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tv   ABC9 News Midday  ABC  October 14, 2015 11:30am-12:00pm CDT

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secretary clinton, is guns? 21:15:28 sanders: what i can tell that all the shouting in the to do what i would hope all of us want. out of the hands of people who should not have those guns and end the violence that we are seeing. hillary clinton center stage... but when it came to being on the hot seat over those emails... ac: secretary clinton, with all due respect, it's a little hard, isn't it hard to call this just a partisan issue clinton: i'll answer their questions. but tonight i want to talk not about my e-mails but about what the american people want for the next president of the united states. vermont senator bernie sanders -- the very opponent chipping away at her lead--- coming to her defense... sanders: let me say something that may not be great politics, but i think the secretary is right. and that is that the american
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about your damn e- mails. clinton: thank you, bernie. thank you. (handshake exchanged) clinton trying to hold on to her frontrunner status... defending herself against accusations of flip flopping on trade... and immigration clinton: i'm not taking a back seat to anybody on my values, my principles and the results that i get. sanders trying to convince america a self-described socialist can win the white house.... clinton i'm a progressive. but i'm a progressive who likes to get things done (
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waiting.. hoping... trying to get noticed webb: can i get in the discussion at some point? ac: yes. you'll be next. webb: i've been standing over here for ten minutes trying. but getting a jump on the frontrunners - proving to be tough?no matter the topic? chafee: any time anyone is running to be a world leader, which the american president is, credibility is an issue. out there with the world. i think we need somebody with the best and ethical standards as our next president. that's how i feel. ac: secretary clinton, do you want to respond? clinton: no. " jessica rae: a former female secretary of state found herself in sioux city this morning. madeleine albright held a hillary clinton for iowa campaign organizing event today
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night's debate candidates' performance, shared personal stories with voters and endorsed hillary clinton as her go-to candidate for president jessica rae: and albright wasn't the only polictical figure in town today. republican presidential candidate rand paul was also in sioux city at morningside college this morning, as part of his "iowa 10 thousand college tour" paul will be visiting 11 colleges and universities throughout the state this week. tune in to abc9 news at five for more on his and madelein albright's campaigning efforts here in sioux city jessica rae: republican presidential candidate jeb bush unveiled his plan to repeal and replace obamacare while campaigning in manchester, new hampshire. bush laid out a system he said is designed to cut back on regulation and lower health care costs. " (jeb bush/(r) presidential candidate) "in my plan, we would propose tax credits to those without employer coverage. so that they could pay for portable and secure insurance that provides preventative care and also provides comprehensive coverage for major
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medical events." jessica rae: bush called obamacare, quote, "an egregious example of government overreach that's wreaked havoc on the economy. " but he doesn't favor doing away with everything from the affordable care act. he said he envisions a system that allows the state exchanges to continue to exist, but they would not be mandatory. he added - quote - "we won't force people to buy coverage they don't want." jessica rae: a new sioux city kum & go is going up along gordon drive. the convience store will be at the intersection of gordon and virginia, which has been undergoing major renovations to make way for changes to i-29 in that area. a couple years ago, the train depot was torn down on that corner. there's only one other gas station in that area of the downtown. no word yet on when kum & go will open. jessica rae: norfolk is preparing for a benefit to help one of their police captain in his time of need. here's paul hughes with the details. " the nebraska state auditor's office is continuing its review of the relationship
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barnstormers restaurant and the norfolk airport authority board. at monday night's meeting of the airport authority, city attorney clint schukei talked about a request from the auditor for more information. schukei says an e-mail from audit manager cindy janssen asked if provisions in the lease amounted to providing public funds for the benefit of a private entity. a hearing will be held tomorrow night at 7:30 in the lifelong learning center in norfolk to take public comment on a proposal by the lower elkhorn natural resources district to require flow meters on all irrigation systems in the district. lower elkhorn general manager mike sousek says the board wants to be proactive in dealing with any future droughts, and metering would be process. a benefit is planned sunday for norfolk police captain mike bauer and his family. burned in a home accident on july 25th. police captain don miller says the meal and silent from noon until 4 p.m. sunday at trinity episcopal church, 111 s. 9th street in norfolk. those and more stories can be heard lite rock 97.5 and 106 kix." jessica rae:
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inmates at the south dakota state penitentiary in yankton are gaving back to the community with a fall tradition. nat sound: children shouting: "thank you!", inmates respond: "your welcome, guys!" jessica rae: the inmates grew and harvested pumpkins and now, they're delivering them to elementary school students. in a season when pumpkin numbers are down, the donation comes at a great time.... helping to ensure kids have pumpkins to carve for halloween. the inmates say the best part is seeing huge smiles on the kids faces. "to see the excitement on their face, and to know that it's going to make their day... to know that i was part of something that made their day, it's a blessing" says ryan klave, inmate at the mike durfee state prison in yankton, sd. jessica rae: the inmas "green thumbs" go further than pumpkins..... they grow and donate fruits and vegetables to area nonrofits who in turn give to those in need. jessica rae: haunted houses usually contain props such as chainsaws, zombies, or skeletons,
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but west middle school has added a new element... technology. sixth through eigth graders are working on a project called haunted hallways. it showcases their technical skills in areas like graphic design, editing and more. "the haunted hallways is a rear screen projection project where the kids take videos and then add green screen effects to them. to basically add special effects smoke, lighting, explosions, all kinds of different things," said borrall. the way he's going to do it is he's going to put them up on projects and we're going to show our projects in the haunted hallways," said huls. jessica rae: projection project is open to the public and runs october 23rd and 24th at west middle school from six to eight p.m. admission is one dollar ahead of time and two dollars on the day of the event. jessica rae: there's only 2 weeks left for you to show us your best haunted, spooky or sweet pumpkin! you have from now until october 29th to submit a photo of your best pumpkin creation. on october 30th,
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news morning show to see if you won! receive four muskies tickets! ... photo you must facebook... and post your pumpkin picture directly to my wall... or send me a private message your pumpkin. if you don't have worry, you can pumpkin picture to me, at and get those wait to see siouxland's creativity! jessica rae: still to come... an interesting the united nations. find out just how internet. when we return. scott: " " jessica rae scott:
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high temperature so far is 59 after a low of 37. we'll check welding company skycam hd in sioux city and the king's pointe skycam hd in storm lake, ia where we have some cool conditions and sunshine. currently, we have temperatures in the 50s and 60s. the wind is light from the west and southwest at 10 mph or less. the satellite and radar is nearly clear. zooming out now, let's get a look at the stormcast hd
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which displays sunshine staying with us today as high near 80 degrees. a through tomorrow which will bring breezy northwest winds to siouxland and cooler temperatures too. highs are going to fall to the 60s by the weekend and we may see frost both friday and saturday morning. today's high is 78 with sunshine and calm conditions. the overnight low is 42. tomorrow, we'll have a high of 73 and a breezy northwest wind especially in the afternoon. here's the 7 day forecast where we'll have temperatures sink this weekend before a warm up and small rain chances. jessica rae scott: jessica rae:
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a report from the united nations concludes most
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united nations concludes most people in the world do not google or tweet or bank online. the u-n broadband commission says s 57-percent of the world is off-line. and language appears to be one of the major reasons. only a fraction of the world's languages an estimated 5- percent - are present on the internet. a survey of the most popular ten-million websites, shows more than 55-percent are in english. between four and almost six- percent of websites are in russian, german, japanese, spanish and french. jessica rae: after the break... an ooey-gooey dessert recipe that you can whip up in your slow cooker. stay tuned for that recipe.
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few hours, we topped iwith marshmallows and more chocolate chips until it was all melty. talk about decade and sinfully rich. i do hope you'll go online and get the recipe for our, "fudgy s'more cake," so you can add a new dessert, to your slow cooking line up. and while you're online, check out our, "cook it slow, cook it fast," cookbook that's packed with all sorts of awesome recipes. i'm howard in the mr. food test kitchen, where today we found an "unpredictable way" for you to say . "ooh it's so good!!" jessica rae: if you would like a copy of that recipe you can send us a self addressed stamped envelope here to g-b-c 9 news. our address is 625 douglas street. the zip...51101. be sure to write "fudgy s'more cake" on your request. or you can visit our website...siouxlan d matters dot com. and click on the mr. food logo.... jessica rae: coming up an annual event that challenges you to take the plunge. all while benefitting the special olympics we'll have a guest in studio with more.details after the break...
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today i'm here with.... the polar plunge is a signature fundraiser for special olympics and offers a unique opportunity for individuals and organizations to raise money and support special olympics iowa hletes by jumping into frigid waters. the more you raise, the more great polar plunge gear you can earn! incentive prizes start at $250. the event is jam- packed with fun and festivities including food, a dj and free post-plunge blow outs by students from theaveda institute. there's a way for everyone to be involved: plunge solo plunge asas team toss your boss sponsor corporate challenge too chicken to plunge volunteer too chicken to take the plunge? no problem! register as
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a chicken and raise funds, receive your chicken t-shirt and prizes and then watch the plunge! about fundraisers fundraising events for special olympics iowa allow the publbl to get involvlv and raise money to help us provide athletes with opportunities not only in athlics, but health4and education programs as well. all registration nd money raised goes directly to special olympics iowa. athletes are present at the fundraising events to interact with the participants and help thank them for their efforts in suppopo of special olympics wa. about the law enforcement torch run this event is one of many planned and implemented each year by the law enforcement torch run (letr) in support of special olympics iowa.
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letr is the largest grass-roots fundraising and public awareness vehicle in the world. the annual torch run and its various fundraisisg projects have two goals: to raisis money and to g gn awareness for the athletes who participate in special olympics. law enfcement members in the state of iowa plan, organize and implement events such as the plane pull, polar plunges and over the edge, just to name a few. each year, the letr initiative continues to grow. in 2014, letr worked with 750+ law enforcement officers to raise more than $800,000 for iowa athletes. about special olympcs iowa special olympics iowa, a statewide nonprofit organization, provides high- quality training andcompetition for children and adults with intellectual disabilitiesesn all 99 counties of iowa. soiaiaffers 23 olympic-style sports totoore than 12,000 athletes and unifieded sports partners s year-round. since 1968, special olympics has provided an inclusive culture that stresses athletic excellence, rewards determination, emphasizes health and celebres personal achievement. thugh special olympics sports trning and competition, children and adults with intellectual disabilities reach their full potential and experience inclusion in their communities every day.
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ker is going to be at the tyson events center this turday,
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you to the concert were giving a way two sets of vip tickets to the concert. well be asking viewers trivia questions tonight and thursday during our 5 and 6 newscasts the answers have to be submited to contest-at-kcau- tv-dot-com and the winner will be randomly selected and announced during the 10 pm shows! jessica rae scott: " " jessica rae:
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