Invasion of the Bee girls
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Invasion of the Bee girls
This one's about strange women who love their men to death, literally! Maybe the fact that there's a research facility doing top secret experiments might have something to do with the suspicious deaths.
- Addeddate
- 2009-04-29 21:59:15
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- Identifier
- InvasionOfTheBeeGirls
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March 1, 2025
Subject: Noname9
Subject: Noname9
“This movie sexualizes rape”? How is rape not sexual?
favorite -
February 21, 2025
Subject: Suggested Improvement
Subject: Suggested Improvement
If the idea is to show nudity - then SHOW IT - and don't waste time and film with nonsensical plots and other scenes
favoritefavoritefavorite -
February 12, 2023
Subject: A film for the whole family
Subject: A film for the whole family
A movie w/ lots and lots of nudity I could probably stop right there. If you're the sort of film connoisseur that appreciates this sort of film making,
you're all in at this point anyway. But it's a fun movie in other ways too. Nude women covered in honey, nude women covered in honey and bees, nude women and corpses, ....hopefully you are beginning to see the genius of the film maker at this point.
Unfortunately, It does require a lot of fast forwarding to get to all the nude women. Along the way I did see some fully naked statues though. An educational film in every respect.
Unfortunately, It does require a lot of fast forwarding to get to all the nude women. Along the way I did see some fully naked statues though. An educational film in every respect.
Brian Mcmurter
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
November 20, 2022
Subject: Bee girls
Subject: Bee girls
Hey did you notice it the girl, with a special investigator, has Carrie Fisher's hairstyle from 77 Star Wars?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 16, 2021
Subject: Soundtrack
Subject: Soundtrack
The soundtrack was composed by Charles Bernstein, who also did the first Elm Street.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
December 3, 2020
Subject: Good actor. William Smith
Subject: Good actor. William Smith
Bill smith, makes any movie believable.
favoritefavoritefavorite -
September 10, 2020
Subject: NoName9 - favorite
Subject: NoName9 - favorite
NoName9 - favorite - March 31, 2020
Subject: Absolute garbage.
Or, as you put it later: "Rubbish" (we don't use that word here and now.)
So you're a ... British aristocrat who wouldn't stoop to watching something like this, but you DID! Why?
So, the film is pretty much a typical sexploitation of its time. Enough said about that.
Subject: Absolute garbage.
Or, as you put it later: "Rubbish" (we don't use that word here and now.)
So you're a ... British aristocrat who wouldn't stoop to watching something like this, but you DID! Why?
So, the film is pretty much a typical sexploitation of its time. Enough said about that.
favoritefavorite -
June 5, 2020
Subject: Everyone has to start somewhere
Subject: Everyone has to start somewhere
Worth noting that this was the first film written by Nicholas Meyer.
favorite -
March 31, 2020
Subject: Absolute garbage
Subject: Absolute garbage
This film sexualizes rape. It should not be in this archive. Furthermore, it was obviously written by an illiterate (one character says he will “appraise”
another person of any updates, but the word is “apprise”). Rubbish.
Peter James Dallman
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
November 18, 2019
Subject: Very Knowledgable
Subject: Very Knowledgable
I recall seeing this at a drive in when I was 17 in 1972 and to see naked women on screen was rare then. It was too much for me. The title is burned into
my brain from that!
christian stefaner-schmid
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 8, 2019
Subject: Love this movie
Subject: Love this movie
Slipped right into my top ten B-Movies list!! Thanks for sharing.
walt kowalski
favoritefavoritefavorite -
March 3, 2019
Subject: this is a groovy movie
Subject: this is a groovy movie
this is a cool little movie....competent acting by two great character actors you will recognize.
the plot doesnt make a lick of sense but stick with it ... because it does have some scenes that are great...l'm talking about the scenes with boobies! all kinds of them!
well worth the watch if you are a fan of boobies.
the plot doesnt make a lick of sense but stick with it ... because it does have some scenes that are great...l'm talking about the scenes with boobies! all kinds of them!
well worth the watch if you are a fan of boobies.
December 27, 2016
Youtube yanked this movie when I tried to upload. It's not in the Public Domain. Don't give these people a penny of money until they get their act together.
favoritefavoritefavorite -
February 26, 2012
Subject: Dubbed version
Subject: Dubbed version
I do a lot of comedy dubbing and then upload my videos to YouTube. If anyone's interested in my take on Invasion of the Bee Girls, check it out below.
I do a lot of comedy dubbing and then upload my videos to YouTube. If anyone's interested in my take on Invasion of the Bee Girls, check it out below.
favoritefavoritefavorite -
March 24, 2011
Subject: i do not rly recommend
Subject: i do not rly recommend
the whole "loving 2 death" thingy
but they should feel a little pain!!!
but they should feel a little pain!!!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 22, 2011
Subject: excellent movie !!
Subject: excellent movie !!
Man oh Man !! this movie is off the hook !! The Bee Girls are hot !!! And the story is decent. It's an interesting concept kind of horror scifi mix.
The highlight of the movie is when they show how they change a regular woman into a Bee girl.
This is well worth watching !!
This is well worth watching !!
favoritefavorite -
December 1, 2010
Subject: not even
Subject: not even
well to each his own but this movie is horrible. It's too dark, very poor script and the acting basically sucks.
I_loved_this movie!
favoritefavoritefavorite -
August 3, 2010
Subject: Sort of a comedy
Subject: Sort of a comedy
It uses science fiction, murder mystery, porn as devices. But it doesn't really belong in any of those categories.
What it actually is, is a Bee Movie.
What it actually is, is a Bee Movie.
Don Blueberry
favoritefavoritefavorite -
May 25, 2010
Subject: 70's T&A
Subject: 70's T&A
I can't say it better than CaseySerin, concerning the boobage count, but this movie did bring back memories.
It is just the type they used to show ... at drive-ins, when I was a teenager in the late 70's; hanging out with good friends, having a few beers and multiple bong loads, (although this one is better than most of it's type).
The pseudo scifi explanation for what was going on couldn't have been more stupid but the acting wasn't bad and there was a cheesy charm about the whole thing that kept my interest, while anticipating the T&A to come. Just nurturing the dopey 16 year old boy still inside me, I guess.
It is just the type they used to show ... at drive-ins, when I was a teenager in the late 70's; hanging out with good friends, having a few beers and multiple bong loads, (although this one is better than most of it's type).
The pseudo scifi explanation for what was going on couldn't have been more stupid but the acting wasn't bad and there was a cheesy charm about the whole thing that kept my interest, while anticipating the T&A to come. Just nurturing the dopey 16 year old boy still inside me, I guess.
favoritefavoritefavorite -
January 9, 2010
Subject: Quite Interesting
Subject: Quite Interesting
I gathered up the courage to watch this movie, (especially after all the comments!) and once I found out that William Smith was in it, knew that it wasn't
going to be trash. He's really quite an intense actor. If you can get past all the bits with.... shall we say, bosoms.... it wasn't too bad. Nicholas Meyer has a certain flair with science fiction, or alternate realities, if you prefer, and this one was fairly intelligently written. I might even watch it again sometime!
And as another reviewer wrote, it ends with the strains of Thus Spake Zarathustra. What I find most amazing was that the version used here was the identical same version used in the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey - not a rerecording! I wonder how they got away with that?
And as another reviewer wrote, it ends with the strains of Thus Spake Zarathustra. What I find most amazing was that the version used here was the identical same version used in the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey - not a rerecording! I wonder how they got away with that?
favoritefavorite -
January 6, 2010
Subject: You've heard of soft porn...
Subject: You've heard of soft porn...
...will this film is more sort of spongey. If you want to make a porn movie, at least have the guts to do it properly. There are, indeed, melons, left
right and err...well ok not centre as well as that would be hideous, but despite the film being strictly for pervs only, there is not one single 'down there' shot. It's a kind of pants on version of Deep Throat for entomologists. It's full of ugly macho blokes banging on about 'boning', there is attempted rape where the victim seems strangely to get over it in the blink of an eye, there is even a weird lesbian group 'do-it-yourself' scene. What there isn't is anything of note really other than nudity. Whoever made this film really needs to get out more, preferably to the cinema to watch a good film or two and maybe come up with a plot next time! Loser!
favorite -
November 17, 2009
Subject: Oh...Pookie....It's The Honeydripper..!
Subject: Oh...Pookie....It's The Honeydripper..!
Leonard Maltin Gives This Epic 3 Stars..!....What Was He Smoking When He Wrote That Review....?......I Know Where To Go When This Bee's Buzzin'......Right
To Sluggo's In Pensacola........Where Lot's Of Hives Need Pollination..Im A King Bee Baby, Buzzin' Round Your Hive, Together We Can Make Honey,.Let Me Come Inside...Buzz, Buzz A-Diddle-It..!.........
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 30, 2009
Subject: excellent bee movie
Subject: excellent bee movie
So much to praise . . .
But the end credit sequence, camera going to the bees in the flowers to the strains of Thus Spake Zarathustra (think 2001: A Space ... Odyssey), that was really funny in a "The End??" sort of way.
But the end credit sequence, camera going to the bees in the flowers to the strains of Thus Spake Zarathustra (think 2001: A Space ... Odyssey), that was really funny in a "The End??" sort of way.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 27, 2009
Subject: horrible
Subject: horrible
took me three nights to finish it. truly mystery science theatre 3000 material...
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 2, 2009
Subject: Great film
Subject: Great film
Great upload, Nicholas Meyer also directed two of the star trek films
There are 27 reviews for this item. .
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