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tv   ABC9 News Midday  ABC  December 17, 2015 11:30am-12:00pm CST

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sunshine in sioux city. temperatures range from the lower 20s to the lower 30s. the wind is strong - especially in northern siouxland where we have sustained winds of 15 to 25 miles per hour. the dayplanner falling from 30 into ththday. your full forecast is coming up - your news starts now. "announcer: "now sioux city, iowa... midday.... " " jessica rae: good morning and thanks for joining us this midday. i'm jessica rae. we begin this midday with news of the former band director at sioux city north high
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who has been formally charged with sexual exploitation of a minor 34-year old lucas sursely who recently resigned from his position as north director late last week, was arrested this and charged with sexual exploitation of a minor. which is a class d felony in the state of iowa. police have confirmed they situation high school teacher allegedly sending an innapropriate to a student at friday. news for further developments in this story. jessica rae: an update now from san bernadino california, law enforcement officials say federal prosecutors will likely file criminal charges against enrique marquez,the friend and former neighbor of one of the shooters marquez allegedly bought two rifles the shooters used in this month's masas killing. u-s officials say marquez told investigators he didn't know about the plans for the san bernardino attack. but officials say he admitted buying the rifles for farook ... and he and farook
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carry out, an attack in 20-12. . jessica rae: president obama san bernardino, california,tomorr ow. the white house says the president will meet with the victims in this month's the meetings will be held in private... knowowon ththpresident statements while in san bernadino jessa rae: after two threatening east and west week, a new terrorist threat has been made, this time in dallas texas. the warnings, similar to those against school districts in los angeles and new york earlier this week. the dallas police chief says the school was screened immediately for threats. last night we were with bomb dogs a a a by dallas s lice departmentntnd we took the threat very serious, we went to the schools, we swept those schools, feel very confident that the schools are safe. schools in dallas
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presence will be visible on campuses through-out the district. the terror threat is now part of an ongoing investigation. jessica rae: for the first time in nearly a decade the federal reserve announced an interest rate increase yesterday, hike since the financial collapse in 2008. fed chair janet yellen announced reserve is upping from a record low of zero to one quarter of a percent. "this action marks the end of an extraordinary 7 year period during which the federal funds rate was held near zero to support the recovery of the economy from the worst financial crisis and recession since the great depression." and while it may be a good sign for the economy... it may not be good for your wallet everything from your credit cards, to new car loans or mortgages, will cost a little more but the increase
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according to the board... we won't see a decision on the pipeline until next year. dakota access, the company installing the is pushing for a the state department of naturara a meeting in des to talk about thth impact of the pipeline. jessica rae: vermont senator, and democartic presidential candidate bernie sanders is planning a western iowa campaign swing on monday. the trip kicks off with a town meeting in sioux city at the boys club on pearl street and will continue with stops in storm lake, carroll, harlan, and council bluffs. sanders staff says he will discuss a wide range of issues including getting big money out of politics, combating climate change, and taking care of our aging population. jessica rae: hillary clinton made a stop in northwest iowa last night in mason city, where she held a campaign rally. and afterwards, clinton had a little bit of fun with one of her supporters. take a look (hillary clinton/(d) presidential candidate) what's your dad's name? hi
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hope you can see, i don't have horns and i really do hope as this election goes on you'll listen to your daughter. thanks bye. jessica rae: something wonderful happens when you ask people to give during the holidays. they do so in ways you would never expect. salvation army major von vandiver at bomgaars says a man handed major vandiver a one hundred dollar bill. he asked it be used to buy more toys for this year's operation toys. major von vandiver, salvation army says, "that is so humbling - it's cash - he saw the red shield [for salvation army] and knew we were going to take care of some ds at christmas time." today is the last day for the toy drive... you can bring a new, unwrapped toy to either sioux city bomgaars, our abc9 studio or the salvation army. then next week, parents will get to pick out the toys for their kids.
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the premeire of star wars the force awakens is already upon us. abc news' david muir gets an inside look at the new film. " force awakens nats - han solo to chewbacca, "chewy, we're hohohoho the opening of star wars: the force awakens almost here. jj to cast and crew, from bts - "we are here on day 1 of star wars episode 7, how incredible is that?" (cheers) track: director jj abrams has said he loves what creator george lucas set out to do from the very start: dm: (jj abrams said) harrsion ford: well-- (laugh) thank you. (laughter) yeah. i think that's true. nats star wars trailer, han solo speaking "it's true. all of it." dm: you've seen this thing. harrsion ford: oh. this thing. this big thing broll of carrie fisher on set dm: what do you think? carrie fisher: the
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are distressing, but everything else is really great. david muir: 12:11:00;05 but when they hehe that the partstsith ia in them are distressing- i gogoolder, and no one told me. and then they put me on a screen, really, really big, and they put me in-- what-hi def still of harrison ford and carrie fisher on star wars set 1977. dm: you spent so much time with harrison ford over the years, and on-- on this movie, that you ran out of things to say, except that you're still endlessly impressed by how svelte he still is? carrie fisher: 12:24:15;06 that is so annoying. men have one fat cell, and women have two to that one harrison looks really good, and he works at it, too, though. but he also was born with, y know, a dna jackpot type thing. we told him what she said: dm: i'm mostly interested in how harrison has stayed in such good shape all these years." harrsion ford: yeah, well. thank you, carrie. track: it was the tension between han solo and princess leia that fueled it all - here in empire strikes back. david muir:
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where you say, "i love you"? carrie fisher: i know. david muir: that's what he says. carrie fisher: i know. dadad muir: would he say that today? carrie fisher: yeah, he would. david muir: not wiser? still a wiseguy? carrie fisher: he-- he is still a wiseguy, but-- but we've all been through a lot, and we're trying to like, get it together. muir - do you get you that actor john boyega, bringing his storm trooper - for harrison to sign. dm: but do they-- harrsion ford: 13:36:59;01 they're-- david muir: 13:36:59;03 --have any idea what they're walking into? harrsionford: 13:37:01;25 (sigh) how could you know? (laugh) "you have no idea." no idea . " jessica rae: still to come... if you're planning on going to the theaters tonight, you may want to watch out for germs in the crowded cinemas. details on that when we come back scott: " "
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back. the almanac displays that we've reached a high temperature of 31 so far today. let's get a check outdoors on welding company skycam hd in sioux city. right now, temperatures are in the 20s and 30s. the wind is pretty strong from the west and northwest between 15 and 25 miles per hour. gusts pack even more of a punch h coming in near 30 miles per hour. here's the satellite
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where an area of snow is missing south and west while a second area of low pressure spins away to the northeast. we're inbetween where we can expect just some breezy conditions and quiet weather for a few days.let's get a look at our stormcast hd where we anticipate a breezy west and northwest wind to push through. as the day continues, we'll have some clearing will warm as we enter the weekend as highs get into the 40s with copious
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to be pretty quiet with no significant rain or snow chances moving forward. today's high is 31 degrees with some early clouds, then gradual afternoon clearing. the low tonight is 15 with mostly clear skies anbrisk conditions. tomorrow we'll make it to a high of 28 degrees and it'll be sunny. let's get a check of your 7 day forecast. jessica rae scott: jessica rae: plenty of folks
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theater this season. but like any crowded place, movie theaters can be breeding grounds for germs that can make you sick. one doctor, says the easiest way to prevent illness, may be one of the most simple. "wash your hands before you eat. that's one of the biggest things-it't'
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to the movie theater this season. but like any crowded place, movie theaters can be breeding grounds for make you sick. one doctor, says the easiest way to may be one of the most simple. "wash your hands before you eat. that's one of the biggest things-it's simple you know. go wash your hands make sure they're clean before you put any food in your mouth." elevator buttons, door handles, hand rails, concession stands, faucets, and video games are all places where germs can hide. dr. vyas says if you don't have access to a sink to wash your hand it's a good idea to carry hand sanitizer with you when you know you're going to be in places with a lot of people. and while germs are everywhere, they shouldn't stop you from having a good
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"it's important to know that even if they're there, you can take necessary precautions to avoid getting sick. it doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to get sick just because you touched those things." dr. vyas also urges folks to pay attention to at's happening around them. if someone nr you in the theater is coughing persistently, the best thing you can do is to get up and move. jessica rae: after the break... a documentary about a famous painting shown here at the sioux city art center is being previewed tonight. details on how you can get a peek at it.
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with....kevin and sean... who both travelled a very long way to join me this morning... thank you guys! you are here to tell us all about a documentary-- you made-- that will be airing tonight in sioux city, right? kevin kelley, a documentary filmmaker who works at the university of
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executive university of iowa museum of art, are two men of a film about iconic painting "mural," which hung at the ui in iowa city for decades. the film has embarked on a three-month tour will be showing sioux city art city. jackson pollock's s "mural": the stoto of a modern masterpiece is a new documentary produced by the ui in collaboration with the university of iowa museum of art. the film documents the truths and the myths surrounding this mammoth sized painting "mural, " considered by many to be the most important modern american
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is on a worldwide tour and currently display at the deutsche bank kunsthalle in berlin, germany, through april 10, 2016. it returns to iowa in 2018.
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a rich recipe for german chocolate
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german chocolate cake
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for your holiday party? well howard has a recipe for a german chocolate cake you have to try! here in the test kitchen n love finding the origin behind recipes.did you know german n chocolate cake is not from germany? it was actually created by a texas homemaker who named it after the chocolatier sam german, since she used his baking chocole in her cake. the recipe became so popular that it spread like wildfire, and became known as german chocolate cake. well, now we know how it was created, let me show you our shortcut version. after baking a box of chocolate cake mix according to the package instructions, we combine some sweetened condensed milk, butter and vanilla in a saucepan. we cook it until it thickens up. once it does we add some chopped pecans and shredded coconut. then we place one of the cooled cakes on a serving platter, and top it with half of the coconutty- pecan filling. then the other layer goes on and it gets fininied with the st of the filling. drizzle on some chocolate and get ready to dig into a cake that is so rich and decadent it's easy to see how it became so fast. i do hope you'll go online to get our recipe for, "the
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chocolate cake," so plenty of time for the hodays. i know you'll be glad you mr. food test kitchen, where today we found a "chocolaty way" (that started in texas, not germany) for you to say . "ooh it's so good!!" " jessica rae: scott's up next with a final check of our forecast.
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tonight is 15 with mostly clear skies
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make it to a high of 28 degrees and it'll be sunny. let's get a check of your 7 day's high is 31 degrees with some early clouds, then gradual afternoon clearing. the low toninit is 15 with mostly clear skies and brisk conditions. tomorrow we'll make it to a high of 28 degrees and it'll be sunny. let's get a check of your 7 day forecast.
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finally here.
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