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tv   [untitled]    September 20, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm IRST

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outside imam's house, ayatollah khamenei suggested to chamran that they go together. chamran asked for a few hours to meet both at mehrabad airport in tehran . during this time, ayatollah khamenei returned to iran street and he wanted to go to the war front in the next hour. where it could have been the point of no return for sure. i was thinking that i will not come back, that is,
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i was thinking that i will not come back, i remember that when i was looking at the house and the wife, the children's lives , it was like saying goodbye, that is, i thought that we are gone and i will not see them again. some of the security guards insisted on accompanying him let ayatollah khamenei go he agreed on the condition that when they reached there , they would leave guarding him and join the war . there was a group of about 50 people. all volunteers of guerrilla and irregular wars. a 30 130 hercules aircraft was coordinated. the plane took off from the airport runway in the afternoon and flew to ahvaz. in the evening of that day , they landed on the ahvaz airport runway in total darkness. then they went to the place where the headquarters of the ahvaz agricultural division was.
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there was no operation. the first task that ayatollah khamenei felt at that moment was to organize the defense forces of ahvaz. must decisions were made. samran had decided to go forward to identify the enemy's position. the seditious and irregular forces that came with chamran were prepared. it was at that moment that ayatollah khamenei decided to go to the enemy tanks with chamran. when it was decided to go . i asked mr. chamran, how should i
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wear an army uniform? he said, "it's very good, very good. i didn't hesitate. i took a military uniform, and my first outfit was a very loose, unmade one. it was in the last hour of the night of october 5, 1359, that ayatollah along with chamran's troops went to the line. went ahead in the dark of the night, they advanced to a place and after that they had to walk. after a short walk, they reached a place where the sound of the tank could be heard. it turned out that it is only 500 meters away from the location of the enemy. chamran, who identified the area , ordered the troops to return. when he arrived at the barracks of the 92nd division in ahvaz. khamenei wearing a military uniform
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was both surprised and inspired. on the morning of mehr 6, 1959, some military commanders came to ayatollah khamenei with a proposal . allah khamenei he agreed with the plan to create an artificial flood against the enemy tanks to
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create protection, selection, training and security measures. under the supervision of ayatollah khamene, ing salimi took charge of this headquarters. the commander of the forces was entrusted to chamran. bad news arrived on the seventh day of mehr. the enemy was coming from hamidia to ahvaz. hamidiyeh was 23 kilometers away from ahvaz. and now, on the 7th of mehr, the enemy was able to reach 5 kilometers from ahvaz from the same hamidieh road. there was no more waiting. there was news from the imam that he said that the youths of ahwazi have died. this is the water from two directions east and west of karkh kor in the south the message increased the presence of people for defense. on the 8th of mehr, the head of khuzestan water and electricity organization reviewed and approved the project of raha hamidiyeh. the plan
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was immediately implemented under the supervision of ayatollah khamenei at the irregular wars headquarters. the hands around the guards went under the water with an artificial slap. after a while, the water sold, but the enemy tanks to one. sitting as the night came, a group of 40 irgc children was organized for that night's operation. the commander of the forces with ali was the main zealot. the main zealot was an army religious who was trained as an airborne special force in germany and italy. with he joined the islamic revolutionary guard corps after the outbreak of the revolution and took over the military training of the guardsmen. with the implementation of the water plan, the main and the rest of the corps knew that the enemy's tanks had lost their ability to move and now it was time to hunt. until morning, enemy tanks were disabled one after another by these forces . the next day, ayatollah khamenei announced to pars news that 150 tanks
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had fallen into the hands of internal forces. we are in the area where the invading iraqi tanks have fallen into the hands of our numerous and peaceful muslim brothers. and we had several tanks on our way to the city they were taking them and several tanks were on fire and they were blown up and on our way , there are several tanks here now, which are 12 kilometers from the nearest place of ahvaz, where the invading iraqi forces were pounding the city. there are and some of them are taking loot, dear viewers, these are also two tanks of the mercenary army tanks, the aggressors and the warring parties in iraq, which have been captured by our military brothers, this is the voice of the nomads of our warring parties this weekend, ayatollah khamenei
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he was going back to tehran until ahvaz, i was in qaba, turban, and air i wrapped it up and put it next to this military uniform. it was only in tehran that i wanted to express myself on that military fringe, on that military fringe, i put on a hat and came to tehran with boots on my feet. from now on, it is an important part of ayatollah khamenei's plans in this way. there was a constant huge traffic between ahvaz and tehran, from ahvaz, for example, when i was in ahvaz, i used to go directly from the airport. i used to go to jamaran, meet with the imam, talk , i didn't take time, what i thought i should say to the imam, he said, we did this, they are doing this, there are good things, this there are bad things. there were some things in my mind . i used to say to the imam. they listen, sometimes
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they give advice, they give an opinion. another of ayatollah khamenei's actions in tehran is to attend the friday prayers. he thought that maybe we don't have an army or we do have it and it doesn't belong to this revolution. he hoped that the army would continue to pursue anti-islamic or non-islamic and dry nazi ideas and thoughts, but he saw that our army is muslim, the rank that is in one of the garrisons . around ahvaz, inside the barracks, there is no harm in the front line and the fire line in the middle of the night, next to his own tang
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he stands and prays at night. what i saw with my own eyes, this cannot be considered an army that is not loyal to islam and the revolution. but there were problems in tehran. bani sadr, chairman of the supreme defense council. meetings of the supreme defense council were not held since may 1359, 5 months before the start of the war. and while news was constantly coming from the border that the enemy is concentrating their forces and military formations. however, on the 20th of mehr, the imam informed ayatollah khamenei and chamran in a ruling that what they expected from the council included . after this announcement. the first session was forced the supreme defense council
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will be held in tehran on the same day tomorrow. bani saad was also against the presence of the irgc in the war and said that if the irgc wanted to be there, they should not act as an independent force. but he himself was not familiar with the army and its environment. in this situation, ayatollah khamenei and chamran prepared a strategy for the popular forces to defend the obligation. due to the country's soil, they pursued the irregular wars headquarters, the realization of only a part of this strategy. small and large groups of people are also present in this. we are ready to shed a drop of our blood at the feet of our country , you are my children, yes, i am there, my children are there, my husband is there, my brothers are there, we are all together , why did you stay in the city where the government is? what are you doing to the people who are staying here? what
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are you doing? we shouldn't eat what we get. we should give it to the people. the school is closed. why tell these young people that they are staying here ? why don't they give them guns ? did you want to go? yes, one night i was praying in my room
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and i saw a sound coming from this room. i was praying and this guy was talking to tehran on the phone in the same room. i didn't know who he was talking to and i didn't know who it was. he was wearing a military uniform because he was tense. i thought he had a rank or an officer. i had to see something. he was talking to his family in turkish. i saw a man there speaking turkish with tehran, i was very impressed by this conversation, he was saying that he wants to go tonight , he meant that he is going. .
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this bliss is the joy of everyone from martyrdom to the oppression of saddam we are enemies of this image, which was recorded in ayatollah khamenei's personal memory. it was an image of the importance of mobilizing all the people to believe in the revolution to the core
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, and even if the whole world came to a direct war with iran, it was the faith of the heart that had the last word on the front line. but bani saad had nothing to do with this mood and that's why it was difficult. on the 22nd day of mehr, the members of the supreme council were deceived. a meeting was held the next day. and it was there that bani saad became aware of this operation without the knowledge of other members of the supreme defense council and with the decision. your presence, dear viewers hello, i would like to say that we have just received news that the news sources are reporting the attack of the zionist warplanes on the zahia area of
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​​beirut , the capital of lebanon. attack for us and the viewer. which was hit by an airstrike and the news that i can tell you now is that a lot of damage has been done at the site of the airstrike, the number of martyrs and injured in this attack is still unknown , the ambulances are on the way. they are going there now to hide the wounded and martyrs and rescue forces and they are busy removing debris. it is not yet clear what the target of this air strike was in this part of the southern district of beirut. the place that was targeted by every air strike is near the seyed al-shohad complex
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, where hezbollah's big ceremonies are usually held there. it will be held, we are waiting to get there and announce additional news to you . yes, we are also waiting for you to provide new information to our dear viewers as soon as possible. beirut, i say goodbye to you, dear viewers. let's protect abadan the tangs should be placed in the trench and be protected from the damage of the enemy's anti-tang and prevent the enemy from advancing and provide the opportunity for our anti-tang forces to touch the enemy and inflict damage. ayatollah khamenei
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sent this warning in writing to the president on the third day of aban 1359. but bani sadd did not pay attention to these words and khorram shahr is a bloody city. bani sadd's strategy was that in the current situation, we have to let the army advance a lot. but we will provide enough time to renew and defend. the irgc forces believed that it should not be allowed to go ahead because every square meter is free from the soil of the country, it will not be so easy later. military disagreement was natural. but bani saad as khamenei personally talked with the military forces and tried to improve the situation of the fronts . dear friends, on the iran war front, the superpowers
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are in ahvaz . to have here, i am asking mr. khamenei to tell you, dear compatriots , what is the general situation of the revolutionary army forces in relation to the iraqi baath party forces? in the name of god, of course, you should not tell me about the forces of the iraqi baath party, because if the force includes people and equipment, then this equipment is different. and people have very good spirits. this area that you are looking at is constantly under fire, which means that
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there is artillery fire on both sides and they are firing on each other. i spoke with the commanders , i also spoke with some people, and i feel that , thank god, they all have good spirits , with this spirit and with the idea of ​​this quranic truth, that i am not sure that we will be able to overcome, god willing, these forces of ours against the forces of the superpowers. they can they can resist, but they can defeat them . ayatollah khamenei provided the necessary facilities for the military forces and tried to eliminate the weak points of the brigades. to be in those days, ahvaz had also recovered from the sojourn of the first days. people came from different parts of the country. women worked and prepared food and clothes for the warriors. armenian repairmen brought the financial help of their fellow believers and
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took over the war repair work. the happiness of seeing these scenes removes the sadness of differences from ayatollah khamenei's heart , people are really helping, everyone is helping you. this war was a spiritual upheaval, a spiritual and spiritual union that was created in the shadow of the imam's guidance and the control he had over his space. these scenes told about people's faith in the revolution and imam. we are fighting with 100 units from tehran. if he burns my car and we die , it is not a problem for imam at all. of course , there were also bad moments among these moments. of course, some people from below are always like in the space of freedom, for example, suppose space. latif haa latif , a rural lover, i am a person there, for example , turn on the exhaust of a car, give it to the smoke and gas regularly.
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outside of this organization, bani sadr and opposition group, azadi movement, mizan newspaper and so on are doing the same thing, that is, they are constantly doing the same thing in this fragrant atmosphere with spiritual purity, which is due to the war and this spiritual unity. in another example, the members of the hypocrite group came and wanted to ask permission from ayatollah khamenei to have a separate office and handle for themselves and do everything they do with the name and logo of their group. give it to us, we told you to remove the board, settle down, be like the rest of us there are you too, go, be a martyr, kill , be killed. but don't mess with this alliance of the armed forces. you want to mess with the alliance of the armed forces . a little later, the news arrived that susange was in danger of falling. on november 23, sereng salimi
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called from ahvaz. it was the evening of the 23rd. this is exactly what i remember. this is the reason. i wrote this memory two or three days after this incident . i am anxious that susangard is under severe pressure and there is a lot of fire, the children are asking for help, and there is something that was supposed to be done before. mr. khamenei went to the supreme defense council and asked bani saad if he knew about sosungar's situation . bani saad said, "i am looking for this case and i will go after it, don't worry, then
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we finished the meeting early so that he can go look for this work, i remembered this was friday, bani saad knew and said that ayatollah had prepared a counter attack." khamenei personally went to ahvaz on sunday, november 25th. when i entered ahvaz, i went to our own headquarters. i found out from the confusion and confusion of colonel salimi and the children who were there that nothing has been done. we asked them, yes, nothing has been done. i said, "let's go and do something ." the only forces that defended sosangar were 20 air force personnel and a number of irgc and irregular war personnel. i suggested that if they take the city, these children will be martyrs and the loss will be theirs. these children are more than the damage of losing the city, because we want and will take the city again, but we will not get the children again
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, and think about it. susan gard went back and forth, and they didn't have enough food. one day, they informed us fortunately, the phone was connected between sosan and ahvaz, and they informed us that we have nothing here. but the city's supermarkets, which are owned by the people and people are satisfied with them, have some things, and some of us say that we should go and use them to save ourselves from hunger. we are not ready to say that they belong to the people and i am not satisfied. you can't tell them that it was not touched. it was very interesting. a young army air force officer who killed us now is my own, for example, no hands at all. they didn't eat it until i told them to use it and eat it. we allowed it then going back and forth, i used the same night, the irgc and forces of martyr chamran decided to carry out an operation to
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defeat. seizing susangard. it was decided that the second brigade of the khuzestan agricultural division will be present in this operation. the artillery had to provide support and the second brigade of the 92nd ahvaz division had to come to work. we returned to our headquarters happy. i immediately went to find barham chamran and explained to him. this was the first large-scale cooperation of all forces in one operation. and until this moment of fate. the instrument was only a few hours away.
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it is full of designs and maps of mahd farsheh mahd farsheh their worst
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but the important thing is that i bought a carpet from the specialized market , that too under these conditions and with such ease. yes, from this house to that house. yes, from the iranian house to your house. i love you so much that
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i won't even let you go. in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, at your service again, dear viewers. dear sir , i am at your service with the news section at 17:00. news sources reported the air attack of the zionist regime in the south of beirut. according to the al-mayadeen reporter, the southern zahiya region in lebanon is near ghaem mosque was the target of this attack. the al jazeera channel , citing the lebanese news agency, reported the martyrdom of five children in this attack. more details.
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it has not been published about this attack, but we have already established communication with sada and sima news agency reporter mr. hosseini. greetings to you regarding the details of this attack for us and mr. hassan azimzadeh. please explain more to us and the viewers. hello , your time. well, you can almost say that it was less than half an hour ago that the zionist regime fighters fired at least 3 missiles at a residential building in the jamous area near the qaim mosque in south zahia of beirut was attacked during this terrorist attack by the zionist soldiers of this building.


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