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tv   [untitled]    August 20, 2024 10:30am-11:00am IRST

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sofia, excellent tea, excellent place, excellent tea, excellent place, sofia's place. in the name of the lord of beauty and beauty, the friend of god, the most merciful and the most merciful, my dear viewers of khabar khemet network , i am greeting you . we are starting the news section of the media with news from four programs , short stories, multi-letter words, and memory games. on foot to the kaaba of testimony and courage. al-qassa al-qassa
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is broadcast every day at 16:15 on radio seva . it is 10:00 am and we, the passengers of all three cars , have reached mehran and the children who were supposed to join us in mehran have reached us and left with us. the narration of the book is getting complete he found me, a collection of stories from the arbaeen walk, the topic of this program is to say, sir, start with a sentence. i said, tell me what to do with 28 and 500? the conversation program will be broadcast on channel 4 until thursday at 16:00. we have at least 8 types of agents in the market, that is, across the country. economically speaking, they are called agents. investigating transformation solutions in the fields of width, energy of the health system is one of the topics of this conversation-oriented program. answer easily, it's 10 letters. who wrote david copperfield's book? chandaharfieh
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is broadcast every saturday and friday at 1130 minutes on radio tehran. a a camp where a group of doctors and dentists gather to provide free medical services to underprivileged areas, what is it called? jihadi camp is over and gone . shahrarvard battle of esteghlal and perspel. and the game memory program.
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with a history of six decades of artistic activity , he was an actor in series such as serpar gun, shoshbashi, doctors building, and pejman, as well as films such as farshbad and bazael baz. congratulations, dad, i'm going to be safe, sir, i'm going to be with you. i always told you that this kid will eventually become something, but none of you believe me we did of course, i still think that it is something. you were talking about nasser, i was talking about you, dad, why are you so distracted, dad, whenever i talk to you and your attention is somewhere else, he doesn't listen at all, well, i must not be right, mr. jun, yes, your dad, may god bless you, mr. thank you, mr. jun nasser, congratulations nasser, because magnet is aired every day in the intervals of the programs of channel 2. educational and health recommendations
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related to arbaeen walking are the subject of this special program. it reviews from the preparations of the trip to the requirements of the route and the necessities of the destination. the first special arbaeen walking pilgrimage educational program magnet is a combination of educational, health recommendations and the expression of the experiences of pilgrims. the attraction of magat hosseini on the day of arbaeen is the rituals of pilgrimage to take care of. in the matter of health and treatment, from
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the people who are experts in this field, whether in the field of medicine or in the field of traditional medicine, there are some points that you need to know that these loved ones must follow so that, god forbid, their journey does not have problems and challenges. and at night it will be broadcast on channel two. sahar zwanati news agency sed and vasima. the third national festival of saade sokhon radio is in the judging stage. this festival is organized by farhang radio. a festival to protect the language and persian literature. voice of speech so far, 332 works
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have been sent to the 3rd national voice festival in the six main special sections, virtual space and radio show, radio writing, teaching persian language, and received a very good and impressive reception from colleagues in the sed and vasima organization as well as outside the department. this shows the importance of this issue to our colleagues in the national media and to our dear teachers in schools . we had significant works, but the most important part that we were caught off guard by the phrase "we were taken aback" by the section dedicated to education, that is, the language
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of persian literature in schools, this section has been well received. creation i am talking about the third national voice of speech radio festival with mr. vahid mobasheri, the director of this festival and the deputy director of farhang radio. the key to the sage's treasure. greetings to you, mr. mudaghq viewers of this program, i would like to thank you for your presence
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. the judging has started since saturday , we are in the selection section of our works. some of the radio channels of the vice -province and other friends have reached more than we expected. sending programs in this department is a difficult task because we have to select the works. once the works are selected and the works are selected for the other section which is the final part, in the final part , other judges work hard and judge, now in these seven, eight, 10 days, the government is busy with this work. these main works will be selected so that the second part will start, god willing. well, does this selection board see all the sections now or not? because the festival has different sections, each section has its own selection board. we are trying to see the selection boards of all sections, which of course because the judges
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are experienced judges in the field of media, for example, one judge has worked more in the field of drama, that is, for example, the judge is a senior producer whose working life has been in the field of drama, we tried to give more shows to this judge, but this does not prevent that do not listen to the combined part and this part of the competition others, but if time permits , the judges will see all of these sections, and then the selection will be made. the program of this selection committee now consists of several people. there are seven people in the selection of works, who are now starting their work. my five people are in the final stage. that the jury was actually final.
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it was very well received because the friends in the policymaking school decided that we should come to learn how to transfer persian language and teachers in schools. how do they teach literature, how do they transmit, what is their creativity like? or if they have a movie, send us the sound of that movie. this section was very well received by the people , it was one of those sections that usually in our radio we have listeners who are very interested in radio programs, these are the listeners who are interested and become professional and listen to the radio. you can also enter into this work , the other section is the radio section , it cannot be an article, but writing for the radio, writing for the listener, means that you write in such a way that it will be read on the radio and the audience can communicate with it . radio
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there are two new departments in the field of education and training , which have been added in this third period of the festival. i would like to thank iran radio for the initiative , that is, in the previous period, this happened in iran radio . it was to be transferred to farhang radio, mr. dr. kazemi, the director of farhang network, as the head of the festival's policy council, support, help, mr. bakhtizadeh, the deputy voice, his guidance, his support for this festival to be held, mr. madaqq, i want to say that this festival the only sound festival vasima is in the area of ​​persian language guard, who is the deputy voice standard bearer. i think we have festivals like this in my country. we should have less that the persian language should be the persian homeland. hafez says
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that he longed for us for years, and what he had wished for a foreigner is that we have it ourselves, this is our fault. enter anywhere in the world , we are known for our poetry. what we have is not comparable to anywhere else in the world. yes, those parts of the radiography , as you said, are of course with the same approach as the festival itself. it means paying attention to the language of writing the standard language. yes, there is familiarization and de-familiarization here . it is doing something that maybe programmers pay less attention to. it means that the programmer can pay attention to speaking in persian . there is a lot of foreign language in society, why do we have to use foreign language so much, now radio. the task of our cultural radio in
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the virtual space section of the website and portal, yes , we have more than 65 thousand members who follow , listen to and support the cultural radio. this shows that when you speak in farsi , you speak in your own language. people must establish credibility. in my film, it is like this, in my theater, it is like this. in other art discussions, here too, when a persian film is iranian. okay, it's yours, the audience communicates with you because you are talking to them in their own language, it's the same way on the radio, well , since we talked about the parts of the festival , we'll review the parts of the festival together for another round, because now we're going to the parts it was mentioned in the other sections. you have 5 main sections . there are 5 sections, the show section and the competition section. the main thing is that in these main sections, only the radio program makers who are professionals can participate
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, and the public section can also participate in the public section. in these five sections , fourteen radios of the vice-president of voice participated, which is good to be present. last year, the vice-chancellor of foreign affairs was not present. one of the vices that can play a role very well in farsi is this vice. this year, 10 of its networks have participated in this year's foreign affairs , which means that it is one of the good programming capacities of our country in the broadcasting organization in the provinces , there are very creative programmers there, those are my children , those are the programmers, i think they are welcome, i think more than 27 28 provincial capitals participate with various and special programs that are in the department, in our special department, which is the master department shahriare, a section on the character of professor shahriare, who can make a program about the character of professor shahriare, a section on the works of professor
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shahriare, whose influence on the persian language and literature, in these two sections, our friends in the vice president of voice and the vice president of provincial affairs and barzonzi can participate professionally. do it, mr. mobasheri. your opinion is that, for example for the next course or even the following courses, for example , he could invite those who have knowledge or are interested in persian language from countries like tajikistan, afghanistan, the part of these regions where persian language is spoken anyway is that there is a radio and it is very easy to produce. your hand has reached.
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which radio farhang itself also broadcasts, we have a live broadcast in the afternoon, because radio farhang is a place of behavior, many literary greats have come. currently, for example, a program like dr. haddad adel is being followed a lot, professor germorudi left on farhang radio. the arrival of professor mohammad alini has gone and many people have come and gone from the past to the present
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there are so many friends in farhang radio and the expectation of these friends in farhang radio is so great that we have given a very serious task to be able to make a program in such a way that we can attract the loyal audience of farhang radio in such a way that we can attract their faith, expectations and thoughts. we talked with mr. vahid mobasheri, the secretary of the 3rd national voice of voice radio festival, which , as i said, the winners will be introduced in persian on the 27th of september . culture examines the contemporary history of iran . this program is broadcasted on radio tehran in the name of god, the merciful, the merciful, i am khosri motazah , a review of foreign policy and social issues of iran's contemporary history, according to khosr motazah
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, in the cultural hat. to stay the shah of iran himself said, "i don't understand why we did this, why this was done. in this program, the 57-year period of the first and second pahlavi is narrated. the topics we focus on the most are foreign policy, iran's foreign policy with england, iran with america, iran with italy, iran, india and such topics discussions and social issues are actually the fifth date. pahlavi, 7 years old, if we convey this history to the people , the sense of people's interdependence will increase , and they will have very good feedback. also, their own teachers have pointed out that now the message that the audience conveys to them, the type of narrative , is very interesting for them and promotes the audience. it encourages listeners
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to follow this program more often from saturday to wednesday every week. at 1:30 p.m., it will be broadcast to learn from the passing of time in reducing the dangers in crossing the blind and dangerous abysses and the danger of the rise of history and the times that go, it is very important, very vital and necessary for another cultural hat to go away. we have received news, the next part of the news is at 11 o'clock . i present to you my colleagues.
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alles, leute, leute, wir wurde gerade durchgesagt, ach so, kein abbruch, kein abbruch, leute, doch kein abbruch, wir müssen hier kurz warten auf weitere informationen, aber ich muss sayn, wir können natürlich jetzt hier keine party machen, wir müssen erstmal dafür sorgen, dass alles. time to keep it down
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oh my god, holy shit!
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be welcoming to hossein's guests. we stay from arbaeen to prepare food for the pilgrims of imam hussain. we gather here and prepare food so that they don't stay on the road. we don't get tired at all , our love, imam hasina, comes at 6 o'clock, we leave at 10 o'clock, we leave at 11 o'clock. not tired at all. so, could you go to karbala and be a pilgrim yourself? well, i could go, but we don't want to leave here. the love of visiting the martyrs in the presence of each and every one of these loved ones. it is crystallized. here in the central kitchen of the arbaeen headquarters , we prepare food for the processions, day and night. they don't have a kitchen. every day, between 1,500 and
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40 , we cook almost 200 meals here. above 18, 18, 19 , 20, 20, they work for the health and pleasure of imam zaman. they are working in these 20-22 days. with all their love and devotion, and with all their sincerity, and truly without the smallest eye, they are completely devoted to the work of imam hussain, peace be upon him. our people showed that they were always ready to work and this time koi dost's servants are working with their hearts and souls. malmir of hamadar radio and television news agency. no one is chosen for a job without a reason.
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even if you come to russia, no one will answer you. the moments you missed are not counted as part of your life. ah, life without you is like hell for me. this is hossein hossein, who says to god, the voice of my heart is my master hossein hossein.
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when i go to your name, i reach the air of karbala, i miss you in the world on friday nights. o karbala, fever and fever
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, my blood, my sleep, hossein, hossein, fever and fever , hossein, hossein, my dream, hossein, my desire, my life, my life
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, wow, i can't believe it. go look around, then you will reach the bazaar, the bazaar of each one. i said that here all the specialized markets near me were good. we came to afsariye palace. it was good . we came to sarai irani. the only
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tehran branch in serah afsarieh with unbelievable prices for long-term installments and without advance payment in the big iranian sarai in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only branch in tehran in serah afsarieh. first, the discount tower in the peak. from 31st of august to 6th of september, the chain stores of oghet korosh, but with our energy, we know that when the air conditioner is washed on time, the filter will really save energy. we know that we should not
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use high consumption devices during peak hours. but going and arriving is not always easy, so we will definitely arrive in a few minutes. yes, yes, okay, i will wait for a while. we need to cross rough roads. the world
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is effort and motivation, this is another one of yours, dear compatriots, may your day be good. god willing, the meeting to review the qualifications and plans of the ministers proposed by the 14th government is going on in the islamic council. for details most of the time we will be with the sed and sima news agency reporter.


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