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tv   [untitled]    August 22, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm IRST

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the barrier that is working is the main goal. if you are interested , stay with us until the end of this discussion, please follow the economy table on khabar network, thank you. yes, you are with the economy desk. we want to talk about privatization . consider yourself an economic activist or basically the same model you have. you live as an ordinary person. you are an employee . you are a businessman. have an idea of ​​what you want to do in the next month, in the next 6 months, in the next year, and what the conditions are like. if you talk to an economic activist , they will tell you that the current situation with all the problems
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that a child has, for example, high inflation, banking education is a problem, or a thousand other laws , if the same situation remains the same, we will be satisfied, that is, if there are no overnight changes, you will put yourself in the position of an exporter who, for example , has signed contracts in the market of neighboring countries and overnight is faced with the fact that he cannot export his product. he wants to export a product . to stand there for himself but ok for example, they say that the price of a certain product is changing in the domestic market, you are prohibited from exporting, and i invite you to come and sell your product in the country . what will happen to the business of this merchant? they work with him, basically, they don't trust him to work with him anymore, they say, you give us a product for a month, but you don't give us a product for 3 months. it means that
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the investment is disappearing, and i am sorry for your presence, that the investment is from business and work job creation and everything that exists, let's go and see the pictures together, let's see what these two articles that i presented to you clearly refer to, article 24 and article 30 of the law on improving the business environment . do you want to make a change in your bylaws , directives, recipes, definitions, everything , do whatever you want, come, do what you want, come at the appropriate time, in order to have stability , to have economic transparency, to economic activity , announce this a week in advance. make an announcement a month in advance depending on the conditions in the next pictures i will explain to you , let's see the next picture together, let him know so that he can make a plan , he can specify that i will not be able to do this for another month , don't get into this problem overnight. this is where it has been approved by the government board. what should happen? it says that if you want
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to change the policies and executive regulations regarding export and import, whether you want to impose tariffs or trade restrictions, that is, whether you want to increase the tariff, it cannot be exported, it must be exported at a higher price. or enter it or do something else one month before you make this decision, tell me that i want to do this work . the ministry of home affairs should publish the customs related issues. before that , mandatory standards must be published, that is, if you are going to produce a product whose standard is going to become mandatory starting today, the national standards organization should come and publish this for all economic operators to all people, and from 3 months after this product, if it is going to be produced, it must have a mandatory standard, how far will we go? a series of rules and regulations must be notified 6 months in advance, such as the issuance of a construction permit for the completion of work inside and outside the shahret area. it has arrived. according to these two paragraphs
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of the law that we have to announce the picture to you, please let 's see together. if these things didn't happen, what does it mean that you saw that you could have done this until yesterday? from today, another aspect has been added . this organization has decided that from from now on , do this in a different way, you , as an economic activist, as the person you are you are using this service , you are not aware at all that this happened, where do you refer to the 243 system that the ministry of economy unveiled a few days ago, that is, in the last few days. mr. khandozi's ministry, i would like to thank you for the system's official unveiling in your presence and it has officially started its work . in this system, mr. miri says exactly which circular is it or which procedure has changed? it has been like this since today and you can even explain there, this space is provided for you to explain if this change has happened, how much damage has it caused to your business environment ? it means that it is 24 hours and
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it is doing its work on 30 days of the month without stopping because you know that all the ministry of home affairs and the government have a person who is responsible for the improvement of the business environment. do you know that if these incidents did not happen because it is legal and the omission is considered a violation, the person in charge of the unit who possibly did this will be dealt with, we have to see what happens. the system did its work on a trial basis, so that people would be familiar with how they can protest against these regulations, which sometimes change overnight. let him line it up. please see the next picture together and our last picture in these two months, that is , in july and august, when this system did its work on a trial basis, how many people came
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to protest and what procedures did they come to do this dealing with 96 complaints out of 180 complaints that people have 9. it means the ministry of industry trade mine , you know the commercial procedures very well, there are changes or decisions are made, there are commercial restrictions that sometimes exist. you know that there was a change in the last few months, the entry rate of mobile phones changed, the number became very high, after a while this number again. it decreased, well, this may not be a very strange change in the opinion of tomorrow, of course , we have changes in the price of mobile phones in those times. be an importer, i am sorry for your presence , this amount that you have to pay and many other things, anyway, something happened overnight that
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changed a few months later. this is completely contrary to predictability and economic stability. there was another point. there was a frequent change in the procedures for registering import orders in the trade community system, which has four complaints, and it was related to the method of importing goods . if you remember , there was a sudden and overnight change, and the ministry of economy had objections regarding this issue. i remember that we had a plan here as well. and we talked about it, there are other issues in total, there were 180 complaints, 86 of which were related, which were submitted . in today's program, we want to discuss what will happen to these 180 complaints and complaints that will come to this system from now on. i see. they are working in different ways . if they don't pay attention to these two important principles of the law on improving the business environment, what will happen to them, and basically, if this law is fully implemented, how much can it improve the conditions for the country's economy, my colleague? macroeconomics group of sada vasima news agency prepared a report we will see it together, we will return
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, we will start the conversation with the guests of the program, we cannot move in a gray space, by gray space we mean the overnight directives. is what makes the economic worker tired. in order to plan , we need to be able to predict our future. every law, section letter and resolution that wants to be issued must be heard by the actual business owners before that. article 24 of the business environment improvement law, which took 13 years to be communicated to economic operators. the board of ministers with the bylaws of this article that the board's proposal to the proposal of the ministry of economy was included in the order of the ministers, they agreed to pass a regulation of this law and set a timetable, none of the agencies should impose a directive on the private sector activists without notice and time limit, but at
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the beginning of june, we were in the system. our business community received notices regarding the import restrictions of several defined lines. we found out that according to articles 24 and 30 of the national business center improvement law , bakhshnama was uploaded overnight. this regulation has warned the institutions since may this year that in case of violation the highest executive official will be sentenced to dismissal or even imprisonment. the authority of the case in this field is the court of administrative justice and the beloved ones of the prosecutor's office. you know and they say that they will follow up on these violations, god willing. after the announcement of this regulation, now the ministry of economy, in cooperation with the private sector , has introduced a system to report these violations to the people. we have a person behind the site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. whoever registers, a notification goes to him and
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he answers within 3 hours, which he checks, and if the complainant is right, he tells the device that this is the case. did you commit a violation or convince me that you did not commit a violation or did you commit a violation if he cannot convince or wants to continue his violation . the transactions between the presidency and the regulatory body in the middle of this system gave economic activists the opportunity to report overnight directives and violations in the implementation of article 24 of the law on the improvement of business. narges meghazi of sed and sima news agency. yes , we saw the report together. here in our studio, mr. siyar , the head of the business environment improvement center of the ministry of economy, is present. also, mr. fouladgar is a member of the supreme executive council of general policies of article 44 from isfahan studio, and mr. gerji is a member of the federation of organizations. iran's agricultural environment is also internet will be added to jamoon. in addition , greetings to all the guests of the program, i would like
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to start with mr. sayah and this question, basically, what are the measures we are talking about up to now and today to implement the articles 24 and 30 of the law on improving the business environment. it has been done and how much can we rely on it now and proceed with the work according to what we saw in the report and at the beginning i gave an introduction in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful . a big step was taken a few minutes ago, after more than 12 years, article 24 of the basic law the law on improving the business environment was not implemented . its regulations were approved by the government last year. article 24 says that if the government wants the executive authorities of the country to read changes in any regulation, how long before they must announce it, for example, the definition must be announced one month in advance, or the building laws. read sazi.
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he has marketed and spent money before he reaches the border or the edge of the border . this button can not be closed show the 20 points on this bell and let us know and follow up on the problem. god forbid, this bad habit has not yet gotten out of its head and it
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is making sudden changes in the regulations and catching the economic activist by surprise. you handle it. we handle it in a few days or hours . we handle it immediately. we put an expert behind the so-called mandatory system. as long as a request comes , it means that a notice is given, and it will be dealt with immediately he checks that his request is correct, because as you have seen, some of the devices that were requested were irrelevant, yes, for example , he was upset about something, something bothered him. according to article 14 of the law on continuous improvement, the devices will be called again. we are very close to the implementation. in fact, it has been implemented . mr. mokhbar announced a month or two months ago that according to article 14 of the law on the improvement of every device, one
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person must be responsible for the business environment. and it's okay, 204 should be listened to, economic activists have questions and issues they were asking that now all the devices have been introduced , but we didn't announce this list because almost all of them are deputy ministers, deputy ministers, general managers. it is possible that the new government may want to change a series of them. we left it as the government. be at the farmer's house and answer his question . in short, as soon as someone rang the bell and
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checked, our team realized that it was true . he called the person in charge of article 24, article 14 of the device and said that mr. check the sudden change in the rules of that organization from the ministry of home affairs and see if it is correct go tell them to correct their mistake, and if i am wrong, convince me that this is not the case. if god forbid, he resisted, he did not listen , he did not turn off his phone. you know that in 1402, the law of the court of justice was changed, and it can be entered in this kind of turkish for now. if it comes to that
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, there will be honorable officials from the judiciary justice the whole of tehran is working on a case that belongs to the ministry of the same side that we mentioned to them . all over the country means you, for example, yes , we had cases from every part of the country, and by the way, this game started on the night of eid , when the ministry of jihad banned it. the export of ground food was on the night of eid, not the beginning of eid, and we went and followed it up, we saw that they are telling the truth , we talked about jihad, in short, we put heavy pressure on the method and we saw that no, our pressure is not enough and food force is also necessary, and in short, we joined hands to
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get rid of this bad habit, this ugly habit, something worse than smoking, drug smoking, this ugly habit, to sleep at night and wake up in the morning. sign something and take the economic activist by surprise , mess up his bank account and harass him. well, mr. fouladgar, they are also on the communication line of the program . our businessmen are our economic activists who are long before this change in the procedure, it is now a regulation and a circular . i would like to say hello to all the dear viewers who are in the studio and are connected with this program. what
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you just said in response to your question is a preliminary point. what you said is necessary and where is the importance of the matter, the beginning of this discussion may go back to the law on the implementation of the principle 44 policy in the seventh parliament and its implementation, which was now supervised in the eighth parliament and started in the ninth and tenth governments, there in article 91 of the principle 44 law. economic organizations are required to make a draft to improve their business and remove obstacles the entrepreneurship of presenting the body to the parliament government was the result of this work, the business improvement law that was approved in the eighth parliament, and it was the end of the work of the tenth government, that government did not implement it anymore
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, and the business improvement law was postponed to the eleventh government. but it was one of the remaining ingredients. and it had not been implemented, as mentioned by mr. dr. sayah and at the beginning of the program, this was article 24 of this law, which is one of the most important articles of this law. it indicates in this law that if the government and executive bodies obligations for the purpose of clarifying the policy and economic plans, as well as creating stability and economic security and investment, any policy change, any policy change , economic regulations and procedures should be informed to the public at the appropriate time before implementation through mass media, so you see, the purpose of this case is one of politics itself. there is principle 44, which means that we should make the people participate in the economy, give rights to the people and to the economic activists, and secondly, for economic stability
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, for economic security, to create a foundation. for investment, if the government wants a procedural change , the government wants to change a policy, and so on it has an effect on the economic activities of the people before the implementation time, at an appropriate time . in any case a policy or a practice tells when it should be brought to the public's notice as soon as possible. the truth is, as someone who was involved in the legislation of this law , i believed that it was for implementation. there was no need for regulations, and maybe if the governments wanted to implement them at the same time, it wouldn't mean anything to them because it was said it was said that you should inform the people about it, go
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to the dialogue council of the government of the sector and consult with them about when to inform the people about every procedure and every regulation and every policy. when will you inform the exporter of the fixed purchase price? do you declare import and export regulations? do you declare customs definitions ? when should you say? now, the business enterprise wants to announce water and electricity rates, do you want to impose electricity restrictions in the summer due to electricity imbalance , when should you inform the economic operator about this? maybe niazim didn't have a letter with the regulations, but this became an excuse for the executive body to not implement this in 12 years, because we don't have special hands on them now, that is, just because of the order.
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what did we do with the cooperation of the ministry of economy and the ministry of economy with the cooperation of the presidential legal vice president with a two-year follow-up? what i am saying was a two-year follow-up until it was finally approved by the cabinet of ministers last year. the case was approved as mentioned and it should be implemented from the first of july this year, the second step that was taken article 30 of the law was 30. i was there, he says that any procedure, any regulation, any regulation, any circular, any device that wants to put it in the business discussion should be put in its special system
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, the laws in the system of government regulations and laws , and before starting the implementation. it should be informed to the economic activists a week in advance. if a device does not do this , it is a violation if it wants to implement that regulation without doing this. this article 30 was another big step, then it was removed, although the article was not in the law of the first improvement, then the parliament passed a resolution for this. the regulations were approved very well, article 24 and article 30 , and following that, the same system that my dear brother , mr. dr. sayah, who was the same period as the research center of the parliament , followed up until the end of this implementation. ok, now this system is actually the last stage of the work, which has become so common now that every economic activist, if he goes anywhere, sees that a procedure is not being implemented correctly, a regulation is not being implemented correctly
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. they are asking him to upload it to that database it is not possible to immediately enter this system and file a complaint, and the way the complaint is explained, in my opinion, this was a basic and good action. to support business rights, to support economic activists, for economic security and economic stability, thank you for being with us, mr. fouladgar, mr. gerji. hello, if we want to give an example, please point out that the changes in the procedures and the changes in the directives in the past years or what kind of harm do the different laws have on businesses like yours? yes, hello, i would like to serve you. mr. dr fouladgar and mr. dr. siya, in relation to the question of his highness, the regulations that
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have come in the form of removal and have plagued the country's production and industry in these 45 years have been endless. if we want to give an example, can you give some examples ? in the last two years, because i said many times, the standard institute and the food and drug organization are two parallel institutions in the country that are monitoring the production , and both of them do not accept each other , that is, neither the standard institute nor the food authority. they visit the production unit and take samples they test and charge a fee. whatever we have said during these 45 years, sir,
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do this sampling is an item. and do it once , both units accept the result, unfortunately , it is not accepted today, the standard institution looks at the logo of food and medicine on the label or label or product of 2 cents. you have to impose such a cost on your production, but they won't give up. another day, the food and drug administration will say that my healthy apple was a dud. now you have to put the dimensions on the product it caused problems between us, food and medicine, and the standard . fortunately, with the presence of mr. dr. siab, in the past 3 years, we were able to see several cases where these extraterrestrials are outside the law. we have no shortage of laws. the country
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has the law as long as you want, and when we come to implementation , unfortunately, we put factors on the level of production, which disrupts. i ask you to pay attention to this example. the food and agriculture industry in the country exported 6 billion dollars last year . it is an industry that has the most added value created the country. it is an industry that provides the most sustainable employment in the country. so what are we going to do with this industry, then you tell us to go to the global market and compete with rival countries. i would like to tell mr. doctor that the gap between iran's food industry and the world is less than a year, because we are in this one. we didn't have a chance to go to the world market for modern machinery and technology , but today the distribution basket
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of iran's export products is being offered in all the countries of the world , and they are eager to use iranian products, but unfortunately, the laws of creation and time every day it happens again and again in the country , let me give you an example. in february of last year, we decided to go back to horizontal contracting without coming to sit down with the private sector and raise issues , mr. foulad says . we also agree with it, but they do not allow the private sector to go to eshar to comment in any meeting . unfortunately, the governments take it , they make the law, they create the eviction order, and they allow it to be implemented. unfortunately, we have more than 20 to 30 million dollars in exports today due to the fact that he cannot import raw materials into the country , he is caught even from the place. my supplies and exports
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are not allowed to be imported, they say you have to come and register in the system, i will consider a horizontal share for you, whenever you offer a share, it will be single, i will let you import, well, the country cannot be run like this, the country cannot be helped to the industry like this . the production of these factors disrupts production in the year when the supreme leader says that production will jump with the participation of the people. unfortunately, these issues are disruptive. produced thank you very much for your explanation, mr. gerji , about the status of the iranian federation of agricultural judicial industry organizations you were with us in this conversation, mr. cia, what executive guarantee is there that the people who came here to register their complaints, or the economic activists and organizations like mr. gerzhi, who came to point out the challenges, will be resolved, and the system that we have these two articles. we are talking about it, don't do it on 24 and 30. finally , there will be a change in that organization. see, the most important
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thing is that we would provide a document that it is not good and they are changing and not allocating the width. in short , the most important executive guarantee of an operation is how much the head of the government, how many ministers are working, the minister of the position where his subordinate is the minister of the former position, article 24 he put 30 under his feet instead of after the protest.


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