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tv   This Week in Siouxland  ABC  November 22, 2015 9:00am-9:30am CST

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reports of 17 people that are hostages. ou prayers are with those people. we don't know how that's going to end, but if these are isis affiliated radical terrorist, it may endd very, very badlyly. and they have stated it is their intention to carryut acts of terror just like that here inthe united states, and i think we need to treat those thrhreats very, very serious. >> donald trump made headlines saying he would implement a data base system tracking muslims in the united states. can you agree with that? >> look, you cannot single out any faiths. we have a constitution that protects religious liberty, but yoyocan target people who are terrorists, and part of how we do this, the problem stems from the very top.
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it stems from president obama's refusal to acknowledge radical islamic terrorism. he stands up and says the islamic state is not islamic. now, that makes no sense, and the administration's failure to identifyfyadical terrorism means they do not actigorously to prprotect us it's one of the reasons in congress i've been leading thehe fight in the united states. >> stop president obama's inexplicable plan to bring tens of thousands of syrian refugees to america. why? not because of their faith, but because the ma'am ma'am administraraon canant -- the obama administration cannot vet them. we know isis wants to embed terrorist refugees coming to the west. they've done that in europe. at least one of those terror attackers came in with the
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bringing tens ofof thousands of refugees whenn they can't ascertrtain -- >> how do you detmine people aren't going to b bring an id card that says i'm a christian?? how do you know who's who? >> the way our system works and let's ep back for a second. for seseveralonths i've been calling for stopping these refugees from coming to america and at first folks in the pressss said, well, gosh, that positn we think is a little o othere. it's interesting in the last couplef weeks t there are roughly 30 governors across the country who have come to agree with me, republicans and democrats who say our first priority is protecting the safety of our citizens. i'm encouraged thate see moree and more. the house voted overwhelmingly itas 57 democrats who voted with the republican majity to
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protect thisis this is becoming a bipartisan consensus. now, in response to that it was striking tim, this week two days in a row psident obama -- >> a long distance back and forth. >> in turkey, he attacked me directly. president obamama said i was un-american, and next day he said i was offensive. and in b both instances i will say it is aittle rich h r thehe president standing on foreign soil to attack me as un-american. >> been playing on fear in order to score political points or to advance their cam campaigns. >> come back and insult me to my face. >> my response is ife wants to insult me, come i believe -- come insult me to my face. it's easy to talkhe chief insult. let's have a one-on-one debate about his policy.
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religion, that is un-ameran. wewell, federal immigration law looks to religion. one of the basis for granting refugee status is religious persecution. the legislation i introduced in the senate yesterday that the dedemocrats blocked it would havavav evented refugees coming from countries where al qaeda or isis -- it would have prevented refugees because those terrorist control substantial territory and attempting to smuggle terrorists in under the guides of being refugees. and en it has an excepti consistent with long s stataing law. the preside refusus to acknowowledgehat the middle eastern christians are being persecuted. isis is carrying out genocide. they are crucifying christians. they arere beheading christians,s,
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does nothing -- the syrian refugees come to america 3% of them have been christians. ere'an exception for victims of genocide, but they stillave a very high burden of proof to demonstrate they are religious minority targeted for genocide and toemonstrate they're not a security threat thoo. and how would they do that? some peoplay agree with you they are -- the christians are being persecuted fnl but how do we prevent someone becoming a christian in the name of terrorism? >> one of the things, there is no evidence of isis g going and embedding in the christian community. those in the christian community have been there -- there are christians w speak the language of jesus who are being murdered by i isis, so those no the christian comnity who have wedding records, who have been in the community for decades, you can demonstrate and the procs for any refugee is
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the probobm for oma, and this something james the director of fbi told congress. they don't have the data bases to distinguish which ones are part of isis and which ones aren't.and mined you, president obama appointed james the head of the fbi. listen,, we can all day long, but we dodon't he any information on thehe terroriris the qiries won't do any good. he wants to throw our doors open and potential terrorists coming here to -- >> i want to turn to congressmen king for a moment. you were there for the vote yesterday to tighten restrictions on refugees coming to the united states, but you voted against that proposal. why didou decide you needed to vote a ainst that? >> i ie traveled in andndut of the middleast and a across
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i've tracked t this epic human migration take place. i've gononeo church with the syrian which i chrisans and the kaldean christians. i id on the judiciary committee. testimony yesterday from director rodriguez from immigration and naturalization services. and i'm not at all convinced that they can vet tse migrants thatre coming in, the refugees that are applying for asylum. what it does is the bill was writn inadequately. it only deals with syrians for one thing. and in further more it requires that there are threeee article toappointees that wouldertify they he been vetting. i listened to that testimony. ife don't have them in our
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be able t discover. further more, this is a huge hay stack of community, and it's 10,000 according to the president's propopol, about 15 million refugees all together. a huge hay stack of humanity and in the stack are terrorists. presuming they can do background checksks and the needles look like hay, andf they can do that, and i don't bieve they can. you still have the hay that is hay that gets radicalized into the needle of terroriris after they arrive here. we've had at lea 66 attacks or planned attacks or foiled attacks there've already been investigated and indicted in the united states. some as young as nine have been radicalized in the united states. if we think we're going to solve
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background checks on a small segment of the broader source of terrorism in the country and the world then i think we are essentially barking up t the wrong tree, and i ne to ma a point that we need to end the -- and build and create an ternationasafefe zone for the asyrian christians and the adidis and that part of thehe world and i went there and negotiated that. if you're elected give us a a couple bullet points of your national security. >> the last twoeeks havav demonstratededhat t a dangerousus world it is, and we have a president who is not defending this nation. we have a psident -- we wil not defeat radical islamic terrorism,s long as the president is even unwilling to utter those words. if i'm elected president. number one, we will secure t border. we wl build a wall that works. we will triple the border patrol
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we will put in placetrongg bio metro systems. we will deport criminal, illegal aliens. why is that a national security issue? justesterday eight syrians apprehended trying to cross into texas on unsecured border makes no sense whatsoever. this president will not secure theorder. >> how do you payor. > it so i've laid out a detailed immigration plan goingthrough exactly how you secure the border. in terms of paying for that. much of that is existing current law. much of that is within the statute. do you know what the president is doing to fund his illegal amnesty plan? raiding the fees coming from immigrants. so my plan would e end president obama's illegal amnesty. and iould n ne most o o the other republican candidates aren't willing to commit to that, and that makes those funds available to help with legal
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immigrants who are following the rules, who are consistent with rule of law. but b to eure we have the resources to secure thehe border. when it comes to radical islamic terrorism, to borrow page fromm reagan. we win, theyose. and as president i will make clear we will destroy isis, not weaken them, not degrade them, and we can do that with overwhelming air power, and then arming the boo on the ground. fighghting isis. provide them with weaponry and power, we can decimate isis, but what it takes as a commander andnd chief willing to lead and get that done. >> appreciate yourime this morning. i think sightful. obviously turbulentimes withh what's happepeng overseas. we appreciatat your timend hope to t tk to you again duringhe campaign towards febary and the iowa caucuses. >> excellent. i look forward to it. we'll come back after the break break as congressmsm king and bill ander anderson will join us to continue our discussion.
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we'll be rightht back.
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in siouxland" with tim seaman. we're back with more "this week in siouxland" with tim seaman. >> andnd welcomemek as w continueueur disssion thismorning joininus now at the table state senator bill
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city. congressmen king agreed to stay with us for a few minutes as well. bill, you endorsed him months ago back at an event. what was it way back this summer that allowed you to do that? >> well, we were at the ballparark in pierson. throughout the session we had presidentiandidate that is would come through and visit our caucus. it's our opportunity as iowans to have that time and ask questions and for me senator cruz is the full specter gamut. anso for me it was a e eydecision to gogo with senator cruz. >> congresesen, you did so this week, and it brought a lot of spotlight to senator cruz's campaign because of your can she conservative roots in iow and
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>> i'm watching as the polls are separating some, and some people that i like a lot don't have that traction. on the other hand i'mm watching as ted cruz has p passed everyry test along the way. he's checked every box alonghe way from a policy perspececve. one of the strongest ones is the immigration issue and t multiplier on top of that which is an epic migration in the world and the flow of it coming in the united states. i went over to visit all of that in iraq and hungary and up to sweden to see the destination of some of them, and when i came backrom t that as i'm traveling back contemplating this chess game that has to be pyed across the table from putin. who do you want across the table from putin? i want ted cruz there. >> suld cruz or a senator like him win the iowa caucus because a conservative of that nature
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cannot win the whi house. what do you say to that?t? >> tim, when did we last nominate a conservative as a republican for the white house? and i'd go back to ronald reagan. he did great for us as a country. so i think that if cruz wink this iowa caucus and goes on, i think he will win the white house. this is the time for a conservative to win.n. we need to draw a division betweethe right and the left. there wouldn't be that mushy middle this time i think it's a great thing for the country and great thing for the iowa caucus. >> i think s sator cruzas rununa different campaign as well. he has the resources to carry this campaign beyond iowa, which is big. that is somethingou look to previous caucus winners that may not have had that. he's organizing the first four states. he's got the resources to go forward from iowa when we win the iowa caucuses.
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>> cononessmen king,g, you alllluded a send ago about being overseas and seeing this refugug problem firsthand. very limited time here, but give us a quick responses to what you saw there. >> i went into the curtish regi and close as i could get to the isis front line. there's a refugee camp there. 5,000 people have been there for a year or f four mons. i learned that the christians ararmore or less absorbed intoo the communities around them. there isn't a camp where the refugee christians are. they want their independenc they're willing to car out an internationa free zone to protect the minorities and ready tolign with the courage to do that. in hungary and crow croatia. i walked among and tald amongng the massive humanany. 6,0 minimum a day out of a
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single point of entry. that's over 2 million a year on an annual basis. and i went to sweden where they are. europe has committed cultural suicide. >> here inhe state of iowa, a growing list off governors who id they want t to end any programs allowing refugees into the ste at this point w wn we talk aboutut this issue. yoyo thoughthts on that? >> i would be supportive of tt and to echo some of the things the congressmen said, finding the needles in the hay stack is a difficult thing to do. it doesn't take a large group to pull off terrorist attacks, multiple terrorist attacks. they just have to be well coordinated and connected.. i'm supportive of the govnor. >> is this takininto us a new united states,s, landd tt longeroeoe accept the weak and the poor and the tired and the hungry from other nations? granted times have cnged, but that's what our nation is right now.
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that's what we are built on is those types. >> tim, my answer so that -- and i get these things coming at me constantly. the congress sets the immigration policy. the esident tries to circumvent the laws we have today, and we havave taken the weak the poor and hungry, that's true. we've also spill our blood in foreign lands out of proportion to our moral obligation to people that need help. we can't help e everyone america. we can help many pple in the world by exporting our way of life so they with rebuild their countrie reflectg the american way o life. and that's a better approach to this. those who advocate for open borders and unlimited immigration, legal and illllal need toirstst a awer the questiti, is there such a thing too m? the next question is, then how many are too many? >> >> lastly, i want to turn to your head of steam about a month and a ha ay from another
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lastly in closing, are you red d i get back to des moines and get to session? where do y y see the seseson thisisear? >> i think we're going to -- well the revenue's up. with obligations, medicaid and other items we are going to have challenge this is year as we've had in past. and there's not going to be a lot to work with, and we'rere going to have that education dete again, tim. i suspect we'll bealking in june, and i will probably still be in session. and we'll be right back this week's nine things to know. ay with us.
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in siouxland" after the now we're back with more hik week in siouxland." >> and pfer we send things off toes moines. want to pass along another list of nine things to know. some things to jot down. hope you join us for the abc9 iowa verse nebraska border party on friday beginning at 10:00 a.m. prizes fund a bunch of stuff. don't miss the orpheum theer of it's a wonderful life that
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didirect from carnegie hall. the professional is live at the orphm. that comes up november 22nd. 4:00. homemade items by crafters are up for grabs. a big sale at the holiday craft fair coming up from 10:00 until 4:00.. the b boy scout troupe 208 with its annual christmtmas tree sale at hy-vee on gordon drive. jackson browne who has written and performed some of theost moving songs in popular music adding a involve show to his schedule right here in sioux city that's 7:30 in the evening. marco rubio comg u up, a town hall event. jill miller's kings of kings christmas show saturday at 7:00. that too at the orpheum and
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benefits sunrise senior living cent.and topping our listt of ninin things to november, november 26th, 1941. it's thanksgiving day established by franknk d. roososevelt whh eststablishes the foururth thursy in november as thanksgiving day. [ indistinguishable ] if you've got something you think desves to be talked about get in touch with us with any of these platforms, facebook,witter or send me an e-mail message. and if you'd'd like to go back a a take a look at any parts of today'y' show or for that matter or any show that's aired here on sunday mororning you can go online. that's going to do it for this week's show. we're glad you're with us and circle it on the calendar. we hope you join it again next
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(music) >>amanda: coming up, how the terror attacks in paris have reshaped the political discussion here in iowa. we'll tell you what the presidential candidates are saying about just how welcoming the u.s. should be. >>sabrina: and iowa's governrn takes a public stand on n at same issue. plpl, the republican field shrinks this week. what went wrong for bobby jindal. (music) >>sabrina: thanks for joining us for this week in iowa. i'm sabrina ahmed. >>amanda: and i'm amanda
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more time in iowa than in his home state, but it was not enough to catapult bobby jindal through to the iowa caucuses. >>sabrina: that's right. the louisiana governor this week announcing, he was actually a guest on our show just about a month ago, he dropped out of the republican race for president. his campaign was running l l on cash and he couldn't get the poll numbers to move much, never making it to the main stage in any of the republican debates. >>bobby: i'm honored to have had the chance to run for president of the united states. my parents came here 45 years ago in search@of freedom and opportunity. never in a million years would they have imagined that i could be governor much less run for president. this wasn't our time. (whooshing) >>amanda: so does anyone see a poll bump from jindal's departure? well, there wasn't really much support to spread around, i guess, but here is the latest look at where things stand for the top five in the gop. donald trump still the frontrunner, 24% support followed by ben carson, marco rubio, ted cruz, and jeb bush. then on the democratic side not much change, recently hillary
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55%, bernie sanders 30%, followed by martin o'malley with 3%. these numbers coming in from bloomberg. ted cruz, by the way, got an important iowa dorsement this week.k. >>sabrina: that's ririt. congressman steve king is throwing his support behind the texas senator saying he's the one candidate who will fight unapologetically for conservative principles. >>steve: and the candidate i'll be endorsing knows how to act when it's time to act. i believe ted cruz is the candidate who is the answer to my prayers, a candidate whom god will use to restore the soul of america. >>sabrinin well, we're gonna change up topics a bit now. the terror attacks in paris sparked a major political discussion here in the u.s. about refugees. >>amanda: that's after it appeared that one of those terrorists involved could have entered europe posing as a refugee. the united states in september pledge to take 15,000 refugees that were fleeing from war torn syria this year. that's the estimated 85,000
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