This book is full of truths for mothers who want to be able to raise a family of more than 2 children written by a medical expert (female loung specialist,
MD, Haarer had 5 children herself). Most books today (from jewish print media) will make it nearly impossible with their advice-and that is done on purpose. There is this rule that no one else mentions from Haarer: a healthy mother with full strength - and that means a good night of sleep - is the only mother that can sustain a family of ten children! If you sacrifice all your strength for one baby, because you are too weak to help the baby understand it is ok to be alone at night, you wont last having more than two children. Haarers advice is always: if the child is not sick, puts on more than birth weight and keeps on putting on weight, you do not need to feed it at night - because you as a "loving" mother will put that baby into a bad habit: eating at night. Which you will need to unlearn later at much greater costs.
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April 8, 2024 Subject:
OCR of fraktur type failed
The book was typeset in fraktur (as usual in that period). The OCR result of that is unintelligible and not worth
downloading. However, if someone has a proper OCR to handle fraktur, I am interested in the result. For a review of the book, see wikipedia. Do not educate your children using this guidebook from the Third Reich.