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tv   [untitled]    September 30, 2024 8:30am-9:00am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. good morning. welcome to the news of the capital market. the contribution of the capital market to the environment. the certificate of emission reduction in the jurisprudence committee of the stock exchange organization. it was approved. in its last meeting, which was held in the presence of the members of the jurisprudential expert committee and managers of the energy exchange, the supervision of the commodity exchanges of the islamic financial studies department of the exchange organization, it voted in favor of the emission reduction certificate. the emission reduction certificate is a security document that is assigned by the regulatory body related to environmental standards to related industries in this field. and its transaction in the format
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the sale contract is in the capital market of balaman. 11 thousand billion tomans support from the capital market stabilization fund in the first six months of this year. from the beginning of this year to the end of september, the capital market stabilization fund has bought about 11,700 billion tomans of shares to support the capital market. sale the capital market stabilization fund has registered more than 5627 billion tomans during this period, which is about 95% of block sales. according to the announcement of the stock exchange organization, from the beginning of this year to the end of september, 112 trading days have been recorded in the stock market. stabilization fund has entered the market for 76 days and with a transaction of 514 symbol and 19 investment funds with fixed income to support the stock market. the downward trend
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of the capital market on sunday was accompanied by a lower slope than the previous trading day. on this day, about a third of the symbols reached the positive range. the continuation of the reduction of the stock exchange and over-the-counter volatility range based on the decision of the board of directors of the stock exchange and wahadar organization , the change of the volatility range of companies' shares to plus and minus 1% continues, based on the decision of the board of directors of the stock exchange organization, from saturday, the seventh of mehr, with the aim of protecting the rights of shareholders. and prevent the influence of
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excitement on the market trend, the range of volatility of all symbols shares and pre-emptive rights of shares and other stock funds tradable in stock and over-the-counter markets were limited to plus and minus 1%, and this situation continues. 24,400 billion tomans of profits were deposited into the shareholders ' accounts in the sejam system. based on the announcement of the central deposit in the first week of mehr, the current profits of more than 74,000 shareholders in the amount of more than 1,698 billion tomans were deposited into the accounts of the shareholders in the sehjam system. in this game , more than 71 billion tomans of industrial profit and preemptive rights have been paid to more than 411 shareholders. about a quarter. descendants of the equity portfolio in the day
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sunday transactions were traded in a positive range , but in total, the daily value of various equity securities decreased. the trading of 22 shares of the adalat portfolio in the positive range on the 8th of mehr, out of 36 stocks in the adalat portfolio, 28 symbols are in the same direction as the downward trend of the stock market in the negative range and 8 other symbols are in the positive range. with this trading process , the value of adalat portfolio shares reached 626,000 tomans, 530,000 tomans to 745,000 tomans and 1 million tomans to 14,810,000 tomans . publishers.
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at the end of trading on sunday, the stock exchange and over-the-counter exchange published information with the aim of capital increase until the stoppage of their symbols on the publishers information society system or kodad. the receipt has been sent to the accountant and legal auditor for comments. the meeting of the general assembly of chedan sorod symbols will be held on the 18th of march in the morning of the 23rd of mehr in order to make a decision regarding the capital increase. in order to check the information transparency status of the issuer of the qavita trading symbol, until the 18th of mehr at the latest is suspended. trading symbols vesno and shafa due to the disclosure of important information are examples of group b. they are stopped for a maximum of two working days.
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according to the announcement of the regular general meeting, the trading symbol of lepars was traded exceptionally with the price fluctuation limit. a part of the transactions of khatam isatis dynamic fixed income securities investment fund in khatam symbol was not approved on 8th mehr. zahra, a scientist of sed and cima news agency. gold-based mutual funds had negative returns on sunday. unit prices of all gold tradable funds on the stock exchange on the second day trading was a declining week. the coin certificate in the stock exchange had a negative return of about 3% and gold funds recorded a negative return of more than 2%. in last week's trading of the stock market, the net inflow of
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cash to brokerages was about 8 thousand billion tomans , of which 747 billion was recorded. tomans was the real share and about 606 billion tomans was the legal share. the value of commodity exchange transactions in the first week of mehr was more than 4500 billion tomans. of this amount, more than 3742 billion tomans are allocated to commodity exchange transactions and 8261 billion tomans to energy exchange transactions. had end of capital market news. god saver
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occupation regime he still insists on continuing his unjustifiable crimes. this regime has expanded its attacks in lebanon and intensified its violence against innocent citizens. syria took measures to help the lebanese brothers to give them full support. syrian president bashar assad asked the government of this country to provide them with all the necessary tools to support the axis of resistance against the crimes of the zionist regime . there is no end to the crimes of the israeli regime , and it is difficult to talk about these crimes they can be explained. right now , your efforts should be focused on how to help our brothers in lebanon and meet their needs in all areas. there should
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be no interruption in this regard. the syrian doctors union sent a number of doctors and specialists to this country to support the lebanese people and treat the wounded of the recent explosions. the syrian ministry of health has sent a convoy of medical aid to lebanon. these aids include 20 tons of essential medical aids and medicines. syria plans to send more aid to lebanon. in this human situation caused by the israeli regime's crimes against our brothers in lebanon it is our duty to help them. syrian government convoy carrying 20 tons of medical aid and medicine. sent to lebanon. these aids include first aid hospital equipment and operating room equipment for surgery. in response to lebanon's requests, the syrian government has activated all its accommodation centers to accept lebanese and syrian nationals entering syria from this country. these people
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are fleeing the war in lebanon. officials are present at the common border with lebanon to provide all the essentials and basic needs of the lebanese refugees. provide such help against favors the countless things that the lebanese resistance has done to the syrian people are really nothing. we are all at war with the israeli regime. we have and the situation in syria is difficult for this regime because the violence of the occupying regime against syria continues . . syrian people say that the borders between lebanese and syria were created by the colonialist regimes to create a distance between the two countries. the people of syria and lebanon are considered one nation in two countries.
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at the same time as sending the necessary aid to lebanon, the syrian people say that this is a duty that must be done for the lebanese brothers so that they all stand together against the barbaric attacks of the occupying regime. they think that the supposed war will be the final axis of the resistance of the people with strength , stability, honesty, sincerity, determination, and sacrifices of this axis . naqul for all those who are in the midst of al-targhib, he is intimidation, he is
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intimidation, he is intimidation, he is threat of war, punishments, starvation, yarahoun, don't spend mine, this is the main thing, don't spend this. the equivalent of saying to them today on the day of ashura al-hasan , peace be upon him, we are the sons and daughters of that imam who waqf on the 10th of muharram and declared his position clearly. then don't burn, then don't spread in the air, then don't kill, then
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do n't burn, then don't spread in the air. al-mara ma turkanak or ibn al-hussein ma turkanak. this is the time of the human race. those who believe, we believe
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followers of heavenly religions with this divine promise. this earth is filled with oppression and the promises of god, and the promises of god will be fulfilled, and my promises are filled with justice, installments, trust, peace, humanity , faith, morals, and love. man, this is the promise of god, if he had, if he loved, then he would ask for something. like us, he asks for something. most of the things were like this, that is, the book, the reading, the quietness of the book, the love of the football, the majority of the things
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, when they are playing on the field, they are friends. hik means the simple ones of balzaieh, rah jaebal, and ali al-bayd, when you were a boy, you were the son of a green grocer? memory as a boy in this home in and did these early memories affect your political thought?
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alirah, you have to spend a lot of money on our children, be sensible, pay for the demands of the man, or abi khalas, give me one unit on the day of my friend, and say to me, every day, a quarter of a lira on my children, every unit of khums on my friend. badi arouh lakal, this is a preoccupation, if you are different from your friends, why don't you live alone with seyyed abbas, it will not be effective al-abbas is seen as al-abad al-afti. after loving, loving his family, his children, his wife, being close to the people around him, to the youth, to the ordinary people who live, whether he or she is wise , he loves the poor, the majority of them, and the humble people, the majority of them, this is
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a special thing. with our children, we are our family , we have a lot of understanding, love, affection and love like us and like the concordance of me and our people, we say, naqul, wala marah hussaina, in the example given by al-alab al-hazam, o allah, who is the scholar of religion. according to us some musicians love to pretend that you are religious and obedient, i am the first and we promise you, we are not in control, god forbid, let him control me, because you are a human being, what does a human being have in his heart, feelings
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and intellect, feelings, that he loves you and loves you like us. his feelings and motherhood are not important. on the contrary , if you want to talk about the topic of democracy, you are a special person. after the life, it means the time when we are sure , we are young, and he is attafna . amen, your height is bad, are you affectionate and loving, you can imagine the advice , lalk, you are karmal, you are not karmal , we have a place for things and time to say, but do not act, you are like us, you are bad, you are like us, you have a problem . a lot of our jobs interfere with our lives
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. the specifics of hada are prohibited , do not interfere . let's assume something potential hiding the action means that we, the children, will not know about him, i will tell you about him, benji, you will be with me . don't laugh and laugh at him. it's okay , lish, we said
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to lena, lish , tell you in armenian. come on, he won't say, "read the lesson , read it in english. " interest in particular, you say that you have a special attachment to your parents , and you miss him a lot when he is absent most of the time, so of course he is busy like any other girl, and your daughter is interested in her parents. he is present according to the meaning of nazhar, we are not married , we are not able to do anything else, for example, talk, and we are not connected to
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the family, by the nature of the situation, it means that the desire is present in the future, but in the future, of course , i am jealous of this life, which is mine , and it is possible that my bow is before us. anh ho fayd, in the line of jihad, in the line of resistance, the greatness of the human being, be successful b of course, the success of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is that heda al-omer is the best of the days with the hours of the years spent in the service of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and the jihad for the cause of allah . astaz abbas is in relation to lali, he is the guide to this path, the one who is my guide, the guide of the moment until today, and he is the teacher, the scholar, and the knowledge of the collection
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of the brothers, and the knowledge of many, and he is the one who is the lord of good, later, in relation to lali, sars, abbas is the leader of lama rahna, on the public life, on the tabligh, on the religious activity, on activity it 's the politics that i go back to for the sake of allah, i have the honor of being a leader in the field. if shays abbas, may god have mercy on him, he was in his twenties. he said to me or without saying, "shut up." batruhua cursed hal jamaah ahlamer talana balsiare mashi anna
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badi asal sayyid sidi muhammad qalt leh maulana tayyib hala ibni wazah wazawi ana kaman it means al-madi al-mali al-ma'anui al - tahjiri. the responsibility of the wife, the children, the family, and so on , my son said, "i don't have to bear the responsibility of the wife, the responsibility of the fatherland, he knows the responsibility 10 times, even if he was only 16 years old
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. he started working with the resistance groups and after completing courses in various fields. kurd became interested in field activities. in the stage of organizing the islamic resistance in lebanon after the martyrdom of seyyed abbas mousavi and seyyed hassan taking over the reins of the resistance until 2000, he participated in all the operations of this period. he was more interested in identifying and gathering information because of his personality. its uniqueness and silence his secrecy in this field, especially in the region of tafah region, was used to identify and collect information in 1999 in sujad region, where one of the most prominent martyrs of the resistance, shahid abdul rasool zohri, was martyred. he was severely wounded in the neck, so that he was unable to speak for several months, but he insisted on returning to the battlefield , so he returned to the field again, and because
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he was skilled in gathering information, this made the martyr mustafa badreddin who had recently assumed the responsibility of the central unit, should pay special attention to him. after that martyr haj imaad mughniyeh also paid attention to him, and during that time when he was preparing for the operation to liberate the south , he used haj javad more in reconnaissance and information gathering operations , especially in the last operations, including the armata operation , which haj javad himself collection responsibility. determining the routes and location of truck entry, etc. this issue showed haj emad's trust in haj javad. after the liberation of the south in the period from 2000 to 2006, we remember that hezbollah entered the stage of forming forces. but at this stage there was a fundamental problem and that is the fields shabaa and the capture operation of the zionist military. at this stage, haj javad was present at the border to perform two missions. his first mission is to do anything
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about. he was in shabaa fields, his other mission was the operation to capture the zionist soldiers. in the pictures that hezbollah released today, we saw haj javad next to martyr khaled behzai near the border fence. also, in the pictures behind me , haj javad is next to haj emad mughniyeh and shahid javad sarvere, preparing for the operation in 206. therefore, as much as you can in the field of design, identification and gathering information. in he participated in all possible operations, including in the shabaa operation in 2000, during which three zionist soldiers were captured, and also in the qajar operation in 2005, which was not successful . a group along with martyr javad tawil was the main group to confront the zionists, especially in the villages on the front line, who wanted to
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prevent the entry of zionist soldiers into lebanon. and one of these heroes in the war of july 2006 was the martyr javad tavali. in palestine and the holy case. in the organizational concept of the resistance, abu talib abu talib in the organizational concept of the lebanese islamic resistance is responsible for the unit it was geographical and in the military sense of the world armies , talib sami abdullah was a major general. he imposes a great jihad on his name. he was a fighter in the ranks of the lebanese islamic resistance from the beginning. he was a brave fighter and a commander who designed operations in many attacks on israeli positions and various operations and ambushes
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against the occupation forces. it is difficult to jump socially and politically to resist the occupying regime. the road that was full of successive victories and started with the liberation of southern lebanon in 2000, abu talib was one of the commanders of this liberation operation. he is in a unique operation fard al-qajar participated in 2005. he played a prominent commanding role in the july 2006 war, and after that, he took over the operation of the bent jubeir axis until 2015, when
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he became the commander of that area. he was a familiar name in the battlefields of syria against terrorist groups, especially the battles in the outskirts of aleppo and sahl al-ghab and other important battles. the commander of martyr taleb, sami abdallah , was in charge of a unit along the eastern front that overlooks the asba al-jalil area during the battle of al-akhsa storm, and in this way, he was considered one of the senior officials of the heroic operation that the islamic resistance of lebanon was carrying out. it is done and finally.


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