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tv   ABC9 News at 10pm  ABC  October 19, 2015 10:00pm-10:35pm CDT

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joining us tonight im tim seaman jenna: and im jenna hnstrom. around this time of year... most iowa farmers are harvesting theircrops. tim: however, some farmers are still growing healhty virbrant crops for the fall... called cover crops deborah souverain has more on the crops that help keep soil healthy. tim and jenna while most farm lands...are drying out right now.. farmer's crop is flourishing...and what's beneath it happy. most crops around this type of year. but you'll see nothing but green on john wilcox's farm. pulling up radishes. john plants coveve crops during t t althier soil.
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"soil has s lot of phosphorus and potassium and our crops, soybeans and corn, have a difficict time extracting those from soil. but he says cover crops help. this year..he's testing out radishes d field peas. tillage radish and field peas have an easier time getting it out of the soil. so they absorb it into the plant..and when they die they release it back out and then the soybean and the corn can get the nutrient easier now because it's in a more organic form," said john cover crops increase the number of organisms living in the soil. it also reduces erosion..and cuts the amount of nitrates that leak into ground water. and those aren't the only benefits john has reaped. "i saw pretty close to a five bushel increase on my soybeans where we did it," said wilcox, plants cover crops. john says it cost him about 25 dollars per plant the crops using a crop duster. but farmers can get financial assistance. "those incentives are available to producers who may have never tried cover crops before and would like cover crops, something new. we also have cost share incentives ailable for farmererwho done cover r ops in the past and would like to continue to do so ututizing some of at money, said evans.each cover crop
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soil benefits... and john says around to see what they are. it especially if we keep seeing the economic benefits," wilcox the natural conservation extensive information on cover crops...and for a link to those tools...visit siouxland matters dot com. jenna: some community members are coming to the defense of a sibley-ocheyeden teacher and coach who was fired for a violation of school code. kyle ewinger was terminated, after he was found sleeping next to an elementary studenenin his classroooo ewewger explained in a meeting what led up to that happening... saying he and his wife had taken the child in and he is a father figure to him.
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ewinger says he was locked out of his own house and wasn't able to drop the child off with his grandmother after getting back late from an out of town football game. as a last resort, he said, he set up an air matress at the school. "he corrects all of his homework, he has football kids tutoring him, he got him to summer school every day, he feeds him, he gives him allowance...he does all of the things a parent does for a child " says kim van der sloot, parent of three in the sibley- ocheyedan district. jenna: the school board voted four to one to terminate the teacher... on the recommendation of school superintendant bill boer. the county sheriff was notified of the situation, but no criminal investigation is being done. "after their investigation, if they felt some kind of criminal charges would've been appropriate, then i assume that the probably will contact us then" says kevin wollmukh, ief deputy. jenna: somemeommunity members tell us they're questioning the actions of the perintendant and how he handd the
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situation. tim on cam a member of the sioux city, east high school administration is the winner of a state wide fine arts honor. principal richard todd is the iowa high school speech association fine arts administrator of the year. the award is presented to a distinguished individual of statewide reputation and outstanding accomplishments. east teacher wendy bryce nominated todd for the honor. jenna on cam big changes are coming to iowa house district 4. state rep. john kooiker (koy-ker) of boyden has announced that he will not seek re-election and will retire from the legislature when his term ends in january 2017. kooiker was elected in this year, in a special election following the death of longtime rep. dwayne alons. shortly after kooiker mama his plans known, 22 year old skyler eeler of orange city nounced he will run for the strict fourth seat when it comes open in 2017. wheeler works in sheldon and is a 2015 northwestern college graduate. tim: after more than 2 years of back and forth debate... a more than century old sioux
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city home will finally come down. sioux city, city council gaurenteed the demolition on a 3-2 vote today (monday). the rose hill mansion at 1529 grandview was red tagged months ago, but one-time owner james gengler managed to keep the home from the wrecking ball with multiple legal maneuvers. council members keith radig and pete groetken voted against the demolition, but hebert construction of sioux city now has the green light to clear the home site. jenna: a plan to renovate sioux city police headquarters got the more than two-million dollar project is moving forward after a 5-0 vote. built about 30 buildingngt 6th and douglas streets has serious roof and infrastructure problems. cococil approved the multi-million dollar agreement with sioux contractors. work is expected to being before the end of the year with completion early in 2017. the plan approved monday is about a million dollars under the price tag city leaders first came up with for the project,
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tim on cam council also gave a consulting group from analysis and planning for future buildouts park. the study costs about 45-thousand dollars. when complete the city will use the information to update riverfront property formerly used by the argosy casino. jenna on cam a push by nebraska landowners who oppose the keystone xl pipeline continued today (monday). landowners in holt county who are suing transcanada over granted the keystone xl pipeline comomny eminent domain r private gain appeared in n urt for oralargugunts in their case. no witnesses testified. all testimony had to be submitted in writing ahead of time. in 2013 former governor dave heineman approved a nebraska route for the pipeline.... but that decision is still being challenged. " and if were right the statute was invalid then the governor's proported approval was not an approval because he wasn't authorized to give it"
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make a ruling on the case as early as next month. tim: there's a program in iowa with a catchy name that helps make sure that thousands of kids have health insurance... it's called hawk-i. right now that program runs under the state's medicaid program... but govenor branstad wants to change that... and hire companies from out of state to manage hawk-i. amanda krenz is here to exexains what that t uld mean for iowa families. healthy and well kids in iowa, that's hawk-i, , affordable option for families who ed help insuring their kids. it's been a successful statewide program under medicaid since 1998. now the governor wants to change things up... and have 4 out of state companies run hawk- i. 22:48:51 amanda - why would youconsider transferring the administration of that program to out of state companies? 22:49:10 branstad - we're doing what 25 other states have done. going to a manages care system to better coordinate benefits. the governor says this change will streamline medicaid, prevent confusion over prescriptions, and save the state money. the hawk-i board says not so fast. they never approved the changes and don't agree with the governor's decision. 13:00:42 janet - we have a great children's health insurance program for thousands of families across our state. now we're gonna be asking them all to pick different providers.
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state senator janet peterson who's on the hawk-i board says families don't know if their pediatricians or hospitals are going to be part of the plans that are offered once the out of state companies take over... even though families have received letters tell them coverage won't change. 13:00:10 janet - it's a scaey thing for us to be moving foward without much thought from the legislature on whether or not it should be done. the governor never got the go ahead from the legislature or the hawk-i board privatize the hawk-i program, but says it did get talked about a lot last session. 22:55:29 this wewe through a lot of discussoin during the legislative session and thth's the agreement. 13:03:20 imagie most mbers of hte hawk-i board would say if it's not broken why fix it. i would imagie if we had an opportunity to vote on it, we'd keep the existing program as it is.
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emerald ash borer has been the dreaded emerald ash borer has been found in linn county iowa. the destructive insect has bee detected in southern cedar rapids, after a member of the iowa emerald ash borer team suspicious looking ash tree infested with larvae. now made its way to 29 counties in iowa iowa department of natural iowa iowa department of natural resources warn iowans to refrain from transporting firewood from or to areas affected by the emerald ash borer. jenna: kids away from drugs and alcohol is city. tonight is red the long lines it's the kicicoff
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educate yoyog peopop about the dangngs of drugs and drinking... and show them the fun things you can do without it. sioux city police officers and sheriff's deputies were shooting hoops with the kids, and there were lots of other games and things to do. red ribbon week runs this friday through halloween. still to come... two dedicated women are looking to make a difference in the lives of rescue dogs (fred) warm and dry weather will be seen in the short term, before we see some late-week showers. it will be quite a bit cooler by saturday. see you after the break. " " jenna: two women in utah are
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if you think storm damage is the only cost of climate change, think again. from the rising price of food to higher insurance rates for homes and businesses, the economic damage will only get worse.
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we can save money on electricity and spur innovation to create new businesses and jobs. it all starts with 50% clean energy by 2030.
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and on monday they welcomed an entire plane full. ashley kewish reports. animal lover christina owens brought 4-month-old powder out for some fresh air. (christina owens) "she had no hair when we got her." powder's getting over a nasty case of mange. (christina owens) "it's safe, it's safe." but powder's not the only dog christina's
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taking care of. she has 46. (christina owens) "i love animals! and i'm christina runs utah lost and found pets, helping place those 46 animals in foster homes. (stephanie smith) "s"s is she ready f f but powder's no park-- it's an airport. (christina owens) "i fosters meet me thought about it and i was like you know..." this plane isn't filled (nats) dogs. (christina owens) "oh, he's here? landed?" passengers on this plane are puppies. (christina owens) "but these are the best. these martingales are the best. i absolutely love these." that's stephanie smith. she helped plan this day. (stephanie smith) "just did a mass rescue evacuation of death row dogs in new mexico." (nats) yes, death row dogs. (stephanie smith) "in new mexico, they typically only have three days to be saved. so as you can imagine, it's pretty tough over there to be a pet." (nats) smith says shelters in new mexico are simply overwhelmed with pets. (christina owens) "they're euthanized, and taken out in black garbage bags, and taken to t t landfill." she says many people
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simply don't understand the importance of spaying and neutering their pets... (nats) making days like this part of a neverending cycle. (christina owens) "we take out 50, 50 more come in the next day. these guys? they have no voices. (gets emotional) they have no one to help them. some of them have never even felt a human hand, other than to be mean to them." but these dogs have little to worry about. many are now getting their first taste of freedom and some are a little eager to start their new lives. (nats) these animals aren't even going to shelters-- they're going to foster homes and hopefully, finding a place to call their (stephanie smith) "we sacrifice our heart on a daily basis but these are...makes it worth it." (jenna) fred, can this weather last forever?
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fred, can this weather last forever? (fred) well, at least another day. 2 line super: fred hexom fhexom@kcautv.c om (fred) the port neal welding company skycam hd shows quiet conditions from the ho chunk centre in downtown sioux city. 79 was our high today after a low of 60. that's well above nororl. the king's p pnte skycam hd in storm lake also shows peacacul weather. the allergy report shows s gh overall pollen levels, but medium levels of weeds and low tree and grass pollen. 62 is our temperature in sioux city. siouxland temperatures range from the 50s to the 70s. winds are calm in wayne and norfolk but we see a southerly breeze of 5 to 15 miles per hour elsewhere. low dew points in the 40s indicate dry air. if you look far to the west, you can see the cold front that will push through our area later this week. the satellite and radar shows clouds and a few showers to our
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front. the a warm day front will pass through wednesday, causing cooler weather and possibly a few sprinkles, but measurable rain is the western part of the front will later advance back front on thursday chance of showers. tonight, look for a low of 53 with tomorrow, expect partly cloudy skies and a high of 79. the 7-day forecast shows 60s and 70s with the exception of saturday. we have thursday and friday. (tim) thanks, fred.
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top plays are back with help from you, the audience. stay tuned for the countdown up ahead. jenna: plus the votes are in. after the break, find out whether sportszone is heading to western christian or woodbury central for our game of the week.
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we need to disrupt the old order in washington, dc. we can do a lot better by applying conservative principles we should lower rates and simplify the code to allow people to freely decide how they want to spend their money. what we need is leadership to fix a few big things... so that this country takes off and soars where people can dream the biggest possible dreams... and pursue them with a vengeance. sfx: applause jeb. proven conservative. real results.
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the high school football regular season. so will our final game of the week take us to hull or to moville? with 73 percent of the vote, the winner this frid night is western christian hosting ridge view.
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the wolfpack bring in a 6-2 record while the raptors are 7-1, but both are 4-1 in district play. we'll have m on this matchup this week, leading up to friday night when i'll be live in hull to preview the game. chris: on average, we here at abc9 sports shoot about 30 sporting events a week. that's a good total, but we can't be everywhere, which is why it's great when fans send in their submissions for the abc9 top plays, just like they did this we. we kick things off over in holstein. ridge view hosting west lyon. grant anderson rolls out a long way and nobody's open but it doesn't matter with buddy lamp out there. look at that catch in's almost like learning to fly or falling in love. a dangerous throw, but a catch like that is gonna happen when it's supposed to happen. play number four waee plays sent into us this week.
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we head out to drake gorrin of the indians, looks a whole lot like seneca wallace against texas tech back in 2002. coaches always stress running north/south, and gorrin shows he can do that, while running east/west too. an impressive oss-field run for bago. what a week it's been for the dordt volleyball team. in the past 7 days they've taken down the number one and number two teams in the nation...this from their battle with top-ranked viterbo. and summer jansen, some how digs this out...honestly might have used her noggin on it...and gets it to fall for a point. an incredible kill for the defenders--thank s to jacob hall for sharing the cip. for play number two, we stay in sioux county christian taking on unity christian. it's 4th and 15 the wolfpack from the 16, and joey horstman has no regard for his ribs. he climbs the
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holds on for the score. how often do you see professional receivers get alligator arms in a situation like incredible catch for horstman. but play number one comes to us from heelan and storm lake. we've seen branden hohenstein here in the top spot before and he decided to reclaim the position. look at the elevation, he nearly sticks it with his right hand and then adjusts and gets his arms under it before it hits the turf. even the nfl referees could agree that's a catch and that's why branden hohenstein locks up the top spot in the abc9 top plays of the week. high school volleyball action...battle creek taking on wakefield out in nebraska. opening set....josephine peitz drills a kill with a pretty angle....trojans take the 13-12 lead... a few points later...megan borg goes right by the battle creek block....lead up to four... then its borg again...this time...right over top of the block....wakefield in control... but battle creek mounts a
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comeback....taya johnson with a big-time block.....braves within five... and they would come back to win the set 25- 22....mckenna mink coming up clutch....battle creek sweeps. the royals looking for a commanding 3-0 lead in the alcs. 1-0 kc in the first...but kevin pillar...with a head full of steam makes the ridiculous catch to rob lorenzo cain. bottom of the second...ryan goins takes it where it's pitched...two blue jays slide home safely and toronto takes the lead. then they break out the big sticks...troy tulowitzki...mashe s one to dead center field for a three run bomb.
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low of 53 with mostly clear skies.
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partly cloudy skies if you think storm damage is the only cost of climate change, think again. from the rising price of foodd to higher insurance rates for homes and d sinesses, the onomic damage will only get worse. but with american-made clean energy, we can save money on electricity and spur innovation to create new businesses and jobs. it all starts with 50% clean energy by 2030.
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and now abc's "jimmy kimmel live." >> guillermo: jimmy, so beautiful here. >> jimmy: this is my favorite spot. >> guillermo: where are we? >> jimmy: we're in the greatest borough in the world, guillermo. you know what a borough is? >> guillermo: a donkey. >> jimmy: yes, but no. we're in brooklyn. brooklyn, new york. >> guillermo: hello, brooklyn, i love you! dicky: from brooklyn, it's
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