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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  February 1, 2016 7:00am-9:00am CST

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>> this is about the men and women of iowa. >> the race closer thanever. donald trump taking the lead backck from ted cruz. the billionaire andis family trying to close their biggest deal of all. clton with a slighght edge over bernie sanders. the senator calling it a toss yuch. the big date finally here. who will be on top at the end of the night? >> we're going to win. >> we're with the candidates for their final push. >> people want our government to represent all of us and not a handful of billionaires. >> hillary c clinton a d donald trump join us live. the road to the white house starts on iowa on thi special edition of "good morning america." >> live from times square and des moines iowa, this is a special edition of "good morning america," "your voice, your vote."
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and we certainly do say good morning, america, we're live in iowa. we're inside the state capitol in des moines and as you said, here we go. >> here we go. lot of history has been made in this room. outside the kbds in these final hours, take a live l look right now at eight of their campaigns. everybody is gearing up for a hard, last push in iowa. we have hillary clinton standing by live. she's one of five candidates joining us right here this morning. also talking to donald trump, bernie sanders,s, marco rubio and chrischristie. >> every vote here counts. the race is so close. you can see the poll numbers as we put them up for you. donald trump opening up a five-point lead now on ted cruz in the final poll a hillary clinton's lelead over berni sanders smaller. virtually a dead heat.
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voters at the machine shed diner in urndale. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, george. we're finally here, we're with iowans of all political stripes. are you guyseady? [ chee and applause ] >> repter: hey, and i got to tell you, george, we have got quite a race here. in fact,f you look at the democratic and republican races combined we have never seen an iowa caucus so close. it's finally here. >> i don't care if you're feeling horribly, 104 caucus. >> let's start to a movevement. >> reporter: a mad dark to the finish in iowa. we caught up with ted cruz. you said if consecutives turn out you're going win. >> i believe we'll win. >> reporter: across the state, my colleague caught up with frfront-runn donald trump and d his wife melania. >> i think we're goingo have a
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pulling out the stops. trump campaign even deployed daughter ivanka to teach people how to caucus. >> it's a secret ballot, write down trump and you're done. crisscrossing the ia skies trump for one. over at camp cruz. >> we're here to pull him over the finish line. >> reporter: volunteers have been calling out for ted. a battle for bodies. >> if they need a ride,hey come here. >> reporter: bernie sanders has a volunteer army of his own, 15,000 supporters, cruising the streets and knocking on doors. more than 76,000 touched this weekend alon the clinton campaign says it's knocked on more than 125,000.
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their door, they're a hillary supporter or a bernie supporter and they switch over to trump and i think -- >> reporter: and the air war. 6000 campaig ads so far in iowa 17,0,000his month alone. after all that, some iowans are still undecided. you'll definitely caucus? >> we'll be there. >> we'll be there. >> reporter: you'll be there? when are you going to make that decision? >> maybe 7:00 torrow. i don't know. >> reporter: 7:00 tomorrow? and george n that last poll you mentioned at the top of ththe poll, nearly half of republican voters sai they could still change their minds. it's incredible how many are still undecided. >> iowa always has a lot of last-minute surprises. jon, we'll check back in with you all morni long. >> we'll behecking in on the caucuses all day longg as well.
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you're looking at a middle school, one of the biggest locations voters will gather tonight. it's empty tonight. okay, but more than1,000 people will beacking that place thi evening to cast their votes and the candidates are making a big push right now, tom llamas has been covering the republicans since the beginning. you caught up with donald trump last night. what is the strategy in these finallhours? >> reporter: robin, gd morning. the strategy is star power. the entire trump family is here. they're splitting up to cover more ground and sarah palin back here in iowa, campaigning wh donald trump. the man who wants to take iowa from trump is ted cruz. he's been living on this bus for this month. this afternoon, he hits his magic number -- visiting all 99 counti in iowa. for them, it's all about the ground games. the volunteers try to m me 20,000 calls a day. him.
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hoping for one of those three tickets out of iowa. telling everyone he can this is a must-win sta f ted cruz. robin and george. >> okayay,et goose the cecilia right now. covering the democrats from the start. she's in des moines right now. se is sill ya, the clinton famimily o out in force all weekend long. and they're planning what they callll a victory party tonight. >> reporter: theyare. this is the invitation. that shows a confidence heading into today. hillary clinton packing in the crowds. i'm telling you, i have never seen her on this campaign trailil over the last couple of dayays sounding more confident and more energized. take a look at this. just last night, 2600 people packing into a high school gym for her, aaucous crowd b her campaign is telling me privately, they're approaching today with caion, thisace that seemed to b be hers for her taking could now be hers to lose. bernie sanders overnight telng
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longng haul. bernie sanders wants to sy into this all of the way until the convention. >> all right, cecilia, thank y very much. let's talk toillary clinton, good enough to join us on a very important and b busy day. thank you so much for doing this. do you have the victory party all set for tonight? >> well, this is a very tight race, robin. it's reaeay going down to thehe wire. but w feel very good. we worked so hard. i had a great operation here so my young people organizers who fanned out across the state. the thousands of volunteers, we did knock on 125,000 doors this past weekend. so, we're very committed, very energized, very enthusiastic. it all depends on who shows up tonight. who comes out to caucus inniowa. i'm urging anyone who interted
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there tonight,:30. i'll be there in spirit. >> there are so many similarities between what's going on right now and eight years ago, you, again, are unexpected challenge that you efacing, what are the differences and similaritieie between what youou're experiencing now and what happened eigight years ago here in iowa? >> well, i think that i have much better organization to be just really clear about it. i think that we built an organization, using a lot of the lessons learned and we recruited some of the best people tha you could find, anywhere in the country, working in democratic politics, i thihink i a better candidate. i t think that, in addition to just knowing more about the caucus process and w wt we
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this night, my experience as secretary of state, really deepened and intensified my understanding about how what the next president will have to face. so,ll and all, i feel like it different, energized effort that is really bringing in people fromm across the state and indeed across the country who knows what's at stata in this election, underststd how really dramac and drastic it would be if the republicans were to take back the white house, they would rip outhe progress. we wououldn't be able get the economy going for everybody, get income rising, everything i'm talking about, which is really in response to the concerns and the wries that i hear from people as i crisscross this state. >> all99 counties you h he crisscrossed and we have sn you and your husband ande have seen your daughter as well.
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i don't want anybody to think my silence is affirmation, but i covevered a lot of ground and i have m many thousands of people. and reallyhave learned so ch it's obviously exhausting, it tas a lot of concentration, but what keeps me going are the stories they tell me. it's something so intimidate, at let in my experience. i try to listen to people and hear what's onnheir minds. when people tell y about the open heart surgery their granddaughter had and they couldn't afford it without affordable health care. it sticks with me. th months i spent here listening t to iowans has really madede better candidate and i think it will make me a better president. >> well speaking of listening to iowans, we are jon karl, he's outnd about.
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a third of voters here are undecided and let's hear what one voter has to ask you, jon. >> reporter: hello, robin. hello, secretary clinton. we're withh rob from denison. you're undecided between hillary clinton and john kasich. what is your question. >> good morning, secretary clinton. as a liberal replican s seems to be a dying breed, are you going to work bipartisanly wh a partisan congress. >> that's a really good question. i haveve a record of working with republicans, when i'm actually in a position to do so when, you know, there's's aampaign it's a little bit different. when i was first lady, i worked to achieve the children heah insurance program, working across the aisle with both
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teaming up with delay, a very partisan republican in the house. in the senate, i worked hard to get health care for the national guard and reserves. i workedd with senator lindsey graham in that case, i don't know if there was a single repuican who didn't co-sponsor one of the bills that i worked on. as secrery of state, i had similar efforts to reach common ground to prove successful. i know in a campaign the distinctions have to be drawn. because we have to give voters a real sense of what each of us wants to do and to hold us accountable for the agenda we put forth. but i'm confident that i'm going to work really hard to find that common ground across the aisle and we will make progres together. >> secretary clinton, thank you very much. we appreciate you joining us on this very busy and important day. thank you. >> thanks so much.. great to talk to you. >> you as ys.
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democrats right now. donald trump on top for the republicans. he joins us now by phone. good morning, mr. trump. you know, you have never actually faced voters before, are you nervous? >> well, you have to be a little bit nervous. you knoww likeo win.n. i w wt to win for the country. not for myself. this is actually my first election night. th is a little bit different for me. >> i'm sure it is. what worries you most? >> well, i just hope everybo is going to be able to get out and vote. it looks like we're going to skirting the weather the weather will be okay. it won't start snowing until after everything is over. i hope everybody getss out and vote. have had the biggest crowds of anybody, including sanders who's second. i willl say that.
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you haveo see these rallies -- they're like love fests. i believe they're goingo go out and vote. the eme is, make america great again. i'm self-funding my campaign. i'm putting up my money. nobody else is doing that. i think that's a big differenen. t of people like that. bu there'sreat enthusiasm in those rooms and all over the state and all over every state. you know, when you look at new hampshire, you saw the polls wher there's i guess a 25-point lead. in iowa, i think we're going to do really well and we're going to find out soon. >> your staying pow power has surprised so my people so far, i was wondedeng wt your response is too chris christie
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himself down over time. did you get that? >> i hear your fine. >> what is youresponse to chris christie who said you're going to tak yourself down over time. >> well, people said i wasn't going to run. then, they said, if i ran, he would have have fun. now i'm in first place. chris chrise took himself down with the bridge. new jersey is the 50th worse state. aning it's the last. he shouldn't be talking like that. i'm surprised he would talk like that. because i knowhim. guess he used to be a f friend until this all happened. no, think it's just the opposite. he'sot enough problems and he's doing very poorly in the polls. i'm surprised thatat he wou have said that. my life has been a life of success, it's been a life of winning, it's been a life of
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it's been a lif -- i have acachieved tmendous success in so many different ways. for somebody to say that, obviviously, isn't doing really well right now is pretty unusual, i think. >> you'll be facing the voters for the first time tonight. we'll be talking to y your ss in the next half-hr. morning. >>hank you very much. donna brazile. and matthew dowd and when we see what's going on here, it's like an electric-type atmosphere. and it's something that we haven't witnessed in quite some time -- such uncertainty. >> it's fascinating. the campaigns. donald trump talked about it. e voters are now in charge as today. and it bringsremendousnxiety bebeuse evevethg youou thought was going to happen may not happen. we'll look at tonight i think and we're gng to be surprised
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there's an expectation there could be some big political earthquauake depending on what happens on the republican or the democratic side. >> donna, what you're seeing on both sides, d donald tr on the republican side. beie sanders on the democratic side. just harnessing this outsider power up against the organizationssf hillary clinton and ted cruz. >> the big chaenge tonit, george s to take that passion and enthusiasm that you saw on the campaign trail and translate it into votes. the good thing aboutut the hawkeye state, voters can turn up tonight and register to vote. this is a same-day registration. it brings a lot of uncertainty to the race and itay be an advantage to mr. trump and mr. sanders. let's go to rob for the weather. hey, george, we're watchinin this massive storm traverseets wawaacross the country. it won't impact iowa until
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all right, that' the latest forecast for the polls. right now,our select cities brought to you by carmax.40s. saturday will be the peak of our great warming trend. sunday morning, we'll have the passage of some rain and snow but accumulations will be lht. a storm system wilill apoach on tuesday of next week with the potential of
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lot of other news. including the biggest headlines. including that tragic murder in virginiaia. two college students in custody accused of killing a young girl. we're live in ia o o this caucus day. the ndidates and tir families opening up on "good morning america". including bernie sanders and his wifeane. come on back.
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as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis you may bruise more easily... ...and it may take longer thanusual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. i accept i don't play ...quite like i used to. but i'm still bringing my best. and going r eliquis. reduced risk of stroke plus less major bleeding. ask youroctor... ...if switching...
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you the littoral combat ship program launched the u-s-s sioux city, today in marienette, wisconsin. the u-s-s sioux city is the first naval ship to be named after sioux city and the nation's 11th littoral combat ship. this ship allows the navy to sail in shallow waters and complete a wide range of missions. it w w christened bybylockheed martin, for the u-s navy at marinette marine. commander lieberman will be the ships executive office and has a message for sioux city iowa. cmdr. kenneth lieberman u.s. navy "we are so honored and privileged to be paired with the sioux
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experience the support we are getting we look forward to representing the proud residents of sioux land." the u-s-s sioux city is about 75 percent complete and the navy hopes to commission it in spring or summer of 2017 lukas let's check in with for the weather. matt current conditions are pretty comfortable with temperatures in the 20s and 30s. we have a light wind at less than 10 miles per hour throughout the region. the dayplanner reveals we'll have temperatures rise near 40 degrees under increasing clouds today.we have a w wter storm headed our way tomorrow. with that, we'll have snow totals near 1 foot and very strong
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jessica rae: good morning i am lukas voss and thisiss your quick
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we welcome you back to "good morning america." and this is a live shot of a group called nurses for bernie and they arere ready to rock the boat for bernie sandersere in iowa. and we also he republican candidate ben carson's headquterses this morning. yep, they're already in full swing in urbandale. and those are voters at the machine s shed diner.r. they're excited for jon karl and they're excited for tonight's caucus.
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all across the state right now. we're covering every angle of this camamign. this mornghere from the state house.e. other news and headlines this morning. but first, robin, you had a chance to sit down with bernie and jane sanders. >> yes, he's making headlines overnight, he said he's not stopping here in iowa, he's going all of the way to the convention. not many expected that hillary clinton would have such serious competion and she has and it is, from a s senatorrom vermont. he's drawing younger crowds at his stops. i had a chance to talk to him and his wife. >> it sounds like you want to make a polititical revolution. >> reporter: he's the democratic peful behind that revolution, taking on income and wealth inequality. i caught up with bere sanders
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the big day backstage after a rally in des moines. i think you said that today, n n matters what happens with the ucus you're in it for the haul. >> absolutely. i think our message is resonating throughout the country. i got the tell you, robin, all over the country, wn i tal about that, people say absolutely. >> reporter: people will timely be able to say, speak. what are your thoughts. >> i think we will win if ere'ss a large voter turnout. youngeger people, lower-income people, if they come out in big numbers we'll win.n. if they don't we won't. we want to see an enlivening of the democracy, here in new hampshire everywhere else, we want to see people vote. we want to see tm caucus and vote. >> hillary clinton's chief
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most negative campaign in a democratic primary, ever. >> my god, going back 500 years. i have tried my best, never making personal attacks against hillary clinton, debating the issues. when we talk about me running a negative campaign, that's absusurd. >> i heard that you went to the whitite house and there are oy two people who were not wearing a tux you and nelson mandela, was that true in. >> yes. >> if there's an inaugural ball will you final -- >> i don't t think so. you know, a tux is kind of symbol of class privilege. that says i'm really importantnt and i'm fancy and you're something else. >> senator sanders joinsns me now. >> you told my colleague recently, martha raddatz, tongue in cheek, you got a big ego like
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stayunded in it's a a scary experience because people are putting so much faith into you. it's divo you know, you don't want to let people wn. in fact, one of the hesitancies that i had about running in the first place that i didn't want to let people down. >> mrs. sanders, you said that's one of the reasons you fell in love his wife jane of more than 25 years who heproposed at a friendlyly parking lot aft being on break. >> enough, enough. it's national television. >> he wanted to go out again and i said, no, i want to get married. so, and i love you and we're best friends now. let's not mess it u he had to ask me a couple of times. he said, no, will you marry me? i said, fine. >> reporter: saw the big hug that you gave a veteran on the
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you said a veteran stopped you all, when you w were on the fence on wther or not your husband should run, that sealed it for you. >> yes. when people are counting on you have to deliver. >> reporter: you're not used to is underdog-type position. >> they always say, he can't win. he c't be a senator. each time e's proven them wrong. >> explain. >> last night was his 100th stop here in the state of iowa. and as you can see, his wife brings out another se of the caidatate. >> she taps into his core strength, persistence. i remember, i was working in congress 25 years ago when he first got to congress. one of the most striking thing about bernie sanders, his mess
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years. >> when he ran for mayor, he won by ten votes. he has that tenacity, you're right, he stays on message and he been consistent throughout. >> we'll see what happens tonight, no question. david muir and "world news" will be here tonight. also, you're goingng to be here as well or latest ass it happpps. don't forget nextt saturday the big repubcanebate live from new hampshe at 8:00 p.m. eastern. we'll have cimplete wrap-up coverage tonight. >> as the results come in. that's exactly right. lot more coming up from iowa thrng mop we're covering the other big headlines and amy has that. big news this hour, two students at virginia tech have been arresteted and will now face judge today as police investigate the murder of a 13-year-old who l led near campmp. abc's eva pilgrim reports many, many questions surround this case. including the motive. >> reporter: this morning, two
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charges in connectioion with t the death of a 13-year-old blacksburg girl. >> it really hits home. >> reporter: nicole vell's parents said she vanished wednesday between midnight, pushing a dresser against her bedroo drawer and climbing out of her window. fami and friends worried that lovell a liver transplant recipient, needed medication daily. saturday morning, p police arrested a freshman engineering student, saying that eisenhauer knew lovell and used that to his advantage. sunday a second studentatalie keepers charged a an accessory, accuse of helping eisenhauer dispose of the girl's body.
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for "good morning america," eva virginia. he world healthh organization is holding an emergency meeting on the months e quito-born zika virus. whether to declare it a global healthemergency.y. indonenea has reported its first case. horfying attack by the radical iamic group boko haram, setting homes on fire, setting 86 people including children. back here at home, a amtrak train traveling through philadelphia was hit by an object, large enough to damage e window. police are not sure what it was. and hee a surfer is speaking out about his wild wipeout. it launche him into a 44-foot
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tied to his board. he walked away with just a stiff neck. in fact, pretty remarkably, he was back hitting the waves the next day. >> no, i'd be hitting the bottle. >> get back on t tt horse wow. >> we want the send it back to george and robin. jesse and lara and me and rob, we're all holding down the fort for you. >> doing a great job out there. >> yeah, hitting the bottle it sounds like. >> coffee. coming up here kit's family affair here in iowa. we got donald trump'p's two oldest sons, donald jr.nd eric. they're standing by live. we'll talk to thememn just a lilile bit.ever getting married. never.r. psssssh. guaranteed. you picked a beautiful rin thank you. we're never having kids. mmm-mmm. breathe. i love it here.
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candidates haveone on toin iowa and then go on the white house. will it be donald trump? ahead in the polls right now. but who knows what will happen tonight. we'll talk to two people who know him best, eric a donald trump jr. thank you for joining us. let me start by asking you the question, how worried are you? >> we have been going aund the state, the energy is amazing. the love we felt is incredible. people have to get o to votete there's a tremendous amount of support. >> new territory for your father and we wer talking a little bit before, y said this is new for you guys, too. >> i has been. the people have embraced as so well. it means so much when you see that kind of enthusiasm for what he's trying to do, change the game. being a nonpolitician coming into this world and doing so well with this.
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>> lot of posive messages. lot of enthusiasm. ahead in most of the big states now. lot of criticism as well. >> it's hardest as kids. you want to defend your father. he's our bestfriend. if you're runningor commander in chief, you better have thick skin. yore going to get hit while you're inn t whihite house and the oval office. we're p pud of him again. again, you have to have that thick coat, otherwise you won't do well in this process. >> running for commandern chief, it seems like since the '80s about your father posbly runningg for the president of the unit states. what is the earlierest memory that you had that your father was possibly going to run for president. >> i think we have seen it throughout our lives. in 2012 was the first time wee thought he's going to d do it. we were very young in the
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jeoparze their careers, livehood to stick away if he didn't think t company had good stewards. he's way too loyalf a guy to jeopardize all that they have given him over the year it means too much to him. >> reality check time,, your dad wrote in the book, if you want to know when i'mrong ask my kidsds.. give us sething real. >> oh, no. i would say never, george. he >> you are trump. >> w we don't understand that word. i think over the years, he knowows. he'll do that. he's given us great autonomy to do what we need in the business. it's a lot of fun. he's tough but he's fair. that's the way he'll always be. >> we got to go.
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we'll be right back. alright.. big smile! hey, honey! how'd it go? thanks, dad!
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in clinical trials, most adults saw 75% skin clearance. and the majority were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to figig infections, includudg tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections a a cancers, including lympma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get sted for tb. tell yr doctor if you've beeeen to areas where certaiain fungalinfections are common, and if you've had , hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or r have u-like symymptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have a an infectn. ask your dermatologiststabout humira.
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we're live in iowa all morning long. talking to the candidates and that's marco rubio right now.
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>> was he checking out the calories in that in. >> i think he was. we're behind the sceces with all the candidates this morning. caring for someone with alzheimer's means i am a lot of things. i am his sunshine. i am his advocate. so i asked about adding once-daily namamenda xr to his current trereatment f moderate to severe alzheimer's. it works differently. when added to another alzheimer's treatment, it may improve overall function and cognition. and may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. vo: namenda xr doesn't change how the disease progresses. it shouldn't be taken by anyone allergic to memantine, or who's had a bad reaction to namenda xr or its ingredients. before starting treatment, tell tir doctor if they have, or ever had, a seizure disorder, difficulty passing urine, lir, kidney blaer problems, and about medications they're taking. certain medications, changes in diet, or medical conditions may affect the amount of namenda xr in the body and may increase side effects. the most common side effects arheadache, diarrhea, and dizziness. he's alwaybeen my everything. now i am giving back.
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u can't do that. you want to hire workers here in the states? they're too expensive, you can't do that. fortunately we didn't listen to the exrts. at weathertech we built american factories, , we use american raw materials and we hire americanan workers. proudly made in america. quality like can't do that. coming up, "good morning america's" road to the big game brought to you by avocados from mexico. fresh all year long. welcome back togood morning america" february 1st. feeling like spring. the warm-up continues across much of the east.
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e"hickman- johnson-furrow learning center" now has its very own exhibit for the first in the nation caucus. this new section of t the learng center in morningside debuted this weekend. visitors of the up on caucus history as well as from former caucus years. lukas and make sure to your caucus coverage today... team coverage and analysis. we have special fromom 6:30 to 10... from des moines, in aition to our regular news casts at 5, 6 and 10. lukas let's check k in with for the weather. matt: current conditions are pretty mfortable with temperatureses in the
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hour throughout the region. the dayplanner reveals we'll have temperatures rise near 40 degrees under increasing clouds today.we have a winter storm headed our way tomorrow. with that, we'll have sw totals n near 1 foot and very strong winds. jessica rae: good morning i am lukas voss and and here is a quick news update for you matt: current conditions are pretty comfortable with temperates in the 20s and 30s. we have a light wind at less than 10 miles per hour throughout the region. the dayplanner reveals we'll have temperatures rise near 40 0 grees under increasing clouds t tay.we
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tomorrowwith that, we'll have snow totals near 1 fo and very strong
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od morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m.m. and the final push. we're live in iowa. just before the first votes are cast in the race for president. >> we'll have victory. this is a movement that's happening they throw all this standing. >> all the major candidates talk to us thihis morning. >> candidates on both sides bringing out their secreret weapons. the running mates who havee been there every step of the way. what they really want you to know about their spouse. >> reporter: his grereatest ast? >> me. the latest on the zika virus epidemic..
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meeting this morning as the disease keeps spreading, dr. besssser report frk the front lines as they try to combat the virus. and we're going behind the scenes of the biggest ads before they're revealed on super bowl sunday. ryan reynolds like you have never seen before, stopping traffic. why is scott baio showing up in e fufure? all that and we're liviv in iowa as we say -- >> all: good mororning, america! >> announcer: live from times square and des moines, iowa, "good morning america." "your voice, your vote." the iowa caucuses. we wish you a good morning, america from the hawkeye state. we're live in iowa. you see jon karl there at the diner in urbandale. also right now, senator marco rub is standinby live here in our green room right now.
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he was getting a little breakfast. one of the rules on the camign trail. >> is that really our g green room? we got top our game. >> we had good food. how about the bush volunteers? they're hard at work this morning, getting out the vote forr their candidate jeb bush. we'll be folwing this all morning long. butut backk to amy in times square. >> that's right. we're hard at wo. we do have a very big headline overnight, about vanessa hudgens. >> the actss with a jaw-dropping performance last night.t. in "grease live." the amazing thing was, it was just hours aftfter her fher passed away. we'll tell you how they rallied around the star whenhe need it the most. >but right now,ack to iowaed a r and george.
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let's go back to jonon karl, surrounded by t tho voters out in urbandale. hey, john. >> reporter: hey, george, we got supporters here at theachine shed restaurant for all the candidates. what blows me away about this crowd is how many still are undecided. in this ro, how many still haven't made up youminds? look at it. you got people here stillll houours away that still haven't up their mind. it's still too close to call on both sides. after weeks of pounding the pavement, more than 1500 rallies and over 60,000 television ads, costing $33 millionon combineded, it's finally caucus day in iowa. this morning, hillary clinton telling robin -- i think that the most i have spent he, listening to iowans has really made me a better caidate and i think it w wl make me a better present. >> repter: and it's a tight
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donald trump speaking to george earlier. >> i want to win not for myself f but for the countr >> reporter: overnight, we caught up with the ted cruz. are you going to win? >> listen, that's up to the people of iowa. everytng she ever touched she made better. >> she will unbelievable. >> reporter: ivanka trump giving tutorials on how to caucus. >> it's a secret ballot and you just write down the nam trump. >> reporter: and bnie sands has an army of his own. 15,000 supporters on the streets and knockgg on the doors. 76,000 touched this weekend alone. the clinton campaign said it's knknocked on more than 125,000 senator rub is tapping senator
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>> i don't care if you're eling horribly, a 104 caucus! >> reporter: so, now the big question is, how many of these people get out to caucus? a quick survey here, how many of you are going tonight at 7:00? [ cheers and applause ] >> and george, as you know, that's the name of the game right now. bernie sanders saidd that he wants his people to beg, borrow or if necessary, kidnap to get people to go to the caucus tonight. hopefully no felonies here tonight. >> lit poetic license right >> that sounds like him. we'll bring our roundtable back. the candidates went a little longer in the first half. we'll be back matthew dowd and donna brazile. so close between hillary clinton and bernie sanders, should she lose, what kind of impact would that have on her campaign.
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of iowa. for democrats, we have three candidates. they'll all get to leave the statetonight. momentum is very important. when she lost back eight years ago, she was down 13 points, she made it up in new hampshire. if she loses tonight, she'll have to rebound like she did in 2008 and hopefully, this time, she'll have more momentum going into what i call the big super tuesday states onarch 1st. >> ted cruz is now singghat donald trump will be unstoppable if he wins here in iowa. he's way ahead i new hampshire right now.@ >> no nonincumbent republican president hason the first two. i think that if donald trump wewere to pl it out tonight, hampshire. he'll win south carolina. it's very difficult to stop. it as not impossible to stop.
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slow it down how close if he wins, donald trump, h close is second and third. consolidate a big part of the establishment. >> what he you both learned in the last six months? >> an unpredictable year. a year where the establishment has come under attacks in both political parties. i'm excited about thehe prospects of new people especially tonight. will theyhow up? will young people make a difference? >> yeah, i think twohings -- one, t t establishment is fractured on both sides. we know now that for sure. the other thing, the rules have changed. everybody did the high jump one way and it's n being another way. >> my sports analogy. you gave it.
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>> i went to track and field. etaphor -- the better o is boxing this ar. we begin with a developing winter storm as many as 15 inches of snow falng in the southwest as that storm moves into the central rockies and plainstoday. thee heaviest snow won't hit iowa until after midnight. in southern california rains flooded highways. the justice department will now investigate san francisco' police department after the shooti death of a man whihi has flamed raciall tenenon there is. police responding to a reportf a stabbing back in december, saying woods is refused to drop the knife he was holding. he was killed in a barrage of popolice g fire. new concerns about the spread of the zika virus a the w.h.o. holds an emergency meeting.
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>> reporter: right now ngeneva, a very special meeting is taking place at the world h health organization, and they're going to deterne whether to call the zika epidemic spreading around the globe an epidemic. it's important. in 2014, they were slow to respond to the ebola virus. indonesia has reported its first case. colombia has reported more than 2,00 pregnant women infected with the virus. here inn brazil, they're not waiting forhe rests of that meeting. they're sending soldiersnd public health worker door t door to wi o any place the virus can be breeding. a new study suggeing that a high-fiber diet may help lower the risk of breast cancer. teenagers who ate foods high in fiber had 24% lower risk of
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monopause. and finally the players have arrived in style. for sunday's super bowl. some more stylish than others. take for example, quarterback cam newton, whose $850 versace yellowow zebra pants were turning heads. they werere appently comfortable. lara, next trip to l.a., what do you think. >> yes. > anyway,here's what's coming up -- lot more from robin and george, of course, live in iowa. we'll take a closer look at the candidates from their longtime runng mates, their spouse's perspective. and senat marco rubio and governor chris christie will both be live with us. from right here in tim square and in iow
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started d rtrting ain so.... mo pills. yep... another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? for my pain... i want my aleve. get all day minor arthritis pain relief with an easy open cap. and welcome bacack to "good morning america." that's the back of senator marco rubio. he's hehe. we're about to talk to him in just a minute as we count d dn toto the c caucuses and he's standing by right now. there he is. >> there he is. he sd let meut of that green room. now to theunning mates who have s supported the candidates from the benning. their spouses, you saw earlier this morning i had a chance to talk with bernie sanders' wife jane last night. linsey davis talked to more of
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let'sso bk too times square. >> abc's linsey davis is here to introducuce us to some of us. >>eporter: it made sense to talk to them. to get a sense of the people running for president. we went straight to the source. peoplele who know their secrets, dreams and what makes t them tick. take a look at the candidates spouses. it's been said you can tell a lot about a person by the company they keep. >> clearly smart. >> so impressewith her work ethic, wit her tenacity. >> reporr: perhaps the best way to get sense of who the esidential candidates are. lots of fun. >> reporter: is to talk to the people who likely know them best -- spse. or collectively the spice. >> don't worry, you got my vote.
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him sayinine was rand pa. i thihink it was probablbly our fourth, fifth date, i started calling him randd and he liked it. >> i called my mother and i sa, this congressssman just asked me out to lunch. he said, oh, my goodness. you don't know a thing about current affafairs. >> reporter: running mates. the con cement for the chrties started way back in student government. >> i was his running mate andnd he won andhe follolowing year i ran for president and i won. he had great stories. he still has great stories. and he was cute. he was cute. >> reporter: they have seen them at their best. >> the first time whenn he operated on a baby in the womb that was incredible. >> reporter: and stood bym in their deepest despair.
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overdose. when she died, it makes everything else in life peal in comparison. >> people seem to love or hate ted cruz, why d you think he's so polarizing. >> if you're not in there trying to fix the problem. fixer. >> reporter: for people who just see chris chririie, he's name-calling he lacks self-control, how would you help pe`ople seeour husband as more presidential. >> the name-calling caught on video sometimes, there was always a purpose to that. >> the people who know carly and i would tell you i fight all the time. i taught h to debate. >> reporter: for those you say, your husband was a phenomenal
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you to be president, what would u say to those critic and they haven't looked at what accomplishment really is. we need pple who know how to solve problems. >> he's n a great cocktail party conversatiolist. it's more just he would much rather sit down and have more one-on-one o substantive conversation >> reporter: while the candidates now woo america, their spouses fondly remember their own court shi andhare their partner's greatest asset. >> his steadfastness. >> his patience. >> sincerity. >> her brainnd her ethic and his optimism. >> his greatest asset. >> me. >> and this is just a small sampling of the interviews we have online, where y y'll find an intimate loooo of s sen of their candidates and their
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you'll be surprised and moved by some of the spouses. >> what a fantastic series. this is so great, linsey. >> to get some insight. >> you seehe emotion. you see how taxing this journey is, not only for the candidates but for their significant others, also. >> to watch the full episodes of our abc news digital sees, running mates with linsey davis, you can go too ourwebsite. on yahoo! i'm here wh florida senator marco rubio joining us right now. your whole family is here. >> they are. they'll be with me through new hampshire primary. >> f for the first time you're going to face voters as you run for psident tonight, what is the thing on the mind that you want them to know the most inn these final seconds? >> well,f t they nomomate too bee e republican nominee, i'll
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we'll grow the conservative movement. i know i'll win. i believe hillary clinton and bernie sanders know that i'll win. so, i hope people toninight, wn they go to their caucus site, they will consider caucusing for me because we can win.n. >> you want that last-minine switch. >> sure. someone going to a caucus tonight, a candidate that you have been with you don't think they're going to make it to the finish line, caucus for me, we can win not onlyhe primary but the general election. >> tomorrow, you said, you can't go in there to make a point you must vote for someone who can win. are you talking about donald trump. >> i'm talking in general that i give the republican party the best chancnce to win and grow the conservative conservative movement. we've got to take our message to
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struggling under student loan detede dedebts, to single moms. to blue-collar workers who have seenheir jobs disappear and go overseas. i have lived paycheck to paycheck. three years ago itill had a student loan. >> jon karl is out witith some voters at in urbandale. jon, you have a voter that has a question. >> reporter: first, youind with if we eat our home made cinnamon roll. >> oh, my gogoodness. >> send that over here. what are we doioi here? >> come onn over, senato comemen over. >> i got jill from johnston, iowa. this is the voter you want right now. she's deciding between marco
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>> good mornining. i have seenn the top four candidates speak and i'm undecided betetween you and ted cruz. what can you sayay too m mo swing my vote for you tonight? >> well, tha you for having m as one of your finalists. two things, i like ted he's a friend of mine. we have a big difference when it comes to national security. ted voted for rand paul's budget security. if i'm president, we're going to rebuild the military. here's the other, we have to win this election. bernie sanders and hillary clinton, neither one of thehe can be president, we must win. if i'm the nominee i know we'll win. so do the democrats. i hope you'll take that into account tonigh because this election, if we get it wrong, there may be no
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>> there you go. a chance to directly address precisely the voter you're looking for. >>yeah. us, we'reoing to give away sweet rolls i in our esidency. >> senator, have a goodd d today. back to new rk. rob's got t weatr. >> george, look at how sweet these kids are from virginia beach, virginia. emma cebrate ags birthday. >> 8. >> look, some sever weather we want to talk across the midsection of the country. memphis,40s. saturday will be the peakakf our great warming trend. sunday morning, we'll have the passage of some rain and snow but accumulations will be lht. a storm system wilill approach on tuesday of next week with
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heavy snow. today >> it's's mild and springlike out there. "pop nene" time. we'll begin with some sad, but heartwarming in the way. the musical grease come to life on fox. for one of the stars, it had to incredibly difficult to perform. vanessa hudgens took the stage afafter revealing her he dad passed away from stage 4 cancer ss than 24 hours earlier. take a listen. i can f fl and i can cry >> wow, there she's singing "the
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dad would have beeno proud. social media agreed. she nailed theart. #greaselive was the number one trend on twitter. taylor swift posted this on snapchat. did they do t jazz hand. so impressive and so inspirational. >> the performance was so good, still. how emotional that must have been for her. >> what a tribute to h dad. vanessa we're all thinking about you. and we'll be r right bac
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by ack erry priv.. (.yd tt0w!tw((i! ed (([ tt0w!t(i% )8x-_d4 tt0w!tw((i% kzb+h tt0w!tw((i% n-x-7bd closed it down for business. "i'm not gonna apologize for my emotions cause their strug different ways, but tonight is all about t gratitud" sneaky's chicken had a soft open last night... just for the cocontractors and volunteers that helped remodel the restaurant. the quk turn aroundappened just after 20 days of being closed for smoke repair. the building needed a lot of work, including all new duct work. the viceresident of c-w suter... said their team was termined to get things done as quickly as possible.
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january 11th, by 4:00 everyone was on location, every staff member and they have not stopped till 10:30 last night. so my heart goes out to my family and my personal team here." sneaky's reopens to the public atat eleven a-m this s morning with their buffet. lukas let's check in with for the weather. ma: current conditions are pretty comfortable with temperatures in the 20s and 30s. we have a light wind at less than 10 miles per hour throughout the region. the dayplanner reveals we'll have temperatures rise near 40 degrees under increasing clouds today.we have a winter storm headed our way tomorrow. with that, we'll have snow totals near 1 foot and very strong winds. matt: current conditions are pretty comfortable with tperatures in the 20s and 30s. we
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per hour thughout the region. the dayplanner reveals we'll have temperatures rise near 40 degrees
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go big or go hom >> we're live in iowa. america." you'u' loong live at iowa right now att the nurses for bernie rallying this morning. george andnd robin are in iowa all morning long. hours away from the caucuses and wewe'll go bk t to them in just a moment. also this morng, we have a sneak pk at some wf the hottest new super bowl ads including one with ryan reynolds, like you have never
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>> okay, and then we're closi in on a huge milestone here at "good morning america." nearly 5 million likes on facebook. but we needour help. like our page to get all of the latest from iowa. we're there le and o wegsite, all day, ahead of tovight's big votes. but firs we want to get to robin and george in iowa. >> all right, guys, thank you very much. we're holding down the fort here. they are there. you have seen the candidates firsthand this morning. now, we're giving you an inside look at their campaigns with our young abc reporters who are following them 24/7, every step of the way. we call them our road warriors and you're about to see why. >> iowa is everyththing to bernie sanders. >> reporter: these are the faces of the 20 presidential campaign you seldom see. >> i'm here at a town h hall f carly fiorina. >> we're in burlington, vermont, tonight, waiting for donald trump.
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reporters spending day and night following the candidates' every move. >> i'm here on the hillary clinton press corps bu >> we're currently onn a horse-drawn carriage. >> reporter: crisscrossing the country, collectively visiting 40 states on the campaign trail on the road 24/7. >> this job require exceptional packing skill. >> we're witnessing history every single day. >> this jobrequires coffee and by coffee i mean a lot of coffee. >> reporter: they're meeting the candidates' biggest supporters. >> showing some bernie dedication. >> i met a womann dallas, she made a donald trtrp dress. >> reporter: and king us behind the scenene every step of the way. >> thank you, thank you very much. >> probably one of the most exciting moments on te campaign trail. i rerealized i had to brush up on my arcades game.
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was basically irish, he said his name wasmarco' rubio. >> the one thing people at home may not know aboutededruz he has a good sense of humor. >> bernie sanders literallyly has to shout his passion there. >> reporter: learning new things every day. about our potential president. and now you see why we call them our road warriors. abc's john santucci and liz join us now. normally, wear this on the campaign trail, right? >> yes. >> so, you're with donald trump. cannl imagine unscripted what he's like. >> when i first got this assignment, i said, who did i make mad at gma? >> comee on. >> it's been a gat adventure and on the trail wit trump
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behihind the scenes, we're always there with the cameras. if donald trump likes you he's going to hit you. i didn't know what that meant. i'm filming him one day and he comes up and he hits , punches me in the arm, a few days ter, we're filming a barbara wters special, i said hello to him. he comes up, he says john, he knocks me again. for a while i had a permanent black and blue -- but it's every experience interviewing him. you guys know this, you're getting ready, questions together, it was right when ted cruz was taking him over in the polls, in the zone all of a sudden, he said, john, hesaid, you're going to get a big raise for thisinterview. i mean, who says that except donald trump? >> makg the deal. liz, you're with hillary clinton and you said it's aittleit different. >> yeah, i don't think i'moing
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i don't think that's happening. she's a much more traditional candate. yo know, i spent m most of my days yelling questions on the rope lines andopes she responds. she spepes most of h time o o voters. those are the times when i have seen the intimate, f fun moments. >> didn't you see her dance? >> yes, she broke down to j-loshgs and every single day, she's takin so many selfies at it. she's become superskilled at it. >> we got to get to chris christie. real quickly, best road food. >> oh, my food. the barbecue if south carolina. >> got to go with the burger. always the burger. >> thank you guys, very much. governor c chris christie is over at the machine shac governor christie thank you for
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you know, the latest polln iowa has you at 3%. how are you going to improve that over the course of the day if. >> listen, i think we improved it over the course of time. the fact is, what i hav wanted l along is come out of iowa as the number one governor. i think we'll overperform what the poll's done. when you look a how much jeb bush has spent in this state and time and money we're polling ahead ofim here on the last day is a good sign of our campaign. >> only threeee tickets out of iowa, do you think that's wrong this year? >> of course, it's ong. never bee this many candidates thatave gotten to the starting line. i don'think that's it. i tnk iowa and new hampshire will seen as an exacta. they'll be read together.
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leave new hampspshire nex tuesday. >> you said last night donald trump is going to bring himself down. i askeded mr. trump about that this morning. it seemed to hurt his feelgs. he said you used to be friends. >> we are friends. but are we are running against each oer. if i'm asked a question about him i'm goingo given a honest question. i know donald trump for a long time. his feelings don't getet hurt th easily. how do you explain though what has been happening all year long at least in the polls, no one has voted yet, you talked about the governors, you had a lot of expericed governors here in this year'srace, but it's the outsiders that seem to be outpacing you? >> first off, george, i'm offended calling ted cruz an outsider, he went to princeton, harvard, he worked for the federal government and then had
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hardly an outsider outsiders. but no one has voted yet. let's see what happens when people vote. anybodod who's been in this business for any period of time will be fascinated to see what happens. let's wait and not draw conclusions based off polling. i remember back in 2004, everybody was getting readyo crown howardd dean t next president of the united states and i don'think that happened, either. >> sounds like you're expecting a surprise tonight? >> n that i'm eecting a surprise i just don't think, you know, looking at these polls all year and the fact how obsessed everybody gets about the polls, it matters when people start to vote. within 12 hours of people voting, yeah, i'll wait for the vote before i srt react zblg governor, gooduck today, good luck tonight. we'll seeout out on the trail. >> george, look fororward to seeing you in new hampshire.
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>> that's how you stay looking young -- >> that and being frozen. >> it is chilly out here. melting snow across t virgias and in through washington shington, d.c. the big melt is on, ladies and gentlemen. spring temperatures continue across the northeast.20s and 30s. we have a light wind at less than 10 miles peper hour throughout the region. the dayplanner reveals we'll have temperatures rise near 40 degrees under increasing clouds today.we
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>> this weather report is brought to you by mcdonald's. this morning, a pretty g gd atheher x part. yoyore more of an pert on rainbows. kermit the frog, executive piggy. what can we look forward with the new time slot? >> the same old stuff. by the way, it's exactly -- it's exactly 35 hours and 15 minutes befo the show c come on if you don't chang the channel you'll already be tuned in. >> perfect. ourxecutivesove that. are we g gng to b b seeing more of our favorite frog on ste? >> i will be singing and doing the things that i normally do. we have 150% more laughs and 100% gluten-free. >> we're safe for this new day.
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the muppets, new time, tuesday at 8:00 p.m. thank you so much. coming up, we're counting down to the super bowl,he
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with ryan
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note what a mighty good man >> oh, in my face. >> sufficece it to say, that was ryan reynolds. >> and lara likes that commercial a lot. one of the new super bowl ads for hyundai starring ryan. we're counting down to the big game. one of the most anticipated questions s for, jesse, that people wouldt guess. >> it's about avocados. and why? guacomol sierks one of the most popolar snacks all year. a record 278 million avocados are goi to be eaten this super bowl sunday. thatat's a goo thing. they'll be able to pay t the millionsf dollars they need for the ad and thenn some.
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first draft ever -- australia selects the kangaroo. >> yes. i like that pi. >> reporter: one of the most talked about ads run in last year's super bowl. they weren't selling beer. they were sellinin would you believe -- avocados. >> and mexico selects the avocado. >> great pick. >> reporter: they're back this year again. the ad agency invited "good morning america" behind the scenes for a sneak peek for one of the most anticipated ads of f per bowl 50 this is futuristic museum of culture in america. >>nd this is white and gold dress that caused the civil war. >> reporter: in this year's ad, scot baio makes an appearance. >> i got a call fromom my agent.
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do a commercial with me. >> reporter: while scott eats avocados. >> my wife says they're a good fat. >> reporter: add up to $4.5 million ad on the sup bowl. that's a loft avocados. the amount solol in the week leading up to the super bowl and turned it io guacomolee higher than a goalpost. >> we're weird sitting there. you watch the super bowl spot and you lk down and you wait for ten seconds and see what twitter says. you're like, oh, gosh, we're good. >> anybobody want to feed scott baio it's included in the price of admission. scott told us he's not told anyone of his friends that he shot a an ad for the super bowl. so, hopefully, they're not wahing "good morning america"
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another big exclusive. your first look at the mini cooper ad. lot of big stars in it. serena williams and abby wambach to namame a couple. even you as a former player, are you into the commercials -- >> you know, i go to the game every year and watch as a fan. the only thihi that's not great about being at the game you don't get to see the mechelles. >> that's right. >> that's not cool. >> we're going to console jesse over missinghe commercials. we'll give you some commeials right now when we come back, can you cook yourself to a younger you? really. coming up next on "good morning america." "good morning america's"
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>> now to the woman who is famous known to eat yourself young. she's here for her first american interview. she'll tell show us how you can turn back the clock. >> thank you. >> what inspired you to write this book? >>well, you know, food is very powerful. you know, it can make it feel ill or rejuvenate you and make you look amazing. after 20 years of practitioner, when i was changing people's et, they were looking younger. >> lot of peoe think, if i eat healthy it's so much more expensive. you have an affordable option. if you're trying to eat better, what's one of your goos? >> so, for breakfast, this is, quino quoa is very affordable. i made this oatmeal cinnamon
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quinoa. so, it's no gluten. the quinoa you can use it in lunch afterwards. it's very versatile. >> we were just talking about the super bowl. lot of pple like to eat during the super bowl. chips are one othe go-tos, a big bag of salty chips. youave a healthy alternative. >> i do cheering on your team. stuff. if you want to be vie rant and high, take t buttnut squash chip, which is filled of -- >> this is so good. it's so favorable. antioxidants. you can eat it and get younger. >> all right, this is, you kn, almost like velveeta and lot of chips, not healthy at all.
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>> the alternatitive is this special guacole. this is avocado dish. >> don't mind me. >> the dip. high in vegemi eshgsvitamin e. it's good for your skin. it will get your metabolism going. >> all right, this is also orderingpizza. slice of pia. people have said, they called in, what's your favorite thing to eat? almost everyone said pizza during the super bowl. you have a healthy versioion. >> i do. it's made with spelt flour.
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rosemary is great for the brain. so, you'll remember who's winning. and the scallions are very good for your immune system. you can share it wh the family. >> these are all drn you'ree not missing out. you're getting to eat the foods you love. >> thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. >> cook yourself young is available now. >> get these recipes you see here.
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they're so good. see you guys inew york. >> bye, gu. get back here, please. >> bye, get the latest on the iowa caucuses on "world news tonight" with david muir, liv iowa. and then geoe will anchor the results live tonight right here onon abc. >> and then we're live all day from iowa. on our website. on facebook. like the "good morning america"
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>> have a great day monday. lukas is getting a big fundraiser donald trump held for veterans . night... ump presented a thousand dollars to support sisiouxland the group was nominated by a local suporter announced he'd benefit veterans last week is des moines. more than six million dollars was raised in total. sarah petetersen, support siouxland support sixland soliders started as a care package program about 10 years ago, just right across the street, sending boxes of candy and snacks to the troops overseas and then over the last 1years we've grown significantly thanks to this wonderful community. very patriotic community." support siouxland soldiers says they're a non- partisan organization, but they're thankful for the support. lukas let's check in with for the weather. matt: current conditions are pretty comfortable with tempmperaturesn the 20s and 30s. we have a light wind at less
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dayplanner reveals temperatures rise under inincreasing clouds today.we e ha a winter storm headed our way tomorrow. with that, we'll have snow totals near 1 foot and very strong winds. matt: current conditions are pretty comfortable with temperates in the 20s and 30s. we have a light nd at less than 10 miles per hour throughout the region. the dayplanner reveals we'll have temperatures rise near 40 degrees clouds today.w.we matt: are pretty comfortable with
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