiers, which are extracted from the pages of 730 book titles, the moments of captivity in books. we used to find and study them
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. dadim from the book and from 730 book titles, 150 memory titles were selected, which finally reached the 40 memories that you see in the book. the faithful fiancé has arrived, even if your captivity lasts for 100 years , i will sit at your feet, i am sure that you will return very soon . one of the features of this book is that at the end of each memory, the author has provided additional information about that memory to the audience. zeinab soleimani , sed and cima news agency.
3:58 pm
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4:00 pm
in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, i say hello to you, dear viewers of the news section of the hour 16. we are at your service. the public session of the evening session of the parliament started an hour ago with the presence of the president with the agenda of reviewing the general program and the agenda of the cabinet of the 14th government. in this public meeting, the president emphasized the presence of different tastes in the introduction of the cabinet, and the necessary consultations have been done in the selection of ministers . in all these stages, the necessary consultations with all those who should


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