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tv   [untitled]    September 30, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm IRST

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the burden is smaller than iran. 8-day war, 22 -day war, 51-day war. these are the wars that were fought before this storm . ali gaza, may it be presented to you, to initiate, to impose , every time, they themselves both initiate and accept the ceasefire, so this humiliation that is now called for the response of the body is in exactly the so-called place and position of inaction, it is not an attack in any way. and they don't have anything to do, that is, a military madness. well, in this case, you can get ahead with a strategy, and a very hard strategy that will teach them a lesson. let it be given according to the word of the supreme leader. that
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this will naturally happen in the coming days, mr. mahdouri, some experts and analysts believe that the fire of the war will spread to yemen and that the flaming of the war in lebanon will also reach yemen by the zionist regime, if this happens , the yemenis with all the efforts and support that they have been giving to the oppressed and oppressed people of gaza and palestine in recent months, will they stop supporting the people of gaza and palestine and now the lebanese people or not ? i have heard their words i could hear it, and i am asking my colleagues , both mr. barznani, who are the translators, and the sound recording colleagues, to make it possible
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for him to be martyred according to the culture of mr. sayyid hassan nasrallah, a personal victory after he tasted many defeats to the enemy and for lebanon and the resistance created many achievements and victories , these victories were for everyone, and later he personally won because of the martyrdom of the enemy, he thinks that he has dealt a strong blow to hezbollah, but we
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believe and believe that hezbollah is the resistance movement. it will remain strong in contemporary history and influential he will never accept, in terms of organization and organization , today i gave a speech to the late deputy secretary general of hezbollah, mr. sheikh naim qasim, and they emphasized this issue and said that a new secretary general will be elected soon. fill the vacant positions and replace the martyrs who died and the martyrs of the commanders and leaders, therefore the resistance movement is ready in the south of lebanon and continues to shoot rockets to the north of the occupied palestine and also emphasized sheikh naim qassem, deputy secretary general the late hezbollah, the islamic resistance movement in lebanon.
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it is ready to face the ground attack of the army if the zionist regime thinks that by attacking the commanders in southern zahia , it will weaken the spirit of the resistance and make them tremble, it is delusional, and the islamic resistance movement of hezbollah is at the peak of preparation for a very long time. for a relative conflict. the issue of yemen and is it possible that he will never leave yemen, the essence of the movement and its revolutionary plan and the principles of his islamic jihad at this stage, his essence and his presence at this stage of confronting america and israel, he was actually not surprised by the israeli attacks and from the attacks and aggressions of americans and israelis. yemen
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he has warned many times and declared his readiness in terms of spiritual, national and military for this conflict, even if there is no one in the field, the yemenis are in the field. they will be present even if the field is empty until god brings victory for the believers in all fields, yemen with qads, al-aqsa , with qudsah, with the palestinian nation, with the lebanese and with the axis of resistance, who are all in one heart and united for the same issue of the yemeni nation. they believe that the revolution of the islamic republic of iran is a reality. he resurrected the palestinian issue with imam khomeini's revolution. the yemeni people believe in the revolution the islamic republic of iran and in the line of imam khomeini and they know that imam khomeini, may god's mercy be upon him , actually gave the greatest gift to the islamic ummah when
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he revived the palestine issue and named the world quds day, the last friday of the holy month of ramadan, the world day of judgment. and this issue they demonstrate and defend palestine and gaza. the nation of yemen, in fact. not having this presence at the time of american and saudi aggression. but in confronting israel, the problem is their problem, and this is the first
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war that yemen entered on its own accord without being imposed on those previous wars that were imposed on yemen. yemen to defend himself except for this war, which he went to with his own free will to help the qadha and he believes in this issue and in this battle, he became the heir to actually defend the al-aqsa storm operation, the fatah al-muwaud operation, and the holy jihad, and he is sure that this battle is the first step to towards the liberation of the whole of palestine, this issue must happen and today, in fact. seyyed hassan nasrallah was martyred so that his blood would emphasize that the stage of palestine's liberation began with the blood of seyed hassan nasrallah , seyyed hassan nasrallah emphasized and wished to pray in quds and pray with his own blood
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and the blood of martyr seyyed hassan nasr allah also caused this it will happen, and israel is wrong if it thinks that it will distance the resistance movements from palestine , but it will bring them closer. he thought that hezbollah would be weakened in 1982 with the assassination of its secretary general at that time, and then mr. sayyed hassan nasrallah came and raised the resistance to a very high level, and the first defeat occurred in 1983. the second and the third war happened in the freedom of 2000 and the fourth war in 206 in the tammuz-july war, then the conflict and countering israel's plans in the region helped syria and participated in the rest
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alongside the syrian coalition to counter and defeat delaying the american and israeli plan then helped yemen , then mr. seyyed hassan nasrallah
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will enter the ground battle in lebanon from gaza , this is a possibility . gaza has turned into a quagmire for them, and everyone has seen that they have not achieved their goals. the area that is in the hands of hezbollah in lebanon, at least the southern part is twelve times the size of gaza in terms of geography, in terms of my forces and equipment , which, masha allah, means, in fact, in my opinion, the moment is counting. they made a big mistake. this is you look, if we go back to last year, these days
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, israel was really not so hated. when the israelis attacked gaza, they thought that they would achieve something . i said that 124 countries are asking israel to leave the occupied territories in a letter. this has affected their economy. if they didn't do anything on the first day of the war , i don't think as an analyst or other analysts , that after a year, this cowardice for they were for qadaa, now it's my lebanon, you see, i repeat the first day , i'm sorry, the first day when the aqsa storm happened, on the 15th of may last year, the 16th of the attack, did anyone really think that the israeli economy would completely collapse
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, and its northern cities would be empty. may it be suggested to you that all the universities in the world should be mobilized against him. this is really the idea of ​​mr. natani in various forums. he is afraid to participate in the united nations . someone will boo him. all this is because of the wrong action he did. now it is really good that they attack. ground attack is actually a much bigger quagmire and i'm not surprised that they are really going into a military frenzy and in my opinion, in fact, there is a group that the westerners call them. you can see that the media of the zionist regime had warned that the zionist regime should be careful not to die during the death that hezbollah has prepared for him. in my opinion, it is a kind of thing if they
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do it for the westerners and really for the jews to serve christianity. it is doing the same thing since 76 years ago in england using it to advance the cia to weaken the islamic country , now this is what he wants to do . in my opinion, until that time he is hitting and suffocating and their policy is going forward, of course, they support him, but he is a bachelor who kills himself in problematization. they will and this is what will happen in my opinion. it happened because the west can't make a fateful war for this war, which it can.
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there is a war of fate in the region right now, what is the resistance front involved with the western world, an example is mr. who is here from yemen and it will be written in history. in their news network, keep away from yemen and iran we are sitting together and we are talking about a war whose nature is the nature of brotherhood, the brotherhood that they wanted not to exist, and this is why westerners are now very worried about this fate, like a cultural war. that's all, i said human rights , what are the pillars of western governments, a propaganda that is based on human rights, one of them is their army, their armies are completely, they are taking the american army hard , they are drilling holes in the american ship, these are the yemenis, yes, and it is really a very strange thing anywhere in the world. it didn't happen and therefore it is a shame for the american generals whose training did not become their advisers interested in this situation that has been created. these 20 years will change and it will not change. you have not seen gaza in one year . therefore, i think it is good that tonight is the children's party
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for them to enter. it means a lot because the israeli army is a very cowardly army. have you seen what happened to them in gaza, that is, only the army? there is a world. now, excuse me, i am telling you from the news network that they are officially using bushek's soldiers, that is, they want to send this army to the south of lebanon, and they are counting the minutes to witness such a thing. the thing that the success that they have , the dip that the americans have, is in those pagers america equipment and that actually in the air field.
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it is very important for them to attack now in this situation, it means in reality to experience another failure like 206 1982, mr. mahdori, mr. gonadabashi, to point out the composition of the brotherhood now in our studio and in the field beyond that the zionist regime tried very hard to create this division. between the sunni and shiite christians in lebanon , he could not create a unity and solidarity with the pagers incident. we saw it in that incident and after that in the field of developments in lebanon, you now mentioned that the yemenis never back down and never stop supporting the axis. the resistance of gaza, palestine and lebanon. my question is, how important is unity in the islamic world to fight against the zionist regime? this unity is very important and strong and
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the basis for achieving victory. the yemeni and arab people believe in the palestinian issue and the islamic nation is one. in fact, there is one country that is doing its best, and that
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is iran, which supports and supports with all its power to serve the islamic issue. the issue of palestine is the field that unites us , and not these speeches or conferences or conventions, the field of fields and weapons unites us when we go to the square, we see that there are resistance movements and we unite with them, they help us, and this
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does not show jurisprudential unity. everyone should be at the service of this issue . whoever moves towards palestine is with us, and whoever moves away from palestine, he is with america and israel, and there is no benefit for him, neither his prayer nor his fasting.
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islam actually says that you should not fear anyone except god, confront israel and america, today america and israel are killing slaves in our world. closed the red sea today.
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what can they do? kill us is this much our habit and dignity in the sight of god ? these resistance movements are new at this stage, yes, in terms of military organization, but its history is very long. their life span is the life span of my life, they have roots 1400 years ago and cannot be overthrown and destroyed. i think we have two minutes before the end of the conversation to make a summary of the developments in lebanon and of course the future
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of the developments in the region. see what is happening now . the history of the region is being written sensitively in this situation. fortunately, we stood on the right places in history. all the powerful, the rich, those who are the lowest human beings. they are standing behind israel . israel is currently in a frenzy , because it has nothing to lose and now it is facing the one thing it was running away from . the presence of those who may have low intensity in the state of war with the surrounding area and take advantage of it will inevitably enter a full-scale war . and they actually mobilize all parties against themselves , and if one of them comes to the presence, the alarm will be prolonged, and they will do it until the battle line.
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they don't have any, and lebanon can do this for years. if gaza is able to keep them busy for a year with your presence, and stop them and don't give them a reputation, they don't reach their goal. south lebanon can do this for 10 years. south lebanon is very different. look at south lebanon, if you cut off the ghazr water, they will cut it off. to cut off the sea is to make people thirsty, but there are mountains where water can't be used , so to speak, they can't use water, i just have all kinds of facilities. in fact, it is america that has used the jew or the zionist for its own servitude , there is no higher shame than this, that is, mocking a religion in this way, that is, judaism.
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lebanon's hizbollah, which travels to gaza and is exposed to these tragic events , is doing jihad.
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the one who is victorious is on the side of the mujahidin fi sabil allah, the palestinian resistance is victorious, hezbollah is victorious. my belief, having looked at this group for 20 years is that, although the decapitation of key leaders is a huge blow, this is an organization that has excelled in creating a deep and survivable set of units and organizational structure. they have been through enormous conflicts and wars, most notably in syria and elsewhere with isis, etc. over the past 15 years, and it has developed capabilities and an organ. ation
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that is extensive and that is deep. i suspect and i think it's likely that we are going to see the continuation of hazball's capabilities and that they will, the leaders that are now taking over and the second generational leaders that are coming into place, that they are very much going to continue hasan nasaralah's original policy, which was no disengagement with israel until there is a durable cease fire in gaza, much more to come. then simply uh nasralla and some the other leaders, but the fact is though that he was very important, i mean he'd been at home for 32 years and he'd been target for for many years, fact a lot of people forget that the united states tried to assassinate um nasrala uh back in 1984 uh with bomb placed in mosque it killed over 70 civilians, still believe that there's going to be enough of hezbollah both in terms of...
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their military capabilities, but also their popular support, but if they decide to react, what does is going to leave the region and israel in particular, if they are going to react and if hisball has the capabilities that both the other guest just mentioned, then we are facing horrible days, because then it turns into original war means a blood bath also in israel. "and i'm not sure that israel can really stand it, israel is more fragile in terms of victims if it comes to the center, to the heart of the country, and israel is after one quite complicated year, people are quite exhausted, and above all people have no clue where are we aiming
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to , what is the end game?" 21 welcome to the consultations of the russian prime minister in tehran. the president emphasized on the expansion of cooperation on the basis of brics and shanghai to counter the unilateralism of the united states. in the meeting with mikhail meishovstin, the american support for the zionist regime is a common threat to the interests of countries and nations. the president's celebration of the personality of the great martyr seyyed hassan nasr.


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