tv This Week in Siouxland ABC January 31, 2016 9:00am-9:30am CST
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leaders from wood drlt bury democrats, is it too late to get in on the local caucus. ca expect. plus abc9 is the place to be tomorrow night. it all start right now. from the abc9 studios in sioux city, iowa, join us as we discuss the hot topics. it's "this week in siouxland" with abc9 tim seaman. and good morning. we're glad that you're with us this sunday morning. look up the w word caucus in t the dictionary, it's a meeting of the meers of a legislative body who are members of a particular political party for the purpose to sect candidates or decide policy. will tomorrow night's iowacaucuses be a a that? we'll get an idea of that
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we get started right here in woodbury county. a couple guys you've seen heree before on my left,t, rick mullin democratic party, and on his left, my right, kevin alons, who is t the chairn of the gop inwood bury county. thanks for copping in today. after mohs of build the excitement's almost here. >> glad to be here. >> ready to get past mononday nit? >> oh, yeah. it's a busy time. it's a fun time -- [ indistinguishable ] >> it's a unique process, rick. it's unique for iowa especially. >> absolutely. and it involves thousands and thousands of people across the state. polical junkies, little old ladies, college students and of course the campaignsns come lling through town. it'sn amazing thing. >> the parties oanize t iowa caucuses. they're thenes in des moines that both pties are gng to
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the parties may direct the process, but it's you folks on the local level thatave voluntrs out there that make it work or not work. talk about that. difficult parts it does present. >> it's all volunteer from the top down at the county level. you've got to find sight and volunteers tt will do sign i in and run the caucus, and just all the logiscs behind the scenes. >> and it's changed really because if you go back over the history of caucuses, there were many more living rooms, urches. they've gone toigger schools and largeratherings. >> i wast the very first caucus i72 andt was held in my -- in the lounge in my dorm in iowa city, and there was like seven or eight of us sitting on the floor figuring out what we were doing, but we t through it. >> people who are still on the fence -- i was at the caucus 1011
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i talked to husband and wife holder. i w wt up them, no, the first time i've ever caucused. >> sphwrsing. >> folks are still out there weighing whether they're going to participate or not. what's the pitch for them to get off the couch tomorrow night? it's the golden opportuni to have a voice in who thecandidate is. we really have a significant impact in iowa because of obviously being first in the nation to weigh in on that. i you c c lookast and s s how much influence you've had. if you care about the candidate for the party then you knew the caucus. >> rick, l let'start just a little bit of insight on what's going to h happen. we've talked abobouthihis,ut i think it's important, i don't kn roal --eally know how this works so i'm not going to embarrass myself. >> basically everyone has to be there the same night at pretty much the sameeime. our d drs open at 6:30.
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you have to be in lineo participate. once you're there on the democrat side and people split whichever candidate they're supporting and we have a chance to realign and enter our total. >> kevin? >> doors ope at 5:45 or 6:00. you can look at our website or paper, but basically sho up early and doors open at 6:00.we'd like people to show up and register toign up to go at 7:00. from there it's kind of the same process, although we're going toto have more of a secret vote where you cast your vote for the can candidate choice. >> you do need to be a registered voter. folklk can kinddff help speed that process up as well. >> icould have been great, obviously. a lot of people have been gistered up to this point, soo if you're on the list already
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list, you sign your name and basically you're in. if you haven't registered or you need to re-register you can show up, fill out a form. show you're in theight precinct and everything, and thenename thing. at the p pnt it's going to go to the auditor's's office. for people maybe you're young, ifou're going to be old enough to vote november r 4th, the election, 8th, i'm sorry. you're eligible to caucus as well. bring that form. i think there's an affidavit form. just show who you are, fill out the form and you're registeredd and good to go. >> and the focus has b bn on iowa for years bececse of the caucus process. this year the light is just a little bit brighter because of. >> snafu from years ago whether the weather was or wasn't and we found out a day later. both parties he grouped
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up with this app to prorovide accurate, timely as a results. talk about the results you've had to bring up to speed. there have been hundreds of training sessions. >> absolutely. we do have the app, and we've had several trial rs to make sure it works. everybody report at the same time, and it works quite well, but even if that doesn't work ere's still an 800 number that we can call. we have the special pass codes to get the official results. >> and folks can get online at me. they won't see the exact same app. you can follow the process and see the percentages grow for particular candidadas coming up tomorrow night. makes it an intnteresting process from home at well. let's talk about candidatess just for a second. interesting stf? in the last 28 hours with donald trump and ted cruz going back and forth, challenges to each her in debate, in fact right here in sioux city. still a day away, but things
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last monon orr s s headed towards caucus. >> absolutely.y. and i think i was just loong on our website, put another entry today. e pace is fast and furious. everybodody seems to have plans of all this last weekend to show up and make the presence known and giveeople one more chance to meet them and make a choice for them. >> in our side martin o'malley was in town, and i think hillary will be heree tonight. a lot of opportunities folks have had to see these candidates and it's one of our great pleasures as an iowan. >> how important is it to pick up steam, to find n energy within their local parties? thfocus is often times onn the presidential side of the caucus, but it is a ver important time for the local organization, is it not. >> every -- the caucus like you mentioned at the beginning of
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maintain the party of leadership itself and choose people who are going to advance to the convention, which is the full political process to the primary and national convention. so if you want to be involved. i encrage for people to think about having involved and sign up as a member or at least think about doing that because in the end you make those decision that is lead up to the next year and fundraising and supporting candidates and all the other rules of the political party functions. >> exactly. the local central committee gets elected basically at the iowa caucus, and that central committee chooses who our county share is. it's important that people show up and participate. >> it's been interesting just in closing here. i think both parties have to be very pleased with t the -- obviously we know the attention's going to be on western iowa, across the state, obviously, but the candidates in my mind this cycle more than
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in, in western iowa and siouxland repeatedly. >> the amount of attention and interest and visits that we've had from all the mainline ndidates has been significant, and i think -- exceeds what's been in the pas >> i agree. right through coming up yet today 24 hours before the caucus. >> yeah, and hillary clinton specifically has had so much more contact here in sioux city. office opened months ahe of time, a lot of staff and volunteer activity. very different from eight years ago. >> all right, guys. i appreciate you stopppping in this morning.. i know it's been a long six or ght-month build up when we first talked. it will be over in 24 hrs and the process starts all over towards november. >> let's sleep on tuesday. >> i agree. best of luck tomorrow nig. thanks for being with us. to continue our discussionn we'll go to the state side after
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to giver us broaderunderstanding of what's at stake we get started this morning with dr. andy mcguire from des moinines, the chair of the iowa democratic committee.dr. mcguire thanks for being with us. we appreciate you making the trtr and spending some time w with us. >> i appreciate you educating people. >> it's been eight or ninee months now. it seemed like it was forever away. it's 4 -- it's 24 hours. are you ready? >> we are ready. we have a great team in place and great volunteers. we are ready to have this caucus. >> three candidates that have been very visible in iowa, two obviously that have gained a lot of momentum, but talk briefly about your candidates thrghout this process. >> they've been terrific, and i'm really proud how they've taken iowa as a priority. all three of them.
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talking to iowans. they've been talking to them face to face, answering tough question, answer those followup questions, really listening to what iow's struggles are and what their vision is f for taking this country forward. >> a few months back it looked like it was going to be a slam dunk. what will it take for you to make an announcement tomorrow night? >> well, we're going to do at tv, so you'll see it as i see it pretty much, and we're going to let that go from there. i tell you, i think it's goingng to be a very competititive caucus, and i think that's wonderful because that's what we need so we can get t message to the democratats and get a turnout. >> onene of the things that has changed from previous caucuses is the technology. kind of reference that. there's an app that's out that both parties are using. >> it' terfic. iowa is known for being on the
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it'sn a app from microsoft. republican party and dococratic party has partnered with microsofoft. you have a smartphone, and you can put in your delegates and who's there. it's very safe and very effective and efficient, it and will takus to those results very fast. >> everybody at home can get online.. they can look at the same resultt that is you're seeinghere in des moines. >> there is a plic pub website they can tap into slightly later than hours. >> i want to tk about the volunteers because the parties in iowa put on the caucus.s. the volunteers do the work,though, really, and it's for mething that is as big as the iowa caucus to know it truly is a volunteer base. >> exactly. i'm very proudf ourur volunteers. 1681 precincts for t democrats and republicans, so we have all these volunteers. we have temporary chairs, vocations, secretaries for those
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to help with it that night. it's really wonderful, and our staff is working with everyone. it's really gratifying to see all these people enthusiastitic about th process. >> secretary clinton in 2008 looked like she had things going to go and had a disappointing night and finished third. have you seen shehe's had a different approach? >> she really has.. she did a lot of bigger events in 2008. she's done a lot of smaller eventsalking one-on-one. and i know some of her policies have shown she's listened to that. >> for someone that's completely new to the presidential process, mark, bernie sanders have had very large crowds as of late. for a guy that's not been in iowa before, they seem to do a great job rallying folks. >> he's done a great job.
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lot of volunteers all over the state. i see berni all over the state, so we'll have to see whatt happens on caucus night. >> and martin o'malley has been in the 4%, 5% ratings. throughout these months it would have been easy to move on and focus elsewhere, but he has maintained h presence. >> like all the candidates has really made iowa a prior. 140 events. that's amazing he's done thatt much of a priority. when i'm out around iowa i hear a lot people for o'malley. i don't know if the polls polls are wronor if i i am. >> i want to talk about the processes s as both parties have a different process, and the viability aspect wre a particular candida will have to g get at least 15% support inside that caucus. what drew the democrats to do that and have you thought about changing that? >> it was a long time ago.
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for dellegates, and i is stuck. in some year it's really impoant, m maybe not as much in this year, but some years if you have seven or eight candidates like in 2008 it does whittle down the field. i think it is a good thing to have.. i think it's very unique to us and a good thing to have, andnd think about it. it's always every precinct too. each precinct hillary clinton might not be viable and bernie sanders. i think it gives a flalar to the saws cus. it's really good. >> last chance to make a pitch to folks youant them to get out tomorrow. >> i think this is democracy in action.. have to be in line by 7:00. if you don't know where you're
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put in your address. it will google map exactly where you have to go and we can giveyou a reminder. this is a great process. you don't have to be registered to vote to go. just come and pararcipate in this. this is so important what we do iowa. we get t to say our vision for the country. we have such an opportunity here for democracy in action. i really encourage everyonto go out and participate. >> and with other states knocking on our door i think it more important than ever that folks step up. >> absolutely. i appreciate you doing and educating people. >> looking forward to tomorrow. appreciate your time this morning. >> absolutelely. u too. we'll be right back after this quick break.
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after the now wee back with more "this week in siouxland." and welcome back. as promised the republin side as well of caucus night coming up. the state cochair for the republicans, dr. cody hoefert. thanks for coming in. the day's finally here. almost 24 hours. >> we're really excited. >> let's talk about the situation a little bit because this is a big event that is put on by the republican and the democratic party, but it's run by volunteers, and i think
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>> it is. e caucus process really isgrass roots educational efforts on behalf of the parties locally and it starts with your friends and neighbors at your local community building or precinct caucus, so it really is a grass roots volunteer organization. >> there were some u bumps in the road in 2012.. tell me what the party has done to try and guarantee a tomorrow nigight. >> well, the party has done multiple things to make sure the caucus process is open, fair. onof the things was the pledge we signeas a party. we signed an agreement with micrososoft in order to put together an app that we can use for our reporting to try to get our reports in accurately and quickly. there's multiple safe guards built into that app. we have the fallback of the paper and other things we've ththe past.
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steps in play to make sure the results are accurate as much as possible, but the other thing we've done is we've really said you know what, if the rults are too close on caucus night we're going to announce the results as they are, and then within 48 hours they're going to canvass the vote. we'll be ableo announce a winner within 48 hours like we came down to something like in 2012. >> and i imagine thehe bumps in the road iss what the bump w in 2012 of making our announcement of here's our wner. >> and we're committed to making sure we have a transparent process and we don't announce the winner in air. >>ou mentioned the app, something folks at he, the media, it's available out there to follow the process and literally, i understand it, u'u'll be able to s see a percentagege of 5% jump to 20% throughout the evening.
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caucus results as we have them. immediate -- [ indistinguishable ] as they come into des moines. >> there might be a little bit of weather in the next day or so. we're going to keep our fingers crossed and hope it doesn't happen at all let alone something bad, but numbers, if we get a good day. earlier we tked aboutut maybe record numbers. maybe the 240,000 mark again, but what do you think as you talk to your caucus w wkers here and across the state? >> well, we aicipate we're going to have a record turnout, and we're prepared for anying. one of the things that we've done, we've done over 300 caucus trainings across the state with our staff and team. you have colby running the team locally, and they've done over 300 caucus trainings. ouour teams prepared for an be. we're prepared for anything, but we do anticipate an up tickkro what we've had in previous caucuses. that says a lot to the
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ththe energy that our candidates have put out there. we're excited about the excitement that's being shown in the grass roots of the our party. >> planning to be in a new hampshire to be out there. do you expect the rest of the field to be in des moines? >> i anticipate a t of candidides will m me decisioio based on what they feel is the best interest of their candidacy. ii anticipate we'll have numerous outlets covering the caucus.>> things have heated up in the last month or so. the rhetoric and the back and forth has escalated somewhat. your take e on that, i guess. >> the thing i always encncourage people, tim, th're going to fly too namp -- new hampshire and i'm going to be lft here behd with you and others.
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buburn any bdge today they might want to cross tomorrow, and at the end of the day iowans are going to unit and elect a republican in 2016 and we're committed to doing that. >> one of the things i've heard overnd over is iowa is not piing a president. >> well, maybe potentially, right. i expect that the will be fr or five, probabl tickets out of iowa. it used to be five t tickets. but i anticipate there'll be more tickets out of iowa. the question is going to be t the overperformer? who's the story we're talking about on tuesday that we didn't anticipate doing as well as they did. i don't know who those folks are going to be, but i anticipate thererll be five tickets out o o iowa moving forward to new hampshire. >> and one of the things that gets overlooked sometimes is the presidential part of the caucus takekes the spotlight, but this is an important time for republicans and democrats in the
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>> this is a greatat w to build our party identify activists who want to be involved in the process and get them involved and encourage them to be a partt of building the platform, being delegates for their county convention and stateonvention, so i it't' really an energetic time within our party. >> best of luck tomorrow night on caucuss nht. abc9 has unmatched caucus vered planned for torrow night. yourlection headquarters presents the iowa caucuses from 6:30 until 7:00 from des moines and 9:00 until0:00 from the caucus central in des moines. we'll be live a a cauaus sitit herere in sioux city and capital square downtown des moines, caucus central as huneds and thousands of reporters from around the world have gathered here inowa to take in caucus 2016.
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those as well as our newscasts at 5:00, 6:00 and 10:00 tomorrow night. jenna and several special guests as we w wp up caucus 2016. we'll rap what happens from des moines, join us next sunday.. until then, have a grereat week. captioning provided by caption solutions, llc (music) >>amanda: it's the final day before the iowa caucuses and the candidates are everywhere including in front of our cameras. we asked the democratic frontrunners about their plan to win iowa. >>sabrina: then donald trump rewrites the rule booknd we talk with some of the republicans trying to claw their way up from the lower tier. thanks for joining us on this special edition of this week in iowa from the caucus headquarters in capital square downtown des moines, iowa. i'm sabrina ahmed. and we are joining you now from the zarley
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