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tv   ABC9 News at 10pm  ABC  January 5, 2016 10:00pm-10:35pm CST

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tt2w`tqr`cd! `txm\s4 tt2w`tqr`cd! axml_p tt2w`tqr`cd! @mxmgt\ tt4w`tqr`cd!" dz(l `>2h tt4w`tqr`cd!" en(l `n6( tt4w`tqr`cd!" gzh! `-r( tt4w`tqr`cd!" hnh! `=\d tt4w`tqr`cd!" iz(l `-vd tt4w`tqr`cd!" jnjn `?&$ tt4w`tqr`cd!" lzh! `]( tt4w`tqr`cd!" mnh! `-,@ tt4w`tqr`cd!" nz(l `_r@ tt4w`tqr`cd!" on(l `/v tt4w`tqr`cd!teens and 20s. the planner shows cloudy skies and 31 at 2 am, 34 and 6 am with chance of drizzle and light snow, and 33 at 10 am with a chance of drizzle and light snow. i'll be back in a few minutes with a look at mixed precipitation chances coming to siouxland over the next few days! it's time for local news that matters! ted cruz pushes back against the president's gun control plan... during a campaign stop in sioux control plan... during a campaign stop in sioux center. "in the iowa caucus make it absolutely clear we need a democrat, a democrat in the white house." hillary clinton asks sioux city voters to caucus for her on february first. and, a m mhunt is underway in
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"the problem is some gun sellers have been operating under a different set of rules." tim: good evening and thank you for joining us tonight im tim seaman jenna: under a different set of rules." tim: good e ening and thank you for joining us tononht im tim seaean jenna: and im jenna rehnstrom earlier today president obama unvield his plans for stricter gun laws tim: he outlined what his plans are. tim: background checks will expand for many, but not all private sales. however, it does include sales at gunshows and online. jenna: the government will provide more money for mental health treatment as well as more research into "smart" gun technology. tim: and states will be encouraged to report people who should be
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now while many are in favor of the president's plans republican presidential candidates tim: in a second- amendment sensative area like rural northwest iowa, the gun control control announcementprovided a perfect platform fofosenator cruz. " jenna, today's executive actions by president obama provided a perfect backdrop for tonight's apperance by@sen. cruz... now the gop ontrunner as this year's iowa caucuses near" " but, donald trump tried to steal the stage with a tweet earlier in the day, questioning cruz's eligibily to even be president. but cruz did not engage. once in front of his largest crowd of the day, about 500 at the dordt student center, cruz got his change to tackle the president. sot cruz- one of the things the media loves to do is gaze at their navels for h hrs on enenby a tweet by donald trump or from me, who ce? why do it? the best way to respond to this kind of an attack is to laugh and move on before leaving sioux center, senator cruz joined me for a one-on-one conversation. i asked him why there can't be a middle ground on guns in america.
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intend to do is to recend every illegal and unconstitutal executive order taken by this president sot 3- i understand that the media loves pushing that theme, that gets repeated a lot ill tell ya, the american people are tired of the obama admin..coming after our constitunana rights whether it was guns, ethanol or immigration, folks we talked to were optimistic after the event. reagen meyer, rock rapids, ia says, " i was pretty confidedt in ted when i came here tonight leaving now i am sold on his ideas, tonight really inforced my opinion ofim" jenna: also in siouxland today... was hillary clinton. she held a town hall meeting at the orpheum theatre in downtown sioux
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souverain attended the event... she brings us more. hillary clclton back in sioio city tuesday nats -- crowd cheering as she enters room... stumping on her "river to river" tour...less than a month out from the first in the nation caucus. "the stakes are too high," said hillary clinton, 450 people filled the lobby of the orpheum theater to hear from the democratic front runner who didn't hold back when talking about her gop rivals. "i think they really don't believe in civil rights, women's rights, or gay rights, or workers rights," said clinton. "they really don't believe" those same issues...clilion says she is concerned about. telling the crowd that if she becomes president.....she will work for all americans. "get to work to make the economy work for you and not just those at the top," said clinton. those in the crowd like ten year old... ciara boggs... were concerned about clinton's plans for the younger generations. ciara says, "she said that she'll be helping with social security." "i'm very worried as a grandmother of will have to march off to war," said iona michaelis, will caucus for clinton. "and one of the big topics this crowd wants clinton to address is president obama's plan to use executive action to expand background checks for gun purchahas, " said deborah souverain
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for what the president called for this morning with his executive order," clinton says she would uphold those changes..and push for further gun control reform. deborah souverain abc 9 news. tim: iowa senator joni ernst released a statement following the president's announcement saying quote: "i am opopsed to president obama's overreaching and unilateral actions; the american people should have a voice in this process instead
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approach that sidesteps congress and the people we were elected to represent. ernst says she remains committed to working to counter the president's decision locally, jenna: a lot of discussion surrounding president obama's executive action plan centered around strengthening gun laws to lower our country's gun olence. a gun kingsley iowa gununtore owner dave rem- en-s-sh-ni-der says that this past december , he sold around hald of his inventory. according to him, the customers kept rolling in which caused him to have several products on back order. he believes that the presiden'ts speech today could cause him even more traffic. "so we've sold a lot of guns here lately and i suspect with him talking about more gun control, i think sales will increase even more," said riemenschneider. riemenschneider offers conceal carry classeseand makes customers complete background checks before purchasing any gun. tim: a manhunt is underway in northeast nebraska as authorities in the niorbrara area try to find a man who got out of
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the knox county sheriff's office and multiple other agencies are searching for david hoffman. he's described as a 5'10" 150 pound native american man last seen wearing a black hooded sweatshirt and dark pants. they also say he has a distinctive tattoo on the front of his neck. this afternono, businesses and schools in niobrara, as well as niobrara state park, were put on lockdown while police searched the area. jenna: a former band director at norht high school who was accused of sexual misconduct by a school employee has pled not guilty today. according to court documents, sursely entered a written plea of not guilty to charges against him after police allege sursely sent explicit text messages to a 15 year old student of north high as well as a lewd picture late last year. sursely stepped down as band director at north high a few days before being arrested on those charges. jenna: tonya couch -- the mother of ethan couch, known as the "affluenza teen" -- will be returned to texas to face a felony count against her. a los angeles
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approved an extradition waiver for her in court today. tonya signed the extradition waiver and has been turned over to the l-a county sheriff's departmeme. she and her son were detained in puerto vallarta, mexico last week. ethan is still being held in mexico city. they fled the u-s after video appeared online that appeared to show the teen around alcohol which violates his probation. tim: new rules went into effect this morning for alcohol makers, distributors, and retailers in iowa. the iowa alcoholic beverages division has put together new guidelines for those planning to offer alcohol tastings or samplings. iowa's rules governing the practice had beeee written more than a decade ago, and have not kept up with the times and lacked clarity. the old rules didn't specify how much alcohol was in a taste or if it was different for beer, wine or liquor. the new rules provide clear guidance, as well as outline where tastings can occur and clarifies other important
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can be conducted in the marketplace. tim: another big poweweall prize is up for grabsbs wednesday night's drawing willlle for an estimated 450-mimiion dollar jackpot. it was initially set for 4-hundred- million dollars... but lottery officials say the surge in ticket sales caused an increase. the jackpot's cash value is now 275- point-4 million dollars. this is the sixth largest jackpot of any u.s. lottery game on record and the fourth largest powerball jackpot. jenna: dozens of siouxlanders got important questions about health insurance answered tonight, during a phone bank ts evening at abc9. the phone bank was staffed with local experts to help our viewers find insurance coverage through the health insurance marketplace. the deadline to enroll is january 31st, and if you don't have insurance, you could face penalties. if you're still looking for a plan for you or your family, there is still time to weigh you options - even if you already
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marketplace. julie brookhart, centers for medicare and medicaid says, "it really does pay to go back in and look at your options again, because we know more than 50% of people are finding cheaper plans at the same coverage level byoing in and checking out your options once again." you can explore options at health care dot gov. you can also get connected with local resources through that same website. jenna: still to come... a scary incident of a carjacking new mexico with a child ininhe back seat h h a happy ending (fred) this week's ask fred question is "please explain freezing fog." i will do that, and detail a wintry mix of precipitation headed our way in just a few minutes. it's time for local news that matters! " "
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ending. a woman's car was stolen over the weekend, with hej little three- year-old daughter inside. aaron drawhorn has the story: ""
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rushes to the rescue. this is the discovery that brought relief. (nats) little caraline leon-alcocar was found.... early sunday morning sitting on a curb in a parking lot. (nats) she was unharmed... (nats) but cold... (nats) caraline would soon be home... safe and sound. (ofc. tanner tixier/albuquerque police dept.) " while this was a horrible act, we had a great outcome with little caroline being found unharmed." a-p-d is still hunting for the man who stole the car with caraline buckled up inside. her mom was refilling water jugs right next to the car when the criminal jumped in and drove off. that vehicle could provide police key clues... as they comb the car again... inch by inch... c-s-i style. (ofc. tanner tixier/albuquerque police dept.) "see if we can pull any dna, fingerprints that we might've missed that night in just the cold and craziness of trying to find the young girl." the initial crime happened at the smith's near lomas and san pedro around`8:30 saturday night. the car found ditched at the saver's near carlisle and menaul. caraline was found near san mateo and indian school... just after 1 a-m. (ofc. tanner
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police dept.) "the happy ending is there. the only thing that could make it better, the cherry on top, would be getting this guy in hahacuffs." police have this grainy surveillance pic.they have the mom's description.n. and what caraline could say. now they're putting out a passionate plea to the public to find who was behind the wheel of this car. (voice of ofc. tanner tixier/albuquerque police dept.) "someone knows who this guy is. he's talked to someone, he got freaked out, someone can recognize him, come forward. help us catch this guy." (jenna) fred, what can we expect tonight? (fred) a bit of drizzle and
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2 line super: fred hexom fhexom@kcautv.c om (fred) the port neal welding company skycam hd shows the scene in downtown sioux city. we reached a high of 36 after a low of 17. sioux city currently has 34 degrees with a south wind at 16 miles per hour. local temperatures are in the 20s north and 30s south. winds are south/southeast at 10 to 20 miles per hour. wind chills are in the teens and 20s. the satellite and radar shows thickening clouds, and moisture headed our way in from southern nebraska and kansas. the stormcast hd shows clouds tonight and some drizzle or light snow late tonight and tomorrow. we have another chance for mixed precipitation thursday before a chance for light snow on friday, which appears to be an inch or less. your forecast for tonight is for drizzle/freezing drizzle and light snow. the low will be 28 early withrising temperatures. tomorrow, expepe a chance of light snow and drizzle. the high will be 36. the 7-day forecast shows mixed precipitation again thursday, then a chance of light snow friday. we could see 1". the other part of this forecast story will be the arctic air we see over the weekend. saturday ll be blustery with a high of 18, then sunday's high will only reach 7 degrees. saturday night and sunday night will see lows in the single digits. tonight's ask fred question is "please explain freezing fog." cloud droplets (which make up fog) can remain in liquid form even when the temperature is below freezing. the droplets are looking for surfaces to freeze upon, such as roads and bridges. freezing fog is usually seen between 14 and 32 degrees, but when the teteerature reacheheabout 14
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before they contact the ground. this is called ice fog. tonight's winner is bev reed from auburn, ia. tonight's ask fred prize is 4 muskies tickets for february 5! to enter, send a weather question to fhexom@kcautv.c om or enter on our abc9 news faceboook page! i'll answer the winning question on abc9 news at 10! (jenna)
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you bet. coming up in sports...west and south sioux battled on the hardwood in a ranked showdown. we'll have the highlights from a game that went down to the wire. tim plus iowa and nebraska renewed their rivalry on the hardwood. find out if f e hawkeyes couou keep their hot streak alive after the break.
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tonight was the only time iowa and nebraska will square off in basketball this season. for hawkeye senior and south sioux city native
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safe to say this is a game he'd love to win. but it's nebraska who strikes first...shavon shields...he scored 25 at carver hawkeye last year and he gives the huskers the early lead. then it's benny parker, hitting the triple from the corner...the huskers jumped out to a 10-0 lead to start the game. but here come the hawks, jarrod uthoff through traffic, finishes with the flush to cut it to 3. then uthoff, with the nice spin move, frees up some space and hits from close range...iowa trbils 22-21. but then it's the sioux crew...adam woodbury spins and draws the foul for the old fashioned 3 point play as the hawks take the lead. and gesell...absorbing the contact and finishing on the jumper. hawkeyes win their 5th straight over nebraska, 77-66. in other college basketball, creighton outscored georgetown by 11 in the second half as they pull away for a 79-66 win over the hoyas. the bluejays now 11-5 on the season, 2-1 in big east play.
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between south sioux and west is just about as one-sided as the globetrotters and generals. the lady cardinals have a 41-6 all-time advantage, butut the wolverines won the most recent meeting last season. the wolverines ranked 14th in 5a...the cardinals, sixth in class a. we pick it up in the 3rd...carissa powell with the theft and the lay- in...lady cards up 31-23. but west wakes up...madi jensen...the basket and the bonus...the lead cut to three. and she can stretch the floor too...she hits the triple and the wolverines would take the lead early in the fourth. that's when brianna moore gets to the rack for west, they storm out to a 46- 39 lead. back come the cardinals...august a thramer...hits the fallaway from the paint to cut the lead to five. then kori fischer...where is she i don't know i don't know? south sioux ties things
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holding strong, they break the press and rachel knutson-kobold lays it home to go back up 2. but south sioux had just a little bit more in the tank...thramer hits the step back jumper and the cardinals eke out a 56-54 win. let's head to sloan...westwood ranked 15th in the latest poll taking on hinton. in the third...paige metcalf finds kalie toben on the inbounds play...rebels up 34-27. but then kailey burke takes over for the blackhawks...she gets the board and the putback to cut the lead to five. then she goes coasasto coast for 2 of her 23...and it's a 2 point game. but time winding down in the quarter...meg holtz beats the buzzer on the jumper...westwoo d pulls away to win it 57-42. sb-l hosting dakota valley in an interstate battle this evening. in the third...warriors with nice ball movement, that leads to an easy josie clay takes
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then tied up late in the quarter untitiabby nissen beats the buzzer on the triple...warriors up 3 after 3. the panthers making a run...peyton wingert...hesitate s and drives to the rack but the deficit to 6. then she frees up some space on her own at the top of the key and hits the triple...but it wasn't protects home court with a 67-60 win. chris: over the past couple o o seasons, the sioux city musketeers have opened up a pipeline to espoo finland, bringing in players like walterri hoppenen, joel janatuinen and current forward teemu pulkkinen. but a sixteen year old might be the best of the bunch. eeli tolvanen leads the musketeers in scoring, with 13 goals and 16 assists in 25 games. that's the second best total in the ushl for rookies, but the leader has played five more contests. tolvanen isn't eligible for the nhl draft until 2017, but he's already considered a possible top ten pick and his talent has his coach speechless. jay varady--"eeli tolvanen's a...he's a...i
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describe it. he's an excellent hockey player, i was going to say generational talent, maybe. for me, he's one of the better players i've coached in my career, so that's 13 years of junior hockey and he's as good as any that i've coached in that time. he's really special. he's a 16 year old in the ushl, which is an extremely hard league to play in as a young player and he's shown that he can produce on a nightly basis." tolvanen and the musketeers are in cedar rapids on thursday and madison on friday. (fred)
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