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tv   ABC9 News at 5pm  ABC  January 25, 2016 5:00pm-5:30pm CST

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curriculum can for first time voters. pate's initiative is aimed at high schoolers getting set for their first voting experience. pate's office has provided a curriculum for teachers to use their students al as well as the importance of iowa's famous country caucus. says the passion secretary pate from youngsters in the classroom is impressive went and watched a couple mock caucuses and these young people were very, very enthusiastic when they were breaking into their sessions tim: teachers or first time voters tim: teachers or first time voters looking to learn more about caucus 1-0-1 can easily access education materials and other information pertaining to the
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the secretary of state's website. there's a link to that website at siouxlandmatters- dot-com. tonight at six, we'll take a look at one local college that's teaming up with a group of voters from implement a cacus 1-0-1 course of their own, jenna: presidential candidates are working hard to shore up support ahead of next monday. and as all eyes turn to the hawkeye state - there is now speculation that a second billionaire could join the race. abc's kenneth moton is in more. " " kenneth moton live intro: the candidates have a jam packed schedule in iowa with a few stops in new hampshire this week. pkg script: the final sprint to the iowa caucuses... sot - donald trump / (r) presidential candidate " it's crunch time folks. i mean, i wanna win iowa, i really wanna win it. sot - hillary clinton / (d) presidential candidate " i know some of you are still shopping. i like to shop too." 7 days to go and the candidates for president have the hawkeye state in their sights...all week. bernie sanders...with the biggest crowds. nats - "woah there's a lot of people here" donald trump...also
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frontrunner feeling unstoppable. sot - donald trump / (r) presidential candidate "i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose voters." but there's word another billionaire could join the race. abc news has learned former new york city mayor michael bloomberg will consider an independent run after super tuesday in march... clinton responded on nbc's meet the press. (nbc - meet the press) sot - hillary clinton / (d) presidential candidate "the way i read what he said was if i didn't get the nomination he might consider it. well, i'm going to relieve him of that and get the nomination so he doesn't have to." clinton raked in the endorsements over the weekend. nats "...ted cruz yells..." this morning, ted cruz got the support of former texas governor rick perry. but it's sarah palin's endorsement of trump that brought the laughs on saturday night live... (saturday night live) natsot -- darrel hammond: "she's a firecracker. she's a real pistol. she's crazy, isn't she?" tina fey: "ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka- ka!" kenneth moton oncam close: recent polls for iowa still have trump and sanders in the lead. today alone, all of the candidates have more than two dozen campaign stops in iowa planned. kenneth moton, abc news washington tim: former republican
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texas governor rick perry is cruz for president. people who have a primary right now, he believes most consistent conservative." and referencing the tight contest between cruz and front-runner donald trump, he said the primary race appears to be down to two be down to two perry dropped his bid last september. he also ran for president, last time around... in 2012. perry's high- profile support for cruz comes at a critical juncture in the 2016 primary, with the iowa caucuses just days away and endorsements beginning to pile up. jenna: ted cruz poked some fun at his competition during a stump speech today in iowa in maquoketa. ending his stump speech at the jackson county fairgrounds, cruz encouraged iowans to pray and cited a passage from the book of chronicles. he was interrupted by a man in the third row, who shouted "two corinthians!"
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trump. trump has been widely mocked for new testament book as "two rather than corinthians". tim: senator bernie sanders is campaigning in iowa today ahead of tonight's c-n-n town hall. at an event in ames... a woman told the democratic presidential hopeful of her struggle to support herself and her children. " i worked three, four, five jobs sometimes always minimum wage. i have a degree. i'm divorced...waiting for disability to come through so my parents have to support me. (cries) it's just hard." (sanders) "thank you.... thank you." sanders listened to several other people with similar stories during the rally. the town hall will air on c-n-n tonight (monday) at nine p-m eastern. jenna: two families were displaced after a fire at an apartment complex in vermillion on sunday morning. crews were called out around
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an apartment building on lincoln street. fire crews were able to locate the fire in one of the back rooms of an it out killed ithe fire. the two families getting assistance from the red cross. fire is still under investigation, but it is believed to be accidential. a manhunt is still california for inmates...who escaped an orange county jail friday. one inmate is accused of murder and another accused of torture. leiutenant jeff hallock said monday the escapees cut through a quarter-inch metal plate...crawled through plumbing tunnels to the roof...and elled four to five stories ....using sheets.. they believe a fight that happened around 8-pm on friday to distract and delay a head authorities say the search for the escapees has expanded beyond southern california. jenna: the massive east over and the clean up is underway -- but things will not quite be back to
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cities are encouraging their citizens to continue to be patient. scott mclean has more " " usual monday -- for east coast cities like baltimore, york, and the washington, dc area as they continue region's major weekend blizzard. baltimore mayor, blake said the clean (mayor stephanie baltimore, maryland) the snow removal more complicated that just pushing off to the side. this morning, dc mayor muriel bowser asked people to continue to stay home. (mayor muriel bowser, washington, d.c.) it's important to know that the roads are still dangerous. please stay in, so you don't get stuck. in philadelphia, the airport resumed service sunday and septa officials said most mass transit will slowly get back online throughout the day in new york most area subway and rail lines are running today. mayor deblasio encouraged residents to avoid driving -- or even digging out their cars. (mayor bill de blasio, new york city) leave your car where it is. don't try to shovel it out today. and here in washington, dc area, the federal government, as well as maryland and virginia state governments are closed again today as officials continue their very expensive clean up efforts. (gov. terry mcauliffe, virginia) i believe that at the end of the day this will probably be our most expensive snow
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this storm could cost between $350 to to clean up. that lost revenue, and cleaning up all the snow. in washington, i'm scott mclean reporting. jenna: ron campbell, an award winning screen cartoonist landed in sioux city this morning tim: for three days there will be an exhibit at the vangarde arts in downtown sioux city. and our elisa raffa is there now and she joins us with more.. elisa.. elisa tim and jenna...
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and out as the exhibit just officially opened at 4 o'clock today. ron campbell has some of his post career paintings on display here, things he's been working on in his retirement. some of the characters on these paintings may look familiar to you. ron campbell is an award winning screen cartoonist. 50 years in the business, peabody awards... campbell has worked as an animator, director, producer, and story editor on many cartoon films. just to name a few that should be familiar.... yellow submarine, smurfs, scooby the jungle, flintstones, the jetsons, teenage uutant ninja turtles.... this morning i sat down with him and asked of all the characters he's worked on... which one he's most like? "that i'm most like?! golly... cool mccool... how's that?! (laughs) that's an odd question, i'm not like any of them really... they're all crazy characters" says ron campbell, retired screen
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such a great response! campbell also told me he loves coming out and meeting the people who are touched by his animations. just look at some of these incredible paintings.... works of art and a splash of most everyone's childhood. you gotta come down and check this out... the last day is wednesday here at vangarde arts. for now im going to toss it back to you guys in ststio reporting live in downtown sioux city elisa raffa abc9 news jenna: thank you elisa for that report looks like a lot of fun! jenna: still to come... when winter hits it can often affect our emotions, well have more coming up stay with us. have more coming up stay with us. fred: (fred) little to no more snow is expected, and we have warmer temperatures in the 7-day forecast. we'll see 40s by friday! the
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stay with us! " " tim:
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game. resale price of a ticket to the february 7th game between the carolina panthers and denver broncos is $5,178. that's according to ticket price tracker seatgeek. a pair of club seats near midfield have already sold for $12,100 each, making them the most expensive seats sold so far. super bowl 50 will be played in levi's stadium in santa clara, california. nna: mcdonald's
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to be lovin' it. the fast food restaurant has seen a jump in same-store sales by more than five percent. mcdonald's is crediting its all day breakfast for the better-than expected revenue and earnings report. it's the second consecutive quarter that mcdonalds has seen domestic same-store sales growth... but it's not growing only in the u-s. mcdonald's also saw same-store sales rise five- percent worldwide. (tim) fred, i'm glad to hear thth warmer weher is coming.
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fred: (fred) the hd radar shows light snow pushing east. road conditions show that we have widespread light snsn cover on roads. the port neal welding company skycam hd shows cloudy skies. 31 was the high today and 27 the low. in sioux city, we have 26 degrees and light snow. winds are strong--northwest at 25 miles per hour. temperatures are in the 20s. wind chills are in the single digits and teens. winds are northwest at 10 to 25 miles per hour. gusts are 35 miles per hour in sioux city. we have a combination of blowing snow and fog. visibility is less than a mile in tekamah. the satellite and radar shows snow moving east. the east coast snowstorm is now history, but it won't be forgotten anytime soon. shepherdstown, wv saw an incredible total of 40.5" of snow. round hill, va saw 36.3". new york's jfk airport received 30.5". baltimore, md got 29.2". newark, nj had 28.1". central park in new york got 26.8". the stormcast hd shows the low moving east and taking the snow with it tonight. we'll thenen see quiet weathehe with cloudy skies tomorrowownd a bit more sunshine wednesday. thehenow forecast shows another half inch or so of accumulation across the east. the rest of us will not see any more measurable snow.
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19 with snow ending. foggy and breezy conditions will persist. tomorrow, look for a typical january da the high will be 30 with mostly cloudy skies. the 7-day shows a warmup to the 40s friday, saturday, and sunday. no significant chances of snow will be seen after tonight. fred: tim:jenna: (jenna) thanks, fred!
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the winter weather can have an effect on your emotions. we'll look at winter and depression, coming up. tim: winter can be a
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esesesstorm we just saw, a lot of folks just want these dreary days to go away. but there are ways to fight the winter blues. here's holly firfer with today's health minute. " " even if you love the cold and outdoor winter sports, you've got to admit this has been a tough seseon. not only i iit brisk outside, but shorter days and longer nights can bring on the blues. it's estimated at least 12 million americans suffer from a type of
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disorder or sad. doctors say in severe cases people with sad become depressed. many patients claim they just can't function. that's because the brain goes through a chemical imbalance due to a lack of sunlight, which can lead to a number of symptoms... such as fatigue, lack of energy, oversleeping, difficulty concentrating and cravings for foods high in carbohydrates that can cause weight gain. there are ways sad can be treated. modify your diet and exercise more. there are specially designed light boxes that are used to treat those with sad and if the problem becomes serious, some doctors will recommend anti- depressants or psychotherapy to help patients get through the dark days of winter. and be with family. laughter and togetherness are great therapy for r the winter bluesesit's a perfect way to ay warm, even if the temperatures outside are frigid for today's health minute, i'm holly firfer. tim: after the break...
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at an event that aims to help support soliders stay with us jenna: welcome back.
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with....masuppororsiouxland soldiers event nana: what supuprt siouxland soldiers is about and waffles for warriors. event location: 1551 indian hills dr #3 event date(s) & time(s): jan.27th from 9-11 cost: zero beneficiary (if applicable): military veterans military people website or contact phone number to air on tv: supportsiouxland name of person to appepe in live interview: mary sam hacker tell us a little bit about your event or attach a press release. chance for veterans to visit with one have a area to talk with one another. event name: what support siouxland
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and waffles for warriors. event location: 1551 indian hills dr #3 event date(s) & time(s): jan.27th from 9-11 cost: zero beneficiary (if applicable): military veterans military people website or contact phone number to air on tv: supportsiouxland name of person to appear in live interview: mary sam hacker tell us a little bit about your event or attach a press release. chance for veterans to visit with one have a area to talk with one another. event name: what support siouxland soldiers is about t and waffles for warriors. event location: 1551 indian hills dr #3 event date(s) & time(s): jan.27th from 9-11 cost: zero beneficiary (if applicable): military veterans military people website or contact phone
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tv: supportsiouxland name of person to appear in live interview: mary sam hacker tell us a little bit about your event or attach a press release. chance for veterans to visit with one have a area to talk with one another. event name: what support siouxland soldiers is about and waffles for warriors. event location: 1551 indian hills dr #3 event date(s) & time(s): jan.27th from 9-11 cost: zero
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snow ending. foggy and breezy conditions will persist. tomorrow, look for a typical january day. the high will be 30 witit mostly cloudy skies. the 7-day shows a warmup to the 40s friday, saturday, and sunday. no significant chances of snow will be seen after tonight.
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