tv KPIX 5 News on the CW CW November 1, 2013 10:00pm-10:31pm PDT
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for their lives after a gunn opens fire, killing a t-s-a worker. i looked over my shoulder and everybody was running towards me saying "run, run! ". >> chaos at l.a.x.. passengers run for their lives after a gunman opens fire killing a tsa worker. what we're learning about the suspect and his hatred of airport security. and you warn your kids about it but a monterey county mom says she ate a piece of poisoned hallowe'en candy. tonight terminal 3 at l.a.x. remains closed as investigators look for evidence after this morning's shooting by a man who had it out for airport security. more on his hatred of the tsa in a moment. how people at the airport literally started running for their lives. >> three loud pops and everybody
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started andishinging. >> reporter: cameras typically poised to catch celebs with their luggage. instead, a man is shot by the man on this stretcher, paul ciancia. >> i was terrified like everybody else was. we were onto ground. >> reporter: not just on the ground, but a crush of humanity flooding out of terminal 3, a frenzy. storming out of emergency exits and on to the tarmac. ducking under planes. >> there was a guy downstairs started shooting and one guy fell down, panic erupted and he was going up through the security check. >> reporter: passengers with meticulously planned trips fled,
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. l.a.x. officials say ciancia shot his way through terminal 3 taking aim at tsa employees. >> the officers didn't, i repeat, they didn't hesitate. they went after this individual and they confronted this individual. >> reporter: take a closer look at the officer's feet. that's ciancia's weapon left lying on the carpet. outside the sixth busiest airport in the world, the bus lines blocks long. the airport turned into a bus depot. l.a.x. shut down for hours this afternoon and this morning because of that situation. the impact felt across the world and even here in the bay area. about 100 flights a day -- nationwide many flights were cancelled. it sent passengers scrambling to find a plan b.
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>> just found out our flight was cancelled, we're going to drive down -- we were going to l.a. for a wedding. we're going to drive down to l.a. as fast as we can. hopefully without getting too many speeding tickets. >> reporter: many other flights here at san fransisco international in san jose in oakland all delayed because of the problems and that closure at l.a.x.. the ripple effect will be felt across the world for at least the next several days as many international flights had to be cancelled. . we have learned more about the alleged gunman, including a note found in his bag ranting about the tsa. sources say that note ended with the letters n-w-o. >> reporter: it stands for new world order. this is a conspiracy theory that believes that somehow elite government and business people are teaming up to take over the
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world. it turns out, they are intensely focused, obsessed, with the tsa. getting screened by airport security is universally disliked but tsa agents are especially vilified, singled out by groups on the internet that subscribe to the conspiracy theory called n-w-o, new world order. >> control freak folks, and now they're getting to abuse people. >> reporter: radio talk show host alex jones of info wars often rails against the tsa on his show. they're accused tsa agents of groping people including family members. >> we still don't know what brought the plane down. >> reporter: two years ago alex jones got san mateo d.a. wagstaff on his program vowing to prosecute tsa officers if they go too far. >> we've made it clear that if
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they do these types of actions in touching, whether with a lewd or sexual intent, we will prosecute them the same we would any other citizen. >> reporter: check out this video called stop the new world order >> keep an eye -- who is watching the watchman. >> reporter: it's part of a campaign encouraging the public to challenge tsa agents and record them on video. >> i'm a public property, publicly funded. >> i'm asking you not to videotape. >> i'm on public property. >> reporter: we don't know if the gunman watches info wars, but given that he signed n-w-o to his note authorities are looking into this could be september. . new at 10, a real hallowe'en nightmare for one salinas woman.
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she said some of the candy she aid was poisoned. what investigators think was inside a small snickers bar. >> reporter: we are live here on boston street in the neighborhood where salinas police are looking into to try and figure out where this tainted candy came from. this woman trick or treated for seven hours, she hit dozens of streets so pinpointing where the candy came from will be difficult. she ate three pieces of chocolate that night. she got chills and stomach pains and felt nauseous, her vision was blurry, she felt disoriented and slurring her speech and then everything moved in slow motion. a doctor told police symptoms were consistent with an acid base substance. the woman thought she was going to die.
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investigators say the snickers wrapper had a hole in it and these how it was injected or coated with that illegal substance. salinas police are asking people to check their candy in the area. . also tonight, we'll be hearing what the barker workers thought of the contract deal that end the the b.a.r.t. strike. the unions are set to announce the voting results in the next hour. >> reporter: this could be the end of the long b.a.r.t. strike nightmare. behind me in this hotel union members are ballot counting. we should know in less than an hour whether 1400 members will vote to approve the contract that b.a.r.t. management agreed to when the strike ended. if the union approves the contract it will go before the b.a.r.t. board on monday or tuesday and the final vote from the b.a.r.t. board will effectively mean no more strikes for the next few years.
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the other union is atu voting at an undisclosed location and they will announce the results of their contract tomorrow morning. . a car exploded with flames in the caldecott tunnel and forced hundreds of people to abandon their cars. thick smoke filled the tunnel just before 10 a.m. people had to navigate their way out trying to get fresh air. the smoke was so bad you could barely see a few cars ahead. people were covering their faces, carrying their children, and trying to stay as far away from the smoke as possible. a car caught fire after it crashed into the eastbound bore. the smoke called a major traffic jam in both directions. the tunnel's ventilation system eventually kicked in but it was a scary situation for drivers stuck inside. i was two cars behind the fire. the car was burning and cph officer told us stay in the car and close the windows and then
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explosions started. the car exploded so i got out and walked all the way out. it was smokey in there, it was terrible. >> eight people were taken to the hospital for smoke inhalation, all three bores were reopened in a couple of hours. the last time major fire happened in one of those tunnels was back in 2007. a mercedes caught fire in the center bore in the evening commute sending commuters running out. everyone escaped safely. the new boor has significant safety improvements to vent any smoke and ahow people to escape in case of a fire. that bore is set to open in two weeks. disturbing videos now public showing state prison guards forcing mentally ill inmates from their cells with pepper spray. this video was recorded last year at corkran a state prison. the inmates lawyers are seeking a ban on pepper stray sprai
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against the mentally ill. the fact that -- the fact that it's happening in california on this governor's watch is disheartening and so far behind the pale that we have the federal court to provide some hope. >> the california department of corrections says a use of force is the last resort. it's in the process of revising rules to limit the amount of pepper spray used at any one time. the chaos and confusion after workers abandoned elderly patients in castro valley. here's a 911 call. >> is he breathing? >> yes. >> okay. so we don't know what's wrong, he's just not looking well. >> what's, what's, what's,
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what's, what's -- it seems like he's paralyzed. >> it should down for two days last week. patients were inside with no staff to take care of them except the janitor and a cook. those two workers called 911 for help as they tried to care for the 14 patients left behind. that job included helping the mentally impaired. oakland's abandoned army base will be the site of a money maker. city leaders want to transform it into a project called oak tland global. they will become large ware hougss for the port of oakland making importing and exporting more efficient allowing for bigger ships and more cargo. this means more than 2,000 permanent jobs. >> requirements that contractors
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hire local residents as aprentices on to the project. >> the port expansion project will take five years to complete and generate about $3 million in taxes for the city. a potential for massive grid lock due to gamblers, what a casino that's about to open plans to do to ease traffic. what the governor had to say about google's noting project today. no need to shout. how this contraption is bringing people closer together even when they're standing dozens of feet apart. a hif look outside, clear skies tonight. our dry streak is coming to answered.
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yeah, but i mean, how did you know? i researched. no, i-i told you. no. yeah! no. the important part is that you're happy now. and i got you this visor. you made a visor! yes! that i'll never wear. ohh. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for two years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. along with a taste of vegas. graton casino and resort is expected to br . a new casino in the north bay opens in a few days. among -- along with a taste of vegas, graden casino and resort is expected to bring a lot of traffic through the park. $820 million complex opens on tuesday. there are 3,000 slot and poker
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machines, 5700 parking spaces. the first few days could be grid lock, at least 10,000 more vehicles are expected on the roads in the area. >> we're going to try to keep it from happening, but give yourself extra time and be mentally prepared for that. >> or not. >> or not. if we wake up wednesday morning and traffic is moving we'll be happy. >> to reduce traffic the casino plans to set up charter bus service. we're been trying to get to the bottom of the google secret project in the middle of the bay. the governor said he's in the dark on this. >> there are so many things i want to know but you can add that to the list. >> do you know? >> i could know. >> it's google's plan to market their google glass. you haven't been informed by the coast guard? >> there are a few things that don't get to my desk but i'll look into it now that you have brought it up. >> we have learned through a source familiar with the project
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that it's being personally directed by google cofounder. google glass is made up of 40 foot shipping containers that can be assembled and disassembled anywhere in the world t has three floors of show rooms and an upper party deck. since it's noting vessel, the structure is subject to all applicable maritime regulations. a strange new exhibit is bringing strangers together. we see how a whisper can creating so much buzz. >> how are you enjoying your stay in san fransisco? >> i'm enjoying my stay in san fransisco amazingly. >> reporter: speaking to someone 50 feet away on market street don't you have to yell. >> where are you from? >> from bristol, in england. >> reporter: at the whispering dishes exhibit on market street. >> that's so weird.
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>> reporter: you can use your inside voice in a decidedly outdoor location. >> i know, it's like where are you? you're all the way over there, you're right in front of my face. >> reporter: how does in work? i don't -- i can hear -- justin can you hear me? this is amazing. >> all the sound from my voice is going back from the dish, going toward you, recollecting in your dish, and focused down to your ears. >> that's the science of the exhibit. very fun science. >> pretty incredible how simplicity can be so powerful. >> this is so call i want this in my house. >> i feel like you're in an opera house in surround sound. >> since and art can mix and it hopes through it people will, too. . >> thank you, thank you, i will.
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an invitation for people to play and not act in a normal way. >> not that you need anything special on market street to see that happen. >> got to love san fransisco. >> yes, i do love san fransisco. >> reporter: more exhibits are due in the next few weeks. mike sugarman kpix 5. >> i want one of those things for my head so i can hear my wife when she talks to me. [ laughter ]. >> no excuses then. you can't say i didn't hear you. >> that was just a whisper. hi, ken. no i can't do. [ whispering ]. >> what if we whispered the forecast. weathertime, coming up on 41 straight days of no rainfall. clear over sfo, clear on the radar. we have had snow this week in the sierra and one ski resort,
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the one that typically opens for, boreal, 16 inches much natural snow on top of the main made snow and folks out there doing night skiing. open through the weekend. enough snow to get the winter juice flowing. if you're heading out, beautiful day tomorrow, upper 50s. change on sunday, 16 degrees cooler, few morning snow flurries and windy up in the mountains. also windy anywhere around here in the bay area saturday night and sunday. higher elevations 1,000 feet, 40, 45, and 50 mile an hour wind gusts. won't be as warm tomorrow as the winds turn more onshore. big storm for the pacific northwest. we will not tap into the rainfall but by sunday it will be chillier and cloudier and be breezy throughout the bay area. saturday the sunnier day. low pressure number one. the second one that moves through next week will likely take more after southerly track,
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move down to the bay area, we will for the first time in six weeks have a rain chance to talk about. this time next week we'll have showers around the bay area. we could use some next week. the brees increases late tomorrow with the sunshine. cooler, somewhat cloudier on sunday, and that rain chance coming. san jose tomorrow, high of 70, livermore 73. palo alto 68, union city 66. low 70s in pittsburg, cooler in the city by 10 degrees, 62 for san fransisco, clear lake sunshine but koolter high of 71 degrees. mid-60s on sunday. fall back on saturday night. we warm up toward the milled of next week setting the stage for the front which will bring rainfall to us coming up next thursday and next friday. more news coming up ,,
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3 guys drove from new york l-a in 28 hour . driving across the country in record time and in style. >> three guys drove from new york to l.a. in 28 hours, 50 minutes, and 30 seconds. can we say road trip? oh, yeah. they were in a mercedes loaded with extra fuel they averaged 98 miles an hour and sometimes gunned it at a top speed of 158. that little mercedes can go. a tracking company says the drive last month beat the previous record of just over 21 hours. >> that's a fab car. >> hopefully they're doing it -- >> hope any they have radar on
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on the door of a 4-4 records deep in . we have the weekend with the 49ers off and the raiders knocking on the door after had-4 record this deep into the season when they host the eagles sub. speaking of oakland, the west division champs there made it official. they picked up cococrisp, crisp entered a career high 22 home
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runs, 21 steals. show case around two of the champions tour, that is fred couples and this is fred couples working the putter. money at the 10th. two strokes cheer of the field, sharks rookie called the nfl rookie of the month, 8 goals in 13 games in the months of october. boil is likely expected back to the scene tomorrow. who is king of council? goes 29th yards, second of two touchdowns in the first quarter before leaving with an elbow injury. the lions winning 41-22. >> wow. >> and i got more high school football at 1 # 1.
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