tv ABC9 News Midday ABC January 20, 2016 11:30am-12:00pm CST
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>> made in georgia joining us this midday. we have some as we look out over top of the ho-chunk temperatures are in the 20s and 30s throughout the look at the dayplanner where to a high of 30 degrees. your complete forecast is coming up - your news starts now. "announcer: "now live from kcau-tv in sioux city, iowa... this is abc9 news this midday.... " " jessica rae: good morning and thanks for joining us this midday. donald trump was in iowa today fresh off the announcement of
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by a familiar face when it comes to presidential politics. jessica rae: trump made a stop in norwalk iowa earlier this morning and he was joined by the most recent political celebrity to endorse him... former alaska governor sara palin. yesterday, palin endorsed trump saying with trump as president, america would no longer apologize. she also came after some trump detractors who say he's not conservative enough. " " well now what they're doing trump and his trumpeters they aren't conservative enough. oh my goodness gracious what would the establishment know about conservativism." " after their appearance in norwalk, the pair headed to tulsa, oklahoma for a trump rally. jessica rae: vermont senator bernie sanders made a swing through the hawkeye state yesterday. he was at a campaign event in fort dodge. where he spoke about his thoughts, if trump were to be selected as the republican to run the race to the white house, sanders says he would be the democratic candidate to defeat him, not hillary. " " "
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saying that it is for the future of our country, it is absolutely imperative that trump or any of these other guys not be elected president. but what is not true is the suggestion that she is the strongest candidate to defeat trump and others." sanders brought his campaign back to sioux city last night... jessica rae: with the gap in iowa between himself and hillary clinton now nearly gone... judging from what he had to say to more than 1,000 people at the orpheum theatre, sanders seems convinced caucus night in iowa could be a big night. abc9 news anchor tim seaman has more on his sioux city swing. take pkg tim seaman " despite cold january weather.....the "bern" was on tuesday night at the orpheum in sioux city. an obviously younger crowd democratic candidate bernie most not even born when the 74 year old started his political career. kelly law, usd student "ya know i didnt know much about him i knew he was a sen from vermont, but i like whate he's said so far and i respect
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since 1980 , 1970 whenever he first entered so hes someone that i look forward to seeing more about," said usd sophomore kelly law. tim seaman now just 2 points back of hillary clinton in iowa according to the latest des moines register poll, sanders didnt miss the opportunity to tell students in the crowd he is serious about getting an affordable education. sen. bernie sanders "100 years ago a high school degree in many ways got you a decent job, got you into the middle class. by in large today a college equivilant of what a used to be 50 years ago," bernie sanders. tim seaman vermont senator released his health care plan that provides medicaid for all. it's still unclear how the single payer system would change u-s health care but sanders says insurance companies need to change the way they do buisiones bernie sanders "the function of private insurnace companies is not to provide qualioty affordable health care its to make as much money as they can," said sanders. tim seaman the event was not a dem's only rally.... self professed republican bob morresy of sioux city told me sanders' focus on the middle class rather than
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clinton of doing, is hitting home. bob morrisey, sioux city " my income isn't that high, i'm a middle of the roader personally i'd be very well off with talking about. countrywise i dont know but personally, yea," said bob morrisey of sioux city. jessica rae: the state has withdrawn a plea agreement with a man who is accused of county teens drunk. jessica rae: trevor feauto will now stand felony counts of vehicular in connection to the deaths of two 16-year-old girls. and lindsey quirk, lake, that crash. authorities say feauto was the driver of a pick-up truck that collided with the sac county back in august of 2014. the sac county the plea agreement was withdrawn because the family didn't feel it was a severe enough punishment. the trial is expected to begin in april or may. jessica rae: authorities in nebraska are investigating the shooting death of a bald eagle in cedar county. according to nebraska game
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the bird was found shot on sunday in rural cedar county about three miles southwest of yankton. authorities say the bird was found with four pheasants that had also been shot, two of which were shot illegally. bald eagles are a federally protected species and those who kill them can face up to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars in fines. jessica rae: the u-s supremem court will begin hearing arguments over whether a siouxland town should be considered part of the omaha indian reservation. the issue arrose in 2007 when the tribe's sought to impose liquor taxes on the community of pender. pender says the city is not part of the reservation because the land that makes up the town was sold to them by the tribe back in the 1880's, but lower courts have repeatedly ruled despite not being owned by the tribe, the land sold to non native people still makes up part of the reservation and the tribe retains sovernty. are expected to begin today. centurylink has
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center in sioux city, displacing 47 employees. a spokesperson for the call center confirmed it shut down on friday. nancy devinay- mcneley says the closure is part of "century link's ongoing effort to remain competitive by reducing our cost structure and achieving operational efciencies." the work from sioux city's center will be transferred to a site in utah. the 47 employees were given the option to follow the work to utah, apply for other jobs within the company or accept severance packages. jessica rae: a recent ient at a local restaurant started a heated converstation on social media... after a nursing mother was refused a glass of wine. but, two local educators say it's an opportunity to clear up information on the subject. over the weekend, a sioux city woman says she was refused a glass of wine at diving elk because she nursed her baby at the restaurant prior to ordering. because of the negative backlash online, she didn't feel comfortable sharing her story
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but, caroline, who's a certified breastfeeding educator, says one or two drinks... wouldn't have caused any harm. "the amount of alcohol that's trasnfered to baby is miminal. the amount that alcohol will effect your blood alcohol content is minimal if you are sober enough to drive you're sober enough to breastfeed your baby," caroline johannes. there are currently no laws that prevent a nursing woman from consuming alcohol. and restaurants have the right to make their own policies in regards to the issue. jessica rae: the norfolk city council will soon be looking at some very important zoning changes. here's paul hughes with the details. " the norfolk city council has approved the temporary appointment of two members to the zoning board of adjustment for an appeal hearing monday night. at last night's meeting, the council approved two temporary appointments to replace two regular members of the board who have a conflict of terest in the case being appealed. eagle distributing and swad, llc want to change the zoning on property so it can be sold to our savior lutheran church. vulcraft and other industry in the area object.
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natural resources district is starting work on a drought mitigation plan to better prepare for the area's next dry spell. jeff henson with jeo said the plan would be financed through a fema hazard mitigation assistance program grant. work has begun on a power line project in northeast nebraska. nebraska public power district officials say a 345,000-volt line will be run 39 miles from a substation southwest of hoskins to a new substation northeast of neligh. a helicopter being used to string shield wire could distract motorists. those and more stories can be heard on news talk wjag, lite rock 97.5 and 106 kix . " jessica rae: a local doctor has recently been recognized for her contributions to the dangers of radon gas dr. cynthia wolff from akron was named the recipient of the president's award at the north american primary care research group's annual meeting. wolff, was honored for her commitment to inform her community about
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radon is a tasteless, oderless gas that kills 400 iowa's annually from lung cancer. wolff said she is humbled to receive the honor. so far she's given out 750 radon home testing kits since 2012. jessica rae: mcdonald's is turning french fries into a dessert item... but you have to go to japan to taste the fries smothered in chocolate. mcdonald's japan announced it was adding the "mc- choco potato" to its menu. the french fries are drizzled with milk chocolate and white chocolate sauce. the fast food giant says the combination creates what it calls "a wonderfully salty and sweet harmonious taste." jessica rae: still to come... in just a few days the ragbrai route will be announced? we'll take a look at that when we come back. scott:
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have a pretty quiet pattern as we move toward the weekend. right now temperatures are in the 20s and 30s and we have a light breeze from the southeast at 10 to 20 miles per hour. tomorrow, we'll have some light snow move through associated with a larger system that will primarily miss to the southwest. it looks like we'll pick up between a half inch and an inch of snow occuring thursday afternoon and lasting into ver early friday morning. friday will be a touch cooler before 30s come
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forecast today calls for a high of 29 with mostly cloudy skies and a light breeze from the southeast. tonight's low is 17 with clouds. tomorrow's high is 27 with light snow arriving late. here's your 7 day forecast. jessica rae scott: outdoors on the port neal welding company skycam hd in sioux city. yesterday, most of siouxland picked up between 1 and 2 inches of snow. we have a pretty quiet pattern as we move toward the weekend. right now temperatures are in
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we have a light breeze from the southeast at 10 to 20 miles per hour. tomorrow, we'll have some light snow move through associated with a larger system that will primarily miss to the southwest. it looks like we'll pick up between a half inch and an inch of snow occuring thursday afternoon and lasting into very early friday morning. friday will be a touch cooler before 30s come back for the weekend. your forecast today calls for a high of 29 with mostly cloudy skies and a light breeze from the southeast. tonight's low is 17 with clouds. tomorrow's high is 27 with light snow arriving late. here's your 7 day forecast. jessica rae scott:
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organizers have a big announcement coming up this saturday they'll be revealing the overnight towns for the 44th ride across iowa. the live announcement can be seen on their website, ragbrai-dot-com or tune in to abc9 for more ragbrai updates. jessica rae: after the break... who says apple pie has to only sweet... how about a little cheesy too, howard has this unique recipe
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our apple pie with whole new way. just wait until you see what we do. you're going to love it. it's time to name a and this month we want to salute "one of" the most popular cheeses in america cheddar. it used to cheese in the country, but as pizza consumption rose over the years, cheddar took a back seat to mozzarella. so whether it's white or yellow, mild or extra sharp we love all the things we can do with it. after all, it's just as at home in a grilled cheese sandwich as
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cheese. so this past week we've been trying to find a few new ways to use cheddar and one that really stood out was this all- american twist on apple pie. we start by lining a pie plate with either a "refrigerated store bought", or homemade pie crust, that's up to you. then we will fill it with thinly sliced apples that we tossed with some sugar, flour and a bit of cinnamon and nutmeg. now rather than topping this with a traditional crust, we finish it with a combo of rolled oats, brown sugar, butter and some shredded cheddar before baking it. what we end up with is everything we love about a homemade apple pie with the welcome addition of cheddar, whichmakes it truly to- die-for. i do hope you'll go online and get our recipe for, "cheddar crumb topped apple pie," so you casurprise your gang with our cheese of the month in a way they'll never expect but certainly will love. i'm howard in the mr. food test kitchen, where today we found a "unique way" for you to say . "ooh it's so good!!" " jessica rae: if you would like a copy of that recipe you can send us a self addressed stamped envelope here to a-b-c 9 news. our address is 625 douglas street. the zip...51101. be sure to write "cheddar crumb topped apple pie " on your request. or you can visit our website...siouxlan d matters dot com. and click on the mr. food logo.... jessica rae: coming up after the break... it's something you don't think about on a cold winter day but new researchsays your gloves we'll explain how, after this.
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plunging your be keeping you warm... but could they also be making you sick? it turns out... they could be crawling with germs. abc's becky worley has the details. "they hold railings, open doors, push strollers and sometimes they do that. so what germs are on our gloves? becky: can i swab your gloves? we took to the snowy environs to swab wool...leather nylon... (becky swabbing sherrod's glove) sherrod: "hey!!'re really getting in there!" becky: "i'm serious!" we tested for bacteria and viruses b: how often do you wash your gloves? m: never. i mean i just never thinkabout it. we even swabbed some of our fellow abc news employees. (becky swabbing nia's glove) nia: i have a cold too.kind of scared to see what'll happen. becky swabbing joanne's gloves: oh yeah, these have
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becky: first one for bacteria. how come you're holding your own gloves like this? joanne: well now you're making me feel self-conscious about them (laughing) the results? 26 of the 27 samples we tested were positive for bacteria. while most are harmless, 9 of those tested positive for bacteria like staph and mrsa, which could be harmful if they came in contact with an open wound. and one sample with the corona virus, which doctors say is one of the causes of the common cold. gma staff reax niastaph! joanne sot : my gloves are disgusting. mary sot "so i had staph? that's scary." sherrod-sot: "i think i'm going to be more conscious about my gloves like where i put them." dr. susan whittier/ director of clinical microbiology service, new york presbyterian, columbia university medical center "every time your glove comes into contact, you're taking away some of the bacteria that was on that surface." but here's the good nedr. whittier says on gloves - bacteria and viruses may not last very long - in some cases, maybe just hours or tes. dr. susan whittier/ director of clinical microbiology service, new york presbyterian, columbia university medical center "it's not gonna be alive on the glove for very long because it has nothing to help it survive. experts say don't keep your gloves balled up in your pockets- let them air dry. wash gloves often, and dr. whittier says you can even use a
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what's coming up on the show today. "these days we are bombarded with headlines of tragic news, and that affects our health. a recent poll says americans are more fearful about terrorism now than any other time since 9/11. life coach iyanla vanzant is here to help us overcome our fears and anxiety. then, the raging debate over the safety of crib bumpers. are they really safe? we conduct our own investigatn to find out what's really going on." jessica rae: again that's coming up today on dr. oz at 4 o'clock right here on abc9. jessica rae
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calls for a high of 29 with mostly cloudy skies and a light breeze from the southeast. tonight's low is 17 with clouds. tomorrow's high is 27 with light snow arriving late. here's your 7 day forecast.your forecast today calls for a high of 29 with mostly cloudy skies and a light breeze from the utheast. tonight's low is 17 with clouds. tomorrow high is 27 with light snow arriving late. here's your 7 day forecast. " " jessica rae: welcome back. today i'm here
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