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tv   ABC9 News at 10pm  ABC  December 8, 2015 10:00pm-10:35pm CST

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skies. i'll be back with your full forecast in just a few minutes that now includes a small chance of snow. it's timemeor local news at matters! "that is not what islam teaches, it teaches to be kind " as political debate intensifies concerning an fear and is being felt locally "nats key in door " woodbury county may have an answer to concerns over overcrowding at it's jail. and it's the toughest of tickets... " ive been here for 30 years and i dont think ive seen anything like this." are you rose bowl bound ? tim: good evening and thank you for
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im tim seaman. jenna has the night off. the house of representatives overwhelmingly passed legislation today that would overhaul the country's federal visa waiver program. it would bar those from iraq, syria, iran and sudan, or those who have visited those countries in the last five years, from traveling to the united states wiwiout a visa. abc9's deborah souverain joins me live in studio with more on how one local musil regugee is responding. tim, that legislation comes on the heels of a plan by g-o-p presidential candidate ted postpone and limit syrian refugees from entering the u-s. and while goverment officials work on ways to protect americans from
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comments from donald trump about muslims is raising eyebrows across the nation. including right here in siouxland. donald j. trump is calling for a total and compliment shut down of muslims entering the united states until our country's representatives can figure out what the [expletive] is going on," said donald trump,op presidential candidate. that comment has politicians on both sides of the aisle...speaking out against gop presidential candidate donald trump. and for one local muslim refugee asylum seeker.... it's creating an atmosphere of fear and misunderstanding. "in my opninion it's wrong. people just have to understand that, that's not what our religion teaches not anywhere in the quran does it say it's okay to kill innocent people. it doeoe't say thatatou're not allowed to take anybody's lifefe fatiya adam...a muslim refugee from ethiopia..has been living in sioux city for two years. she works at the mary j. treglia center...helping other new comers....transition into life in america. however she's concerned comments like those from trump... are creating an atmosphere of hate. "that's not what islam teaches. islam teaches to be kind, to help your neighbor, to be kind to one another it doesn't matter what religion you are," said fatiya adam.
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concerned about how muslims are being perceived. "not very comfortatae, it's very d dturbing, we don't agree wiwi what mr.trump p id" said ahmad mohammad, imam of islamic center of siouxland. ahmad is the president of the islamic center of siouxland. in the wake of the recent terror attacks in san bernardino, california ...he wants others to know that the muslim community does not condone the violent acts of tremist. "these people have their own ideologies, their own agendas. they don't represent us, no," said mohammad. and as, the nation grapples with how to deal with a pending influx of syrian refugees...fatiya hopes proper education will foster acceptance, "don't judge a b bk bybyhe cover. reporting live in studio debah
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news. tim: gop presidentialal candidate donald trump has politicians on both sides of the aisle condemning his most recent comments concerning muslims.. in light of last weeks terror attack in california, trump says he wants to ban all muslims from entering the u-s. despite a swift bounce back from the white house and most of his g-o-p rivals, trump seems to be standing his ground. in des moines today, gop challenger carly fiorina was asked about trumpsremarks. "donald trumps over reaction is as dangerous as barack obama's under reaction. barack obaba, because he does not know how to fix the government or respond adequately to isis, is prepared to run over the constitution. so is donald trump. when we ignore the constitution, basically, donald trump is saying i don't know how to fix this. it's dangerous." jenna: fiorina continued to say trump's statements are in
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to say trump's statements are in direct response to ted cruz doing so well in the recent pllls... because she says he needed to find a way to get the spotlight back on himself. tim: woodbury county officials now have a better idea if a plan to expand the local jail is feasable. officer unlocking door to recreational center. a study by raker rhodes engineering shows that converting the roof-top recreational area into c cl blocks is a a ssiblity. there were previous concerns that the building could not withstand the weight of another floor. county officials say addititial space is neded relieve overcrowdi. currently, the aging prarie hills minimum security used to house overflow inmates with minor offenses. but that building needs millions of dollars in renovations and officials want to see it closed. "for the past couple
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had 4 or 5 inmates out there that qualify and it's hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep thatat place open every year," said major greg stallman woodbury county sheriff dederment. earlier thisevening the board of supervisors agreed to move forward wiwh plans to add c@ll blocks to the l- e-c's third floor. the next step is to have a design team c/me up with a plan to retrofit the third floor of the law enforcement center. as for the prarie hills facility...officials say they expect it to remain op for the next one to two years. tim: the 2016 iowa legislative session is just few weeks away.... and today sioux city city y ucil members and staff let local lawmakers know what issues are important to them this session. "legislative day" annually brings the groups together. although sioux city police currently do not wear body cameras, the city is looking for help in dealing with the growing demand for the cameras. the cost of video storage is one issue. another is policy related. police chief doug youngs says officers' jobs vary, and that could cause
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comes to releasing video to the public. "our contact, as you well know, is very persrsal. it might nonobe criminal, it might not bebe evidentiary, but it's a very personal communication that goes on there" says chief dave young, sioux city pole department. "i'm ok with it provided the individuals who are on the tape have an opportunity to release or authorize the release of that information" says pete groetken, city council. as for costs.... woodbury county paid 45 thousand dollars for it's cameras, and 25 thousand dollars a year for storage. with more officers, the sioux city police department expects to pay more. tim: anwhile there has been an uptick in the number of folks that want to carry a gun, and for several different reasons. one of them being that people are looking to ren five year permits to carry that will soon expire. another reason si that high profile politicians are talking about gun control and n violence is making headlines. after the attacks in paris and the recent shooting spree in san bernadino some
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it triggered a lot of people, a lot of time for me to be a little more prepared. " going to slow down after the start of the new year, in fact they coulpick up even more. people got their permit to carry in 2011 ... and they'll renew after the start of the year. jenna: for the iowa house is already getting support from a pair of state senators. jenna: jacob bossman is looking to claim iowa's 6th d dtrict house seat when current representative ron jorgensen retires after the 2016 session. a handful of people we on hand todayt morningside college when state senators rick bertrand and bill anderson both announced support for bossman. "i've known jacob for many years, we've had a long time friendship. he was a key part of my election in my campaignand so knowing his work ethic, knowing that he has the right values, and that he will do the work necessary to win this seat were important components for me." bossman, who is from sioux city,
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regional director for u.s. sen. chuck grassley since 2003. tim on cam did you get rose bowl tickets today ? if you did you are among the lucky ones,. by 2pm today (tuesday) there were already 39- thousand 500 fan ticket requests made to the univ ticket office.... that's for the 22- thousand tickets alloted to the hawkeyes. meanwhile tickets on stub hub are already up to 600 dollars. perhaps due i part to a large pre- sale of tickets by the rose bowl even before the e teams were announced. but there is still hope additional tickets will surface..... if iowa's opponent helps out. "in seeing if we can use some of thier tickets because traditionally standford has not used it's tital allotment, " said mark jennings, u of i assoc a-d. jennings has been at the university for more than 30 years..... and he says he's never seen anything this year's demand. coming up after the
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e makes its 2015-16 debut. stay tuned for action from 1212 games across thehe tri-state area up p ahead. (fred) tonight's ask fred question is "what is the coolest temperature it is safe to heat your house to?" the answer, and a look at a chance of snow this weekend, is coming up after the break.
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and the low w . highs over western iowa were in the 30s to the 50s! eastern nebraska and southeastern south dakota saw highs in the 40s to the 60s! in sioux city, we have 37 with a dew point of 32, so lows can't fall very far tonight with such high moisture levels in the air--note the lative humidity, which compares temperature and dew point--82 percent. local temperatures show 30s and 40s. winds are from the northwest generally at 5-10 miles per hour. wind chills are in the 20s and 30s. the satellite and radar shows today's cloudy weather disturbance moving through with clearing skies. the stormcast hd shows very quiet weather over the next 60 hours. tonight, look for mostly clear skies and a low of 32. tomorrow, expect partly cloudy skies and a high of 57! wow! the 7-day shows breezy winds thursday, and 5050 through h iday. a
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rive saturday, th a slight chanceof light snow late that will spill over into early sunday. breezy winds will follow monday. tonight's ask fred question is "what is the coolest temperature it is safe to heat your house to the answer is that, while you may wish for cooler temperatures overnight for sleeping, the daytime temperature should be no cooler than 68 to 70 degrees. cooler settings can le to hypothermia! tonight's winner is tina via email. tina wins 4 tickets to q102's birthday bash! we'll have another set of tickets next week, so keep those questions coming! (tim) thanks, fred. tim - fred on cam thats it for news and weather. but the high school basketball season is underway and that means sports zone is s ck...
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is underway and that means sports zone is back... heres chris and alex. chris: good evening everybody, basketball season is officially in full swing here in siouxland, so welcome into the first abc9 sportszone of the 2015-16 season. i'm chris palmquist. we have a dozen games on tap for you from all three statesesso let's dive right in with the action. we'll start on the westside...the wolverines hoing north in a metro matchup. late first quarter....dustin birkes spots up and connects from deep......stars down 14-8..... then with time expiring in the quarter......marqui se smooth....he had 22.. west up 17-8 after one... second quarter now,....jailen billings with the dime to ko noble.......north keeping it close on the road.... next west possession.....noa h mcwell...hits the
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stroke......wolveri nes on top 20-14..... but baomes north....billings leaves no doubt from three pnt land....the stars storm back and notch a huge road win..75-68 the final. let's head to the pit, heelan and sb-l squaring off. in the second...elijah hazekamp...drives to the rack...basket and the bonus...but the crusaders trail by 4. then hazekamp shows off the range...he tickles the twine from the corner to get the sbl lele down to three. but the big man, jackson wright answers with a head on three of his own next time down to open up a 6 point lead. then chris kroll...hesitates and gets into the paint to led it 37-29 at the break but heelan would win it on a kyrese peck tip in at the buzzer, 66-64 the final same teams in the girls match up
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earlier tonight. in the fir...lexie stolen, beats the defender off the dribble and gets to the rack...heelan cuts the sbl lead in half. but on the other end...abby nissen, money from deep...warriors open up a 5 point lead. rhea greer, under the hoop looking for help and finds it in grace hanno...she lays it home through traffic. early on though it was sb-l...josie clay gets the rebound and merrin van velzin finishes, but it's heelan coming out on top 59-46. up to the rushmore state...dakota valley hosting tea area. second quarter....panther s up by one.....sara bohan snags the offensive board and finishes.....dv takes the 14-11 lead... next trip down the floor....bohan collects the deflection.....and she makes it count.....panthers increase their lead to five..... a few minutes later...peyton wingerercrashes the glass and gets it to fall on the putbacac...dv startingngo pull
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then its claire johnson with the steal.....and she capitalizes on the other end....but the panthers drop a tight one, 43-41. chris: don't go anywhere, we still have 8 more games to get to...including the highway 20 rivalry...stay with us. 2 line name super:
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staying with of my favorite rivalries in suxland took to the court tonight. separated by just 6 miles, there's no love lost between lawton- bronson and woodbury central. tonight they squared off for highway 20 supremacy. we'll start with the boys game...cats and eagles. in the second quarter...clay baldwin, with the hard pump fake and drive to the rack...he gets the hoop and the hack...wc up 19-10. but then l-b finds their stroke from behind the arc...cody ricke connects the next time down to cut the lead to
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other side...and that makes it a two point woodry centl lead. but the cats answer...anthony gallagher...dials it up from distance and the hosts lead it 25-20. then gallagher kicks to baldwin...he catches and connects to make it a 6 point game. but with time running out in the half...keesten hanks...calm cool and collected...that makes s a one point game into the break.and that triple would be huge...eagles win it on the road, 56-53. in the girls half, we pick it up late in the second quarter...molly grell gets the ball in the corner, she go baseline and hits...eagles lead by 11 though. then it's ali verzani, nearly loosing the handle but connecting...she scored her 1000th career point tonight and lb led it at the break. in the third, grell, attacks into the paint to cut the lead to o . the
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for the loose ball down low...le binder is there to put it back...lawton- bronson went on a 23-0 lead in the 3rd and 4th quarters and pull away, 88-63. out in sloan.....fourth- ranked kingsley- pierson visiting westwoood..... first drip down the floor for k- p.....carah drees stuffs the shot and look at the runnin rebs.....meg holtz out in transition and she lays it in...westwood up early. a few minutes later....rachel mercer gets on the board for the panthers....she drills the three ball....k-p up one.... and then its mercer again.....this time on the block.....and one! the visitors open up a four point lead..... westwood would bounce back as drees finishes down low.......but k-p notches a nice road win........49-37 the final.
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showdown in hinton....the blackhawks hosting south o'brien...... picking things up fourth quarter......hawks by 11.....but shelby schueder pops and hits....wolverines cut the lead to single digits.... a few minutes later.....kailey burke goes coast to coast for hinton...speed kills.....blackhawk s up by 12..... then its savanna sickelka burying the three ball for south o'brien.....they made it a 10 point game with two minutes to plala... but hinton hangs on....burke again off glass.....blackhaw ks win it 48-36. let's head out to nebraska...bloomfi eld on the road at cedar catholic tonight, home opener for the trojans. first quarter.....megan leise with the three to begin the game..... later its brianna lammer with the board, takes it out and then knocks down the jumper........ next lady trojan possession...emily feilmeier connects from behind the arc.....hcc would gon on a 17-0 run to stata the game.... bloomfield's amber bruegman
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bleeding....getting the lady bees on the board with the jumper.....hcc wi it 62-42. and in the nightcap, the trojans and bees battling in boys newcastle wildcats hosting walthill in a doubub header. third's sophie noecker with the steal, takies it all the way for the bucket.... later h-n's belle harms with the turnaround jumper.... walthill's stephanie grant with the spin and the bucket.... hn's ryley eickhoff coast to coast for the bucket....wildcats win it 54-40. and in the boys' game...wildcats and blu jays...without the e. first quarter...deandre webster....spin layup....on the board., grayden hallowell...layup for the jays..... walthill fast
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fuelberth........ later on......ethan morten three for hn but walthill wins it 66-50. (fred) battling in boys action. let's stay in
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