tv Good Morning America ABC February 24, 2016 7:00am-9:00am CST
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good morning, america. breaking overnight, donald trump's huge win in nevada. >> now we're winning, winning, winning the untry. >> record turnout. trump relishes his victory. >> we won with poorly educated. i love the poorly educated. >> marco rubio second and less than a week from the super tuda showdown, donald trump and marco rubio are here this morning. oh, my goodness.s. ly cow. deadly storms tear through the south. 27 repororted tornadoes across t the gu statesippi roofs off ildings, desestroying hundreds of homemes, flipping ovever trucks. now new warnings are out this morning as severe storms move east. erin andrdrews' emotional day in court, the reporter and "danng with the stars" favorite takes on a hotel and a stalker with a 7$75 million lawsuit over invion of privacy. did the hotel make it too easy
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>> celine dion's tririumphant return, the superstar singer proving her heart willl go on tang theoliseum stage in las vegas for the first time since her beloved husband passed away. her powerful tribute this morning. oh that s wonderful to see celine back on the sta last night. gd morning, america. two big stories to get to, the big win for donald trump and those severe storms, sam, overnight. >> at least threedead, 27 tornadoes in 5 g gulf coasstates and we'llhow y y where they're going today. first the racee for the white house. it's "your voice, your vote" and the biggest win yet for donald trump. morehan 20-point victoryn nevada last night. trump has won in the east, the south and now the west and join us live in a moment. nner-up marco rubio hereoo but first the latest from nevada
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vegas, gooood morning, tom. >> reporter: good mning. [ audio problems [ [ can. >> reporter: last nigh he won by such a large margin he was in the victory stage hours before they could figure out second and third. >> tha you. >> reporter: this morning, donald trump winning the nevada caucuses and heading into super tuesday with real momentum. >> w wonhe evangelicals. we won with young. we won with old. we won with highly educated. we won with poorly educated. i love the poorly educuced. reporter: trump rallying his supporters le into the night. >> grab, grab, grab. you know, i get greedy. i want moneney, money. i'll tell you what we're going to do, right. we get greedy, right. now we're going to get greededy
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we're going torab and grab and grab. >> reporter: overnight senator cruz thanking his supporters. >> is that the only campaign that has beaten donald trump and the only campaign that can beat donald trump is this campaign. >> reporter: trump taking his final shots before the caucuses at senator cruzuz. >> he's like a baby compared to some of the people i have to -- he is like a little baby. soft weak little baby by comparison but for lying he's the best i've ever seen. he's the best. >> reporter: cruz firing back. all day tuesday making the case it's unclear what trump even stands for. >> and, frankly, i'm not willi to gamble my daughter's future with donald trump. the truth of the matter is donald became president nobody knows what the heck he e would do. he doesn't know what the heck he would do. >> reporter: ts as senator marco ruruo continueso win endorsements but acknowledging
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>> first of alll this choice remains multicandide. ben carson and ted cruz and myself. hard core of repubublicans who do not want donald trump the nominee. long as there being divided up for three or four people, it's gd for donald. >> reporter: they'll drop out then. trump predicting a rubio/trump rumble coulde cong. >> ye, rubio. who, by the way, i've been very nice to. i've been very nice -- people say why are you s nice, because he hasn't hit me. when he es, he will- you'll see what happens. >> reporter: now, one good sign for senator marco rio is that one good sign is he ran strong strongest against caucusgoers who made up their mind in the last week. one debris and less than six days of camampaigningo make the argument he should be the nominee before super tuesday.
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let's bring i i to donald trump. mr. trump, contemplalaons scongratulations on your victory. the drudge report, want to show it to everyone. it says you are the nominee right now. are they right? >> well, i hope see. we certainly have an advantage, george. it was a great night. it was a great day and we were looking pretty good, i thin by any standard. >> you know, you're winning despite the fact you have taken many positions at odds with the republican party, supportrted democrats in the past, even more you're winning -- it's remarkable winning against a united front of elelected officials. want to show this chart from fivethiratat you have will it make it harder to unite the party. >> i have ny endorsements but i d't go outut and see them. now as of yesterday people were calling and a lot of people were lling and i'll have many endorsements but it's not something i want to work for to be honest with you because it's
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endorsements mean very little. we have as you know, we have some excellent endorsements and something i'm very proud of but it's a lot o of work. you know, they want me to go to certain area, have a big news conference, i would rather be with the people and rather work with the p people and get theind of numbers we got yesterday because those numbers are amazing. we won with e every single group, every single group. men, women, evangelicals, we won with all sorts of edation, if you talk about education at the highest level to a lower level we won with everything, george. >> it was a pretty sweeping victory last night. you also heard ted cruz in that piece from tom llamas. marco rubio making the same point with robin coming up that nobody knows what you would do, how you would actuall accomplish your goals as president. they're s sing you havenen laid out thedetails. can you tell us ririt now what ararthe fst three things you wouldo on day one in a trump whwhe house? >> well, the first thing i'd do is knock out some off the
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especially the one on the border where people are allowed to come in and just pour into our couny like swiss cheese. i'll work out immediately to knock out obamacare and start taki care of our vets and milita. >> you hen't said h you'll replace it. >> our vets have been absolutely treated horribly and we're going to take care of our vets. that's been a very, very big part of my campaign, the ts. >> makakg the poioi you haven't laid out specifically how you're going to achieve those goals. how you'll build the wall or replace obamacare. >> i've been specific in terms of the wall and in terms of obamacare, what i'm doing is very specific, whether we use health care savingsccounts and that could happen because a lot of people are liking it a lot, obamacare is falling out under its own weightead by 2017. people are not signing up for it. it's a disasters.
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by 45%, 55 65% and we'll have it at a fraction of the cost and i'm very specific on it, george. i'm a very specific person, believe me. >> finally, mr. trump, have you given y thought to who your vice president nominee might be if, indeed, you are the nominee d whether it would ben elected official or a more outside the box candidate. >> wewell, i have given't given thought. i think we'll do fantastic and amazing what you're looking at and some states where already i'm very close in texas and, you know, you have a senator from texas, i'm leading in -- this will be thehe followiwing week but florida is loooong fantastically, ohio is looking grt. u look at the different numbers and the different states, we joust got numbers inn on georgia. doing fantastically ll, arkansas, so we're looking very, very strong, i think, georgee and we l look forward to it. it's going to be an intesting week. woing, many of the states a it'soing to be an ieresting week.
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can you give me one name? >> of a vice president? >> uh-huh. >> tooearly, george. you'll be one of the first to know. maybe no the first but you'll be one of the first to kn. >> mr. trump, thanks for joining us this morning. >> thank you very much. >> as you alluded to earlilier this morning i s ske with senator marcocoubio and i began by a aing himbout his secd ple finish in nevada. >> we always want to do bett. i lived there 25ears ago, 30 years ago a it was a great experience. we love coming back. we have a lot of family members there but always want to do better. we feel goodbout our second place finish. of course, you always want to be first but this is an unusual year and the nevada caucus is different than any other vote we'll see around thee country, new experience and a lot of people turned out. iongratulate donald. he had a good showing. we picked up significant number of delegates there and we move on to the other states. we have a big week next tuesday.
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for donald trump and he said that many are wonring why you haven't gone after him. even he has said thatt you haven't hit him and we know that theext debate is coming up. doou expect to be -- are you going to change your tactics and be mor aggressive towards donald trump. >> yeah don't understand this. i know there's a craving in the media for people to attack each other but i've nevereen a campaign that attacks people. now if i've been attacked i responded and we set the record straightbout policy didifferences. but we'll have a debateomorroww night and if there are policy differences we'll talk about those. if he s says something i don't agree with like he did in the last debate about george bush being responsible for 9/11 i'll correct him on it. >> you did say the other day that it seems like voters are avitating toward the one who is the angriest. you didn't mention any names but many people assumed that you were referring to donald trump. were you? >> well, sure, his rhetoric is e thatthats into that ger. i share in that anger.
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ran for the senate five years ago. i was really upset about the direction of our countnt and ability off t r rublican partrtto doo anythinin about it but anger alone won't solve our prprlems. you also have to know what you're going to do about it. running for president voters need to know what you're going to do and donald hasn't outlined exactly what he'll do. he'll tell us what the rest will be but refuses to expxplain how i it's going to happen. >> there have be four contests so far across the state. various parts of the country. and you have yet to come out on top. with super tuesdayoming out, what do you need to do. >> i think what people need to understand about these contests betweenn now and march 15t all are places that award delegates which is how the nomination is decided. it's not decided by how many states you win but how many delegates you have and awarding them propoionately. march 15th, you'ren ohio and florida that award them all at once. that's where y have to start winning states and we feel very confident about where we'll be come march 15th. >> you picked up fe delegates
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and you really picked upmany more key endorsements from the establishment. but 've seen with both republicans and democrats that vovoters aren't really embracing the establblishment, politics as usual. are you concerned that being that typ o o backing may tually work against you and your campaign? >> in order for the repububcan nominee to become the president of the united states, it has to be someone that can bring the republican party together and then grow it, as well. and what we're showing is the ability to bring it togetherl to bring together all kinds of people within the republican party including some for whom i wasn't the first choice. >> thank you so much, sir. >> thank you. thanks so much. >> and it should be another lively debate tomorrow night. >> super tuesday comingup. right now donald trump ahead in all those states with the possible exception of texas >> that's it. we move on to those severe stormslamming the south. least 27 tornadoes reported and linzie janis is on the scene in pensacola, florida. good morning, linzie. >> reporter: good morning, gegege. the devtation here is
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a tornado ripping through t ts apartment complex throwing debris over these cars and look over here. thentire second floor of thihis apartment building sheared off. you can see right into people's ving rooms. >> look up. look up. >> reporter: more than two dozen report tornados tearing through parts of the gulf states. overnight pensacola, florida, taking a direct hit as lightning illuminates t the sky, you can see this massive funnelloud moving in before cutting a two-mile path of destruction. >> the tornado just touched down within 30 seconds two buiuiings are completely collapsed. >> reporter: how did the tornado come through? this morning the sheriff showing me these artment buildings destroyed. >> this is where we lean heavily upon state and federal agencies and, ocourse, thank god for the red cross. >> reporter: and in st. james parish, louisiana. >> oh, my goodness. holy cow. >> reporter: watch as this enormous tornado completely
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winds tossing nearly 200 rvs, ashley east stepping outside her camper as soon as it was safe. >> i just iediately took off running to help people. reporter: twoeople killed and dozens injured. first responders searching for those who m still be trapped in the mangled mess. >> we're hoping w wcan get dn into those debris piles and try to find people. >> reporr: neaearby anoer twister tearing into this gym filled with people. ripping the wall right off the side of the building.g. >> i started screaming everybody get down. everybody get down. take cover. >> reporter: a reported tornado plowing through assumption parish, louisiana, too, winds picking up this pararked pickup and slamming ito the ground. this tractor trailer turned over. and check out these three tornadic waterspouts over lake pontchartrain just oside new orleans. authorities are working t t secure this site so that residents can comee back and try to salvage some belongings. miraculously, no one died and no
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>> thank you for that. more now on those dangerous storms and new warnings are out this morning, right, sam? >> absolutely, robin. our hearts are with those people in pensacol incredible damage and in louisiana, as well. where are those storms this morning? they're already alive and kicking a torna watch out for a good part of florida and watch this into south gegia. nosouth georgia, i want to tell you that we've seen some tornado w wnings out in t last ho in that line of storms. please pay particular attention to this and watch this. as that squall lineins to move east, some areas will see strong wupdzs and e en some hail. raleigh-durham, all the way into southern virginia. i want you to watchch that today. these storms are still strong as they move in at 6:00 p.m., d.c., philly, you're in line for that squall line. only good news, jersey, new york city into new york state and connecticut and also western massachusetts, these storms weaken a little bit as they getet to you by 10:00 p.m. but strong enough to make travel a nightmare. there are already delayed flights at many airports along
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today. robin, george, lara. >> allright. a lot for sam to track today. we move on to new developments in that michigan murder getting our first look at surveillance v veorom the gun shop that uber driverr visised before going on rampage that killed six pele injured two others. abc's alex perez has the latest from kalamazoo. good morning, alex. >> repter: good morning, george. this morning we're learning a lot more about what the suspect was doing and the h hours before the shoongs and just how close some people came to getting into his uber. this morning our first glimpse at what's believed to be shooting suspect jason dalton in the hours before the dy shootings. surveillance cameras capturing dalton checking out firearms at this kalamazoo gun sh. the owner says dalton didt buy a gun but did buy a trackty cal jacket like this one. >> the person in here was friendly, talked to us, was iling, jokingaround. >> reporter: less than three hour later prosecutors s s the ubererriver unleashed a rampage killing x.
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of this restaurant, doctors say atne point her hrt stopped. butt she's now fighting for her od life. >> actually she squeezed my hand. it was a miracle onts own. >> reporter: richard smith a and his 17-year-old son tyler were killed in this car dealership parking lot. we've now turned tyler's teenage girlfrnd was also there a and hid in the family car calling 911. mallory lemieux and tory curtis were almost the 45-year-old driver's passengers that night until mallory's dead sent this text, multiple shootings with people dead. get home please. he also warned them police were lookokin for a suspect in a chevy. when the college student called an uber to go home her assigned driver was in chevy. panicking, she canceleled three times hoping for another vehicle. but they kept getting the same driver. jason, the last cancellation just four minutes before police arrested him. >> definitely just makes us feel
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our instincts and didn't get in that car. >> reporter: both of those young ladies sayg it will take them some time for the shock of thiss to wear f. dalton who's been appointed a public defender is due back in court next week. robin, george. >> so good they were so aware. >> thank you, alex, for that. sam, we heard abovt the wind, now the snow. >> becauseehind the storm we showed you on the east coast we got some snow this morning. poplar bluff, missouri, you're in line for some of is. st. louis, just arted for you now. watch this, springfield,d, gary. we told you south of the lake so gary, indiana very much in play toet some big snow all the way to lancing and flint, as well. look at the sdes of pink. 6 to 12 inches. right there in northern indiana,
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could be 10 inches of snow.mix occuring this evening. tomorrow, we'll have partly cloudy skies and breezy winds gusting near 35 miles per hour. then on friday high h essure will build in and that sets us up foror warming end this weweend! here's s your extended forecast where we'll make it to the 60s on saturday before temperatures sink back down toward normal next week. still to come on "gma," erin andrews' $75 million lawsuit. the "dancing with the stars" co-host taking on stalker and a hotel over an invasion of her
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>> thiss so humiliating to her and it continues and it's never going to op. and celine on's powerful tribute to her husband and triumphaha aurn to the stage. the susurstar's emotional perfmance overnight. that's coming up here on "gma." did you know that meeting your daily protein needs actually helps to support your muscle health? boost high protein nutritial drink can help you get the protein you need. each serving has 15 grams of protein to help maintain muscle, plus 26 vitamins and minerals including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones. boost high protein is the #1 selling high protein complete nutritional drink an it has a great taste-guaranteed! help get the nutrition you need everyday with boost high protein. available a a these fine retailers. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis like me,, and you're talking to a rhmatologist about a bibiologic... this is humira. this is humira helping t t relieve my pain anand precmy joints from further damage. thisis is humira helping me reach for more. doctors have been prescribg
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neill home over the weekend officals arrested eduardo quintero in connection with the saturday ght stabbing. he is charged with second degree rder, alleging that he intentionanay causus the death of h h wife, guadalupe. quintero ... he was arrested monday at the university of nebraska medical cent in omaha where he was undergoing medical his bondlis set at 2-million dollars cash. lukas: a plea hearing is scheduled in plymouth county court for a 20-14 homicide case... 45-year-old johnathan newneighbor is scheduled to appear in court monday. initially the court was set to rule on a motion to suppress by the defense. but now judge steven andreasen has changed proceedings to a plea hearing. he found neunaber fit to stand trial in the death of his 80- year-old mother esther neunaber. scott: locally, we'll have a pretty quiet wednesday with periods of sunshine and some rain/snow
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welelme back to "gma." u're looking at one of the tornadoes tearing through louisiana overnight. 27 reported across the gulf states. damaging hundreds of hopes in the deadliest outbreak this year and there are new warnings this morning. also right now, look who joined us, michaelstrahan. yeah, donald trump cruises to victor in the nevada gop cacaucuses a hillary clinton and bernie sanders battle for the democrats' support in south carolina ahead of saturday's vote. also this morning, the centers for disease control and prevention issuing a new health alert as they investigate a least 14 cases of sexually transmitted zika viruss here i i the u.s. and thatt is new. >> that is new. celine e dion made a big return to the stage last night and a little bit more on that. >> you know, celine dion's known for her power ballads. last night she gave a powerful tribute to her late husbabandene
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we'll have more on tt coming up. >> she has such lew among goes heart. >> teary. it was emotional. >> thank you, michael. we'll begin with erin andrews' $75 million courtroom battle, thedancing with the stars" co-st suing her stalker and the hotel who allowed him to bo a room next to her and secretet record ne video of her through a peephole. ryan smith has t latest for us. >> reporter: e en andrews suffered through an unthinkable crime. her stalker filming her changing this a hotel disseminating them online and now she's fighting back saying the hotel's flings caused h her emotional distress. >> i am happy to report -- >> reporter: she's a co-host on abc's "dancing with the stars." but this mog, e erin andrews taking on a very personal chalnge. a $75 million courtroom battle against a stalker and a tennessee marriot claiming the hotel made it easy for him to
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>> this iso humiliating to her and it continues and it's never going to stop. >> reporter: the tv star ghting back tears in a nashville court tuesday as her lawyers describe how michael david barrett found her room number, telling the jury barrett called the marriott of vandnderbilt university with a strange request. >> i'm michael barrett, want a room next to erin anews. that's my request. >> reporter: and theotel did nothing to prevent him from finding the room nu. then failed to notice he removed and altered the peephole on her door to d d it. >> he stands there f f 4 and a half mineses and videos her. >> reporter: but the hotel' lawyers saying barrett pulled a fast one on them. >> he deceived. he coconnived, he stalked. reporter: claiming his criminalehavior was his responsibility, not theirs adding he tried to film andrews in three different hotels over nine months in 2008, always with the same m.o.
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hotel here, this is jeff, scott and erin andrews, i need to confirm our reservation. >> reporter: barrett later post posting them online eventually pleading guilty to stalking in 2010 sentenced to 3030onths in prprison. for andrewswshe ordealal shaking her to the core revealing as a "gma" contributor her difficulty in coping. i would go through p putting m head down because i felt like everywhere i looked everybody was look even if they -- nobody was looking at me at all. >> reporter: but ee merging to be a k advocate in strengthening anti-stalking legislation even telling congress in 2010 -- >> i had no idea just how rious this crime was until it afcted my life.. >> reporter: michael barrett isn't represented but is expected to testify in the trial. the hotel's franchise owner tells us they look forward to showing that nashville marriott actedeasonably and appropriately and andrews' attorneys could call witnesses to talk about the emotional distress that s she suffered.
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nearly two week, robin. >> all right, ryan, thank you. we bring in abc's chief legal analyst dan abrams. we know the stalker already convicted in criminal court. how strong is this civil sui >> it's a very strong civil suit against him but he doesn't have money so the question is gng to be, how strong a case is it against the franchise owr, against the management company, et cetera. that's where you're talking about the potential for deep pockets and the potential of a payout. this is really a case where wee going to talk about how much and who pays it more than was there any wrongdoing. >> when we say how much, she's asking for 7$75million. >> $75 million. she had besking for 10 million and increased it to 675 million. keep in mind for context here on average most wrongful death cases in civil court pay out $3 million to $5 million so when you're asking for $75 million in a case like this, it's an enorormousnumber. and certainlyy i would think more than she's going to get but, again, the question is going to
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have to all pay it together even though there's no questiothat he, e stalker is the perern who is primama reresponsible. >> which the hel said this i is terrible what happened. put it all on him. what is their defense. >> the question is was it negligent. did they do something. the defense says, look, he fooled us. he was an insurce executive. he knew how to play the game and ask the right room. her position is going to be, no, no, no, they should never havave allowed had him to be in that room next to me and they should have found thahat peephole a a lot earlier. >> as ryan said a couple more weeks and -- absolutely. >> thank you, dan. we move on to that florida woman behind bars for iring a hit man to kill her husband. dalia dippolito is serving 20 years for the crimeut now she's back this court taking the stand forrhe fst time in a new bid for freedom. abc's linsey davav is tracking th case. good morning, linsey. >> reporter: good morning, george. dippolito claims she w not trying to kill her husband. she say she was simply caught on tape discussing it because she was tryg to get an acting job.
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and the police department only cared about being on the reality tv show "cops." dalia dippolito is taking a stand for the first time facing a retrial for hiring a hit man to kill her husband of six months. >> i wasafraid. >> reporter: her 2011 guilty verdict was overturned due to a tainted jury pool. >> he threatened me. he threatened to hurt me. he threatened turt my family. >> you know, he gets two in the head. >> i'mositive like 5,000 percent sure. >> reporter: dalia says she was acting during had video from a script that dalia, her then husband michael dippolito and former lover mohamed shihadeh had written for an acting project they planned to post 0 on social media. >> this is something to be something you guys are going to put on line -- >> on social media, right, so we can try to get an actg job from it. >> so this is acting? >> yes. >> reporter: but prosecutors say that was no act and alleged she
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posing as a hit man $3,000 to kill her husband. >> is your husband michael? >> reporter: the real act investigatorsay was dippolito's reaction t these south florida police officers telling her this lie. >> i'm sorry to tell you, ma'am, he's been killed. >> no. >> reporter: but her lawyer claims the police were setting r up forn appearance on the reality show "cops. >> whether you like dalia dippolito or not, she's entitled to the same constitutional rights a you and i and this case is about a police department that tossed her und the bus for purposes of getting fame on a "cops" tv show. >> reporter: the boynton police sayy we are confident we have given the ste attorney's fice sufficient evivince to meet the state burden and playing off the line dippolito said in that undercover video her ex-husband told policehat he is 5,000% sure she was trying to kill him buthe's stiticking to h sty. >> she is. >> it was just an acting job. >> she was convicted. okay, linsey, thankvery much.
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one of the teens behind a popular sensation becomes the target of a dangerous hoax. a bigawsuit over a favorite talcum powder. dr. ashton coming up. scanner: rescanantem. rescan, rescan. rescan item. vo: it happens so often you almost get used to it. phone voice: main menu representative. representative. representative. vo: which is why being put first... relax, we t this. vo: ...takes some gegetting used to. join the nation. nationwide is on your side representati. before i had the shooting, burning, pins-and-needles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet were the fit in my family to graduate from college, raised active twin girls, and trained as a nurse. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescririd lyrica. nervdamage from dietes causes diabetic nerve pain.
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it is 7:42. back with a cautionaryale of what could happen if your videos go viral. you may get more than 15 minutes of fame. one of the kids behind mn, daniel, the latest internet sensation falling victi to a s.w.a.t.'ing prank. abc's paula faris is here with the details. >> good morning, lara. you know, the call came in claiming that a boy had shot his mother with an assault rifle. turns out it was all ahoax. s.w.a.t.'ing is not only a waste of taxpayer dollars but it is dangerous. he's the internet sensation in those white vans sneakers. >> damn, daniel, back at it again with the white vans. >> reporter: this seemingly mundane of a california high
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friends comment on his outfits hahabeen blowing up on twitte the viral post dubbed what else, the damnaniel video. >> damn, daniel. >> reporter: the snapchat montage already has been retweeted over 300,000 times and liked by over 400,000 follolowers since it was firirst posted last monday. but while daniel is gaining internet fame. >> back at it again with the white vans. >> reporter: josh holtz his friend who posted it became a target of s.w.a.t.'ing. someone calling 911 e ely tuesday mornini reporting a hoax homicide causi armed offics to swarmhe home home in what they believe is a form of trolling. this prank is just another example of the dark sidee of internet stardom. in another casel ax lee aka alex from target became an internetensation in 2014 when he was photographed bagging items at his local target.
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adoration of many female fans but leading to countless online atattacks. threats like saying they were going to kill me. people would like draw pictures burning my house do. >> reporter: then david devore dealing with backlash after poststing thisideo of his son deist. >> is this real life? >> it's just ridiculous the way. >> reporter: this reaction, all too common. >> when people become famous, some people feel a desire to violate their privacy and some people are drawn to doing that in a very hostile and negative way. >> reporter: but according to alex from target the trade-off was worth it. >> i'm happpp damn daniel or dom daniel hasn't commented publicly but it could be a clue as toowe's its morning tv. we'll keep it clean but clearly
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video viral these days. >> none o ofs do apparently. thank you very much. comoming up on "good morning america," the power of love. superstar celine dion's emotional return to the stage last night and what she had to say about her beloved late husband. also later this morning, lara, the big reunion, the cast of "fuller house." they're here live come on back. to the woman in the mid-90's showstopper... you're right. it's time to set this bird free. hot b boded, check it and see... got a fever of 103... feelin' hungry? how 'bout a donut? 'm hot blooded..i'm hot blooded! whetr it's 30-years old or 30-days old, carmax will appraise it in as little ass 30 minutes. and then your only concern will be how to spend the cash. rad. when your cold makes you wish... could stay... bed all day... need the power of...
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the power to feel better. (phone vibrates) yeah. you gotta come spring me. you and i were rapscallions alexa, what's in the news? here's the news. alec baldwin and jason schwartzman were seen mooning paparazzi. baldwin threw a shoe at photographers... i did it again. people think californians live in our own reality. with our heads in the cloudsds like a bunch of space cadets. huh? what? i've drawn a blank. what's my ne? [director]: reset! maybe we do live in a fantasy... our owown littleubble. just hangin' out! as if we're not completely down to earth. but just a bunch of dreamers? no way! we're just like everyone else.
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start dreaming big at my tempur-pedic cuddles better than my husband does... ...but that's just between you and me. it's really cool to the uch. at mattress firm,get zero percent apr financing. visit mattress firm, americica's number one tempur-pedic retailer today. hi. when heartburn hits fight back fast tu smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue
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welcome back to "gma," everybody. and singer celine dion is back. showing her heart will go on with another powerhou performance in vegas last nit taking the coliseum stage for the first time since her husband rene passeaway. take a look. >> i only had eyes for my husband husband. night after nit. people thought that i was looking at him actually, but i did not. i didn't need to because eve
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rene on stage with me, whether he was seate in the balcony, backstage or at home with the kid s kids, he's always been on stage with me and nothing will ever change that. [ applause ] > she called her career his masterpiece. >> just the audience, how they were so respectful. coming up the women off "fuller housus takg over times square.
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grown up. living with chronic migraine feels like ch day is a game of chance. i wanted to put the odds in my favor. so my doctor told me about botox , an fda-approved treatment that significantly reduces headache days foadults with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more. it's shown to prevent adhes and migraines before they start. and d 's injected by my doctor once every 12 weeks. effects of botox may spread ururto weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effec may include allergic reactions,
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i never know when i'll need relief. that's why i only choose nicorette mini. does the smell of a freshly bound presentation fill you with optimism? do you love your wireless keyboard more than certain family members? is your success due to a filing system only you understand? does printing from your tablet to your wireless printer give you a jolt of confidence? if so, you may be gearcentric. someone who ows that the right office gear helps you do great things. and d ere's one place thatatas it all. office depot officemax. gear up for great. 7 days ago, phil wasn't thinking about dancing. he was thinking about his joints. but now he's taking osteo bi-flex, and noticing a real difference in his joint comomfort. the feeling originates in this area... spreads roughout the body... to here, inducing hilariously high levels of embarrassment in his son. he knows it's working by that look of abject humiliation on his son's face.
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shows improved joint comfort in just 7 days. osteo bi-flex. made to move. two big weather stories. st. louis, earlier this morning the heaviest snow between now d noon. remember, there are blizzard warnings out in the area in red here for parts o of illinois on into indiana so that's the big one. the other one are the strong storms this afternoon. check ouanywhere, durham, evening. tomorrow, 'll have partly gusting near 35 milele per hour. then on n fridayigh presesre will build in and that
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gear up for great.max. gear up for great.the orange city fire department takes great pride community... looking for help themselves the department asking citizens to bond issue coming up in march that would grant them money needed to help purchase upgrades to equipment and toexpand from their current five stations. more of an issue, departrtnt's's properly care for equipment. "we wanna be able to properlyly, we wnat to the gear and g everything back the way it should. we don't want our firefighters going home with contaminates and king it home to their kids, their family o anything else." says fire chief denny vander wel. a vote to help fund the fire department will be held on march first... with the city looking to pass a bond issue of 2- point 7 million of the 3 and a half million dollars needed for the upgrades. if theote passes... the project is expected to be complete by
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lukas les chk in with for the weather. matt: locall we'll have a pretty quiet locally, we'll have a pretty quiet periods of sunshine evening. t tomorrow, we'll have partly cloudy skies and breezy w winds gusting near 35 miles per hour. then on friday high pressusure will build in and that sets us up for a warmintrend thisis weekend! here's s your extended forecast where we'll make it to the 60s on saturday before tempatures sink back dowtoward
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good morning, america it's 8:00 a.m. are the secret lives of your teensutting them in danger? inside the brand-new book exposing the troubli issues your kids could be facing, how social media could be destrtring their self-esteem. and a jury blaming johnson,& johnson and the company's talcum powder for a mom' ovarian cancer. so many questions now about the case and what women should be concerned about. dr. jen ashton here live to break it down for us. and we're counting down to oscar sunday. ouour red carpet dream team showing you how to steal s srets right off the runway. >> no different for the celebrities than the rest of us. we're all just as gorgeous. >> how you can borrow the bold
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alicia vikander. everywhere you look the tanners are back. >> we all still look good. >>he stars of "fuller house" are alive in times square. d.j., stephanie and kimmy inur house dishing all about the reunion you've waited 21 years for plus an exclusive sneak peek of america's favorite f family back in action and the surprise guest you don't want to miss as we say -- >> all: good morning, america. everywhere you look >> that'sot all. a very full mustang with the women from "fuller house" and here they are coming in. along with our dog this morning, so great to have candace cameron bure, jodie sweetin and andrea barber all here live this morning. cannot wait for the new show. >> tail wagging. i saw that red mustang out, i was like, wow. who knew. >> nice car. >> very nice car.
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as we count down to osc sunday, you ow, we are excited for the oscar preshow on the red carpet and an electrifying night and abc is the only place you can see the red carpet live in the last hour before the show starts and we're thrilled. you can't get rid of us. lara and michael are back totogether ain this year and amy will join us flyg all the way from africa but she'll be with us. jess cagle and joe zee will be there, ass well. i know you'll be backstage. >> yes. >> we have the big show on monday as well. >> george has his show to do then to get to l.a. no pressure. the biggest night in hollywood. we have brand-new surprises this year. we'll be live backstage with incredible behind-the-scenes access as well as live inside the green room, a first, with the biggest stars as they're getting ready to go on stage arts 7 p.m. on abc. please join us if you will for
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it just never stopsnn "gm" >> everybody asks about our dress. are you ready? >> i know we're doing oscar tips ho to get red carpet ready. george. i'm actually a little hurt by that. >> oh, no. >> you kw what, because i know you've been working hard on this. i know because, look, look -- they look carpet ready. look at george -- >> i mean, he could wear that and look like a million buckcks. >> you know what, i love your flattery. it's working. it's working. it's really working. >> thank you, sam. we appreciate that. > right now let's go to paula faris. she has the morning rundown. >> i predict you all will look dapper. >> yes. >> let's jump into the political ng. we begin with donald trump's overwhelming win in the nevada caucuses. his widest margin of victory yet in his third straight getting more than 40% of the vote even winning among hispanics and evangelicals. finishing a distant seconond was marco rubio and rubio just a few points ahead off ted cruz who
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trump is promising similar results next wee he leads in the polls in nearly every super tuesday state. and at least three people e have been killed afterozens of reported tornadoes touched down fr louisiana to florida overnight. hardest hit, a traililer park near baton rouge. reporter michael vinsanau have abc station wbrz is there. michael. >> reporter: just sheer destruction here. if you take a look, youou c see these trailers are just rippeped apart. twisted, torn in every which fashion. air-conditioning units, anything you can imagigine. these families trying to pick up the pieces. as you loo off into the distance you can see debris is attered. cars still left here, windows shattered. like i s said beforore these families are just trying to pick up the pieces,verything they can do to get their lives back in order. >> sheer devastatioion, thankyou, michael. our hear go t to the families. extensive damage reported in pensacola where a tornado blazed
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long. sam's forecast coming up momentarily. new details in the battle between apple and the fbi whether to unlock the phone of one of the san bernardino's killers. apple i expectedd to tell a deral judge this week that congress not the courts should decide this case. apple will also argue that the government is improperly using an 18th century law to enforce -- to force, rather, the company to cooperate. a some startling video to show you from minnesota where this driver ignores the flashing lights at this railroad crossing and slams into the truck dragging it a quarter mile down the tracks but the drir miraculously w walked away without serious injuries. and it's being called the most life-like robot eve created. we want u to take a look at the newest creation from boston dynamic dynamics, it walks on two legs. put it out in the snow, right. among its many talents it can pick up tepound boxes with ease.
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if that's falling down. i think that's getting knocked down, it gets back up. no human assistance required. i feel like this is a lesson in poposture for all of us how to pick up a ten-pound box, just a little reminder, up and down and when you get that just follow the robot. >> well done. > very lifelike. >> i actually am a robot. i bring the news to you. >> that robot waspushed. >> our investigation. >> that was pretty amazing. >> to be able to get up. a major verdict that we wt to tell you about. a big health ttle. a st. louis jury awarding $72 milln in damages to a woman's family after s claimed using talcum powder contributed to her development of ovarian cancer. abc's deborah roberts has the latest. >> r reporter: it's a stunning judgment. the jury blaming giant johnson & johnson for a 62-year-old missouri mom's ovarian cancer. >> johnson & johnson spent a lot of time keeping this information
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and so this verdict allows other men to make informed choices buy. >> reporter: in courtocuments jackie fox said for over 35 years she u used the company's shower to shower powder which contains talcum for her persona hygiene. the lawsuit linking it to her cancer. fox didn't live to claim her legal victory. she died last october after a 2 1/2-year battle with the disease. her son marvin stepped in as plplaintiff. >> continuing with this trial was, ined, you know,, painful. but at the end of the day, it is, you know, it was what she wanted. >> reporter: in a statetement t abc ne, johnson & johnson said the verdict goes against decades of sound science proving the safety of talc as a cosmeticc ingredient in multiple products. the cpany plans to aeal the verdict while facing 1,200 similar lawsuits around the country. for "good morning america," deborah roberts, abc news, new
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and dr. jen ashton can't wait to weigh in. getting a lot of attention. i was seeing lara's reaction. what has been known in medical literature about the link ovarian cancer. >> some historicacal cancer, in 2000 i was an intern in the gyn world and we knew t that there were studies that showed a link between the genital use of talc powder and increased risk of ovarn cancer. the data is all over the place, kind of inconclusive. some show a doubling of the risk, some show 20% andome show no link. the theory is the pathway goes up into the uterus to the fallopian tubes and ovaries and causes damage there. and we don't really know. is it talcc or another chemical in the powder that's doing this. >> is there anything -- you told us about how that -- anything to do to reduce your risk? >> look, ovarian cancer, there are some things that we know are associated with a ruced risk. number one, women who take birth
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conclusively known to drop the risk of ovarian cancer, having had children, breast-feeding also tying the fallopian tube, getting a tubeal ligation, all the buzz in the gyn cancer world is about thehe fact that the majority of ovarian cancer is now k known to actually start in the fallopian tubes. >> so, you have got the attention of a lot of people at ho right now who are listening to you and are there symptoms? a lot of people are going to be thinking, possibly something with them. >> you can control because about 1 in 70 will get diagnosed with ovarian cancer, symptoms, bloating, pelvic pain and pressure, increase in urination, these are vagag and common symptoms that affect a lot of women. you notice a difference and feel those every day for two weeksall your gynecologist. >> i think people will be shocked this has been known for some time. >> suspected, yes. >> but not in the mainstream owing it but they do now know. over to michael. thank you, robin. here's a look at what's coming
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a parenting alert. how social media could hurt your teenage girls and i need to pay attention to that myself. our oscars reded carpet challenge is under way right now. rachel with samsung's 837 building with our beauty d dream team. we can't wait to see the transformations she'll come with. i'm here with "fuller house" stars, candace cameron bure and jodie sweetin but we're missing somebody. >> hola, michael. >> we got all that coming up live ongma" here in times square. we got a real full house, it's fuller than it used to be. "gma's morning menu" is it brought to you by advil, fast, powerful and proven relief that makes pain a distant memory. me, what you see is what you get. and i expect the same e from my mascara. now, revlon introduces a new collection of mascaras that makes getting the lash look you want easy. so whether you choose ultra volume, super length, volume and length magnified, dramatic definition,
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the choice is yours. choose love a revolution in mascara. revlon. love is s on. i don't want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. or wonder whether i shou seseek treatnt. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of p patients who've had no prior treatment. it's the one and only cure that's one pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. with harvoni, there's no interferon and there are no complex regimens. tell your doctor if you have other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or other medical conditio, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness,
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welcome back to "gma." we'll turn now to an eye-openg new look at a topic so many parents a worried about. inamerican girls: social media and the secret lives of teenagers" nancy jo sales digs into the real danangers they can encounter online and talked about it with katie couric from yahoo! >> tammy weeks was facing the unimagable. her 13-year-oldd daughter had been found dead. >> nicole touched man people throughout her shortlife. >> reporte aording to investigators nicole had secretly been messaging with this virginia tech student. 18-year-old david eisenhauer on kik and snuck out of her parents' how to meet up wit him and never returned home. nicole's story now stands as a reminder to parents of the dangers lurking on sociall media. >> i mean, i think it's probably impossible if you have a teenage daughter right now thashe
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it's known for a place where you s evacuatesext. that's how kis use it. >> reporter: the new book "american girls: social media and the secret lives of teenager by journalist nancy sales explores the lives of girls who are coming of age in a world ruled by sociall media. tell me about the role this is playing in the lifef the average teenage girl in this country. >> one of the first conversations that i had with some girls in los angeles really set the tone for the whole book to me.. e said social media is destroying our lives. and d i said, so why don't you just go off it and she said then weould have no life. >> she s said she discovered young lives pying out on various platforms that promote negative self-esteem, instant and sometimes harsh judgment and harmful behavior like cyberbullying. something that 13-year-old carr has experienced.
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from this guy, he seemed like he was my age, so i thought i could trust him. >> reporter: but after ending the friendship she says the boy and one of his friends began writing hurtful things. >> i started getting messages from his friends and they were saying these things like you're ugly and cursing me out. >> reporter: her mom decided to do something about it. >> i spoke to this woman and i said, you know, your daughter is cyberbuling my child. she was shocked, embarrassed, made her own child get on t phone and apologize profusely. >> reporter: sales says it's having a major impact on how teenage girls socialize. >> something about the technology though, does make it easier to relinquish respsibility for another person'seelings and theives of girls, this is incredibly damaging and challenging sometimes. >> reporter: for "good morning america," katie couric in los angeles. >> real eye openin
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>> we've had a conversation with this a lot with our girls. all the girls know you're not supposed to go on kik. >> stay off it. >> stay off it >> so telling they feel like if they're not on social media they don't have a life. that's the big part. it is, it is. another topic people are talking about, oscar suny and our big "gma" after-party show on monday and this morning, we've got secrets to getting red carpet read sam loves this. abc's rachelmith i is at samsung 837 right now. befofore we g to her here's a look at the dream team that's helping real women g red carpet glam. >> reporter: it's hollywood's red hot oscar runway. >> beautiful. >> reporter: we assembled a red carpet dream team t makever threee women with this season's award winning beauty trends. charlotte tilbury is the makeup arst to stars like erre knell pierre cruz, demi moore and alicia vikander. >> no difference in a celebrity and the rest of us. we're all just as gorgeous.
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creative director giovanni vaccaro is the pro at recreating celebhairstyles. >> people come to us all the time with these red carpet photos. >> reporter: 23-year-d aditi vyas tempted to try sofia vergara's lip. rachel ellicott keeps her hair straight but wants to test out alicia vikander's twisted updo. >> i love it has a twist to that kind of looks like aid. >> reporter: 27-year-old christa aiken keeps things natural but loves kerry washington's lob look. >> i feel like whaver she can do with her hair i can. >> reporter: will our makeover mavens deliver? this red carpet challenge is on. all right. so we are here live with the samsung 837 building with our a-list beauty team, charlotte
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they're all viewers of "gma" and friends and family to our staff and these two will give us great tips we can all use to get glam at home so thank you very much for being here and working with us today. we appreciate it. >> thank you for having us. >> let's get r right to it. first up we have aditi. this is what she looked like before. and this is what aditi looks like now. come on out. transforming aditi into sofia vergara's red carpet look and she is looking mighty stunning so, charlotte, tell us about aditi's makeup. what trend did you use. >> aditi has the statement matte lip a and is a gorgeous sort of bright berry and it really lifts her entire face and is trending at the moment. and she's also got it on her cheeks and a little bit of a kind of gorgeous sort of little bit of eye to wing it oututnd lift it. >> stunning.
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>> such a hot trend seeing all over the red carpet. this sort of textured style. this beachy look, very simple to re-create at home. all you need to do is blow it out with a round brush, get in with a cling iron and make sure the ends are not uniform.m. >>stunning. thank you very much, aditi and next up, ththanks, aditi, next up our model rachel. here's what rachel looke lik before. and rachel, come on out. we have transformmeds her into aliciavikander, oscar nominated actress. wow, ggeous. right to it, charlotte. how did you give her this glow like one of yr clients, alicia. >> on alicia today what i wanted to create today w was literally i always felt the skin with this fabulous magic moisturizer which really lifts and gives that luminous skin then we use a wonder glow on topop which is an amazin primer which reflects the light all over and givives you that really glowing skin which is amazing on the red carpet. >> wonderful.
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matte foundation which gives you flawless skin, a little dusting of an air brush powder. >> quickly let's go to giovanni for the hair. we love that look. >> so difficult, seems to create but so, so easy create a twist in the front which i love. it gives this casual elegance. >> and a great bun in the back. perfect, fiemently let's wrap things up with miss christa. here is christa's befor look and let's see christa now. so, christa,e have transformed her into kerry washington's red carp look andnd as she makes her way down, charlotte, jumump into how you translated her look. >> the eyes are smoky look and what we've done is like a little pale prime so soft prime shade all over the lids and then we did that great hollywood trick where we u the highlights in the cornersrs topen up the eyes. >> giovanni. so sorry, chlotte. can we get the hair? >> l longer hair, faux lolob. i love it. very simple.
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some o in the front for softness. >> awesome, ladies, c come joi us. robin, they are looking so red hot and very red carpet ready, don't you thinink? >> all look incredible. wonderful. thank you, rachel, for that and apparently michael had a makeover. it looks likes jesse palmer. >> much less athletic. much smaller. higher hair. >> outside to sam. >> we figured out the dewy look is stand in the rain. hello, times square. how are you. where are you from. >> bloomfield, new jersey. >> upstate new york. >> los angeles. lady. >> london. >> that's what the accent is. welcome in. let's talk about it. let's show you what's g going on in orlando. in come the clouds. ftv has you handled. here's another area that gets rain, take a look at where the flood watches are. this is soaking rain. i got to tell you from d.c. to new jersey and points north. be prepared for the heavy rain thismix occuring this evening. tomorrow, we'll have partly
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per hour. then on friday high pressure will build in and that sets us up for a warming end this weekend! here's s your extended forecast where we'll make it to the 60s on saturday before temperatures sink back down toward normal next week. rainingout side. we don't care. back inside to -- >> all: lara. >> thank you. sam, get i in here. we are counting down to oscar suay. hosthris rock's highl anticipated monologue h everybybody wondering, talking and his plans for the show have been shrouded in secrecy until now and tweeted a couple of hints tweete this picture you're looking at it "the martian" star kristen wiig along with j.j. abrams, fans assuming a possible
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liftoff and then the comedian confirming those guesses with this picture of himsf inn an astraut suit. i think i smell a "the martian" spoof. great mines think alike. check this out, everybody. you know what i'm saying? this is my sneak peek for our annualgma" oscar trailer spoof that we do but t big questn is. >> who wore it best. >> who wore it better? >> not even close. >> who wouldre it better. >> you lookgreat. you look like a better astronaut. >> yeah. very scien minded. up next if you thought grumpy cat was in a foul mood, sam, get over here for this. if you thought g grumpy cat was in way foul mood you need do check out this kitty who puts the fer in f ferocious we think her name means stone cold. her nasty side eye has earned her a major following on instagram. >>hat is's anger.
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>> that's s serial killer cat. that's not grumpy cat. serial -- what it means in japanese is sear kwlal killer. >> there you go. grumpy cat, you've got competition from seriaial killer cat. finally we are all getting red carpet ready working out for oscar sunday. i think i found a geniu fitness instructor who has the grapest idea i've ever seen. >> nice. get the deltoids. >>pril storey, working out can make you whine. >> a long straw in the top.
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>> byicep curls. lukas: get ready for sioux city's next big idea. the sioux city growth organization held its sixth annual innovation market last night. 40 ideas from siouxland entreprenuers were submitted at the event inside the ho-chunk center. entreprenuers got just one sht of paper to pitch their ideas ... with participants voting for the best idea in the room. the innovavation market is something organizers say brings people together, and cultivates positive acton in the community. "it's great to have an organization that can help small businesssses start up. that's the toughest part of a business starting up is the beginning phasesfrom month one to month twewelve and so on. the more help the business has the beginning process the better says innovation contestant erik martin. five finalists will get to pitch their ideas in hopes of getting grant money for their businesses.
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the grand prprize is five-thousand d dollars. let's check in with weather. have a pretty quiet wednesday y with periods of sunshine and some rain/snow wednesday with periods of sunshine and some rain/n/snow mix occuring this evening. tomorrow, we'll have partly cloudy skies a breezy winds gusting near 35 miles per hour. then on friday high prpressure will build in and that sets us up for a warming trend this weekend! here'e's ur extended forecast where we'lmake it toto the before back down n toward
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everywhere you look everywhere you go there's a face somebody >> you know that t so. you love that song and you know these beautiful faces, not here, over there. "fuller house" stars. we're looking ove at you ladies and it's just taking us back in time. wow. >> look out. you c can see each one of the younger girls in these ladies. you can see them. >> yeah. >> you know, they're bringing a whe new generation. my girls are addicted to "full house" reruns. we were just geeks. weent to san francisco for chrimas and went to the house. > you did? yeah. >> big reunion coming up. >> another guest coming up. first lara, a little about the show. . >> a secret the girls don't know. we're about to speak with the
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behind-the-scenes secrets. before that jess on the "fuller house" phenomenal. >> it's been 21 years since we said good-bye to one of america's all-time tvv favorite family, the tanners from "full house," well, they're back a and this time the women are in charge. look t, folks. the tanners are back. >> again? >> yes, again. >> reporter: we first met the "full house" gang in 1987 when they moved into friday nights with three kids. >> how rurude. >> you've got it, dude. >> reporter: and three dudes. dad danny. >> i'd like to get the girls to d before "good morning america." >> reporter: uncle jesse. and who doesn't love joey. so my growing up with d.j., stephanie and michelle. it may have gone off the air in 1995 but lived on in ever so popular reruns.
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the tanner girls and that pestering next-door neighbor. >> home, sweet home. >> repter: are all gro up. >> talk to the hand, loser. oh, snap you go, girl. >> reporter: set to bring down the house, this time around in the netflix sequ, "fuller house." >> we all still look good. so many great memories. my family and i used to watch this all the time. there is still so much laughter ahead and lara and sam, they're with the stars right now. >> so excited. we have goose bumps sitting in this set with three of the stars, candace, jodie, andrea for our exclusive reunion. guy, welcome back. > thahank you. >> how does it feel to be back together on camera. >> so awesome. >> we're loving it. >> asked you before. dide get this right? is this very similar to home? >> it is. very similar color scheme. the couch is a little bit bigger. >> too big. >> the couch is too big because the "fuller house" couchhich is the original "full house" couch, it's been in storagege for
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seat. so how you fit four adults on that thing i have no idea. >> was it always this small? then we realizezed we've grown. >> yes. >> smaller in those day. >> we d this . we found video, john stamos posted. do we have it? can we roll this video john posted. look at that. total throwback of the twins whenhey were ry, very little. mary-kate and ashley. so what was it like for you guys? we love john stamos. 's always so fun when he comes. what is it like to work with uncle jesse? >> he's great. he's uncle j. to us. >> yeah. >> and he's -- you know, he's the executive producer on the show. >> oh, is that weird t see him boss man? >> he doesn't really act like a bossman. >> no. >> he's likike family so i don't think we'd have that -- >> he loves to eat the craft servic >> who doesn't. >> i got to ask you this, we were talking about this as we
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forsome reason we were in a car this morning. >> to look cool. >> 18 million peopleave just watched the e trailer. this has g to be a sure sign that this show islready a hit, so how does that feel? >> oh, goodness, i'm like don't -- >> the couch, that was -- 18 million people watched a couch. so excited about it like i mean i don't think that any of us have ever seen anything like this for any television show let alone sething that we're involved in and it's been such a huge part of our life. it's an incredible compliment and testament to the loyalty of "full house" fans. >> and what george said is so true also for my kids, what do you think about this show that we loved it grong up, now our kids have found it in reruns? i mean, is it your chemistry? is the premise? >> it's a combination. the chemistry is real, obviously, if you can't tell how close we are and how much we love each otother, i mean it's all
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show is classic and timeless in the sense that it's about family and it's about love and those stories carry through to any and every genetion. >> yeah,, well said. so, should we binge-watch or should we watch it like a normal -- because now you guys have taken a class and modernizedt for the new audience. can you stream the whole season. >> well, you know, i think there's sosome fun stuffe were able to go like with carlying rough some story lines that didn't have to be neatly tied up within8 minutes like the old show so you can kind of watch a few episodes at a time but parents are also talking about that they're going to dole it out. you finish your homework and do your chores you can watch an episode of "fuller house"." >> can we mentition tsguy. you're traveling with a big furry dog. there was a big furry dog in the show. the dog is plow everywhere. same dog, difrent dog, i just got to know. >> wellll, could it not be the same dog.
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>> he's aged even better than john tame moss. >> all right. i don't mean to bring everybody down. let's go to the clip. >> we planned this whole night for you. you have to go out and have some fun. >> i have fun. >> yeah, just last night i stuck my tongue out at tommy and he stuck his ton out at me. it was hilarious. >> come on, deej, let yourself have adult fun. i'm officially naming the three of us the she wolfpack. ow! >> don't ever do that in public. >> ow! >> first time i did that it scared the little baby in the scene. they had to take it off the set. >> make her cry. we have a surprise for youguys. >> okay. >> do you recognize this voice. hello, are you out there. >> hello, caller. >> yes, i am. it's very early where i am. >> hey.
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>> you're a good ma bob saget. thanks for skyping in with us. >>e's skyping. >> my pleasure. i love skyping. i'm in a bunker in northern california. >> lococation unknown. >> just because you can, of course, bob, just becauause you can. so, really -- what's the feeling like on the set. thiseels like family here to us. did it feel that wayhen you guys all got back together? >> yeah, we all have said this in the press. we've nevever really spent time apart. it'll be a year maybe that goes by at the most over the past 25 years. we go to dinner. we see each other and we're good friends. we all help each other. god knows they've helped me over the years. >> that's so nice. bob, what's the biggest difference on the set, obviously the age but tell me about what it feels like, just give us a sampling of what it's like, a day in the life. >> well, i have the same acting method that i used to have on "full house" which is candace and jodie and andrea help me with my lines.s.
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>> what doses that mean? you forget them and they help you. >> he hides scripts. >> you walk in a roomm and say what's going on, sometimes you can't remember that -- i would write it down on a pencil. you know, anywhere. i' write it on a note. >> sometimes we just say, bob, stand here. this is where you are. >> i love it. >> they're always there for you. >> my spot walking over there. come back here. >> i going to look for that from now on because he's reading it off the plate. that's something i'll look for. >> not anymore. i did a coue episodes and i think i got myy act back as dny tanner. trying to get back into that character. i took a departure from that kind of pious man. he's a good man. >> he is -- >> he is a good man. >> he is. >> you aretoo, bob. >> we love you. >> ah, the girls love you. >> so do we, bob saget. we have viewer questions too. listen tothis, ladies. do you think that your characters turned out the way
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"full house" ended >> that's good actually. >> yes, i think mine has. d.j. is the oldest daughter so always responsible and nurturing and she's kind of the head of this family and she's a veterinarian and i think that was a cool job for her. so, yeah. >> kimmy gibbler is just as zany as she was back in the '90s. she he's matured a little and i think her wardrobe has improved. >> i love the skirt -- i don't kn if it's a dress butut love it. you look great today. >> yeah, stephanie is still kind of fun and wild and edgy hasn't lost her really sharp wit and, you ow, comedic timing so she's a lot of fun to play all these years later. >> so what's great about that older fanans will recognize all of you and think this is appropriate whenn they see the show. all right, so katrina on twitter asks what is your favorite thing about actually being back on the set? >> it's just showing up to work. >> yeah. >> the three of us, andre had
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made for us that hadur character names on them so we walk around with deej, stephanie and kimmy gibbler, coffee cups and such a pleasure i can't even express to work with your best friends every day is unbelievable. >> we truly know that. >> ah. we feel it. yore right. it's a joy that so many people don't get a chance to talk about. so when you talk about it and it feels real everybody knows it. laladies, tnk you very much for being he. >> thank you. >> this girl has to get to work >> i got to go to "the view." >> watch her on "the view." great to see you. we'l be watching. please come back to "gma" any time in thank you. >> hang on. we'll do a little weather. i actually feel like we might start out west and do a little san francisco weather. why not. so hang out and jump in if you want. >> read this. very important. >> thanks to pour our sponsor netflix we were able to replicate the living room. it premieres this friday.
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>> how did i do on a cold read? now to e boards and show you a little abo san francisco. like. 69 degree. 70, i'd say let's go to 70. 6161 i normal. this is warm from san diego all the way to portland, seattle today. >> why are we in new y york then? 83 at home. >> i knew you would feel that waway.mix occuring this evening. tomorrow, 'll have partly cloudy skies andeezy winds gusting near 35 miles fridayigh pressure will build in and that sets us up for a warming tr >> the fun number ends. that was brought to you by weight watcrs. let's go to rachel smith. she's at samsung's 837 building. you look gorg, by the way. >> i've had a glam squad helping me out here but you were right. we've been hanging out at
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glamorous, high tech. so many fun experiences like the social galaxy experience at the photo mosaic booth so let's napap a selfie, guys. can we do that? okay, there we go. bam. looking good. okay, so let's take a walk over here. our selfie is going t be posted to this three-story screen, incredible. if you look closely to the ones that are set up, a mosaic of instagram photos. cool photography experience personalized for each individual that comes out here. the future of technology is rit here. sam, lara. >> amazing because i can tell that picture is made u of little other pictures, that is so -- there are. >> there i am. look great, right? >> it is fantastic. coming up next bill and melinda gates are talking to robin. here's a question. they'll share some insights on their mission but now what
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wishtt2w`t3n`1$' bt@qw+d tt2w`t3n`1$' "a@qg' tt2w`t3n`1$' bm@ql,, tt4w`t3n`1$'" dztq 6&$ tt4w`t3n`1$'" entq f"d tt4w`t3n`1$'" gzt& _%< tt4w`t3n`1$'" hnt& o+p tt4w`t3n`1$'" iztq %b( tt4w`t3n`1$'" jntq 72h tt4w`t3n`1$'" lzt& /_4 bill gates is on a mission, the microsoft co-founder turned philanththropist is speaking out about the fbi's encryption battle against apple saying he lieves a solution is all about striking a balance between civil liberties and governmental safeguards but when bill and his wife melinda stopped by earlier
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else on their minds and had a chance to speak with them about their foundation's annual letter and the i issues they care deeply about. a delight to have you both with us. thank you. [ applause ] and there's no applause sign. that came from the heart. so appreciatehe letter that you all put out every year anand, bill, you decided to do something different this year to direct it toeens like we have here in the studio with us right now. what was the purpose behind that. >> well, the initial inspipiration came from high school newspaper where they interviewed us and asked us what superpower would we like to have? and we were kind of surprised when melinda talked about time and i talked about engy, that those really do relate to the inequity that we've got to solve in t world, and so it's the young generatioion that's got the
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will help drive what probably will take a generation or more to fully achieve? that's the purpose of having these teens here the next generation more energy. your superpower, more t time a it applies to women around the world. >> if you poll young teens today, they think that women are going to be different in the home 15 years from now, difffferenthan their grandmother's generation but it's actually not true especially when you look at this unpaidork that women do at home. >> and that disparity in time impacts all ofus, doesn't ? >> it absolutely does. and when i talk about unpaid work, it's some of the caring things wee wanto do at home like care for our children and the elderly but things like chores and if you are spending your time particularly in the veloping world carrying water, chopping wood or even in the u.s. doing laundry or chores it means you don't reach your potential. >> we want to get some of the solutions you are suggesting but rst, bill, more energy. tells why that is your
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>> well, energ is probably more fundamental than people realalize. life started really improving a few hundred years ago when we got energy and so the idea that youu can just fp that light switch, that' pretty magical. we all take that for granted and t there's several billion people who don't have it. >> for you both let's lay out some ideas and solutions especially as the next generation is here in front and happening on every single word th you're saying, so when it comes to more time, what are some of the tngs you're proposing. >> well, first of all recognize the amount of time women are paying on unpaid work then reduce it andnd redistribute it inside of the household. if we do those three things both at a policy level and directly in our homes, i fundamentally trance fors society because you open up women's potential. >> so where is gabe? okay, gabe, what's your question. >> i have a question for bill. so, we all know about wind and solar technologies. but i'm wondering, what other
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about that are less well known. >> well, it's a very good question. wind and solar, if we cou bring the price down en more dramatically and be able to store that energy because it's intermittent that's one path to a sotion, another path is instead of taking the sun and making electricity which is hard to store, to directly make gasoline, so it may come in a form that we don't recognize as one of our key sources right now. >> as i'm a citizen of a developing country, pakistan, i've seen girlso through a lot of obstacles this theheir careers so i wanted too ask how do you suggesthem to overcome this problem of energy and how do you think that would help them succeed? >> first, recognizing this is a problem and using your voice and political participation. i would say in terms of reducing this inequity, go into stem fields whether it's science, math, technology.
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spd less time cooking o less time gathering water or washing machine that works more efficiently and lastly, i would say redistribute the workload in your ownhome. you need t to talk with your partner even before you're married about whose roles and responsibilities, what are the hidden expectations of this work. >> y saw her husband was looking at her as she was responding,nodding. >> we've had that conversation. >> thank you very much for y your question. nolan, you'll havehe final question. >> so how can the sime act of turning off the faucet or even e lights greatly affect how we save our energy on a lger scale? >> well, i think it's important we're aware that americans use twice as much energy per person than even the oth well-to-do countries ando if you get that nd-set of how do we conserve it y you help withh the local water shorge. you save money, so awareness is where it all begins and conservation is a piece of what
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>> , well, bill and melindada gates, thank you v very much thank you all. the students werejust, i mean, leaning in. >> great conversation. >> had a very good conversation like that and it's just, boy, what would your superpower be? just think about it. yo can read bill a melinda gates' full letter at our website, on yahoo dad: i know. spots. culligan man: the problem is your water! anncr: a culligan whole-house water conditioning system gets rid of sediment or impurities. so keeping everything spotless is effortless. mom: hey. dad: the culligan man.
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culligan man: the problem is your water! anncr: a culligan whole-house water conditioning system gets rid of sediment or impurities. so keeping everything spotless is effortless. dad: spots. culligan man: the problem is your water! anncr: a culligan whole-house water conditioning system gets rid of sediment or impurities. this week "gma" is going e time. as robin roberts joins the cast of "last man anding." >> "last man standing." >> good morning, america. >> uh-huh. >> we've got your exclusive backstage pass. >> let's do it. >> friday on -- >> both: good morning, america. >> we saw you with the muppets last night. >> wll see you on your acting
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with w weekends more than tripling that number. they've seen anywhere from six hundred to a thousand on weeken. "we've had the highest mbers of people coming in over the weekends. last sunday we had about 600 people over a 4 hour period, so that was a good problem to have! we're happy that we're gettina lot of people in and it's going really well!" says valerie petersen, outreach director for launchpad. museum reps say despithigh attendance ththere's been plenty of room for kids to learn and play with each ofhe exhibits. luka let's check in with for the weather. matt: locally, we'll he a matt: locally, we'll have a pretty quiet wednesday with periods of sunshine and some raisnow mix occuring this evening. tomorrow, we'll ha partly cloudy skies and breezy winds gusting near5 miles per hour. then on friday higigh pressu will build in and that sets us up for a
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>> it's "live! with kelly & miael." today, from the hit series, "empire," taraji p. henson. and jaime lannister from "game coster-waldau. plus, another audience member could walk away with some big buckcks when we contin our "oscar countdown games." all next on "live." [captioning made possible by disney-abc d domestic television] >> and now, here are e your emm award-winning co-hosts, kelly ripa and michael s strahan!
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