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tv   [untitled]    August 25, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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well, as you know, hezbollah of lebanon engaged the siminist regime with more than 320 defense missiles this morning, and then targeted several strategic and sensitive security and intelligence points of the zionist regime with drones , according to news sources. gillot security and terrorist operations design center in the heart of tel aviv is one of the centers that was targeted by lebanese hezbollah drones. tonight, as i said , i will discuss the analysis of this incident and the speech of mr. seyed hassan nasrallah, which ended an hour ago, with mr. seyed oghahi and mr. mr. qadri, mr. seyyed oghahi, hello, good evening. you are very welcome. i salute you and the viewers . thank you very much. mr. qadri. greetings, in the name
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of allah , the most merciful. lovers of hazrat abba abdullah , thank you very much, mr. saqri, and mr. nasrallah, and before that, in the news that was received from news sources , there was a story about the success of hezbollah's arbaeen operation, what is your analysis of this operation ? had promised this is for 3 reasons the operation was carried out after the attack on south zahia and on a residential building and on a high-ranking commander of the islamic authority of hezbollah had a completely legal and international justification, so apparently this was the first stage . knowing that it was a deterrent to the resistance, and
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the target that was hit was a very, very important strategic intelligence and military target , one of the networks of the sunni regime's military intelligence facilities and organizations called the 820 center, the 8200 center is a financial center. which is very complex and very wide by design it is decision-making, planning, execution and command of all military intelligence operations, and it even has the right to act. therefore, reaching this goal is very close to tel aviv itself, in fact, the equation of deterrence was understood for both, and for the axis
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of resistance, this is the first issue, the second issue of this operation. in fact, the exaggerated false narrative of the zionist regime that they are trying to tell today is actually the first narrative that we attacked more than a thousand targets and destroyed hezbollah's cruise and ballistic missiles. berdim was on the eve of the operation against the targets inside the occupied palestinian territory, and we with this preventive operation, we managed to prevent this operation. well, the numbers are so exaggerated that mr. seyed hassan nasrallah especially delayed this speech, which he had scheduled for 6:30 pm tehran time, otherwise he could have given it in the morning of the same day. let it come true and
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let it be told so that all the lies and exaggerations and numbers are actually false, their own contradictions are actually correcting many numbers among themselves, the description of this operation really showed that, first of all, there is something called a preventive operation. there are no goals that the zionist regime is trying to achieve he attacked himself, and the targets were dead, except for one or two, in fact, the launch base of katosheh missiles, which he said was the reason that every base and in fact, every launcher where katojem missiles are fired, costs us about 8 thousand dollars, so after shooting because the lives of our saviors are more expensive than these things, sometimes they leave it like this and return to their positions. this is the level
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of casualties of real numbers in line with the denial of the type of heavy weapons or the type of qualitative type. they say qualitative weight means cruise and ballistic missiles and heavy weight, said shahid fouad shekar decided that a series of transfers should be done and the goals that the roshun regime had focused on to attack one day would actually mislead these goals , and martyr shekar succeeded in doing this, and despite the martyrdom of this honorable man, this operation was successful.
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he misled and opened the way to actually deliver the drones, which actually hit almost all of their targets, thank you very much. look at what we actually witnessed from the early hours of this morning in relation to this operation . well, we see it in two ways: netanyahu's cabinet , cabinet officials, and then the western media. the zionists are trying to ignore the amount of damage caused, in a way , with maximum secrecy and even actually
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issuing instructions to the media inside the occupied territories that we should see this media line in the foreign media. it also extended from the geography of the occupied territories, such as the flow, in fact , of the western mainstream media such as the reuters press and the like , that there should actually be a maximum censorship and boycott regarding what actually happened . the second point is the psychological burden and the concern that injection had been after this attack on public opinion inside occupied erazi can manage it . the reason for my encounter is completely clear and the facts of this story are also completely clear. first of all, since this morning , when you were monitoring the social media environment, especially the users who are based and live in the occupied territory , you saw that the narrative of the main stream of the
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zionist media was sidelined. and everyone is afraid of seyyed hassan's speech at 18:00 on time . beirut, from the occupied territories to the accurate and honest narration of the operation from the mouth of the secretary general of hezbollah. the second point is that the media the movement of resistance, or to be more precise, not aligned with the western zionist axis , when they presented a more accurate narrative, we saw that it was actually pumping at the level of public opinion in the region, and in fact, the narrative that was established was actually the movement of resistance, and this you can fully evaluate this during the actions and reactions you see in the social networks of the region. in fact, it can be said that
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hizbollah's operation this morning, which was called the arbaeen operation according to sayyid hassan nasrallah , marked an important event. and clarified the inability and inefficiency of the regime's defense, which you actually saw, during this time, they are constantly maneuvering on the proposition that we are impenetrable , even after the operation of true promise , they did extensive news and propaganda to reduce the dimensions of operation true promise. to be considered small in the eyes of public opinion, well, this incident showed again today that these defense systems do not actually have the function they claim, and this is quite clear for the public opinion, which is actually shaky and distrustful of netanyahu's cabinet. it has become clear, that's why they too
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basically, the narrative is actually the netanyahu government's rejection of this story. the second point, which is also very important, is that it is surprising. in fact , the information that had emerged for the zionists in the past several times, such as the al-aqsa storm operation itself , was actually flaunted once again. and even though they claimed that they were carrying out a pre-emptive operation, in practice what happened was the accurate hitting of predetermined targets by the drones of hezbollah in lebanon, which was clearly seen within a few hours in a video posted by hezbollah's networks. like al-manar, all those places to show completely with the camera that sir , we are showing these points, these points that we have in the picture , the same points of the meaning, the important point here is that they
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were surprised again, that is, in the state that after their crime, in fact, after the assassination of martyr haniyeh and the assassination of martyr fouad shekar that al-qaeda should have been at a high level of preparation because they were sure that a revenge operation would take place anyway, but nevertheless they were surprised again and it was actually established that from this point of view, with a weakness, excessive weakness, in fact, the regime and the army of the regime of sarhnoosi and its apparatus and services his security information is facing, especially that the three main points that have been targeted are related to mossad, shirbat and military intelligence unit 800 . it is logical to have a special defensive and security system and layers.
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therefore, if we want to make a summary in this section, while these two propositions, i.e., an inefficiency, inability to find, and two surprises of israel's security intelligence, were actually established, at the same time , these operations failed again in the field of media and psychological operations. to the lowest level trust in their own government. you can see this in different subjects. i mentioned a significant part of it that the public opinion is clearly saying that i do not accept your narrative. the observer is waiting for the speech of mr. seyyed hassan nasrallah. on the other hand , intensification and increase. there is a reverse migration wave , that's why you can see that
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netanyahu and the media propaganda apparatus of israel are doing their best in different ways. even you said that in fact the media such as persian language is helping them in this regard to create a narrative. make it look upside down and defeated from the real scene of the square some kind of putty, at least part of that wave migration. it can prevent reverse migration. this polygon shows that, in fact, if many of the media opposing netanyahu are reporting to him that the situation inside the occupied territories is extremely dire, recently, mr. john mersheimer is one of the prominent professors of the science of american international narrative. in fact, it has a very specific tendency towards republicans, but it is clear. there is also the theory of aggressive realism. in his recent speech, he
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clearly refers to several issues, saying that in its worst condition, the zionist regime has it is happening especially after the 10th and 11th of the last month, after the al-aqsam storm, very well, and why the delay , it has been a long time since the assassination of the martyr vashkar , why the operation was delayed, and why the day of arou'in. well, you see, such a heavy operation requires a series of precisions, planning studies and specific targeting. the lebanese islamic resistance well , since october 8, when the attack on gaza began, the attack , other than the ground operation, the attack that began, hizbollah took action. after the martyrdom of shahekar. in his first speech, seyyed hasan rasoolullah said that the revenge we
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want to take for the bloodshed of shaher shahr is other than these are the daily conflicts that we have with the zionist regime in northern friesland and this will continue, but the issue of revenge is something else . we have no borders and no limits to revenge the house of this martyr and two other factors, which are the same lines. the attack on zahiya and the attack on a residential house in which several families were martyred or wounded, so this is the first stage of the issue. second , the issue is how to do it so that it does not lead to a regional war, because inside lebanon, some people are still against it, and mr. seyed hassan mentioned today that unfortunately, some people still believe the narrative of the enemy inside lebanon. they are promoting and confirming, although the enemy is now
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looking at his narrative , he is correcting the numbers of the targets. even some personalities and some virtual spaces start to mock that we know these words are lies and what seyed hassan nasrallah says is true, so we are impatiently waiting for seyed hassan to give his speech and tell the truth from the mouth of this sir, listen to this first issue , the second issue, this is a step, this is the point that you mentioned. strike in such a way that it does not lead to a regional war. what guarantee is there ? it means that the transfer will not respond, not the type of response it is important to see that seyyed hassan rasoolullah could have hit this intelligence target of the army or actually hit 80 economic targets in rome, but this blow was a deterrent blow
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, it was not a blow to declare a regional war, he wants to show that we are following. we are not developing a regional war, but we are looking for the return of the equation of deterrence . dear mr. khasad, the arrival of uavs in tel aviv has many other messages . tel aviv, the capital, can logically have other goals , especially this dangosh region, which is actually the economic brain of tel aviv's political security and is completely within the reach of the resistance. hezbollah is islamic, but this they emphasized that this is the first stage and we did not use any missiles, contrary to netanyahu's false narrative, but whenever we felt the need and felt that this open strike did not stop the enemy's aggression, it was not a lawmaker for us
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, according to our calculations, definitely strikes we will use other weapons, and what is this feature that caused this blow, of course, i just mentioned that 18 military intelligence targets in northern palestine were destroyed by this firing of 340 katusha missiles, but the importance of this base is very important to us. it was important for hezbollah that the enemy kept this a secret therefore, when he says that this was the first stage. and we are making an offer, and if it is not convincing or sufficient for us, it will keep the military commanders, the political officials , and the zionists themselves in terror. in fact, it is a kind of psychological warfare that is a complementary cover for these
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blows, that every blow that hits the goals of the sensei regime is terrifying. and the seriousness of the people of occupied palestine because the war has not ended , one of the narratives that the pre-emptive strike interrupted , this was not the pre-emptive strike, he said two hours before our operations actually attacked a series of targets with the coordination of the americans, but when we wanted such an important operation , arjan. let's do 340 katusha missiles and we wanted to shoot dozens of drones . well, it requires a series of transfers . actually, a satellite has noticed this , there are a series of transfers, but they don't know exactly where they want to shoot from. yes, these transfers are maneuvers, these transfers are for advance operations, and therefore, there are a
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series of blind goals and a series of pre-existing goals that actually thought these goals were important. my reason for attacking is that this preventive operation did not prevent the efforts of the scientists, so why did it not prevent the main arbaeen operation and this arbaeen operation hit without any problems and by reaching all the predetermined goals, it left its effect and definitely this operation actually it will have another attachment or from the islamic resistance of lebanon's hezbollah. iran's turn has not yet come with the expression that sardar salami pointed out in the crowd of pilgrims saying that you want happy news. and also the continuation of the same congratulations that ansarullah , the islamic resistance of iraq, hamas and islamic jihad inside occupied palestine and outside occupied palestine
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, congratulations on this important operation, which is actually the beginning of an invasion and bloodlust that mr. seyyed abdul malkin al-housi said many times that we will not forget the issue of hodeidah martyrs and this delay is a tactical delay that the more accurate our information is, the more effective and stronger the strike will be , and the fear and in fact the helplessness of the enemy and this war and the anger of the psychological war and the anger of the enemy, why don't you strike, when do you strike, these are actually a complementary effect to the main military and security strike. it will be very good, you can send it to the security center of glutton what is its characteristic that is so important in this operation that has been attacked? in general, that center is the center of identification and analysis of field conditions, in fact, it is the opposite point
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from the zionist regime, and based on that information and the processing of that information, the design of the operation is done. in a way, it can be said that blinding the eyes. the zionist regime is in the field of battle, of course, as i said , from the beginning of the conflicts, from the past ten and a half months until today, hezbollah in lebanon in fact, it has inflicted the biggest blow to the eyes and ears of the zionist regime in the border strip with southern lebanon, and it can be said that a large part of these radar systems, the systems that detect with satellite footage, eavesdropping devices, equipped devices that
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monitor the smallest movement, the smallest change and movement of the equipment, well, these are gradually disabled. one of the reasons that they are surprised again is because losing a major part of this system means that it will be checked. face one sayyid hassan nasrallah's emphasis on the fact that it was the first answer is not allowed, in fact he is implying that in the next stages and cases , if he wants to continue the evil of the zionist regime , he will definitely receive stronger and more localized blows, clearly that center. 80 it can be said that it was the most important operational intelligence arm in the regime during the past few months, which was used in the attack against the palestinian resistance, especially hamas and islamic jihad, and against hezbollah in lebanon
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. it is quite clear what happened to them in this failed attempt netanyahu and his cabinet and the media propaganda apparatuses in order to somehow hide and boycott this scandal, in fact , it originates from here, because if the depth of the disaster is revealed, a separate concern will be created among the public. there is also public inside the occupied and defined lands, the reason is quite clear, because in practice, these will be reduced to a large extent in the design of the next operations. the point that should be pointed out is the circumstances in which this happened, in the circumstances that it was claimed there is absolutely information aristocracy, waiting at all, yes and waiting for this issue and these intelligence elites , we saw that it is nothing more than a lie, above that
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intelligence intelligence that did not exist, no defense systems were able to intercept it as it should, and maybe, of course, they intercepted a part of those grad katyush missiles. and by the way , the intelligence of hezbollah to engage that defense system by firing katyusha was also due to this, but in the end what happened and the outcome of the story is that the vulnerability of the regime to everyone, especially the public opinion inside israel and inside the territories occupancy is completely clear and to complete clarity is palpable. we have about four or five minutes until the end of this conversation. it may be very important for our audience to know what will happen next. now mr. nasrallah has talked about preliminary operations, and it is said that the first stage will be in virtual space or in the media. many different analyzes say that the second stage will be the third stage, the whole resistance front will be involved, and you emphasized that
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it will be a war. do you think that even if the complete stage is implemented , you still believe that there will be no war and so on what do you think about the next steps? well, this is an important question because the americans themselves often state that we are worried about the development of a regional war and we don't want it to become a regional war, because both their interests and their bases and their status in the region and actually allies and the partners in the region are all at risk. therefore, the new issue of the 3rd regime, if you think that by pushing the war outside the borders of occupied palestine and such an operation as the assassination of martyr hanniyeh, whose revenge, god willing, will be forthcoming, and hezbollah, the yemen issue, and the iraq issue, well, if he thinks that by pushing this the operation can itself save is definitely possible in the tactical dimension.
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he should find more time for his own political life, but in the strategic dimension, definitely the zionist regime with these strikes on the regime from all sides, like these missiles , these drones, especially now, all of them are nafsin , where will iran strike, how will iran strike the party. god has not opened up to them, this is new, now hizbollah, oh, their older brother, as they say , is the islamic republic of iran, and iran has definitely promised that it will strike. he will say that he will not seek the development of war, but it will definitely be a deterrent for the enemy, and if the enemy wants to do so again if he commits a crime and commits a terrorist act, whether inside the palestinian territory or in the region, he must consider that it will be very expensive for him. now , i don't imagine that mr. khaslovi, who really thought he
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was in trouble when he committed this operation in beirut and tehran. and he has so much involved himself internally with his partners in his work and at the regional level, and this problem has not yet been solved . thank you very much. we have less than two minutes. paying attention to all the dimensions of the story and the existing conditions of netanyahu with the idea that if the war from the geographical space of the occupied lands to outside the borders and be able to somehow involve the two poles of the sides, i.e. the united states and the islamic republic of iran, he thought that he could somehow breathe a sigh of relief, but he made a miscalculation in the meantime. his miscalculations are that these events have led to the start of a psychological war of attrition for netanyahu, and the space of public opinion is becoming so narrow for him that
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it is actually bringing him closer to his end point. of course, before this, he thought that he could actually provide artificial respiration for himself to create therefore, even if those events do not lead to a field war and a large-scale battle, what is happening on the ground is a psychological war of attrition for the zionist regime, which has practically taken the tools out of its hands and is going on and on. many aspects, especially in the economic and commercial field, i will make him suffer . thank you very much, mr. qadri, for your presence and the analysis that we gave.
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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world today in the first case of tonight's arrest program we will examine the following and the owner of telegram in france , and in the second case, we will have a review and analysis of today's situation of hezbollah in lebanon, which was the first response to the assassination of fouad shakar, but at the beginning of the program, as always, we will start with palestine, which is the 324th day of the war. left


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