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tv   [untitled]    August 31, 2024 5:00am-5:31am IRST

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big iranian in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only tehran branch in serah afsarieh. hi, 5 o'clock. the principle of the approval of the gpa effect in the entrance exam will not change, and next year's entrance exam will be held according to the same approval of the cultural revolution council. the secretary of the supreme council of the cultural revolution in the program on the first page, while stating this issue , rejected the impossibility of applying the law to the resolutions of the supreme council of the cultural revolution, and the resolutions and decisions of this council including violations of the court of administrative justice and other judicial authorities. except the legal status of the approvals and
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decisions of the supreme council of the cultural revolution of the country was the subject of the program on the first page of the 9th of september, a program that he examined the performance and some dismissals in this council. this bond between the budget program organization and the cultural council has not yet been formed. and if it is formed, the executive guarantee of the approvals will be close to 100 in my opinion. hojjat -ul-islam khosr and panah, in response to the content of some media and the criticism of some jurists about the council's approvals, said: friends who now claim to be lawyers and say that we know the law , either they have not read the constitution carefully or they do not believe in article 110. or they don't believe in principle 57 , which means a discussion is a discussion.
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he issued an order addressed to the chairman of the assembly that the approvals of the supreme council of the cultural revolution, the approvals and decisions of the council of the cultural revolution, from actually entering the judicial authorities and the court. and this is an exception, and everyone should follow it. hazrat agha said the same thing to his office. he said the same thing to the heads of the forces in january 1402. mr. khosrapanah also clarified about some of the shura's issues, such as the average grade requirement for entering universities. if this is really the case, if the resolution has a problem, we will correct it . we do not have any ignorant prejudices against our resolutions. here
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, i would like to emphasize to the families that respectable families should pay attention, the principle of this resolution will not change. the approval is a comprehensive approval, let's go back to the hafez-centric model and testing, and this has passed. definitely, the school has found its place, the teacher has found its place, the book has found its place, but now some special cases need to be corrected, yes. all banks are obliged to pay the marriage loan . the minister of economy said in the vijeh khabari talk program that the plan to provide optional dowry for young couples is under review at some stage and it is not going to replace the marriage loan. i
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would like to emphasize here that the loan for young people, especially those who want to get married, is set for having children this was emphasized by the supreme leader, who recently said in his meeting that the banks are obliged to do it on time, and i will definitely follow up if this becomes a problem, but for example, to come and give news that i did not say and to distort it, this is disappointing the youth. we don't serve young people at all. i think that yesterday, today, all the young people are worried that they don't want to, we don't . it's not like that at all. anyone who doesn't want to, he can go and get his own loan. there's no problem. according to mr. hemti, the ministry of economy is looking for this with understanding. with the central bank, the price of the open market and the currency exchange center let gold get closer to each other. you know how much rent we really paid last year because of the exchange rate difference . well, i calculated the rent that we have in difference. it has been your effort. in one year, the amount of our budget
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, we are paying rent. why has the price come down? no , because i saw someone write it. he said that what you mean is that the price should go up. no, i have my own experience. i say that i did this in late 99,1400, so don't go to the open market. i brought it closer and the market went down by bringing it closer. it went up a bit. my market went down because you are suppressing the game. in fact, the market is going down, there is no more inflammation. the minister of economy also said that the capital id tax plan should be concluded with the cooperation of the parliament in order to tax activities that have a lot of income and little effort. england continued to challenge the consequences of brexit, the british prime minister
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went to germany and france to restore relations with eu member states. britain ended its participation in the european union in 2016 after 3 years of conflict over the brexit plan, and now in a generation there is an opportunity to do something for the working and disadvantaged classes in germany, britain , an opportunity to create jobs in these two countries with however, the british right-wing media and politicians who were against the european union
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expressed their anger at the approach of the new prime minister of england and the leader of the labor party. after britain's exit from the european union, the british economy has shrunk by two and a half percent, and the country loses 26 billion pounds annually. the right-wing newspaper daily mail believes that the prime minister's talks with the german and french authorities will open the way to disaster and return to the european union. they do based on the results of all recent polls have revealed the consequences of britain's exit from the european union . improving relations with the european union is a
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good plan. leaving this union caused a lot of damage to our country. for example, it destroyed hundreds of thousands of jobs in our country. according to the results of new polls in england. now only 31% of the people of this country consider separation from the european union as a right thing. a large number of experts in england consider the exit of this country from the european union to be the most damaging decision in recent decades in this country. to evaluate mojtaba ghasemzadeh, radio news agency , london. and with increasing differences between brazil and the delivery. social x financial facilities of stalling satellite internet company in brazil closes. as reported by stalling officials, brazil has held this satellite operator responsible for fines attached to social media x.
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yesterday, a brazilian supreme court judge threatened elon musk if he did not appoint a new legal representative for x's social media activity within 24 hours. it will be suspended in brazil. this brazilian judge from malik x earlier this year he asked to close the accounts of some users due to spreading false news, but musk refused and called him a criminal. thank you for your companionship.
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in the special news talk , we will talk about the most important priorities of the 14th government in the field of economy , and of course, the solutions that exist for the problems ahead, the goals that are in the 7th plan as the top priority. we will come and see with what mechanism and what planning we will achieve it, god willing, issues such as the single-rate inflation rate , economic growth of 88, and issues that are defined in the field of economics anyway, and there will be a short chat tonight. we are going to say hello to mr. dr. hemti . you are very welcome. good evening and congratulations on the election of his excellency as the minister of economy . i also say hello to the dear viewers, his excellency and your colleagues, and i will start my conversation with the name of god. first of all, i feel it necessary
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to express my condolences to all my dear compatriots on the arrival of the last week of the month of travel and the year of the death of the great prophet of islam, may god bless him and grant him peace, the martyrdom of imam hassan mojtabi and the martyrdom of imam rauf, imam reza, peace be upon him, i am very happy, finally, after 3 in fact, matty's television boycott broke and we are now in the service you are the one to talk to the dear people, and i know this by the decision of the supreme leader and the vote of the dear people, to give mr. dr. medekian , god willing, from now on, i will come and speak for the people , let's try to work, god willing, we will be able to work for the development of the economy. let's do it, god willing, we are happy to be at your service tonight, then i'm fine. first of all, let me mention the martyrs of service, especially ayatollah martyr raisi. and i would like to wish him the highest degrees. thank you very much to almighty god. this is
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the first televsion of your excellency after his appearance as the minister of economy. i hope the conversation will be successful. it's good, you started with a complaint, of course, but i hope that i didn't complain, i'm saying that he finally didn't let me , i hope that from now on, they will let my critics speak . let's see the short report together and come back and start our conversation . he was born in 1336 in kebu, hamedan. mr. abdul naser hemmati. he completed all three levels of higher education in the field of economic sciences at tehran university and is now an associate professor at the same university. at the same time as studying at the university from 1959 to 1964 , he worked at sada vasima news agency. how did you find out about this incident? then, from 1968 to 1973, i was responsible. the political vice-president of the broadcasting organization was in charge of the efforts we started
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to continue with greater speed and depth this year. mr. hemti went to central insurance in 1973. 9 insurance companies are now active in our country to issue insurance policies. it was in 1977 that he participated in the formation of the transversal reserve fund. hemmati's responsibility in central insurance lasted until 1985. then, in a 10-year period from 1985 to 1995, he was the managing director of two banks took the program is now being implemented in the national bank . until 1995, he went to central insurance again. for the development of insurance, which is a serious deficiency in the insurance industry, the plans of august 2017 were proposed by masoud karbazian, the then minister of economy, who became the head of the central bank. the order of the chairman of the central bank, mr. dr. hemmati june 10 he was a candidate for the presidential election. now, august 1403, the ministry of economic affairs,
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honorable mr. abdul nasser hemmati, voted in favor of 192 votes. therefore, he also received a vote of confidence as the honorable minister of economic affairs and finance. mr. hemti , head of the ministry of economy in the 14th government. to hand to bring the economy to the goals specified in the seventh plan. fatemeh khan ahmaddi of radio and television news agency. very well, doctor, if you are very nostalgic and memorable, don't see this much. don't hurt your hand, be healthy. don't hurt our colleague. thank you very much so, now that you have said this, the last discussion was the announcement of the vote of confidence, which i need to know from mr. dr. qaliba.
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we have approximately 14 important economic challenges that i have calculated and obtained and presented to the honorable parliament in the program. i will not mention the non-economic ones. some of them are very important, i have a few days i said this before, maybe it is reflected in all the activities that we do in the economy , the result should be shown in four important macroeconomic variables, one of them is inflation control and economic stability, the second is high economic growth
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, and the third is actually a fair explanation. eradication of poverty and fourth. anyway, reducing unemployment and lowering the unemployment rate, if our efforts in the economy do not reach these four, it is practically useless in relation to economic growth, well, it is natural that we have been in the past 20 years, i will not limit myself, unless it is a question of a specific government in 20 years we had fluctuating growth in the past it was due to the fact that our growth is resource-oriented, which means that every time the price of oil and our oil production has gone up, our growth has improved, and every time the growth has gone down. you fell , this volatility does not allow the country to grow , it does not allow it to be predictable, the economy grows to uncertainty in the country, the inflation was the same because of the continuous budget deficit that we had and spending more than the income that we had, the imbalance is actually in our banking system. of course, dissatisfaction is mostly
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due to the budget deficit, which has caused us to always have high inflation. it is dangerous for our country and the purchasing power of the people is going down drastically, the savings rate is going down , the investment is going down and this is not good for the future of the country. at the time of explaining the income, this is how we are against it, despite the fact that we actually have hideous open and hidden subsidies. especially, but the general situation of the people and poverty is not at all suitable for the face of the islamic republic. gradually , our middle class is disappearing, it is moving towards the lower classes, and the unemployment rate is the same . our unemployment rate is really high, because i saw that finally , friends, the announcement of the unemployment rate has come. 7 this the information is not correct because we do not look at the participation rate at all, which means that there are many people who have lost the hope of finding a job. in fact, the population
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is not active for economic participation, so you should look from 98 to now, in total, for example, 400,000 according to your statistics, what is the current unemployment rate? in my opinion, if we calculate the participation rate in 2018, before corona, if we calculate it, our unemployment rate is now 13, but since we came with we calculate the current participation rate . the current participation rate is now 41. it was 44 at that time when the participation rate goes down, you feel that if we don't follow up on these three or four issues seriously, because i see sometimes friends say, sir, the saddled horse is badly saddled. you who are now at 40% inflation, we are at a rate of 60 tomans, we have a budget deficit of 20-30%, in
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fact, we have an unemployment rate of 12% and an economic growth of four and a half percent, which is good, four and a half percent , but much more, our target is 88, now the seventh plan says by the end of this year, how much should we grow by 8%? well, now half a year, my estimate is that by the end of the year, between 3 and 4, it will be below 4. you estimate that making friends is a characteristic. well, last year, when the oil price growth and oil export growth and so on were more , in total, 45 non-oil products were made. therefore , one of these challenges is, for example, the challenge of our foreign trade. well, our foreign trade was positive only in 2015 and 2017. in our case, we
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have reached minus 17 billion dollars, which means we have found a deficit, and if this continues, if we do not find a solution for it, which we will definitely find, it will cause you if your oil revenue is spent on imports, it means that you cannot work for development, and this is a problem. these are important challenges, but there are other challenges as well, but this is because it is important that we must achieve these in the first place, and the government of the 14th government has the excuse that, god willing, this and we have come here , we have put our reputation, scientific findings, experience and everything to work for our country, and i think, god willing, with the effort that the officials will have , i will say one thing. they speak nationally, i believe. the national consensus is the most important issue that is being discussed in the country now the supreme leader also strongly emphasizes this and follows up that this connection between the forces really
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exists. i say to the various forces that this national reconciliation must happen in the economic arena , which means that everyone must help . it means that we should no longer have real disharmony or differences of opinion within the country, which will cause us to go on the same path towards solving economic problems. well, the leadership said this year, the most important short-term economic issue of people's livelihood, we have a duty to sit down and do this. and god willing, we will do this regarding the future, i am very hopeful and i am sure that we will open these knots, god willing, and we will go towards creating good openings in economic affairs. i will ask about executive plans, but in terms of news, because this news that i want to ask about now has been brought up a lot recently
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, i will ask this and follow it up, then we will go to other issues. you announced that a part of this roof should be it should be given in non-cash form. did you announce such a thing? no, i think some friends are unfair in their reflection. you see, i explained this in the parliament by the way. it was welcomed by some of the representatives who had questions. you see, we came this year, which means , anyway, the honorable parliament brought a budget law that the ceiling of the marriage should be 300 million. it means that we have almost doubled compared to last year, while the growth of the loan resources that have to pay this is not even 20. well, it is natural that banks have limited resources. they found that now 300 thousand people on the page are actually loans, which means 300 thousand is 90 thousand billion
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tomans. well, there are many people on the page since last year, from the beginning of the year. let's say that we do not interfere in the law, the law is the same and they pay and i am obliged to the banks to do this . i said that there might be people among them who want this loan to buy household appliances . i said that if this is the case we can ask the banks to design a plan even more than 300 million if now let's say 400 million, you can come if you really want to buy a refrigerator , buy gas, buy eyes, the facilities that exist , the banks have contracts. there
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is an issue that is happening regarding the limitation of resources that you mentioned, which is completely correct. in comparison, i will go to the news that has been published recently about how much loans banks give to their employees. if they do not have resources, why do they give so much to god? but look at this first in the bank, there is a forgiveness. it is possible to give from the past. first of all, banks do not give good loans to their employees, there is an interest rate, they take interest from them . now, i don't remember now, 10% and 10% are higher than 10 % . which has existed for years and let me say this , finally, the hard working employees of my bank finally have some rights and entitlements, we are not saying that we should be separate from the people, we are saying that after all, it is 6 in the morning between work and the end of the day. when they are at work, they cannot be idle even for a minute they should work behind their backs, well, we have to defend them too. don't look at your situation right now . now, some private banks may be doing well.
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their staffs in public banks also have the same problem . after all, for several years, the inflation of their salaries is 40% , like the rest of the employees, their salaries are 20%. it has grown by 20% , so i am asking that we should not mix these issues together. well, according to the law, it is their duty to pay the marriage loan. that is part of their regulations, which they should do. it is not that they should take this and allocate it to their employees. it's a bit exaggerated and we have to do anything let's see it in its place, for example, we can say that, finally, the government is finally cutting the budget , now it is giving a lot of its bonds to the banks, well , important resources are also going from the banks , as it has been for the past years, well, the banks are under pressure now , the regulations that the bank placed centrally the balance sheet is limited. when your balance sheet is limited, it means that you cannot lend more than a certain amount in a year, and if
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you borrow more than the limit, you will be fined in the legal deposit. well, they can't either, i'm asking in fact , let's look at them with fairness, but again, i emphasize here that young people's loans , especially those who want to get married , are set for having children. this was also emphasized by the supreme leader. body and i will definitely follow up. that this would be a problem, but for example, let's give a news that i didn't say and distort it, this is disappointing the youth , we don't serve the youth at all. well, he will go and get his own loan, no problem. very well , you talked about economic growth and this is also the task of the 7th plan. to achieve 8% growth, what mechanism will we use to achieve this growth, considering
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that, sir, we are finally lagging behind. the law itself has specified that the economic growth of 2018 should be 28% from exploitation. well, we will use it during another total exploitation, that is, capital exploitation, and in fact , manpower, management and technology should grow by two percent. in a few years, in the last two decades, it has been negative or zero, and our interest rate has grown very little. recently, it has also grown but it was not so serious that it could make a significant impact, well, if we can't do that. let's predict and plan a mechanism for it. one way is that you create this ease in the business environment , create ease in investment, that is , encourage, make predictable, make the economy among the people to invest and take advantage of this. high, and if you use it, you cannot go high , that is, if we reduce this 3%, the target growth will be 5% , the maximum is 5%, again, i say that
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because it is resource-oriented. we should be able to encourage productive investments, productive investments how is it encouraged, provided that you don't have high inflation, you don't have fluctuations in spending , your economy is predictable, people should know that your regulations won't change for at least 3 years, you get up in the morning , economic activists see, for example, the price of food has changed, they get up in the morning and say, "i don't know the rate." it is priced in connection with a certain product, well, it is clear that it is not possible to invest in the wisdom of the economy. it requires you to be able to predict the future. let me say a sentence. just today, i looked. in fact , the pc announced by the united states means the price index that is announced based on that central bank. it will change its interest rate, it will be reported monthly , well, this is accurately predicted, which means that the economy
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is accurate, which means that it works like clockwork. what will you do so that this does not happen ? look , you are talking about the issue of bursa. article 24-30 of the full improvement law is predictable . we must agree with our friends in the economic team. and one of the consequences this instability in decision-making , mandated interventions in the economy, and in fact, the information rents that unfortunately exist, mainly happen because of these mandated pricing . for example, one of our goals is to return this trust to the stock market, and to return it is a series of actions that we must take
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. etc. under it has an effect, i will definitely disagree with it , and i must return this trust, and if we turn it back, the economic growth of 8% will not make any sense at all. see, we cannot finance everything from the money market, in fact, now more than 90% of our financing comes from the market. .


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