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tv   ABC9 News Midday  ABC  December 1, 2015 11:30am-12:00pm CST

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woman: made in georgia scott: "announcer: "now live from kcau-tv in sioux city, iowa... this is abc9 news this midday.... " " jessica rae: good morning and thanks for joiningus this midday. . i'm jessica rae. a former coach a a north high schchl was sentenced today after being found guilty of having "announcer: "now live from kcau-tv in sioux city, iowa... this is abc9 news this midday.... " " jessica rae: thanks for joining i'm jessica rae. a i'm jessica rae. a
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north high school was sevtenced today after being found guilty of having sexual relations with a sioux city student. jessica rae: erick de leon was formerly a soccer coach and director of a program for at risk youth at north high school in sioux city. de leon was arrested back in january for performing sex acts with a 16 year old student. earlier this year he pleleed guilty to s sual exploitation by a school employee and today, he received a five year suspended jail sentence, with a three year period of probation. register as a sex offender. jessica rae: more about a deadly accident have released the people killed in a crash morning. according to the south dakota state patrol ... a car driven by a 31-year-old curtis was traveling in the wrong lane on highway 50 east of yankton nelson collided head on into a vehicle driven by 30-year-r-d ashley riibe ( auththities say
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result of the accident. nelson was pronounced dead at the scene, while riibe ( ) later died from her injuries at a sioux falls hospital. the accident is still under investigation. jessica rae: yesterday's winter storm was one for the books. our meteorologists measured more than 6 inches of snowfall in some areas... and this latest storm produced very wet snow... with temps dropping to the mid 20's last night roads were slick this morning... an overnight tow ban was also posted for woodbury county.... it has since been lifted... "always have a plan before you travel, let people know when you're leaving whwh you're going to arrive, have a cellphone charged up and carry some your cars; shovels, salts. some blants to keep warm in case you get stranded i ur able to get out or if someone has to come pick you up you'll just have to come back the next day to get your car a long as it's not blocking traffic." says sgt. jeremy mcclure of the sioux city police. jessica rae: snow... low visabilities made for a tricky commute this morning
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slushy snow... at one point plows weren't forcing the sioux city transit system to suspended opererions .. the interuption only lasted abt an hour in the afternoon. asst city manager mike collett told us service was shut down as a saftey precaution after buses continued to get further and furthe behind,. " "with weather conditions out there, we wanted everybody to be safe, and they were behind. they come point once an hour, were getting a few it just caught up with us about midday today" says mike collett, assistant city manager. jessica rae: the assistant city manager says if they need to make changes to the schedules again... they will alert the media as soon as possisie so commuters can plan accordidily, and get around safefe. ssica rae: as we were out and abou covering the storm, we spoke to some drivers about their thoughts on the weather... some drivers said the weather was a non factor, some stated it was the drivers that were a problem more so than the weather, while others stated it was a little bit of both. "it's kind of rough out there, driving with all the other vehicles on the
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if you're going to said sachjen. "i have a 4-wheel drive so...and they're clean, so i haven't had any problems," said "i go home because it's too hard to driveand difficult," said jessica rae: and all day yesterday... plow trucks were busier than ever trying to stay on top of interstate the crews began preppivg at 3 a-m yesterday... and because the heavy crew members around the clock, working 12 to 16 hour shifts. . "normally on i-29 we try to run two tow plows in tandem, with one more truck behind us so we can get everything taken the rest of the downtown and take rubendall when they plpl, tries to limit ground. jessica rae: weren't the only tow trucks also alert. employees at they were busy
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twenty cars in the early hours before the towing ban was even put into place. once the ban was issued, it was "sit and wait" for tow truck drivers. "the snow plows are trying to catch up with the snow, of course. and, the conditions are so bad that people will slide off in the ditch. so they don't want us halfway in the road trying to pull somebody out of the ditch and cause another accident" says george quint, siouxland towing. for a complete list of school and businesses closed or having late start time, ad to m jessica rae: the city of norfolk has paved the way for a big economic development project here's paul hughes with the details. " the norfolk community development agency has unanimously approved the redevelopment plan for oct pipe, clearing the way for the company to use tax increment financing for infrastructure improvements. oct plans to invest $125-million in n e community. t t plan has already been approvededy the planningngommission, and must be approved by the city council. the state sesetor who intrododed a bill earlili this year
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infrastructure plans to invest community. the plan approved by the planning commission, approved by the city the state senator bill earlier this year oil for medical purposes will be in norfolk wednesday, and he's bringing along some people who he says would be helped if his bill becomes law. bellevue sen. tommy garrett will hold a news conference beginning at 10 a.m. wednesday in the chambers at 309 n. 5th street. the norfolk community theater in cooperation with northeast community college's drama and music departments present my fair lady. the original story is set in 1912 london, but director adam peterson sayay they've adapteteit to modern-day london.n. seven performances are scheduled for the cox activities center theater: dec. 3, 4, 5, 10, 11 &12 at 7:30 p.m., and sunday, dec. 13 at 2 p.m. advance tickets may be purchased at spell theatre with an "re." those and more stories can be heard on news talk wjag, lite rock 97.5 and 106 kix." jessica rae: iowa's governor says there is no reason to delay
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reason to delay plans to shift iowa's medicaid operation to private management-- even though a judge has recommended the state throw out one of four contracts awarded to companies to run the program. governor branstad said monday the state always planned to have between two and four companies running the program. he says if the state takes the judge's recommendation, it can continue with three private firms. " those of us that are in health systems, like those of us that have the state employee health plan, it's a managed care system. and it's s worked, i think,k,ery effectively and it's worked effectively in other states, and i see nonoeason why in iowa we can't work it effectively ." jessica rae: governor branstad stressed the state has not decided how to proceed. iowa is set to shift the 4-point-2 billion dollar medicaid program to private management starting in january. jessica rae: the e-p-a is expanding when it comes to
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standard the environmental protection agency released their target goal for 2015-2016 under the renewable fuel standard. the agency has nearly doubled the expected usage of cellulosic biofuel upping it from 123 million gallons used in 2015, projecting next year to o eld over 230 million gallons but for some around the state, they're saying the push is coming too late. jessica rae: still to come... authorities are warning theives may be targeting your christmas deliveries we'll have some tips on how to keep your after this. scott: " " ssica rae scott: scott: good morning. let's
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conditions on the port neal weldina company skycam hd and the king's pointe skycam hd. winter weather advisories and winter storm warnings have been pulled away from most of the region as our threat of heavy snow is diminishing. the radar illustrates some flurries and light snow showers still passing through the area
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the roads remain in fairly poor condition with some snow and ice coverage locally. temperatures are in the 20s and 30s and we have an intensifying west and northwest wind between 15 and 25 miles per hour.we had heavy snow totals between 6 and 10 inches in the region! many of these totals are daily records for november 30th. the stormcast hd reveals our slowly moving system traveling eastward. we'll have light snow and blowing snow today. tomorrow we'll
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it with sunshine. then warmer temps are ahead! today's high is 33 with flurries and light snow. the low is 24 overnight as snow completely ends. then tomorrow we'll see a high of 32 and partly cloudy skies. here's the 7 day forecast. jessica rae scott: jessica rae: this morning which are going to linger for several hours. the roads remain in fairly poor
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coverage locally. temperatures are in the 20s and 30s and we have an intensifying west and northwest wind between 15 and 25 miles per hour.we had heavy snow totals between 6 and 10 inches in the region! many of these totals are daily records for november 30th. the stormcast hd reveals our slowly moving system traveling eastward. we'll have light snow and blowing snow today. tomorrow we'll starthe day off with clouds and end
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theives are out and about during the holiday season looking for front door packages.... reporter amanda krenz brings us more. " amanda intro: it doesn't matter if packages are being delivered by ups, fed ex, usps, each package is an opportunity for a thief. follow a delivery truck around during the holidays... and you'll see the delivery workers do mad dash at every stop... one drop off after another. sgt. bryan the theives know people will be ordering a lot, delivered to a mad dash at every stop... one drop off after another. sgt. bryan the theives know people will be ordering a lot, delivered to their hous on their front doorstop. police say all these packages out in the open are attractive targets for peoplele who are willing to break the law. sgt. bryan they find a truck and start followininit around. jim o'hare we kn from the past, they find trucks. follow them around and steal parcels off of porches. jim ohare is the postal inspector for des moines. he says package theives don't strike often
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noticed an increase in the last 2-3 years. jim if you're home and you have the ability to get the package off th edoorstep as soon as possible that's always adviseable. otherwise you should consider having a neighbor pick it up for you. or have it delivered to a friend or relative's house. if you do have a package that goes missing, both police and postalal authorities say report it. jim sometimes we et t lucky and catch them. popel see things that don't look right and they call police right away. sgt. bryan if we get threports, then catch the person later, it all comes together. amanda tag there's only so much you can do, have neighbors look out for you as well. jessica rae: after the break... howard is spreading christmas cheer, stay tuned for this holiday
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and it's never too early to start christmas howard has a show us that will and family. "do you know what today is? it's the day we kick-off our annual online christmas cookie countdown. so if you love cookies, then all this month you're going to want to go online as we reveal a new cookie every day. today, we are starting with a bar cookie that is holiday festive and easy as can be. so what do you say we roll up our sleeves and get baking? we start by placing a stick of butter in a 9" x 13" baking dish and popping it in the oven just long enough for the butter to melt. once it does, we sprinkle on some graham cracker crumbs, then a layer of chocolate chips, and
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if you want - like i'm using here, followed by a good amount of chopped walnuts and shredded coconut. now we pour a can of sweetened condensed milk over it.which holds it all together. and since it's christmas, we top it with a few red and green mini chocolate coated candies to make it even more magical before baking it. after it cools, cut it into squares and they're ready to serve with a big glass of milk or to bring to a cookie exchange. as always, the recipe for our, "christmas magic squares," is online so you can kick off your holiday baking with a foolproof bar cookie that's alalys the first to disappear. i'm howard in the mr. food test kitchen with our little cookie monster kelly.where today we found a "magical way" for you to say . "ooh it's so good!!" " jessica rae: if you would like a copy of that recipe you can send us a self addressed
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news. our address is 625 douglas street. the zip...51101. be sure to write "christmas magic squares " on your request. or you can visit our website...siouxlan d matters dot com. and click on the mr. food logo.... jessica rae: coming up after the break... we have a a ecial guest live i i studio... to tell us all about givingng tuesday
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pedersen from stars... thanks for coming in! today, tuesday, december 1, stars will be participating in #givingtuesday - a movement to celebrate philanthropy and kick-off the holiday giving season. just as black friday and cycyr monday have become days that are synonymous with holiday shopping, the goal of #givingtuesday is to dedicate a day for giving back. it is an opportunity for people to take collaborative action to improve their
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supporting their favorite charities and causes. in 2014, the third year of the movement, #givingtuesday brought together 30,000 partners in 68 countries. stars has been providing persons with disabilities with animal assisted therapies for over 31 years. this year alone over 250 people from 2 to 96 were helped by animal assisted therapies. in support of #givingtuesday, i encourage you to make a charitable contribution to #give2stars. consider giving a donation as a gift in a family member or friend's name. there is no better way to celebrate the season of giving than by giving to a program that improves the lives of so many in our community. you can find more formation about #give2stars on our websititat
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under the 'events' tab. or if you would prefer to mail your contribution to: jessica rae: scott's up next with a final check donation as a gift in a family member or friend's name. there is no better way to celebrate the season of giving than by giving to a
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on the show today. "today, we're scanning your whole body, and tackling your health from head to toe. we've got solutions from your headaches, all the way down to those aching feet. we'veve got the latest breakthroughs for your thinning hair, and my favorite part
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they're proven at- home solutions that you can start with today. then, a juice that some experts say can relieve your body pains frotop to bottom." jessica rae: again that's coming up today on dr. oz at 4 o'clock right here on abc9. jessica rae scott: we'll have light snow and blowing snow today. tomorrow we'll start the day off with clouds and end it with sunshine. then warmer temps are ahead! today's high is 33 with flurries and light snow. the low is 24 overnight as snow completely ends. then tomorrow we'll see a high of 32 and partly cloudy skies. here's the 7 day forecast.
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