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tv   [untitled]    September 4, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm IRST

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mariya has such a full-strength army with a guerilla group of several thousand people, we can't even say how many 10 thousand people, that is, it is not so many that we can name how many 10 thousand people. well, in a very small geography , what kind of army is an army that fought with 3 armies in 6 days? in one geography, i combine the geography of egypt, syria, and jordan. in a 6-day war , its geography is 1 million 275 thousand square kilometers, 3 armies. the army is stuck on the ground. now this army is 1 million 275 thousand in a large geography kilometer with 3 armies fought and 3 armies.
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the land is stuck now in a small geography of gaza which is 365 km. it is a thousand km. if we want to measure its size, we can say one million and 275 thousand. it is impossible to say the number and proportion . it means that it is so small compared to that that it cannot be said in this area. why is geographically stuck? it means that it is going through the longest war . israel means that israel has absolutely no history in these wars. for example, the war of 1973 lasted 19 days. in those 19 days, israel killed a total of 665 people. it is a very strange statistic that i say in the strangest war.
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not only the strangest israeli-palestinian war. later, i wanted to compare with other wars, but i don't have time now, but at least we can compare with israel's own wars. 665 killed in 19 days. in the war of 1967, the same 6-day war that crushed 3 armies, this powerful army. 779 killed. now compare this war with a guerrilla group of several thousand people in a very small geography . if i want to compare only 1/3 and one third of tehran province, or in fact 3% of tehran province, this geography is so small that it is completely surrounded, that is , it is completely surrounded by the sea, the air, and the land. now, there are several thousand guerilla groups that now the coast is the same, now the coast is just a little bigger, the coast is almost 6 thousand kilometers , which means that relative to gaza, we can say that it is approximately 14 to
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15 times the size of gaza, but to every the geography is small , the geography is small, now this army, which has stuck 1,275,000 geography for 6 days, we want to close it proportionally in gaza . finish the work of gaza now in 5 minutes not 5 i don't know why this doesn't happen. no, 5 months, no , why is it stuck ? it's very strange. this powerful army thought that when it entered gaza , this is why they say it entered the gaza strip. it caused its army to enter the gaza strip, so we can't analyze this gaza. we can't say why. he entered the west bank , he entered gaza, he said that i will destroy this small land of gaza , i will strangle all these bottlenecks of hamas. where is hamas in the bottlenecks of hamas?
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underground tunnels enter gaza with tanks with one -ton american bombs. if hamas takes a breath, it means that it came to strangle hamas , and israel destroys all these tunnels meter by meter . the purpose of destroying hamas was to prevent hamas from destroying these bottlenecks. you can't say that i will take these bottlenecks and strangle hamas in gaza, not only will i destroy its guerrillas and its leaders, because not all of them have been killed here, mr. masr , it is very strange why this army could not do this despite a mechanism was used, that is, you, there was no mechanism that the israeli army did not use, that is, it cut off the people's water , hit the baker, and cut off the people's bread. hospitals
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he turned away and cut off people's treatment, cut off people's fuel. that is, despite the fact that one of the characteristics of this war that i am talking about is unprecedented, and in the history of the past centuries, you will not find such a war in which an invading army in a small geography, not in, for example, stalingrad, russia , or in, for example, north vietnam. which is a vast geography , he can destroy everything in a small geography , and he destroyed it. . from each he used a mechanism. see, based on military logic, according to you , this war should be over in a short time. well, why didn't it happen? why didn't it happen? and of course, this failure, in my opinion, goes back to its history since 2006, and since the 33-day war,
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there is this diagram. it will come down and the zionist regime will no longer be able to win the victories of the past. you see, it is very complicated. i mean, in none of these wars, israel has had this feature. i mean, even in the war, you mentioned the 33-day war in the 33-day war of israel. 121 soldiers and 44 civilians were killed, a total of 160 he was killed in the war in lebanon, but now they think about how many people have been killed so far, that is, these 11 announcements have been censored, even though the israeli government accepts, how many people do you think he has killed ? .
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how is israel showing here that something is happening and this event is completely unprecedented, and the duration of the war is unprecedented. the number of people killed in israel is unprecedented . it has entered an area where the people's resistance is unprecedented. you can never find this resistance. we have to be very careful. you see , the people of lebanon, when the israeli army invaded lebanon in the same 3-day war, there were convoys against the party. with the help of syria, it made it possible for the people of lebanon to cross the border, the people of lebanon went to shelter, in fact, somehow they survived in the shelters of syria . this is absolutely not possible for gaza, that is, the people of gaza
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are killed every day not only by bombs from above, but also by contaminated water. due to lack of food , children are dying due to lack of food . it means to add all of these together, but it is very strange that the people of gaza were enough, which means you are this 11 months with this unprecedented and relentless pressure that you will not find anywhere that people are under this level of pressure, 100 people gather against the war , chant slogans, not against islam, not against the resistance, ie hamas, not against the war, say we don't want war anymore, that's it. what the israelis did, if a picture had come out , the mainstream media, etc., would not have allowed it to be republished. watch the bbc many times . you think what israel is waiting for all these 11 months , it is just waiting for that resistance to
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break . netanyahu, biden and all the european powers like england, france, germany who are in fact the main protectors of israel, not only netanyahu's protectors, they are the protectors of israel , they wake up every morning and say that maybe the people of gaza will surrender today, they won't surrender until nightfall, and this non-surrender, which won't happen, will go to the west bank. in fact , it's very strange, see how much i say. it is very difficult to discuss these conditions in gaza because there is no time . my statement that one by one international organizations say about the situation of the case has no history anywhere in this situation, unfortunately because there is no opportunity, but every day in my opinion
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this means that in the morning when the presidents of america, israel, france, germany, and england wake up , their only question is, will the people of gaza surrender today ? today, with so many dead, with this hunger , with these polluted waters, with these difficult conditions , today, people are protesting against the war that we are saved. let's find out, they will see this situation until the night, no , they say, we will kill them today, maybe tomorrow , how long can they wait for this, i think this is very strange, it means they don't believe it, compare it with the people of israel, the people of israel are not under benbaran, now these people that you you you can see the street demonstrations, for example, in talawi and other streets, they are protesting under bombardment, no , they do not have difficult conditions at all, that is, if we want to compare them with difficult conditions. gaza does not have one millionth of the hardships of gaza, but these protests call for the war
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to end, but the people of gaza, who have a million times this hardship, do not protest for the war to end, see how different it is if the war ends, the zionist regime's cabinet be dissolved, these are the demands of those who in these protests, this is exactly what it shows to us , this unprecedented resistance. i feel that you want to mention another transcendental issue. do it because it really seems like it's not analyzable. yes, that means you can't find an example at all . see, because i couldn't argue, i wanted to give you an example. let me say that there is resistance in gaza at all , which is one of the seven wonders of the world's history. how can a people resist so much? what are you hoping for? do you want to wake up in the morning with these conditions, in the cold of winter, without a house, in a land
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full of water, full of herds, full of garbage, in the cold in the winter without a heating device and in the heat of the summer without a cooling device under the sun, how is it possible to send it as a question so that we can summarize this discussion, do you think this is unprecedented in history and this battle that the zionist regime could not finish it the way it wants if it ends, it could be the final war between the muslim arabs and the zionist regime, or in terms of the zionist regime and the resistance front. the best description of the title is that israel is in a dilemma of death done if you continue the death of the war in these two ways , you will suffer the death of death, which i say means that a government that
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has lost its sovereign power can remain a government, but a government that shows the conditions of talavid street is a state without sovereignty or a gap in the state of the nation. these terms are in the discussion. which i had once in a tv interview. i mentioned that if the war continues , this is it, and if he ends the war, that is the same, that means you end the war, israel, suppose tomorrow , finally, the israelis, the americans, the british are all waiting for the judiciary to surrender tomorrow. delayed day let's stop now that 11 months have ended and how long do we want to continue, so tell us to end the war. well , the end of the war requires a condition that does not lead to the death of israel. again, death, by which i mean a state without sovereignty, now the sovereignty of some of
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the listeners know that the government must have a sovereign, and now the israeli government is going in the direction of losing its sovereignty , the army, the army, look at the other army, when the cabinet is formed, gallant stands against netanyahu. this is very strange, mr. minister of war, who cannot the prime minister should be the head of the joint chiefs of staff. against netanyahu i am standing and saying that it is not netanyahu's issue. the israeli government has suffered this collapse. if i ask for the lack of sovereignty, i will give it a persian term . i will say that it has collapsed, and this is the collapse. different people do not obey each other at all. some people are on strike, they believe that this internal collapse is heavier than the volumes that are coming in from the outside, and it takes about 30 seconds, which means that these two are related
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, that is, the external pressure leads to this internal collapse. meshahde and the israeli government are another way no, you see, the only way to save israel is for gaza to surrender, the west bank is not israel's main problem , israel's main problem is gaza, for 11 months with all the forces , with all the mechanisms, and with all the brutality, which is almost unprecedented. it is trying to surrender by killing women and children in gaza so that the men surrender . see, some people ask why israel kills so many children, why does it kill so many women because it knows. arabs are very sensitive to women and children , they kill women and children so that men surrender , because as long as men stand at the front and fight, israel's work is only looking for its collapse. it will have, but no matter how many women and children it kills, it is very strange that these men do not resist it one bit, and this causes israel
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to go to other gates, like someone who is deadlocked against a wall, and when he is deadlocked against a wall, he is deadlocked. the valves on the right and the left are opening so that maybe he will find a way out of this trap, and unfortunately, this exit from the trap will not happen in my bank. now, i have not reached the bank to explain the bank . why has israel entered the west bank and can it use this escape hatch? you can't, of course, you answered that the reason for entering the bank is the ineffectiveness of trying to defeat the resistance front. we were in jordan. with
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the fall of this company's shares, the largest daily decline in the value of an american company was recorded. this technology company lost 279 billion dollars in value. nvidia is an american technology company that is known for designing and producing graphics processing units and technologies related to artificial intelligence is also, the shares of intel, which operates in the field of electronic chips, fell by 9% . us president joe biden looked confused after the ceremony held at the white house. he ignored the reporters' questions , after that a video of the 81-year-old american president was published in cyberspace, which caused users to criticize him. this was biden's second public appearance a day after he appeared alongside kamala harris at a joint campaign rally. egyptian president abdel fattah al-sisi arrived in ankara, the capital of turkey, and
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was welcomed by president recep tayyip erdogan the country was placed. this is the first trip. the president of egypt is going to turkey after 12 years. the president of egypt said: this trip is a new stage in strengthening the relations between the two countries. during this trip, serious talks will be held with the president of turkey about international regional issues, especially the ceasefire in gaza. given that the increase in food prices has affected the lives of people in montreal and other parts of canada. many people to buy in other ways. they bring proximity card is a unique food voucher program that is implemented in 59 markets and shops throughout 11 regions of montreal and lowell. and covers more than 1,500 households that do not have food security. the food coupon program has been launched since 2020. french authorities
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announced that 12 people, including a pregnant woman, were killed when a boat carrying migrants overturned in the english channel. according to the report of the bbc news channel, in the nejad rescue operation, which was accompanied by boats and helicopters, about 50 people were saved. the french coast guard announced that the boat had a problem and overturned at around 6 am, as a result of which all the passengers the boat has fallen into the water. researchers from beihang university in beijing, who research aerospace they specialize in palm-sized drones. they designed less than a sheet of paper using an innovative motor that is able to fly continuously as long as it is exposed to sunlight. this drone is the smallest and lightest solar powered plane in the world and has an electrostatic motor. the engine technology of this drone can
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be used in the future in emergency rescue operations, detection of narrow spaces and other similar applications. i am starting the second case of the world today. at least seven high-ranking ministers of the ukrainian government , including the minister of foreign affairs, resigned the ministers of arms production, strategic industry, justice and environment, as well as the deputy prime minister and the head of the state real estate fund are among the other officials who resigned in this regard. i am having a conversation with mr. mehdi tabrizi, an expert on russia and the caucasus , who is a video guest on the world today program. mr. tabrizi, you are welcome. in the news , mr. zelenskiy, the president of ukraine , was aware of this issue and announced that the discussion of cabinet reform is on the agenda. on the other hand, we
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are witnessing that russia is advancing in ukraine, and the same issue is causing crises for the zelenskyi government. in your opinion, what is the reason for these resignations and what will be the consequences for ukraine ? you and your colleagues in khabar network , as well as the dear viewers of the jahan today program, and at the beginning of my message, allow me to offer my condolences to the members of al-allah and also to congratulate the honorable people of iran on the arrival of the month of rabi, but regarding the political earthquake that occurred in the cabinet of the ukrainian government and zelinsky. it can be said that currently three scenarios are possible for these events in ukraine. the first scenario that is proposed by ukraine's own media is the same issue that mr. zelinsky himself confirms the issue that mr. zelensky himself said, the appointment
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of the government cabinet, see what zelensky and the issue that zansky stated is that in the actions that are going to happen in the beginning of the autumn season, in the new attack that is going to happen between the events that are happening between russia and ukraine. . he says that i need a new cabinet so that i can create more political and military enthusiasm in my cabinet and in my country . he stated three priorities: attracting capital for the defense industry , improving relations with nato, and improving relations with the central government. and society, well, if you look at these three priorities you can see that two of these priorities go directly to the minister. this is that these events
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have a complete support. you can see that the talk in ukraine about this issue is that mr. zelinsky's government wants to strengthen the personal affairs and bureaucracy in the presidential office . in a way, as it was said months ago, andrey yermak, the head of mr. zensky's office , is a very power-seeking and monopolistic person, and now ezer nasr is in charge of the ministers and military affairs even in ukraine. he is a very monopolistic person. it is one of the options what is being discussed in this regard is that zelensky is looking to strengthen his power in ukraine. do you think that this strengthening of power that zelensky is looking for can turn the tide in the war in favor of ukraine? no, not at all. you see
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, it was almost a month and a half ago that mr. zelinsky's legal term as president ended, and now he is working with the law of martial law, which has opponents now in the government and within the ukrainian society, even people who used to be with him. you can almost say that mr. zelensky is working against this issue this monopoly. power to silence dissenting voices in ukraine. but the second scenario that we have time for in this case , mr. tabrizi, if you could shorten the second scenario, i would be grateful if you could. this caused internal differences to form, but the third scenario is the west's desire for these political changes in ukraine.
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the water stress in the 1990s severely affected algeria , prompting the authorities to implement an emergency plan to supply drinking water to coastal areas through salt. start desalination of sea water. the construction work in capgent desalination station with an area of ​​15 hectares is progressing rapidly. this giant station with a treatment capacity of 300,000 cubic meters per day should play a key role. in the continuous supply of drinking water in bomardast province and neighboring areas. mediterranean company specializing in marine affairs of the minister.
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it is responsible for dredging and installing pipelines at a depth of more than 50 meters in order to extract sea water at a distance of 1600 meters from the coast. did in algeria, where fresh water resources are limited , seawater desalination is used to obtain potable water. this process. it starts by taking water through two pipes each with a diameter of two and a half meters and a length of 1600 meters. the first step in water purifiers is to use rotating plates to separate particles smaller than four millimeters. then the clarified water is transferred to the intermediate pumping station by passing through 1800 mm pipes before reaching the sand filters. this lake, which
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