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tv   ABC9 News at 5pm  ABC  January 8, 2016 5:00pm-5:30pm CST

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ground. the sherififwas able to determine that the occupant had not made i iin to work thahaday and vehicles were still at the home. arounc 1 pm human remains were found inside the home. those remains have been taken to the state medical examiner's offce for identification. the cause of the fire is still under investigation by the state fire marshall's office. jenna: the u.s. army corps of engineers is increasing releases from gavins point dam to prepare for the upcoming runoff season the releases will be raised from 17 thousand to 24 thousand cubic feet per second. the corps expects to keep the flowow high throuh february due to increased december runoff. the coprs says that based on current data they expect spring runoff to be average to slightly below average. tim: a concerning week on the stock marketnded with more losses today. the dow lost 1,079 points this week, or over 6%, as fears about china and crashing oil prices dealt wall street a painful one-two blow.
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start to a year on record, despite e the relative calal in china and a strong u.s. jobs reportrtthe dow fell 168 points on friday, whe the s&p 500 and nasdaq lost about 1% apiece. it capped off the dow's biggest weekly percentage loss since 2011. jenna: a car crash early this morning caused an unknown amount of fuel to spill into the storm lake watershed. authorities say the acccident happened a little after 7 this morning about ten miles north of storm lake. the rebrandt fire department was able to place booms about a mile downstream from the spill, but some fuel was able to escape. the iowa dnr is warning cattle producers not to use the stream for watering for a few days. jenna: a notorious mexican drug lord has been captured after nearly 7 months on the run. mexican officials confirmed earlier today that joaquin "el chapo" guzman has been recaptured escaping prison
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leader of the notorious sinoloa cartel at one point, the dea wanted the druglord here because he's been charged with several crcres in the us. . but no word if he'll be transferred across the border. tim: donald trump's campaign is regrouping after a wild rally last night. the gop frontrunner was met with protests during the event in vermont.. the home state of democratic candidate bernie sanders. meanwhile, maine's governor, a chris christie supporter, has ignited a firestorm with controversial remarks being called a racist rant. abc's kenneth moton has the latest from washington " today it's on to south carolina for donald trump but overnight, a volatile welcome in the liberal backyard of bernie sanders. nat "get em out of here! take em out" the gop frontrunner...interr upted, drowned out and screamed at by demonstrators in burlington, vermont. nat "get em outta here! don't give him his coat. keep his coat. hundreds of people cheered on the
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those protestors got the boot...many of them supporters of sanders. the vermont senator and trump couldn't be any more different on policy but their campaigns are both drawing big crowds. sot - ttw dowd bernie sandede and donald trump are fishing from a similar pond. which is independent voters who are working class whites. bernie sanders was quick to point out a recent quinnipiac university poll has him beating trump in a hypothetical general election match up...51 to 38 percent. sanders was on the phone with political group democracy for america while trump was in his home state. sot - sanders i would love love love to run against donald trump. it would be a dream come true. but there's another political controversy brbring involving chris christie and his supporter, maine governor paul lepage who said this about drug traffickers in his state. sot - gov. lepage: "these are guys by the name d-money, smoothie, shifty.""incidentally, half the time they impregnate a young, white girl before they leave." (kenneth standup close) this morning, lepage held a news conference to say he's not perfect and he blamed the media. christie's rivals pounced...demanding he renounce the maine governor. as of this morning, no response from christie. kenneth moton, abc
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jenna: schools across iowa are looking for innovative ways to o lp students excel in for innovative waysyso help students excel in science, technology, engineering and math courses, commonly known as stem. in the north cedar school district in cedar rapids, students as young as middle-schl age are learning through 3-d virtual reality. students have what they call "z spaces" to work along with a teacher during the lesson. glasses, which make items pop out of the screen. the district says it wanted to thousands of dollars into the equiuient to stay competitive with bigger districts and to prepare students for the future. " a lot of the jobs are going st related. like - rockwell collins or hanger prosthetics. they really delve deep into stem-related engineering and
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and it's just finding a niche for our students and what they can do ."> " the program is part of an expanded stem curriculum being pushed across the state of i ia. tim: the sioux city growth organization is yet again looking for new business ideas for it's 6th annual innovation market competition. the contest is designed to grow local ideas into viable business projects in the community. former winners include sprout stream and jackson street brewing company. the innovation market grew from an idea that sought to showcase the vacant office spaces in sioux city and has grown to promote entrepreneurship in the community. the event's organizer says the project is important for young people looking to get their business off the ground. "it brings together people who have an idea that they necessarily can't get off the ground. so our big slogan for this year is "kickstart your ideas". it's for us to
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business idea, your entrepreneurial you get your business off the ground." says scgo board member chris jackson. the event is scheduled for february 23rd here in sioux city. for more info you can head to our website at siouxlandmatters dot com. jenna: a new place to work on thosos new year's resolutions has opened in sioux city planet fitness is now open in the old bomgaars building on east gordon drive. the 25-thousand square foot facility is one of the largest in the franchise. planet fitness says what they offer is different than a typical gym. "i think what we bring to the table here is providing people an environment to a judgement free zone. they can come in, work out in a non-intimidating environment." say mike alberts; coo of planet fitness, omaha. the facility, whwhh days, already has over 1,000 members signed up. memberships start at $10 a month. still to come... suggests that dropping in the united states, but only for one
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we come back. fred: flurries ending and arctic air rushing in for a sioux-berian weekend... blustery and frigid forecast next. " " dad: i know. spots. culligan man: the problem is your water! anncr: a culligan whole-house water conditioning system gets rid of sediment or impurities. so keeping everything spotless is effortless. mom: hey. dad: the culligan man.
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culligan man: the problem is your water! anncr: a culligan whole-house water conditioning s stem gets rid of sediment or impurities. so keeping everything spotless is effortless. dad: spots. culligan man: the problem is your water!
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fred: jenna: tim: snow is ending, fred: 3.6" for sioux city. snow tapering off, some heavier bands still east. our whole system is pushing east, so areas west have already seen most part, east.. evening. flurries air moves in with below 0. nnw wind in place behind our front, frigid air from canada pushes south and it gets tomorrow.
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will clear but temperatures will stay around 10 degrees for a high quickly falling to single digits. saturday night, with clear skies and this arctic air mass in place, temperatures below 0, wind chills could go colder than 20 below. another cold sunday, temperatures in the single digits all day, a brief warmrmp monday before temperatures fall again on tuesday. just some safety reminders... limit time outdoors this weekend... wear layers, that's how your body stays warm... and bundle with hats, scarves, mittens. white and snowy on sky cams. there is our cold still holding in upper 20s. winds are breezy, which can also blow around that fresh snow too. wind chills in teens. tonight, 10 degrees,
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below 0 with gusts to 30. tomorrow, gradual clearing and blustery again. wind chills 20 below, gusts to 30. 7-day is frigid. 10 below as an air temperature, not wind chill saturday night. a brief warm up monday to 20, then another reinforcing shot of cold air tuesday, fred: still east. our whole system is pushing east, so areas west have already seen snow end for the most part, east.. should end this evening. flurries ending east, arctic air moves in with blustery wind chills below 0. nnw wind in place behind our front, frigid air from canada pushes south and it gets blustery tonight and tomorrow. will clear but temperatures will stay around 10 degrees for a high quickly falling to single digits. saturday night, with
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place, temperatures below 0, wind chills could go colder than 20 below. another cold sunday, temperatures in the single digits all day, a brief warm up monday before temperatures fall again on tuesday. just some safety reminders... limit time outdoors this weekend... wear layers, that's how your body stays warm... and bundle with hats, scarves, mittens. white and snowy on sky cams. 34 our high today. there is our cold arctic like air. now, still holding in upper 20s. winds are breezy, which can also blow around that fresh snow too. wind chills in teens. tonight, 10 degrees, flurries ending and cold... wind chills 15 below 0 with gusts to 30. tomorrow, gradual clearing and blusteryrygain. wind chills 20 below, gusts to 30. 7-day is frigid. 10 below as an air temperature, not
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up monday to 20, then another reinforcing shot of cold air tuesday, fred: still east. our whole system is pushing east, so areas west have already seen snow end for the most part, east.. jenna: new data shows that cancer rates continue to drop in the united states, but unfortunately only for one gender. with more, here's abc's dr. timothy johnson. " 1.5 million americans will face the diagnosis in 2016. cancer. the good news ?is that that's fewer than before. cancer rates are going down, according to a new study by the american cancer society. but this same report ? finds a big disparity between the sexes. cancer rates have dropped in men since 2009, but not in womeme-- where
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two decades. why? well part is due to changes in screening for men : a big drop in the diagnosis of prostate cancer, as routine prostate screening falls out of favor in recent years, since most of the cancers found were not life- threatening. but another difference? is that lung cancer in women is hitting a plateau because they now smoke earlier in life, and usually for longer. some good news for both men and women? death rates from cancer have dropped by 23 percent since 1991. a promising sign? that holds hope for everyone in the future. with this medical minute, i'm dr. timothy johnson." tim: powerball fever is sweeping the nation as saturday's jackpot grows to nearly a billion dollars. we'll have more on that
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this weekend's drawing for the powerball will be the largest lottery jackpot in u-s history. is estimated to be nearly 800-million dollars. that beats t t previous record -- set in 2012 by mega millions... at 656- million dollars. ... and if you won the powerball--- you would ve made more with one ticket than some of the world's highest paid celebrities. like floyd mayweather... taylor swift... garth brooks and singer katy perry... combined! even if you took the cash payout-- which is more than 428 million dollars-- you could still top
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tim: that potential pay-out is leading to long lines for tickets. t your odds of winning -- also went up recently. abc's brandi hitt reports from los angeles. " nats -- "right there... there's the winner!" powerball fever is sweeping the nation... sot -- jose hernandez, playing powerball now building to the biggest jackpot -- ever! nats more than 800 million dollars and counting. sot -- shay vogel, primm valley lotto store just look at the massive line in primm, nevada. sot -- "we've been waiting 2 hours!" " sot -- man: "it's nothing but money! woman: "it's well worth the wait!" sot -- "everybody's got a dream." nats -- "next!" millions -- hoping to "cash in" the winning ticket... after 18 drawingwith no jackpot. sot -- "get ready everybody..." sot -- gary grief, chair, powerball for musl the reason -- the odds of winning are now larger too. you still need to match five red balls and one white ball... but in october... it became more difficult... when the number of white balls went up -- from 59 to 69... and the number of red balls went down from 35 to 26...
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of winning from 1 in 175 million... to 1 in 292 million! most know how they'd spend the money -- immediately. sot -- marty mares, playing powerball sot -- bobby gaskins, playing powerball ((on camera tag)) tickets are selling so quickly now for saturday night's drawing.... lottery officials say they're on the verge of creating the first ever lottery billionaire. brandi hitt -- abc news -- los angeles. " after the break... we'll have a " after the break... we'll have a special guest in studio to tell us more about an upcoming event that brings area churches together for a musical
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with....eleanor tasker, director of the handbell choir and don nelson with grace
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twelfth night ring handbell festival when: 4:30 p.m. sunday where: central baptist church, 4001 indian hills drive, sioux city cost: free this 35th annual festival features bell choirs from nine area churches showcasing christmas music along with other selections.this 35th annual festival features bell choirs from nine area churches showcasing christmas music along with oth selections.
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their arms forward and quickly flick their wrists bacac producing the pure ringsgsf handbell is impressive. however, handbell performer gale horan wants you to know it doesn't take a musical genius. the 32nd annual twelfth night handbell festival this weekend at central baptist church will bring together a variety of faiths and talents of musicians to ring out the music of the season. the appeal of handbells for hohon, a member of st. john lutheran church is the ability to play music with others. "our combined efforts work to make a beautiful song," she said. "it is an amazing feeling to go through the process of starting out a song that appears to be difficult/above our ability, and
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at knowing 'we did it' when to start with it seemed so out of our reach to be able to put that song together." charity koehler, director of the st. john bell ringers, likes the variety a handbell choir is allowed. "a bell choir can consist of inexperienced and experienced musicians," she said. "the difficulty levels of the music have a wide range in order to allow children and professionals to have fun and be challenged musically." the st. john choir consists of people from all walks of life, koehler added. "bell choir allows them to come together and have music be the common thread," she said. "one of my choir members, judy nelson, told me she really enjoys the fact that bell choir is something her and her husband, jim nelson, can do together. both
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ends of the musical talent
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tonight, 10 degrees, flurries ending and cold... wind chills 15 below 0 with gusts to 30. tomorrow,
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wind chills 20 below, gusts to 30. 7-day is frigid. 10 below as an air temperatate, not wind chill saturday night. a brief warm up monday to 20, then another reinforcing shot of cold air tuesday,
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breaking news tonight. the video just released. ambushed. the man taking aim and shooting right into the car. authorities say he pledged allegiance to isis.
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bloody shootout.


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